Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Thursday 13 February 1840, page 1

?^ ? REMOVAL. — The Business of The Australian is iioid carried on at No. 5, Colonnade, Bridge-street. NOTICE — All Parties indebted to this Office are informed that no Receipt for Monet/ will be held valid unless it bear the signature of Mr George Most. G. R. NICHOLS, Proprietor. Australian Office, 26 September, \ 839. , . jOEGUIjAR TRADERS. For Port Marquarie, the Lurii Ann. For WollodgOfcg. tbe Fanny 1st. For New Zealatd, Bay of Island*, Ilokianga, the For Kiama and Shell Harbour, the Fanny tnd. For Melbourne, Hort Phillip, the Ann. I^HESE VESSELS are particularly adapted for tbe several Harbours, drawing little water — Goods intruded for them, are ' warehoused free of all charges For furtliT particulars, apply at Union Wharf (late Kirk's), Smsex-street ; or, of A. Sauader's, Ueorge street. January 40, 1840. Steerage Passengers only. For London Direct. THE fine fast-sailing Captain James Bannatyne, will positively sail on or before the 16th March, for London. She carries an experienced Surgeon. For Passage apply to ISAAC SIMMONS, George-street For the Bay of Islands, River Thames, Coromaadel Harbour, and the East Coast of New Zealand. THE BARQUE ACHILLES, 390 tons, William Veale, com mander. Persons wishing to ship Cattle to the above Ports, will find this a de sirable opportunity. For Freight or Passage, apply on board ; or, to R. Dacre, Jamison street. January 6, 1840. For Hobart Town. THE fine fast-sailing A 1 barque AUSTRALASIAN PACKET, D. J. M Pherson, com-mander, will positively sail for the above port, on or before the 21st instant; part of her cargo is already engaged. This new built vessel is fitted up in a superior style, and has every accommodation both for Cabin and Steerage Passengers. For Freight or Passage, early application must be made to ISAAC SIMMONS George street. 6th February, 1840. For Fort Phillip. THE fnst-sailing first class /BfrZECTte A brig CAROUSE, U P. WraBE^' Stpenes. master, 200 tona burthen gSffjaSfl^ will posilivi-lv sntl in ten days ^???'?'''?s'1' having most of her cargo ongngod. This will b* on excellent opportxnitv for Steers age and Cabin Passengers, the brig goine direct to Melbourne, and w'M engige to carry 147 tons of goods direct. For Freight or Passage, apply to A. ABKAB&MI, Elizabeth'Street North. February 8, 1840. roa. mEioBT oa. csaateh, (To be ready for Sea in Fourteen days,) jfeSr'** rTTk H E fine fast-sailing o3&3tf^~ barque fH^^g- tTSATHISLA, ^HtSHSG' 3R7 tons register. Apply to Mr |\l. Solomon, on hoard ; or, to Mr P Solomon, George-srreet. CAUTION. /b^'^ f^APTAIN RAINS, of the ^SfflEw'fc V-* whaling baique :H0PE ?H^g. hereby cautions the' public aeainit sggKj^^Ba giving Credit to any of bis Cr«\v, ^?a*s*^i' aa ua Wii| not be responsible lor tnv Debts they may contract at Ibis port. WIX.X.XS, fiAItDaMAN A. CO., Agtnts. bth February,- 1840. NOTICE. THE PROPRIETORS of Stock in the Sydney Ranking; Company are requested to pay the Second Instalment of One Pound upon each of their. abares, on or before the 1st of April next. By order of tba Court of Direetors. TEOXAI XiOJLX) -Manager. Sydney Banking Company,, Dee. SO, 18S9. £-pimep Banking; Company. 'VT OTICE— This Bank will be opened -L~ on Monday next, tbe I7tb instant, foi Oeneral Business. Inttrsst at the rate of Four per Cent, pet Annum will be allowed on Current Accounts. Interest at the rate of Ten per Cent, will be charged on' Bills Discounted. Day of 'Discount. Monday — when Bills art »fqiiem«d to be left before Eleven o'clock, 01 ou tbe Saturday previous. 'J'rtutfer day, Wednesday. T. LOUD, Manaifer. Ceorgt street, apposite ihe Military Barracks, ( Late Potack's.J

