Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 13 July 1899, page 3


(From Our Own Correspondent.)

July 10.

At the monthly meeting of the Tabragalba Divisional Board held last week tenders were received for some important works for effecting improvements to the streets of Beaudesert Township, for which the following were received Jas. Dawson, £1875 ; John Murphy, £1880 ; F. L. Hardgrave, £1860. It was decided to hold a special meeting this day, at 2.30 p.m to consider the above tenders, but owing to the very heavy rain the meeting lapsed for want of a quorum. The matter will, however, be gone into next Monday. The tender of James Hunter to re-erect bridge over the Logan at Pullen Creek for the sum of £300 15s. 6d. was accepted. Accounts, amounting to about £145, were passed for payment, and tenders called for several much needed works. The half-yearly statement of accounts shows the finances to be in a satisfactory state, there being a credit balance at the bank of £618 3s. 11d., whilst this year's rates have yet to come in At the Licensing Court held on Thursday last a provisional license was granted to Mr. P. Mulcahy for a new hotel which he is about to erect. This will make the fourth hotel in this township, and the new building pro-mises to be an ornament to the present rather crude style of architecture existing here A movement is on foot to establish a cottage hospital in Beaudesert, and everything points to the project being a great promised by way of subscriptions. A site for the building has already been determined upon, and before very long the builders will have the matter in hand. The existence of such an institution in our midst will be warmly welcomed by all residents Large numbers of fat cattle continue to leave this district for the metropolis every week. Last week Mr. W. G. White, on behalf of the Queensland Meat Export Company, despatched a very fine lot of 300 bullocks from Christmas Creek, 150 of which were the property of Messrs. Waters Bros., 130 were owned by Messrs. Cahill Bros., the balance being the property of various owners The local lodge of Oddfellows hold a sports meeting here on Friday, 21st instant. Good entries have been received for the different events, and as the day has been proclaimed a public holiday the gathering should be a success. On the same day a football match will be played between teams representing Beaudesert and Christmas Creek. of Mr. W. B. Hardcastle, who has been head teacher of the State school here for a number of years, left last week to take charge of the Sherwood School. Before leaving Mr. Hardcastle was made the recipient of a handsome tea and coffee service. Mr. Cummins has been appointed to fill Mr. Hardcastle's place Creameries are now quite a thing of the past in this district, nearly every dairy farmer now having his own separator. The farmers seem satisfied with results, albeit the low price of v cream this winter has set some of them

grumbling, as they contend, with the extra labour the feeding and housing of their stock entails, prices hardly pay them. A noticeable feature at the late Beaudesert Show was the great Improvement shown in the quantity and quality of the dairy stock, exhibited In looking at the number

of timber waggons which daily come into Beaudesert with their loads, one cannot help being struck with the large quantity of cedar logs that are brought In. Evidently this class of timber is being eagerly sought after, and it is now some years since it has been brought here in any quantities The very heavy frosts experienced during the last week or two have been succeeded by a perfect deluge of rain. During Sunday night Upwards of 41. fell. All the creeks and waterholes are now running over, but as a bitterly cold wind accompanied the rain stock look particularly miserable. At the present time It is still raining heavily Mr. T. Plunkett, M.L.A., has been successful in having the train service so arranged on Saturday, the 22nd instant, that those desirous of seeing the International Football Match can do so, and be able to return to their homes the same day. It is anticipated that a good number will go from here to see the play.

'A doctor claims to have been, successful In several cases In curing excessive cigarette smoking by hypnotism. The treatment is simple, he says. I sit down beside a patient, talk to him soothingly, and then, by holding a pencil, or any object for that matter, so as to have his eyes converge on the point, hypnotise him. It is. after this, an easy matter talking gently, but firmly to him, to convince him "that he is wrong, and to suggest a reform in his habits. Of course it is exhausting. Several times I have been on the point of abandoning the experiments.