Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 24 July 1899, page 6


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Visitors attending the garden party at Government House this afternoon are re-minded that it is necessary to produce the cards of invitation at the main gate.

Lady Brassey, Captain and Mrs. Paken-ham, and Captain Cecil, A.D.C., who have been guests at Government House, leave by train to-day for Rockhampton.

The Rev. T. and Mrs. Nisbet leave town to-day on a brief visit to Sydney.

Mrs. Alexander M'Millan (Sydney) and Miss M'Millan are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Armour, at The Anchorage, New Farm. Mr. M'Millan is now visiting the North, but will rejoin Mrs. McMillan at The Anchorage next week, and after a short stay with Mr. and Mrs. Armour will return with, Mrs. M'Millan to Sydney.

Mrs. James Forsyth gave a most success-ful dance on Thursday evening at her resi-

dence at Toowong.

Qlr. Moore, M.L.A., has returned from his Northern trip, and 4s staying at the Queens Qand Club. Mr. S. H. Moore is also la town, at the Imperial Hotel.

Miss Hicks, Colinton, is visiting her sister, (Mrs. Dlddams, at Toowong.

¡Mrs. N. C. Morthenscn, of Mackay, Is visiting Brisbane, en route for Sydney, anti is staying at O'Connor's Hotel.

The ladies who are enthusiastically assist-ing the members of ?the Brisbane Rowing Club in working up their ball met during the week, and all arrangements were then completed. The ball takes place at St. John's Institute on Wednesday next, and promises to be very successful.

The Toowong Lawn Tennis Club will hold their annual dance at the Masonic Hall, Too-wong, on Friday evening next, the 28th in-stant, when the Railway Department have kindly arranged to detain the last passenger train leaving Toowong for town until 12.10


It is announced that advanced cookery demonstrations and practice, and cottage cookery demonstrations, in connection with the Brisbane Technical College, are post-poned until 31st instant, owing to Miss

Schaucr's indisposition. Miss M. Schauer |

will conduct plain practice, ironing, and

other classes as usual. I

The arrangements are now completo for the ball which is to be given by a few of the gentlemen pupils connected with Mr*. Mason Beatty's (nee Brown) laie dancing classes, to take place at tho Protestant Hall to-morrow (Tuesday) evening.

Amongst the passengers who arrived in Brisbane on Saturday by the steamer War-rimoo, from Canada, was a prominent musi-cal composer, Mr. Graham P. Moore. Amongst the passengers extending to Syd-ney by the same vessel are Sir J. Frizelle, who is on tour around the world.

Mrs. R. W. Scholefield (Toowoomba) is on a visit to Sandgate, and staying at the Sea View Hotel.

Mrs. McDougall is staying with Mrs. J. P. Mackenzie, Greylands, Indooroopilly.

The ladies connected with the Church of England in the Clayfield district have been working energetically for some months with the object of accumulating funds to assist in the building of a church near the Clayfield Railway Station. A bazaar and a concert have been held, and the financial result has been very encouraging indeed. A ball und tableaux are among the addi-tional means devised for aiding the fund. The first, which is to take the form of a bread-and-butter dance, has been arranged for Friday, the 11th August, in the Albion Hall. An official announcement in Satur-day's issue contained particulars.

The Albion branch, W.C.T.U., held their fortnightly meeting on Wednesday after-noon in the Mission Hall, Mrs. Richard-son, vice-president, in tho chair. After pre-liminary business was transacted, Miss Allanby, missionary from India, gave an interesting account of her work there, and the difficulties encountered.. The meeting

then closed.

fBefore purchasing a Piano inspect Helc dorff Bros.' Stock oï Instruments, at the!* Warehouso, ISO and ÍES Blfeaibeth-srreet.



'Alt tin© Rugby football match on Saturday the grandstand was filled with distinguished visitors. Has Excellency the Governor and Lady Lamington were present, also-Mr. and Mrs. P. Stuart. Misses Fisken (2), tho Hon. G. R- Le Hunt» (Governor of New Guinea), Mr. Rawlinson (Hobart), Lady Griffith, Misses Griffith (2), Dr. and Mrs. W. F.

Taylor, Miss A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. i Phalliips, Mrs. R. G. Casey (Melbourne), Mrs, K. Brodribb (Melbourne), Mrs. V. S. Cunliffe, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Metcalfe, Mr. and Mra. Hammond Clegg (Melbourne), Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Health (Melbourne), Mrs. Inncs-Noad, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. G. Perry, Mrs. Harold lilley, Miss Finney, Miss Jackson, Masses Newton (2), Mrs. Mason, Mrs. G. Raff, Miss Molle, Misa Yaldwyn, Canon and Mrs. Hay, Mrs. J. S. Lyster, Miss Lyster, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pter son, Mrs. G. G. Millar, Miss Melbourne, Mrs. W. Love, Miss Power, Misses Noel (2), Mrs. J. O'N. Brenan, Miss Daly, Miss J. Persse, Miss Callan, MUsses Rlgny (2), Mrs. and Mi-ss Dixon, M'iss Macansh, Misses Tully, Mr. and Mrs. V. Drury, Mliss Grant, Misses

Sapsford (2), Mrs. W. D. Box, Mrs: C. > Scatt, Miss O'BSahoney, Miss Nicholson, Miss Alexander, Miss Darvall, Miss Ken-nedy, M'iss Hogarth, Miss Flegcltatib, Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. Diddams, Miss Maxwell,

Miss Orlander, Miss Chauvel, Mr. H. Con- ' nolly, Miss Connolly, Miss Norris, Misses Murray (3), Mr. and Mrs. D. Graham, Mrs. R. Thompson, Miss Thompson, Mrs? J.

Thomson, Mrs. P. Ricardo, Mfisses>

Hart (2), Misa Thornton, Mrs. Cohen, í Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Mark Harris/ Mliss Crosby, Miss Stanley, Misses Pollard (2) (Warwick), Miss Goggs, Miss LartJham, Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. D. R. Edon, and Miss Eden, (Mrs. J. K. Jopp, Mrs. W. S. Byrne, Miss Burne, Miss Cameron, Miss Myers, Miss Sturley, Miss Penfold, Mrs. gtwinoford, and many visitors from the