NOTICE. PROPRIETORS of Stock in the Sydney Banking Company paying the 2nd Instalment of One pound upon each of their Shares, on or before the 1st of March next, will be entitled to a dividend upon the amount paid from that date. 'X. X.OXL9, Manager. Sydney Banking Company, I F'tbruarv 10, 1840. J Bawkeitiary Bsvtburat XLOad Company. A PRELIMINARY Meeting of some of the Shareholders of the intended Hawkesbury Batburst Road Company, was held at the Court house Windsor, on Saturday laat, the 8th instsnt, when lbs undermentioned gen tlemen were elected a Provisional Committee to draw up a Prospeotus for tbe purpose of befog submitted to a General Meeting of the Share holders. Captain Scarvell was unanimously elected Honorary Secretary to the Committee. Committee x— S. North, E«q, Police Magistrate. Windsor James Walker, Esq. J.P., Wallerawang K. Kettdek, Esq. t-laemont J. L. Scarvell, Jisq, Clare House J. Odell.Esq. Windsor A. (Jamack, Esq. FairfUliI William Cox, Esq J. P., Hobartville Nelson Lawson, Eeq, Batburat J. P. Bell, Esq, J. I'.. Belmont J. A Belts, Kao.J- P., Wilmington. William Bowman, Esq, Richmond J. X. SCAHVBL1, Honorary Secretary. EUniBK'S AIVEK STFAK JffjWZ OA.TION COMPANY, NOTICE is hereby given that the Deed of Settlement of the above Company lies for signature, between the hours of Eleven and Two o'clock, daily, at the office of Messrs H. & C. Walton and Co., George-street; and that Shareholders who do not sign the deed before the First day of March next, or who shall not, ere then, have paid the first instal ment, now past due, will forfeit their shares, which will be disposed of for the benefit of the Company. By order of the Director*. M. WHYXX.AW. Manager, Sydney, February 3, 1840. ^floating; sBrtUcje Companp. A MEETING of the Shareholders in the above Company is called for, at the School of Arts, Fitt-street, on THURSDAY next, 13th February, at Two o' Clock, for the purpose of electing Directors, and general business. XtOSXSLX BRIVD1GT, '? Secretary. ' Droett-street, Feb. 7, 1840. AT a General Meeting of the Mait land Auction Company, held by Advertisement in tb« puhlic journals, at tb» Rose Inn. West Maitland, on the 1st day of February, 1840, George Bobler, Kaq., J. P., In the Cbalr i Proposed by Mr G. Yeomsns, seconded by Mr M'L-od, That tbe Deed of Settlement prepared by Messrs Filcber and Plaistowe, be approved, and open for signatures forthwith. Proposed by MrG. Fletcher, seconded by Mr Plaistowe. It having been deemed neceasarv that tbe time should be extended to rtceive further appli cations for tbe situation of Accountant, a Ge neral Meeting will be held k» the Company's Offices, West Maitlnnil, on Wednesday, 13th February, for tbe purpose of nominating Officers, and transacting other important bu siness. The Hunter's River Auction Company have opened their Office, adjoining the stores of G. and J. Yeomans (late Vawser and Company), West MaitUod, where Mr T. Vawsor is au thorized to receive any communications relative to property for Sale. Applications for the Situation of Accountant, as before. The Deed of Settlement is now Ivinjr at the Office of M'lin Hilchur and Pluittowe, to com plete the Signatures. G-EOSLOM BOBLCM, C/iutwiinn. SAILORS' HOME.— Account up to tbe 1st of January, 1840 : — Dr. £ s. H. Cash received by Subscription.. .. 3H8 A 0 Mitto paid by Sailors for Board, &tc.j 64 0 0 452 5 6 Interest on Account Current ? 3 12 6 £455 18 0 Cr Fixtures, Repairs, ard Furniture.. 117 15 8 Provisions, Shipping and Sundries 140 10 5 Advertisements ? 4 18 11 Kent, Salaries, &o ? 64 10 0 Balance in Banker's hand ? 187 14 0 £4do 18 0 Cash in Bankei'a hand to 1st Jap. is? 14 0 Stores on hand ................ 060 Cash in Supnrintendent's band.... 4 6 9 Amount of Subicriptions unpaid .. 41-19 0 £186 5 9 Dissolution of Partnership '. THE Partnership heretofore existing between tbe undersigned in Sydney, under the name of J. ICetile & Co., lias this day beeu dissolved hy mutual consent. The husiness will be continued by J. Kettle, who will pay and receive all debts due by and to the Into fir.n. TOBrV tSTHE, S&HISK IOAN, Witness, ctiarles Roberts. ?Sudnev. tit Feh., 1840. JUST PUBLISHED, Fries 4s. 6d. 'rEGG's New South Wales Pocket X ALMANAC and UEMEMHKANCKK for 1840. JAUBSTfiCO, Ge.trge.s'reet. Bi-k-rtlcr ami P, inter.

