Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Tuesday 7 June 1836, page 4

-a GOVERNESS .Sv&W&ki&i, rpO EDU C A T JJ „ two or three young -*- children irr a rcspcctublo family residing in the interior — Quajificatious nnd character of applicant must be unexceptionable. Apply ot Mr.. Joseph Taylor's, Spitalfield House, George-street, Sydney. . : N. B. — A Liberal Salary allowed; May SO, t836. CAMPBELL'S WHARF. P O S T PON EMENT OF SALE. THE SALTi of this properly by MR. S. LYONS, na advertised to take i place Tomorrow; nt 12 o'clock, is postponed until a future day, of which duo notice will bo given. ? - -? . Signed, B. B. POOBOV, .,::,. . Solicitor for tht Mortgagee!. June i; 1836., . ? .:'?-'. r -:!., ION ? = SALE,,.,,, ?..??..,:? AS MALL QUANTITY OF FINE SCOTCH AVHISlvEY, at the Stores of nOBSHT 4SDUUOW. , .?V. . , :.-.? — ' ' JLowir Georgt-ttriet. June ,2, ,1036. .....'.. ....'.-,. ; '..,, ',. ,; J.i7LOV R CRAFT, '''?? (Late of the Firm of Lovecrafi Sf.Burtofl, Tailort . (l ,':,, v, and'Drapers, George- itrtttf) BE G -S ' . to u n i form the Public that h is .. Partnership with Mr. Hurtoft being dissolved, ho has commenced Uusiness on his own account, in Pitt-atrcet, opposito Mr. Olivor'a. - J. L. tukes this opportunity of (hnnling hia Friends for past favours, and insures them no exertion shall be wonting to merit their patronage and support. .^Sydney, Mow 28, 1036. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1836. ? ? Colonial Secretary's Office, '., i ' ' -.- . -i Sydney, Srd June, 1836. HIS Excellency tho Governor directs it to bo notified, that the King has been Letters Patent under Iho Cirent Seal of the United -Kingdom of Grout Britain and Ireland, dated tbe Eighteenth Day of January, 1036, and Sixth Year -of ilia Majesty s Reign, lo constitute the Colonies of Now South Wales, Vnn Di omen's Land, and Western Australia, nnd their respective Dependencies, into a separata Diocaso under the denomination of the BUhoprick of Australia, and to appoint the Right Kev. William Grant Uiiovghton, JJootor ia Divinity, to bo Uunor of the said Diooeso. Uy His Excellency's Command, -ALEXANDER Al'LEAY. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 31st, May, 1836 His Excelleney the Governor has been pleased to approve of the following alteration in the Police of the Colony, vis : — INVERMSIN. John Handibo, free, to be Lock-up-keeper. By His Excellency's Command, ALEXANDER M'LEAY. Comrai»sari»t Office, . . '' Sydney, 31at May, 1836. NOTICE is hereby givon, that Tenders will be received at this Office, until Thursday, the 30th Juno, for supplying the materials and performing tho workmanship of tho respective Trades, and at the' several Stations undermentioned that may be required by the Royal Engineer Department until tbe3lst of lUnrch 1037, and further until tie expiration of n Notice of three full calendar months given by either party wanting to terminate tha Contract, viz : — ? ? CARPENTERS . ' '' HliJCKLAVBItS '- ' ' MASONS Si l'AVIOTJRS 'PLASTERERS SMITHS