Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Thursday 27 January 1842, page 4


[From Ilio Culoilunlnii Mercury.]

A variety of circumstances hnvo orison during ^ tlio Inst threo or four months to cliiTiiriisli tlio ordinnry nttructions (if tlio rnco-courso. A b tlio most powerful,

?wo may ppiect Iho general olcchon, and tlio depressed slalo of trade in all parts of tlio country. These cmisos naturnlly affect Doncastor ns Well, nsplneos of Icso note; but others, of a jocnl nnd peculiar character, mny-bo.mentionod. Many of the ancient supporters of Doncastor havo sot tied their accounts, and sonic, whose names wore wont to nppcar as its zealous patrons, liavo- withdrawn altogether from tlio turf. This is not all : the extraordinary enso with which tfio Derby was won dosiroyed tho St. T-cgnr as a betting raco ; nnd had not that been tho enso, the ruinous character of the Bottling would havo produced tho samo effect. Another blow to tho present mcctinp was tho omission of tho Btowards of 1840 to appoint their successors. Tho Corporation, it is true, made n largo addition to tho public money aa originally advertised, and were assisted with a liberal pinto by the innkeepers, but too lato tocounternct the combined influence of so many untoward events. Prepared, therefore, for a falling ofF in their present meeting, they have resolved, to prevent any causo of complaint for tho future. It is intended, we believe, to Ioso no time in procuring Stowards for 1842 (relioving them from tho pecuniary responsibilities hitherto coupled with tlio office), to make such alterations at tho stand as may be considered cssontial to tlio comfort of the visitors, nnd to provide liberally for the public prizes; if they do this in time, wo sco no reason why Donoaster, reduced to four days, should not recover from wlint, wo trust, is only a- temporary depression. It will bo collected from tho above remarks that tho races commenced this afternoon under indifferent auspices. The wealhor was all that could be desired ; but tho list 'held tho word of promise to the oar, but broko it to tho hope,' six races in appearance having dwindled down to three in reality, and those of a very unpretending-chnracter. The company was thin — the betting dull in the extreme. Wo should mention hero that a space lias been enclosed in front of the Grand Stand for the accommodation of tho speculators ; but being level with tho course, !b not availablo for a view of tho running. Wo ^understand that by next yenr ir will in this respect be placed, on a par with Epsom, Ascot, Goodwood, and Liverpool. Amongst its occupants were tlio Duke and Duchess of Cloveland, tho Mnrq'uis of Westminster, tho Marquis of Watorford, Marquis of Norn am by, Marquis ? of Tichfiold, Earl Spencer, Earl Chesterfield, 'Lord Kclburnc, Lord Maidstone, Lord J. Filzroy, Lord Bentlnck, Lord C. Filzroy. Count Halm, Baron Maltzahn, Count Auresporg, Sir D. Baird, Sir J. Shelley, Sir C. Kont, Sir C. Ibbolson, Sir J. Whiohcote, Sir T. Skyes, lion G. S. Byng, Hon. G. Anson, lion. M. Nu-gent, Hon. G. Pitzroy, Hon. H. Forstor, Hon. T. O. Powlett, Captain Powlett ; Colonels Synge, Shubrick, Brondhead, Craddook, Thomson, Hornby.; Messrs. Payno, W. Payne, Nevillo, Knox, Busho, CrommeJinc, Lay, Hawkor, Portman, Mostyn, Price, Collins, Gnrdnor, &c. ..MONDAY, SEFTEMBBR 13. Tho FltzwIUIom Stakes of 10 sovi. with 30 added by tho Corporation. (2 subs.) No rnco. The Champagne Stakes of £0 *ov». encli. b. ft. . The winner gives lix dozen of Champagne to the Racing Club. Red House In. (20 subs.) Colonel Anton's b. o. Attlla ? 1 Mr. Qimiay'i cb. o, Cabrera ? 2 Colonel Cradock'a b. f. Sally ? 3 Won by half a neck. Produce Stakes oMOO bovs. each.'h. ft. Two miles. (S subscribers ) Mr.'Orde'a b. f.'Queen Bee walked over. ? Match for 200 sovereigns. St. Leger Course. Colonel Cradock'a br. o. Gallipot ? 1 Lord Kelburne's ch. c. Pathfinder ? 2 Handicap of 10 soTereigns each, h. ft. with 30 added by the Corporation. Two miles. (5 subs.) Mr. Thornhlll's E. O ? 1 Lord Kwlburne's b. c. by Muley Moloch .... 2 Mr Dell't b. m. Lh Sage Femme, . ? 3 Mr. DoncHstor's Ftlzgnmhol .............. 4 Her Mnjesty's Plate of 10O guineas. Four miles. Duke of Cleveland's b h. Surapaon, walked over. TUESDAY, EliPT. 14. The Four Years old Stakes of 20 sovereigns each, nnd 50 added ; mile and a half. Colonel Cradock'a Gallipot (Marson) ? 1 Mr. Melklam'a Broad watb ? 2 Won by a length. Handicap of 10 sovereigns each, and 70 »dded ) St Leger Course. Mr. Heseltine's Tho Shsdo, 5 years (Heieltine) ? .. 1 Sir C. Monck's Garland, -i years ? 2 Lord Chesterfield's All Fours, 5 years ? 3 Tho following also started, but were not placed: — Mr. Hoywoods's Mr. Whippy, 3 years, Mr. Allen's Phoon, 8 years, Mr. Mann's Miss Lo Gros, 4 years, Mr. Osbuldcston's Tho Mount lin Sylph, 4 yearn, arid Mr. Kirby's Kingston Robin,' 4 years. Won by a longth. The St. Lfger Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft. for three year old colti, 8«t. 71b | and Allies* 8si. 21b. The owner of the second horse to reoeive 100 sovereigns out of the stakes. St. Leger Course. (135 subs.) Lord Weitmlnster's b. o. Satirist, by Pantaloon (\V. Scott) ? 1 Mr. Rawllnson's b. a. Coronation ? ? ? 2 Mr. Bell's gr. o. The Squlro ? 0 Colonel Cradock's b. o. l'agnn ? 0 Colonel Craufurd's b. f.' ErraongnrdU ...... 0 Mr. Gasoolgne's ch. o. Quilt Arnold ? 0 Mr. Gasaoigne's b. a. Jaok Sbeppard ...... 0 Mr. 8. King's b. o, Cattonlun ? 0 Mr. Thornhlll's oh, o Erlngo ............ 0 Mr. Vanilttsrt's b. a. Gulnor ? 0 Lord Westminster's b o Van Amburgb .... 0 Elovon started ; only two woro placed by thojudgCH. Thoro was a sort of fulso start} two or throe horsos went away and wero reoallod. Tho liorsoB gonorully oamo well to tho post. On tho bonn fide start being made, OnUonian took tho Joad, followed by Van Ambtirgh und 8o» tlriflt, Coronation lying aloiigsido ofSntirist and outnlilo, up to tho top of tho Mil. Coronation ihoti took up tho run* nine to tho lied llouso, oIoboIv followed by BrUlrUt, and Van Ainburgfi foil back into Iho ruck, nnd never showed ufior« wards. Wln-n thoy -mmo within tho dlntnnco, Coronation uppenred ns If win* ning, and a beautiful rooo ensued butwouu tho two, mntntnltiod noaily up to tho Sluml, when Sutlrlst shot u head and won by hull' a nook. Tlio Bqulro was ' about a olonr length hohlnd ilium, and tho re mnlndcr woll lip. Tho rano was over uliout 25 minutes boforo four o'oloak. Tuu ilntTiNa.— On tho wholo, tlio Lotting ou tills, tlio grontVBt event ui'lliu