BMTZSB AND FOB.BISV SCHOOL COCIBTT, PRICE OXE SHILLING, \ CONCISE Statement of the Prin £m. ciple of th» British and Foreign School Society ; with a Sketch of th'e Society's History, md System of Teaobini;. By the Committee of the Australian Sobool Society. COSTBHTS. Patrons and Officers of tbe British and Foreign Schtol Society. Patron and Officers of the Australian School Society. Brief Account of tbe Parent Society. Objects proposed to be ac complished bv the Sooiety's Schools. General Principles of the System. Tba Monitorial System. Method of Teaching- the different Branches of .Education.:— Scripture Interro^a. tion ; English Grammar: Geography ; Mr Dunn on the Incubation of Scripture Doctrine; a Day at tbe Borough Road School Objections: — 1. Prayer '; 9. Catechisms ; S. Schoolmasters. t ATP£N3IX. No. I Resolutions of a Special General Meeting of the Australian School Socioty. No. 1 1. Specimen* of the Australian School Society's Forms of Prayer in the Language of Scripture. Nro. III. Letter from the Secretaries to th* Sydney Herald. No. IV. Th« Sooietv's Scrfpture l.e««ons. No. V. Mr Dunn's Koplv to the Misrepresentations of the Rev. Francis Close. No VI. Mr Dunn'* Strictures on Mr Close's ' Justification'* of his Charges. Sold by JAMES T EGG, ami all other Book Bellers. '„? Every cuhscribw to tbe Society is entitled to a copy without charge, on application to the Secretaries. ixoyal SJutona CDeatir. ON THURSDAY, February 13, 1840, will be performed for tbe first time ihese four years, tbe. admired comedy, in three nets, entitled. PAUL HliV. After which, a favorite Dance, by Mr Fitzgerald. To conclude with the farorire Drama, called. PA.RNLEY, ar'l HE KING AND THE FR.EEBOO I'EK. r. &&ZA.B, Manager. Vivat liegma. Ashfield Church. PURCHASERS and Proprietors of Land in this neighbourhood, are respect fully informed that the site of this Church is finally determined upon, and is centrically fixed for the frontages of Ashfield, for Burwood, Con-cord, the property bounded by the Parramatta river, the boundaries of Elswick, Annandale, in-cluding Canterbury, and the properties on each side of the Liverpool road as far as Burwood. The excavation for the foundation is commen-ced, but it is of importance that the subscriptions, should be so extended as to obtain an increased contribution from tbe Government, and funds ample enough to render the sacred edifice suffici-ently capacious for the proper accommodation of the very considerable 'population that will shortly be resident in tbe above circuit, which can easily be effected by a little exertion. Parties interested in this very desirable effort, or desirous to attach convenient church sittings to their respective properties, will please to inti-mate their intentions as to the extent of the amount they are willing to appropriate to this laudable purpose, to the Rev J Kidd Walpole, the Chaplain, or H. K. James, Esq. at the Bishop's Register Office, King-street East, Sydney. It is hoped that parties will also solicit their friends, and others they know to be in any way connected with the district. Sydney, Campbell Town, Ocrrlma, and Coulburn Coacb. THE Public is respectfully in lormed tbat IRELAND AN'U'CO'S. COACH leaves Air Moses's. Unulburu Inn. lioulburn, »-vt-ry Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings and arrives at Campbell Town on the Evenings of tun same days; and in Sydney, by Eight o'clock tbu following morn ings. 1'b* Proprietors bepr also to intimatn, tbat tbnir Coacb will It-avn the Tdlhot Inn, Sydney, as usual, on the Evenings of iMomlay, Wednes day, and Saturday. ZHBL&NS 6. GO. Sisc January, 1840. N. B.— All Paroels for the Road to Sydney, to he' Hooked at Mr Bull's, Ooulburn ^ and for tbe Itoad to Uoulburn, at Mr Titterton's, 'lalbot Inn, George-street, Sydney. CARD. DR. MA.CKELLAR may be con sulted at bis house, Hill'* Buildings Pitt street, opposite the School of Arta, every Morning between Nine and Tun, and Afternoon between five aud six. Notice to Creditors. THE Creditors of Walter Howell, of Parramatta, Mill«r aud Cornfactor. are r. quested to meet tbe I mst»»s appoiutnd under and by virtua of certain Indentures of Lease and Kelease dated the 29tb day of January la«t, at the Uoyal Hotel, in Sydney, on Thursday, the iSth instant, at twelve o'clock: at noon, on par ticular business, and to make arrangements for tbe general benefit of the. Creditors. 70BTT AHMITBTaaB. Suticitor to the Trustees, Sydney, Wih Feb. 1840. NOTICE. THE Undersigned, in returning his most grateful and heartfelt thanks for the distinguished patronage he has received during tbe seven years tbat be has been in Sydney, begs respectfully to recommend bis patrons to Mr Ulytb, (his late foreman.) who during that time so ably conducted bis business. TEOSIAS X-. StTH'BSOia' AS THE FIRST POLICE MAG[S TKAI'Ewill he aosent for a short tun* from tbe colony, h«- r. quest* all persons who ha*« claims upon him. to present them to D. Egan. K«q., Geort;e.street. IF GEORGE JACKSON, formerly of tbe 9itu KcEtment of l-ool. and latterly, (?ay in \8St ) carrying on tlie buainitss of a C»rp-*uter, in Syduev. will »pply to Messrs Willis. Sindenmn fie Co., he will bear of some thing to Lis advantage. Sydney, Tth February, IB 10.