IKON-FOUNDnitS' . PLUMI1EUS, PAINTERS, and' ;': GIJAZ1ERS ? at Iho SUtlon. of , .. » . , SYDNEY ? .PARHAMATTA ' ., ? , wvEiipooL. '*';..; WINDSOR . BATMUKST and - i NEWCASTLE. . ? , i. . ; ,i ? -j The Tenders nro required to bo rando on the printed Form which contains the Conditions ol' the Contrnot and Schedules of the Materials, aud which ard ready to be supplied on application at the Royal Engineer Olfice, Sydney, where also every Information on the subject may be obtained. Should it he found convenient by tho parties tendering, any uumber of Trades and Stations may be included in the same Tender and indorsed accord* ' ingly.- - ? ? ? ? ? . Security will be required for tbe due fulfilment of the Contract. WILLIAM MILLER, ; . ' ?'??? Assistant Com. Gen. '. ?.? - Commisiariat Office, .,.-,-.. ,? .,-..-.. i Syducy ,26th May, 1836. NOTICE ia hereby given, that Tenders will be , * received at tbfs Office, until Thursday, the SOlh June, at Noon, for the erection of 'Military llnrrnoks at Newcastle, of wliieh the Plans mBy be seen and any : information obtained at tba Royal Engineer's Offioo. Sucurity will bo required for tbe due fulfilment of the Contract. ' ' WILLIAM MILLER, . ;.- -..-., -..; . Assistant Com. Gen. . ', . CommUssriat Of!ice-, s« , . , ... . . Sydney, 3 1st May, tU30. m HE; Stable! at Carter's llnrracks requiring to be ? J. neWshingled with good oak (nboutlOOsquares,) Notice is hereby given, that Tenders from porsons Willing' to undortnko the same, will be received at this Omo» until Tuesday, tko 7th of June, ot Twelve VClock. j... ' Further particulars may be known nt tlio lloynl B . WILLIAM MILLER, x. ' , Assiatant Com, Gen. , ?r SALE OF CATTLE. ?fT^HIUTy.N.lSE,Heail of horned Cattlo nnd one J 'Horse, wiiioli hive been seized by tlio Police | or this District as the property of William Worby, convicted of receiving stolen cattle, will be sold at the Market-plnoe, Cumpbell Town, on Monday, the 6tli dnv. of June, nt Twelve o'Ciock, noon, for the benefit of Ilia Majesty's Government. By ordor of tho Magistrate, * JOHN M'ALIS'I'EII, ! ? ;. ; [',,.. -?? ; : ; Chief Conntable, ; * Police OIJlco, Campball. Town, ) ,. ... .MayS7th, 183ii. i Coioiilnl Secretary's Office, Sydney, 20th May, 1830. . GENERAL. ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING. ? -' -TVTOTICE Inherrhy given, iliat Goncral Annual l-i Llcemlni? Meeilnm of the Jusilcetol oacli. Uistilct tlnotiituout llio Colony, will lie lioliien at, tho soverAl Court liotnos, or iisiml places ol meeting, III the said Districts respectively, on I ueHday the 2l»t day of .tune next, at 10 o'clock in tho lorenoon, for tho special purpose of uklng '»' foil.!deration all nj.|.llcnUon» vrlilch shall bo inmlc ^o he ?nld J«»tlce» rc«pcctlvely for llcoiues for l'ublicIioimus for tin- yi-ar enMiing. 1'enano dc»lrau» of obtaining licenses, mint «lellvor written notices of their intention to apply lor tho same to tho Clerki or the rcnpcctlvc Uonclu-s, orCuiirttof 1'ctty So»»lon», on or ueloro luenday the 7tli day of June next.

