Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 24 June 1899, page 5





A deputation of members of the Wickham terrace Presbyterian Church, consisting of the Rev. W. S. Macqueen, A. Stewart, R. Ed-wards, J. Nicol Robinson, J. Munro, and J. Hall, waited on the Commissioner for Rail-ways yesterday with reference to the proposed extensions at the Central Station. The deputation said that the extensions would somewhat interfere with the services in the church. Though it is not contem-plated by the Government to at present in-crease the siding accommodation at the Central Station, it is certain that before many years additional accommodation will have to be provided and two more sets of rails have to be put in. This would bring the additional siding accommodation with-in about 25ft. of the walls of the Wickham terrace Church. The members of the church contend that that would interfere with the services and that they would be compelled to remove to some other site. They were anxious to increase the size of their Church, and inquired if the land in question would be actually required by the Chief Engineer. Mr. Gray told them that it was not intended to increase the siding at present, but with an expansion of traffic they would have to do so. The deputation then said that it would be better, instead of enlarging their church, if the Government should resume the building entirely and the land as well, which they would agree to hand over at the actual cost of the buildings, if the Government would give them a similar area of ground above the Central Station, and abutting on Wickham-terrace. (Mr. Gray said that he had no power to deal with the reserve, but would mention the matter to the Govern-ment, and obtain their views on the sub-ject. The deputation then withdrew.

Dora de Winton and J. D. Saunders, the recently imported leads of the Holloway and Anderson company in Sydney, are winning golden opinions,