NOTICE. [F JOHN BAILEY, ESQ., lately arrived in tbe Colony, will call at No. li. iridge-atreet, he will meet with a gentleman rbo ta very anxious to see him. Bth February, 184O. ASSIGNMENT. IITTHEREAS, WALTER HOW Vv ELL, of Paramatta, in the County of Cumberland, and Colony of New South Wales, ?Tiller and Cornfactor. hath by indentures of ..ease and Release, bearing date the twenty-ninth lay of January instant, conveyed and assigned iver all his real and personal estate and effects phatsoever, to Henry Harvey and James Byrnes, 10th of Parramatta, and John Peacock, of Sydney, n tbe Colony aforesaid, in trust, for. the equal lenefit of his creditors — Such creditors as intend to take tbe benefit of be said assignment, are requested to deliver or end a particular account of their respective de â–¡ands against the .'aid Walter Howell, to any of he assignees without delay. And all persons who stand indebted to the said iValter Howell, are requested to pay what they espectively owe, to the said assignees immedi tely, otherwise actions at law will be commenced gainst them Parramatta, ) ran 29, 1840. \ wool! THE Undersigned will give the best Cash Prices for Wool of this Season's -lip, or make advances on Consignments to heir London or Liverpool Houses. STJKTX.OF «l CO., Queenmttreet To Wool Growers and Merchants. MR FREDERICK EBSWORTH, for some time sworn Wool Broker, in he City of London, offers his services to the Vool Growers and Merchants of New South Vales, for tbe sale and purcbaso of Wools, saling assured from his experience as a Broker, if being enabled to give full satisfaction to those ientlemen who may favor him with their com nissious. Mr F. Eb? worth would also be bappv to ac om mod ate Fleeces at Ihe Warehouses of the Merchants in Sydney, for tbe English .-n-irlca s. 115, Pitt-street, October, 1839. Phe Australian Auction Company WILL hold a Wool Sale, at the Mart, in George-street, on the WED. ^ESDAY of each week, during the reason. Tbere is accommodation for One Thousand Sales in the Company's Warehouses, where it is imposed to arrange' it in Lots for exhibition ac ording to the mode now adopted fn London. No charge for Storeing, and liberal advances nade if required. ' ' The Wool must be entered in the Company's 3ooks at least two days before tbe Sale, tor the mrpose of preparing and publishing correct Catalogues. All applications to be made, personally or by etter, to Alexander Young, Managing Director. Monthly Sales at JMaitland, by the Australian Auction Company. T'^HE Directors beg to inform the inhabitants of Maitland, and the Hunter Paterson, and Williams Kiver Districts, tbat tbe Company will hold a Public Auction Sale at Mattland, once ainonth — the day to bu named in - future advertisement. Arrangements buve been made to engage a Paddock, with proper ynrds, and all necesiary :onveni«nces for the reception of Cattlo aud Horses. An Auctioneer will b* in attendance days before tbu sale, to class ih»m in lots, and make all preliminary preparations. Further particulars to appear in a future ad vertisement. Parties wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity in effect salpn, ar« requested to send iLeir instructions as eatly as possible, in order I that their advertisements and catalogues may be pictured and published. UEUHDIIV, YOUNG, Managing Director Monthly Sale for Horses $? Carriages. J. P. LLOYD BEGS to notify to. his Friends and the Public that he has made arrangements with Mr Barton, of th*- London Tavern, George street, lor the use of hie Stabling, &c, to hold a Sale on tbe first Tuesday in encb Month, for Horses and Carnagea only. Kimt Sale will be held on the lltb February, 1810. MAITLAND. MR DETCKMAN, Tailor and Draper, of West Maitland, has to return his Ibanka to his Friends and th» Public, for tbe liberal support he has receiv«d, *nud b'cs to remind his up country oustom«rs. that the cIosh of the. year is the season moat fitting for closing their accounts, which he requests may be done with