(i ' ' 'Colonial Secretary's Office,- ?' 'uvs .- i . .. r:, j :Sydney,SSih May, iSSft. HIS Excellency the Oovernor has been pleated fo direct that tbe general objects of the following Uilla, about to .be brought under tbe coniideration of the Legislative Council, be publlihed for general information. .. By His Excellency's Command, ALEXANDER AI'LEAY. 1. A Bill to continue for a limited time, an Act intituled ' An Act to facilitate the apprehension of transported felons and offenders illegally nt large, and of persons found with arm*, and suspected to be robbers.' ' 'As the Act of the Governor and Council, 5 Gul. IV. No. O, commonly called the Husliraiiginj; Act, will expire on the 31»t August next, It is proposed 10 renew it for a further period of two years. 2. A Bill further to continue for a limited time an Act intituled ' An Act for regulating the Constitution of Juries, and foi the Trial of Issues in certain Cases in the Supreme Court of New South Wales,' and to make further provision for Trial by Jury. As the Act of the Governor nnd Council, 2 Gul. IV. No. 3, will expire on tho 30ili Juno next, it id proposed to renew it for u further period of one year, with a declaratory clause that persons of bad fame nnd repute, or of dishonest life or conduct, or of immoral character or repute, are disqunlified rom serving oil Juries in any case, either civil or criminal. 3. A 11111 to continue for n limited time an Act intituled ' An Act for tho relief of Debtors in ex. ecntiun for debts which they are unable to pay.' y As the Act of the Governor nnd Council, 2 Gul. *V. No. 11, will expire on the Slst of August next, 't it proposed to continue it for a further period of two years. 4. A Bill to remove doubts as to the validity of Grants to Laud in New South Wales. Doubts having arisen as to the validity of Granti to Land iu New South Wales, in consequence of their having been issued in the name of the Governors and Lieutenant Governors of the Colony ; instead of in the name of His Majesty, and the King having graciously signified his Hoyal pleasure, through the Night Honorable the Secretary of Slate for the Colonies, that all Grants to Land so issued should be declared valid In law, it is proposed to iuiet the titles of all persons holding or entitled to ,ands so granted, by dcclai ing such Grants to he ai valid and cfiecitin) in law, and binding His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, as if such Grants had been issued in the name of His Majesty, or of either His Majesty's two last Royal 1'irdcccssors. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 34th May, 1830Reward of Twenty Pounds ; or, a Con? '??-? ditiona I 'Pardon. WHEREAS it lias been reprcnented to the Government, that John Jones, per ship Royal Charlotte, free by servitude, whose description is annexed, made his escape from the Lock up al Dong Dong, on the 10th day of December last, being then under a charge of cattle stealing, and is now at large, Notice is hereby given, tlut any person who shall cause the said John Jones to be apprehended and lodged in any of His Majesty's gaols, will be allowed a lieward of Twenty Pounds, or, if a prisoner of the Crown, will be recommended to His Majesty fur a Conditional l'ardon. UUSCItlrTlON. Name, John Jones, free by servitude ; ship Koyal Charlotte ; height, about 5 feet 1J inches ; native place, Nottinghamshire ; complexion, sallow ; hair, dark brown ; eyes, brown ; age, about 20. General remaiks — Was in ihe employment of Mr. Surveyor Elliot, al Goulburn, about 1'2 months ago, and bad a pass or, certificate of being free from (?'