Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Thursday 22 December 1825, page 2


We copy the following from THE COLONIAL TIMES, which reached us from Hobart Town by the last conveyance, more to shew the absurd rumours that have been circulated re-specting the fate of the Almorah, than because the particulars re-

lated are worthy of notice. The ridiculous nonsense about a Power of Attorney is either the invention of a Newspaper Edi-tor, or else it places the Calcutta Lawyers in no very favourable light. All that is yet known respecting the Almorah, is that she is not condemned ; that she will be, no sensible person can doubt. "We have received the following from Calcutta, dated July 14: — Captain Bremer, of H. M. S, the Tamer, has seized in the river Hooghly, the merchant ship Almorah, it having been found that she had on board, within the company's limits, a quantity of tea exceeding six pounds, contrary to the statute, and her con-demnation is immediately expected. It is understood that she had been freighted at Batavia on account of a gentleman in New South Wales, named Wemyss, who chartered her in concert with a Capt. Ovens of the same place. You are perhaps aware that she was seized in Sydney Cove by Captain Mitchell, of the Sla-ney under the same statute, and that in consequence of the outré measures adopted by the legal advisers of the speculators, Lieut. Matthews, of the Slaney, was compelled to bring her here ; and, the ship arriving without a power of attorney from Captain Mitchell, he could not proceed to the condemnation of the prize, which Capt. Bremer will now effect, on behalf of the first cap-tors. Many attempts have been made to induce a belief that the Government of New South Wales is interested in the trans-action, but these have proved quite abortive ; a gentleman lately from New South Wales (from whom this Almorah's speculation, as to grain at least, was usurped), having in his possession the original letter from the colonial secretary, the only accredited organ of government, declaring that government knew nothing of the matter. "By the Candry we have received letters and newspapers to the 14th of July. We have inserted in another place an extract of a letter from a correspondent, relative to the Almorah, which will no doubt be considered interesting. The seizure of this ship appears to have excited a considerable sensation in India, as the Calcutta Journals are filled with extracts from The Australian, and with commendatory observations thereon. It is remarkable that the Sydney Gazette is hardly, if at all noticed. We have inserted an article from the Hurkaru of the 24th of May, and we shall give further extracts next week. By other letters we un-derstand, that Captain Bremer has only seized the Almorah, on behalf of Captain Mitchell and the Slaney, having most handsomely expressed his determination not to interfere with his brother officer's prize in any other way than to protect his rights. The Almorah is not to be condemned in Bengal, but to proceed to Europe, and Lieut. Matthews goes home, to prosecute the claim. The money found on board is lodged in the public trea-sury, to await the final condemnation. We are also informed that Capt. Boyd and Mr. D. A. C. General Goodsir, who were the officiating persons in the Almorah's speculation, are to be sued on behalf of the East India Company, for the penalties they have incurred, in violating the company 's charter, amounting to no less a sum than £80,000 !'