as little delay as possible, as the numerous calls upon him from his merchants, cannot be conveniently met by him, unless he receives payment for tbe materials furnished to bis cus tomers. lOit Maitland, ) January 4th, 1840. V PORT MACQUA1UE. GOODS forwarded to and from Sydney and tb» Interior of this District. ' Extensive storage for Wool, Maize, or other -produce. Goods bought and sold for a moderate ' commission. On sate, Winea, Stationery, Newspapers, Books, &o, etc ! Roval Lihrar ., ) Janiiuru Mth, 1M40. I IRONMONGERY, TW. BOWDEN respectfully ? informs bis numerous frl»nd* m.d patrons that by the Orient, Flurtntii, Menntcel , j and Wilmot, be lias received a lur^e addition to j Inn extensive Stock of Ironmongery, whtob Le will dispose of at hie usual low prices, 61, George- atre't, 1 ojiponie the Maiket. j

TURTLE SOUP. MARTIN GILL begs to inform . his numerous customers that he will have nother SPLENDID TURTLE cooked on To norrow, when they can be supplied with delicious -oup as usual, either at tbe establishment, or ent to their residence. Victoria Establishment, Pitt-street. N. B. — Ice Creams - and Water Ices in the rea test variety always ready. ^etorastle -5e ncral £-tovt . HUGH M'MILLAN, in returning his' sincere thanks for the distinguished pa ronege he has received from the Inhabitants of tiowcastle and 'Hunter's Kiver generally, begs o inform- them, Aim ha continues to receive laily acquisitions' to already select stock of ioft Goods, viz : — Rich Brocade, Gros de Paris ioi de China aod Victoria Dresses, French, Scotch Muslin ditto, a very large assortment of ancy and common Prints, Ladies' ready mode Colors, &O.&Q., Gloves, Hosiery, Haberdashery, nd Kurnisiiin? of every description, Gentle nen's ready made Shirts and Trousers, Stocks, 'lannela, Night Caps, Gloves, Hbts, Waist oats: and Shooiing, Coats, a quantity of Blankets nd Counterpanes, Cotton and Linen Checks, a ariaty of Lawns and Linens, very fine Calico rom 6.}d to lljii per yard, fanoy Silk Lama, ilerino and Cashmere Shawls, extraordinary heap. Cotton ditto large sizes. Hugh M'Millau feels confident that his election of Grocery Goods is no less deserviog -f patronage — Teas 2s 9d, Ss, 4s 6'l and 6s ; ?ugars Sjil, 4}d, and 3d ; Loaf Sugar lC.Jd per b ; Soup, Soda, Caudles, Blue. Starch. &c. &o. iledicines — Epsom Salts. Senna, Castor Oil, lagnesia, Tartaric Acid, Carbonate of Soil a, and arious other sorts of useful Medicines. Window ilass. Putty. Oils,&o. ; Pen and Pocket Knives, everal good VVatcbss on Sale, warranted twelve ion tbe. ? ' Hugh M'Millan is authorised agent to the Seneral Steam Navigation Company at New. astle. . New Inn, Stonequarry. %/f.R & MRS DUNSpON respect _vX fully inform the puh'ip that the above papious and conveniently situated Inn is now pen for public accommodation, and supplied, rith an extenstre and well selected stock of Vines, Spirits, Liqueurs. Ale, Porter, &c. &u., nd Refreshments of all kinds. The rumurous nd spacious bed rooms are all newly and legantly furnished, and .parties wishiug to emain by the night, week, or otherwise, iu this lelightful distriot, may depend ou meeting a ontinuation of that attention, civility , and puue uality, that has been the established cha acteristic of Mrs Dunsdon's deportment in iydney. Extensive Stabling — Accommodation for °onms, &o. February, 1840. An Ostler, Laundress, and Gardener rpqnirorl mmediately. Apply to J. Teiupleton, Castle eagh-etretit. xaecrolieaa Tobacco, Bcffara, *.c, A.C., ON Sale at Huntley and Edwards's, IB, Pitt-street, imall square fig,- very superior sample, in tierces of 3501bs. each, ex Main )itto ditto, in kegs ISOlbs. each, ex Shepherdess 'lancliado Segars, ex Hebe Uso, Turner's (late Grant and Turner) superior Colonial Tobacco. TO PRIVATE FA1WX1.XES. NOW LANDING, ex Orient, and on Sa]e.nt tbe Stores of the undersigned — Dunbar's Ale and Porter ?? ' ' :yder I'erry, and West India Lim» Juice — all in pint and quart bottles, in 8 null puckvig.