. Allman, Esq., Police Magistrate, ut Goulburn. By Hia Excellency's Command, ALEXANDER M-LEAY. Colonial Secretary's Olrice, Sjdney, 24ih May, 1836. NOTICE is hereby given, that Tenders Hill be ? received at this Olfice until Tucodny, the2tst June, at uoon, for furnishing rations, fuel, and light for tbe watch-houses at the places undermentioned, in such quantities, and at such times as may bo required during thcyear 1830 : — vale of Clwyd, tliisbnne Water, Pater sou, Dungog, Wollomlrt, Patrick's Plains, Jnveriiieln, Morton, and Port Stephens. . The conditions, rations, and nrlicles to he those specified in the notice from this Office, dated 20tli January! 1830. Uy His Excellency's Command, ? ? ALEXANDER M'LKAY. Colonial Secretary's Office, 1 1 ' ? x Sydney, 17th May, 1836. .rrWE Contractor for furnishing Fornge and l'roviM. aions for Surveying Parlies in tho Districts of 'Roxburgh and Outburst for tho present year, having (according to agreement) given notice that his Contract will terminate on the 30th June next — Notice is hereby given, that Tenders will be received at this Oflico until Tuesday, the 14th of Juno, nt twelve o'clock, for furnishing from the 1st of 'July to tbe 31st December, 1036, both inclusive, the said supplies, (be particulars of which and ulso tho conditions are specified in iho notice from this Oflico, dated 10th November. 1035. Uy His Excellency's Commnnd, - ALEXANDER Rl'LEAY. Colonial Secretary's Office, Svdnry. lllh Alay, 1830. MA1TLAND. HIS. Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of the following ltulesnnd Regulations for the maintenance of good order on the AVharf at Grcenhllls, Maitiand, and to direct that the same bo published in compliance viitli the Act passed by His Excellency and Council, on the 6th day of August, 1834, and Intinled ' An Act for ?protecting Public Wharfs, Piers, Quays, and Jetties. 6th William IV., No. 13. Uy His Excellency's Command, ? ' ALEXADEU M'LEAY.: I RULES AND REGULATIONS.. For the 'maintenance of good order on. tha. Wharf ?at. Green Hills, Mnltland, under llio provisions of the Act' of the Governor and Council. — 5th William IV. No. 13. 1. No llallast or Kubhlsh to bo landed on this ' AVharf. under a penalty of Twenty Shillings for each offence. * . 2. No bulky Article of any description (o remain within twenty tVet of the Wharf* edge, nor con. .tlimn for more than twenty-four hours on any ?pHrt thereof, under a penalty of Twenty Shillings for each oflVnce. 3. Shells for Lime, and vegetable innltrr for manure ' to bo landed In baskets, and Immediately carried away, under a penalty of Twenty Shillings for each oft'tMicc. 4. No Cattle, Horses, Sheep, or Pigs lo he suffered to remain --n tlio Wharf any longer than n reasonable timo for landing or embarking, under a penalty of Twenty Shilling* for each ofTi'iicc. 5. No Vessel or Uoat to niiiko last to any part of the wooden plerr, or to the ptntforniof the Wharf, under a penalty of Twenty Shillings for fcacli offence. 0. No Wood to be cut, or Lime to be burnt on any part of this Wharf, under a penalty of Twenty 1 Shilling for each ofl'cnce. 7. The' above Fines are Independent of the pro' visions and penalties of the Act of the Governor and Couucil, Oth William jr., Xo. C. V. h. CAMPBELL, l'nlicc Mughtratt, . itonr-m' LETiinniDGE, j. p. 1 II. Mil Oil KM,, J. I*. ? : Colonial Secretary's Office, s ... Sydney, V3d Mny, 1B30. 1/F being Intended to enclose Ihe two reserved Allotments In the Town of Ncwcnstlc.slmntcd between the Church ynrd ami Wolfe-»trcct. — Per-rons disposed lo undertake this work me rc-|tiosti-(l to transmit their Tenders to this OHice by Twelve o'clock on Saturday, iho 18th day of Jimu next. The Fencing to beof three rails, posts i'lp-ht indies by three Inches, eight feet in length and to bo Mink in tlio ((round not less than three feet. The mils to ho not luss thnn seven Inches by two ami n quarter Iticlici, and not to exceed two paunelsjo tho rod. ' ? Dy His Excellency's Commnnd,' j ALEXANDER M'LEAY. i

