Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 28 September 1899, page 7



An ordinary meeting of the committee of) the Bttsbane Hosplt«! took place at the in-« situation on Tuesday afternoon, there being proseut-'Messrs. James Stodart, JI.L.A. ».chairman), P. Mallon, R. Edwards, H. J« Oxley, and A. J. Carter. Dr. Mayne (the1 medica supeslntcndent) and the becretary; were also present.

Tbo treasurer's statement sol forth thal] the overdraft at the last n.ccting stood at £1793 los. lid., the receipts during the three "weeks had Amounted to £1T71 Os. 7d., andi the OXDead!ture to £783 14j.; tho overdraft! at date was £803 13s. 4d. The secretary said tuat the receipts had been brought up by the advance of £1000 on account of en-dowment, which was drawing on the future ', but for this the overdraft would have been very large. The absorbing interest and pre-occupation created by the elections and the '.efereudum had diverted attention from the, affairs of the hospital, and receipts had suffered. A large sum was, needed during the remainder of the year to bring the in-come of the Institution up no the level of it9 necessities. The reports of the operations of the House Committee were read and adoptsd.

The correspondence included a letter from, the secretary to the H. S. and S. Committee^ forwarding a cheque for £433 6s. Sd., repre-senting the proportion of the collections ac-cruing to the hospital. From.the secretary» Queensland Rugby Union, enclosing £64 4s., belpg the net proceeds of the inauguralmatch in the competition for the Hospital Challenge Cup, a result which the com-mittee regarded as very satisfactory andi promising. Letters were read relating to the offer on the part of the committee of a, piece of land in Maryborough to the Muni-cipal Council of that town, and concerning which negotiations were still proceeding. A letter to the Hon. the Home Secretary, lu. answer to a request for information upon the subject of the State grant for Indigent patients, showed that the existing arrange-ment 'was entered' into between the com-mittee and the Chief Secretary in 1880, based upon the understanding that the State erected the hospital buildings, and that sub-sequent modifications of the agreement had. diminished the hospital income from this source. The Under Secretary, Department of Public "Works, wrote certifying that the contract of Messrs. Watson Bros, had been' executed to the satisfaction of the fnspecting officer oí the department.

A draft (for £15 15s. out of the fund pro-vided by the anonymous donor of the cup was passed to meet the cost of the medals for the Past Grammars, the team that was* successful In the recent match. It -vvas re-ported that Dr. F. M. Thomas, the newlyappointed resident medical officer, had ar-rived and entered upon his duties. The re-signation of Nurse Emily Brock was received!

and accepted.

Below will be found the usual reports :Medical report for the three weeks ending 23rd instant :-In-patients : Remaining under treatment, per last report, 1G7 ; ad-mitted, 160 ; discharged-cured or con-valescent, 41 ; relieved or improved, 99 ; in statu quo, 7 ; to the asylum, X ; to the reception-house, 1 ; died, 13 ; remaining under treatment, 1G5. Out-patients', at-tendances : At the hospital, 132G ; at South Brisbane Branch Dispensary, 289. Con-valescent Home : Remaining under treat-ment, per last report, 14 ; admitted, 21 ;. discharged, 31 ; remaining under treatment,

The following are the deaths referred to :-Thomas Barrett, 35 years, admitted 2nd inBtant, died 3rd instant ; John Hare... 28 years, admitted 30th August, died 3rd In-stant ; William Maxwell Elliott, 23 years, admitted 20th July, died 3rd instant;, Maurice Murphy, 40 years, admitted 31st July, died 5th instant ; Maria M'Donald, 40 years, admitted 29th August, died Gth in-stant ; Edwin Hindley, 3G years, admitted2Gth August, died Gtb. instant ; Rose .Melda, Cooper, l8 years, admitted 20th July, died 7th instant ; Chas. Henry Turner, 52 years, admitted 4th instant, died Uth instant ; Robert Moore, 47 years, admitted 9th In-stant, died 12th instant ; Carl Ernst, 58 years, admitted 28th July, died 13th instant; Thomas Henry M. Burrell, 3G years, ad-mitted 9th instant, died 19th instant;) Charles Ellis, 42 years, admitted 18th ia" stant, died 19th instant ; George Schneider, 67 years, admitted 7th instant, died 22nd