-.s, and in superior condition to auy over imported l»«)re. ALSO, Repina Fort and Sherry Wines, in pinta and quarts, of exquisite flavor and quality, in packages of three dozen eaoh. EOVAAS LBE. HHeh-itreet December as, 1RSP. Cheese I Cheese II Cheese III THREE THOUSAND POUNDS OF PRIME HATHURST CHEESE, in Sale at the Grocery and Provision Stores of &OSEB.T3, CO.1T B &. CO. iVo. l-i, York-ttrrel. ALSO, Every Article in (heabove unprecedently low prices. Sardines, and Bourbon Coffee, ON Sale at Huntley and Edwards's, 18, Pitt street. Sardines, in beautiful condition, ex Le Sncrier Bourbon Coffee, equal to Mocha, ditto FOR SALE, ~~ BT THE VKDZIIllXOirS]), Ex Jane Btain, FOUR HUNDRED SWEDISH DEALS, 14 feet x 9 inches x 3 inches One. hundred and twenty Swedish Deals, 19 feet x 9 inches x S inches One. and twenty Swediab Deals, 20 feet x 9 inohes x 3 inches KICBOI-O.I TAUBS A. CO., »Y(i. 5, Lon-er Gfirge-slreet. 2?hree Thousand Sheep. TO i)e Sold by Private Contract, eight to nine hundred miperior Alaiden Ewes, eight to uine hundred Ewes, from two and a bait to ttireu and a half years old, to be delivered at tbe IV»I. Or^at paiua have been taken in the br#ed o the above ah«»p, baring neen culled every six months for tux lust five yours, and warranted frou I rom disease. Also, « flock of about tlireo hundred we',l-bred Ewes, from ton to four yearn old, with Lambs by their sid«s. fuur monilii old, by Mdrino Kamr, and two hundred Maiden Ewes, about twelve months old, all free from disease, and running within ten miles ot Mattland. Also, a Hack of two bundled Ewes, mixed ag-i. with uouut onu hundred und sixty Lambs by ilieir sides, ol a goad quality, and fret) from disease. And fivo b'indrsd Fat We'therr. For particulars, apply to T. Vswser, Aur» tion^er, A|aitlaijd,

Detached Cottage, Ornee, Surry J-IilU, within twenty minutes walk from Sydney. Tobe Sold by Private Contract, A HANDSOME COTTAGE x3L ORNEE, with Verandah, Entrance Hall, and four good Rooms, with an underground cellar, not surpassed in the Colony, a detached kitchen, large boiler, and range, brick oven, butler's pantry and sleeping rooms over, large store room and out offices. New brick built four stall stable, double coach-house, granary, hay IsYt, and two good sleeping rooms over gig house, shed for 14 cows, piggery for 40 pigs, find large wood-house, with a high fenced poaltry yard and covered hen-house. The Garden is between 2 and 3 acres of choice and fertile Lind, full of Fruit Trees in full benring, through which flows a stream of the purest water ; in the centre of the Garden is a pond of 60 feet by 40 feet, and C- feet deep, surrounded by tbe weeping willow. A vinery has been prepared by trenches five feet deep, of rich manure, two never failing wells of the purest water, and at the east end of the garden is a paddock of rich cloverand grass, pasturage enough for a horse and cow to subsist on. This invalu able Property (to a man of taste) might be made a little Paradise. Terms — 20 per cent, ensh, and 3 and 6 months for the remainder; or £700 may remain on mort gage. For further particulars, apply to BCBBUWBITS *. VICKEK7, Lower George-street. Kbeep for Sale by Private Contract In ttae District of Batburst. FLOCK NO. 1. Q^Q EWES FOUR YEARS OLD 129 Mala and ? 4 Months 150 Female Lambs by their sides f old. 658 Total. FLOCK NO. 2. 445 Ewes 4 years old, with 191 Male and J4 Months 195 Female Lambs by their bides \ old. 831 Total. FLOCK NO. 3 4*3 Ewes 3 years and S munihs old 48 iviale and j 4 Months 68 Female Lambs \ old. 539 Total. 307 of .these Ewes Lamb in March. FLOCK NO. 4. G39 Maiden Ewes. FLOCK NO. 5. S85 Wethers nearly all 4 years old and fit for the Butcher. FLOCK NO. «5. 