? -: - ' ??B«wLT»sUOfllce1 J(L Sydney, 16Ui May, i83fi. .;?-?. - „. notice. HI 8 Excellency tbe Governor having been r. -- J'OIIIed t0 approve of tbe establishment of a Post Office nt Cuwdor, in the County of Camden between Campbelltown and Beug Bong : Notics is liorcby given that tbo Mails for that place, will leavo Sydnoy every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday ifternoon, returning every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning. J. S. 11AYM0ND. PROCLAMATION. ~' A. C.B., Commanding Hi, MqJtstvU Force,, Captain General nnd Goveriwr-Ufchiefof the Territmu oIkZ South Wale, and its Depend/nL.ana Jw^/ . of me same, ofc. tyc. ofc. T^HEREAS it bus been represented to me tint .i a, '? .'5™'' Out™Se »»» been committed upcm tILe.A.])?rlSlno1 Natives of Western l'ort by a PUrtv of White Men, and that otbor Outrages of a similar naturo hnvo been committed by Stockmen and otbtrs upon the N olives in the neighbourhood of Port PhilinNow, tbereforo, I, tlio Governor, in Pursuance of the' power nnd authority in me vested, do hereby proclaim and notify to all his Majesty's subjects anil others whom it may concern, that tho wholo or ibe country on tho Southern Coast of New Holland extending Westward from Wilson's Promontory to the one him. drod nnd twonty-ninth degreo of Kast l.ongtitude leckomng from iho Meridian of Greenwich, bfine within tbo limits of Now South Wales, all persons residing or being within tlio same, are subject to tht Laws in force in tbe said colony, and tbe promptest measures will be taken by mo 'to causo all porsons who may bo guilty of any outrage against tho Abort, (final Nntivea, or of any brench of the said Laws to be brought to trial before tho Supreme Couit of New South Walen, and punished accordingly. GJVJCN under my Hand and Scat, at Governmnt Jioute, Sydney, this Third Day of May, Oni theutand eight hundred ond thir'tu'iix (L-S-) U1CIIARD 13OURKE. ? By His Excellency's Coininnnd, Coloniul Secretury's Oilice, _^_, Sydney, 17th May, 1836. npiIE Contractors for furnishing llntions and fuel ? M and Light for tho GaoU and Wntcbbomes it I'arramatf, llhwarra, Liverpool, and ll'indior, and for Rations for the Men nt tho Vclegraph and Domain nt the former, for tho year 1836, having (according to agreement) given Notice that their Contract will terminate on the 30th June next — Notice isheroby given Hint Tenders will be received nt this Office until Friday the 10|b of June next, at Twelve o'clock, for furniahing from the 1st July to the 31st December. 1BS0, both inclusive, ths said supplies, the particulars of which and also lbs conditions are specified in the Notice from this office datod 2Olh January , 183(3. By Ilia Excellency's Command, ? ALEXANDER M'LEAY. FIFTEEN POUNDS REWARD. ♦^JTOLF.N or Strayed, from IJrauch Creek, sine* --* September last: — An aged Itoan Mare.wlili bald face, both hind legs white, a short tail, aboat 14 hands high, bntnil G under ihe saddle, the property of Air. Thomas Parnell. If the above marc has been stolen, a Reward of Fifteen Pounds will be paid by the ' Patrick's Plains Association for the Protection of Live Stock,' in any I'errnu who will give such information at will lead to the conviction of the offending paity. In tho absence of the Chairman, -ALFRED GLENNIE, Secretary, Patrick's Plains, 25 April, 183G. In addition to the ubove lieward, I hereby offer a further some of £5 upon conviction of the ofiunder ; and if Strayed, a reward of £1 will be paid losny person who may recover the above marc. THOMAS I'AUNELL '.'?r-t/i April, 18.'-fi, ? Police Office, Aluilland, ' 30lh April, 1830. DESCRIPTION of Einht Iie/rf of Horned Cattle.i n possession of the Alaitland Police, supposed to bo stolen : — . ' j One brown nnd white Cow, branded C or 0 on j rump near side. . J On l-i indie Cow, spotted sides, lower part of the I tail white star on the forehead, branded G nnnp I bosh sides. . 