The sub-comtnl'ttee appointed in June last to confer, with the representatives Cf the Jledlcal Board of the hospital with regard to certain matters tb'at have been before referred (to in these columns presented their, report at a special meeting of tbe commit-tee called for 'the purpose, willoh took place yesterday prior to 'the ordinary (meeting of the committee. The following is 'the sub-stance Of the recctomendatiütis of the subcommi't'tee :-1. That the honorary staff be increased by 'the appointment of au addition-al honorary visiting physician and three honoraTy medical officers for out-patients ; that Dr. E. H. D'Doherty be offered the former position, and that the out-patients'

officers* tenure of ?office 'be limited to two years. 2. That any memiber of the honorary visiting staff shall retain the treatment of any gyncecotogical case sent in by him accompanied by a letter statm'g that he wishes to have such case placed under his own care. 3. That every member of the staff shall operate in his schedule hour, cases of emergency excepted, and a schedule oí hours be prepared as soon as convenient, and. strictly adhered to. 4. That Hie stated pro-fessional visits of the members of the hon-orary staff be arranged in harmony with the general working of the institution. 5. That the honorary visiting physicians and the medical superintendent form a committee to revise the hospital pharma'copoea, the re-cent changes in the liritlsb Phannacopoea rendering this work necessary. 0. Tha't the office of medical electrician be abol'shed, and the work undertaken by the resident staff ; the elactrical appliances and telephones being attended to by a mechanical electrician und"r contract. 7. That in order to make suitoble provision for eye cases, ward 3 be appropriated exclusively to this purpose. 8. That sterlliFers for band-ages, dressings, and instruments -be provided.

The report was adopted, subject to the fol-lowing- amendment, namely :-" Recommend-ation No. 1, that the honorary medical officers for out-natlents he appointed on the usual lines of appointment of members of the 'hon-orary medical staff." '

The following resolutions were also adopted :-" 1. That the tenure of office ot the whole of the members of the honorary staff be considered at an early date. 2. That the resolution of 19t'h 'February, 1895, allot-ting beds to the honorary medical officers tor out-patients at the South Brisbane Dis-pensary, be rescinded, in order to bring about uniformity of arrangpaient."

'At the Central Summons Court on Tues-day, before Mr. R. A. Ranking, P.M., John 0.

Payne tued T. 0. Regan for an amount of £2 14s. 2d., money alleged to be due for wages. Defendant was ordered to pay tba amount, with costs, within seven days, levy and distress, in default fourteen days' Im-


The death occurred at Oakhampton, near West Maitland (N.S.W.), on Saturday last of Mr. J. B. R. Robertson, a brother of the late Sir John Robertson. ¡Deceased was bora in London in 1810, and went to NewSouth Wales when only 10 years old, so that he was one of its pioneers, having; gone Into the country and engaged In pastoral pur-suits. He Ulled a number of semi-publlo positions, and was probably about the senior honorary magistrate in the colony. Mr. Robertson was twice married, and was the father of twenty-three children.,

The following is the medical superintendent's report of the state of tho Benevolent Asylum, Dunwich, for the week ending 23rd instant :-. In the asylum at last report, 740 males, 139 females ; since admitted, 0 males ; returned from leave, 4 males ; died, 3 moles, 2 females ; absent on leave, 3 males, l fonfiile ; remaining, 744 males, 1Q6 females. Deaths during tho week : Annie Thompson, aged HO, native of King's County, Ireland ; Frederick Seigner, aged 09, native of Saxony ; Lillias Bell, »ged 81, native of Edinburgh, Scotland ; Arthur Shenton Ault, aged 23, native of Staffordshire, England ; William Williams, aged «6, native ot îfcrth Wales. The medical superintendent acknowledges with thanks the receipt of newspapers, periodicals, &c, from Mrs. Glenny, Toowong, and Parliamentary Librarian. ¡

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