534 Wethers SS mouths old, with 20 Kaiis. Grand Total, 3,596*. The above described Sheep are in fine con dition, warranted never to have been diseaned, and are now depasturing within twenty miles of the township of Bathurst, wlirra tbey can be seen at any lime. They will bu ready for de livery immedintelv afc»r tbe first day of February next, and, nhoul I it be a convenience to the purchaser, the flocks will be allowed tn remain on their present runs for two months after the sale is closed. Most of tbe Flocks are in charge of Free Shepherds who are engaged for twelve months. Every facility will be given to persons wishing to send tbesn sheep either to Port Phillip or South Australia. It would be superfluous making any remark on the excellent quality of these kheap as they are well known already. It will be sufficient to state that some of iliia breed of sheep, tbr-?« years ago, fetched £3 4s Ciil. por bead, and, that the purchasem huve since ilo olared tbeniavlvm perfectly satisfied with the bargain To save trouble the lowest price that will ho tuKen for lliis lot of sheep, collectively, is, three thousand guineas, wbicb oan rumain at ten per cent, paid annually, for any term not exceeding livn venr«. Nothing could have induced thn proprietor to have disposed of this nbolca lot of sheep at such a low price wert- it not for tbe whole nf his time being taken up in t: e management ot an eiten aire dairy and agricultural eatuDlUbmant. Application to be made (if by letter post paid) to tb« proprietor, HENRY FEnKIER Saltram Lodge, near liuthunt, } Jan. t2U, 1B-I0. -NOTICE. THE undersigned lms for Sale, a very superior Country Estate, together with tilt) Stock, Sec. thereon, in every respect most complete. This Estate consists of ten thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven acres of exceedingly well -watered land, &c, «o selected as to com mand an extensive bask run. On the* Farm is erect* (1 an excellent Cottage suitable for a family, fully furnished and com plete ; also, substantial Stores, Overseer's Cot tage, Men's Huts, Stables, a good capneiou* Sheep Shed, Wool Houie, Screw Press, &c Ato., upwards of five hundred acres of Laud, enclosed aud divided off into paddocks, one hundred nnd forty acres of which are under cultiva'ioo, viz: — seventy-five acres of Wheat, thirty-five acies of Oats, ten acres of flarloy and Uyt», tweuty ucres of Maize, and nUaril»n attached to ihe Cottage of two and a half acres, well secured by u pood tence, and containing upwards of two hundred -tuil trees, I be property is amply furnished with ey^rv implement of husbandry and stores, consimjng of lea, Sugar, Tobacro, Wines, &c, sulH.oieiit for the ensuing twelre months' consumption. Thn Stock consists of Fivq thousand foul hundred and eighty. seven aopnrinr hr-il Sheep, viz: — two thousand six hundred and forty-two Ewes, one thousand s«ven hundred and uitiety five W ethers, niua hundred nnd ninety-two Lambs, fifty-eight superior Hams, aeven hun dr«d head of good and quiet Call!-, thirty Milk ing Cows now in usu ou tbo Farm, sixteen Horses and Mares. liurly applloti in lo bo made to THOMAS TXR.nC«OB7 JLVX-*BXL, Huntm. street, ) January 21, 1840. V For Private Sale. QQi EWES, OF EIGHT TOOTH '-»a-»- 977 AKed 700 Maiden 1000 Lambs, half fema'n l'idS vvethera, four too:h 6*1*2 Ditto, two ditto, Running in tbe liathurat District For particulars, apply to It. Daure, Esq. JjiKiison-street, Syilney,

One Thousand Two Hundred Enes, ?with One Thousand Two Hundred Lambs. rO be Sold, by Mr Samuel Lyons, by Private Contract. One 1'hnusiand Two fundred full-moutbed Ewes, together with One 'bousand Two Hundred Lambs at their sides, bout half of each sex. Tb« above Sheep are unniog on tbe iMucquarie, below Wellington, rbere the purchaser can have tbe use of an t»x ellent Sheep Station for t».!»e months. The iheep are perfectly sound, and have never beeu iseated. To be delivered on or before tbe 1st of March. Terms of payment and further particulars may a known, by application at the T.mporary looms. George-street. Farms on tbe Stiver Williams'. EARLY IN THE MONTH OF APRIL will ba SOLO by AUCTION, nless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, -wo complete and most eligible FAKMS, on the liver Williams, adjoining each other, and «ach onsisting of 1.280 Acres of the finest quality f Land for Cultivation and Pastunge, with aa xtensive Run for Sheep or Cattle. Oa ona ^arm upwards of .