1 One light bi indie Cow, branded D 1* tr D R rnmp J off side, with a bull Culf-hy her side not branded. ' One brindle nnd white Cow, branded KP or Ef ; rump off side, with u heifer Calf by her side not branded red Steer, white belly, branded ay rump 00 i - side. ' One. brindle Bullock, wide horns, branded Tq rump off side, and J ,\\ rump near side. I)y Order of the Police Magistrate JAMKS YOUNG, ? Chle f Constable. Colonial Secretary's Otlice, Sydney, 4th May, 1830. _' THE Governor with the advice of the Exccn- | five Council, directs it to be notified, tint -the Govcrnmtiit Notice of tha 2Cth Ang-ust is c-in- \ celled from this date ; but in order to meet tba -j wishes of those persons who mny desire to redeem i Quit-rent by the introduction of A|-iiculiural La- j bourcis or 'iMcchanics, His Excellency further J directs it to be notified, that the bounties hereinafter f mentioned will be allowed in abatement of Quit- i rent redeemable in terms of their Grains, to pertoni I. introducln-; Emigrants of the description nnd under /. the conditions in all other respects of the. Notice of (':: the 28th October last, as extended by the Notice : of the 28th March laU; the redemption of Quit* ' rent for this purpose being calculated at ten yean ! purchase, viz.: — r The married couple ? £33. ' Chllil above twelve monllii ... £0. Single female ? £17. Single male. ? «?... ? ? £Vi. Any pesson bringing out Emigrants in coufirmlty withtenns of the two last mentioned Notices, will bo allowed the option on their arrival, either of receiving tho money payments therein stated, or the bounties hi the redemption of Quit-rent offered by , the present Notice. ^ Uy His Excellency's Command, .? ? ALEXANDKU M'LEAY. j Otiicc, ? Sydney, Und May, 1616. . -' THE Contractors for furnishng Mipplies of Pro- . vMons, Forage, Ste. required for iho iMilllaiy -, and Convict EstHMUhmcnts iu the Diitricts of i I'AUUAMATTA, , i ILLAWAKIIA, and ? 1, VI) nr MAVQVA.HIE, i having Riven Three Months notice of their Intention , j to terminate their contract* on the 30th June neit, 1.1 Notice U hereby given, lhat Tenders will be w jI ceived at this Oilicu until Monday the 30th instant, ,1 nt Noon, for providing the said supplies from its ;4 1st July, lb30, to the 31st March, 1837, both iDell- jj tive, the pnrlicularK of which, mid also the condl- if lions are upccitied in the Commiisariat Annml , j Advertisement, dated 1st January ISiO, published || in the Government Gazette. j'f ? \V. MILLKR, A. C. 0. _ jf, CTjIoiiIjI Secretary'* Oilice, ^ Sydney, 1 ltli May, 1838. f,i L A N I) . l\ HIS F.xcrllency the Governor directs it fo h» i notified, that the pnrcha«ers of land under tho regulations of Governor Sir Thomas Hililijni and Sir llalph Uaillng, whu have not yet complied with tho regulations of the i!5lli August, IS31, Mill he allowed lo tho 3W dny of July next, and n-longer, to complete the purchase of ' tlio wuoli 'j quantity they originally nRri-ed to tnlic, bill m I lc»s ; paying for thfl »«mo at Iho rate of fife J shlllinRS per rcre, with interest on the iiiitaluicnti ^ fixed by this Government Notice of 0th JnmiMj, fl IH32, from Hie respective prihids appointed lot » tholr puvnu-nt, mill rent where reserved, st me Sj reducfdinte of U» «-l per lot) acres per annum. ^ .His Kxci-Uency the Governor furtlier d rcct» « lobe notiliid.thatllio Collector of Internal Kevcnoe » ha. been Instructed to take legal ''C''/?' .1?. resuniins possession of the lands of which «h« .-j occiiiiuiils shall not have completed tho iiiucIims wlliin the tlmo hurchi Kpecllied. and tbo «»'ne will bo then thrown open '-» l-'''-lio r'''p; '''*'. .; (iimity with the rogiil.nions of 1st Align' , Uy Ills Excellency's Command, .: Printed and 1'ubU.l.ed at the ((.AysTaitUN Orrh)./' jb William «n«l A«lH«I-lo-pluco, BJilftcy, by A; CuHSV, M