£3.000 has baen expended in: mprovements, and tbere is on it a convenient Cottage Residence, with secure Store aod Kit. ben detached ; a large Garden well stocked with rruit Trees in full bearing, with a Barn, Granary, itock-vard, S-ables, lUacksraith'a Forge. To iroco Press, Men's Huts, a one-horse Mill, and. very suitable erection for carrying ou the lusinpss of such an Establishment. Several ntles of tbe Fencing is quite new and ia of tba lost substantial description, and enclosing tbe lorn, Wheat, and Tobacco Cultivation, and two irge Grass Paddocks. Both these Farms are abundantly supplied ritb ihe finest Water in the driest season, and i-« Crops of Wheat and Corn have never been nown to fail during tbe last ten years. A liberal credit will be. given for a great part f tbe purchase money. For further particulars pply to Messrs Holers and Young, Solicitors, ieorgn-struet, Sydney. jfor ^alr, rJTE Undermentioned Cattle, run ning in the district of Port Macqunri«, -rmerly the property of the late George F. loncritff, Esq. Ine hundred und ten MixedCattle, at Christina's Creek, near the M'Leay River. Ine hundred and seventy-seven Ditto ditto, ruuning at Dungee Creek. For further particulars apply to IV. AUDEKijON, Cox'8 Wharf, 4th February, 1840. Important to 3Now settlers. 'O' BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A BOUT TWO HUNDRED HEAD l\ OF MIXED CA.TTLE, of good descripl-* ion, a number of the Cows broken in to Milk, o\v grazing near Patrick s Plains ; AND ALSO, An Excellent Farm to be disposed of for Sis lonths ; for further particulars applinntion to ba ladeto Mr Edward Sparke, junior, Rivonsfield, r to Mr Thomas Vawser, West Mnitlaud. Dnrltngton, January 24, 1840. CAUTION. rHE Public are 'hereby cautioned. aud warned not to give Cradit or todu iver goods to any person or persons wlioin oever, on my account, wituout thn written rder of myself, or Mrs M'Guigan, us I will not 0 responsible but for what is givvn orddlivuied pon such written orders. A. Z. XVX-GT7XGA.2T. Pitt-street, Sydney, 1 th February', 1B40. /' Caution to Trespassers. rHE undersigned having purchased the Kigbt of th* Run at Manjroo, of tin ate John Norris, from the R«Kiatrnr of tin Supreme Court, begs to notify, that all parsons rbo have encroaohed on th« said Hun, eiiia- thn lealh of the late John Norrij legnl prncuedinits rill be instituted against tliuin, 'unless they emove withia fourteen days from this date. South Creek. Porgeries—Five Pounds Reward. THE above Reward will bo given for thn appn-b.nsion of — POK.1 Elt. a ?V arrant haying been issued by tlie Bench of Magistrates against him, for p»B-;ing tin. follow, ng forgxd Notes up a tbe Uudumigned, Well tuowing the same to be forgml. sox.oiaonr o&t», Corner of Kent and DruiU-nrte's. Sydney, January, 18-10. Patrick's Plains, 2lth Anxust, 183°, SIR, — Your letur of the 13th August last. I inly received on my 'return from Liverpool Plains, two days since. In answer 1 inform you [ know nothing of tbe Bill, or tbe party to whom t is payable. 1 am, Sir, Your most obedient, WXX.X.X.&M K.. NOWiAW. I'o Mr Solomon Darin. (tOrV OF FORCED NOTE.) £30 Os Od. Muscltbrank, lS'/t Auf-mt. 16.'-9. Tdrea Months after date, I promise to pay to Mr Joieph Porter or Order, lie sum of I'uirly Hounds Hterling/for value received. Wix.x, k. -«ro-wx,a.Kr-Payable at the Conun-rcial Bank, Maitland. Richmond, Se/-t. IBth, 18:19. SIR, — In answer to your'a of tlic 13th instunr. 1 beg to inform you, that I have never given any Note to any one, uurl the Note you speak of is decidedly a Forgery. I am, Sir, yourt tr-ily, a. jouxr town ? XO Mr S. Davis, Sydney. (i.orv of Konor.n note.) £*l 0a Od. Mailland, 17t/i Julu, 1R.19. Three Mnntbs after date, 1 prninUn tn pay Mr Joseph Horler, or Order, th« lum nf Twenty Oiib Hounds, sterling, for valua re ceived. TO3KT TO-VWDI, Payable nt thn Bank of N. S. Walej, Sydiu'y.