I'usfiii, has boon very tamo, flat, and shy. l' wu.wero to hnzard an opinion on the nbjeot, wo should say thnt, probnhlv, iot* moro than from L.2000 to L.3000 vas bet oltogolhor ; and very little money ihnngod hands. The noble owner of the virmoris no better, nnd, it is probable, incl not o single guinea on the race. Not so tho Scots, who must be consideriblowJnners. Wo lmvo hoard of Lord Dhestoi field, in Ilia niiddlo of Tuesday 'orenooiij talcing COO to \ that Satirist ivould win. Tho following was tho lutejiddingon Monday night: — 2 to ono on Coronation (taken,,) D to 4 oflbred ; 5J .o 1 ngninst Satirist, 12 to 1 against the ^quiro, 10 to 1 against Van Ambnrgh,. 18 to 1 against Eringo, (taken), 1000 to 5 ngainst Tareaway and Middleham, 1000. to 30 against Van Amburgh and Satirist being first and second, 4 ponies o 1 on Coronation and Scott's lot. Just iieforo the raco the betting was as follows: — 2 to 1 on Coronation (taken), 5 to 1 igainst Satirist (taken), and 20 to 1 igainst any other hbrso. Fhetwo years old produce Stakes of lOOgovs eaoh Red House in. Lord Westminister's Auckland, (Nat) ? 1 Mr. Gotforth's g. f by the Sadler, out of Don John's dam ? 2 4 to 1 on Auckland. Won in a ennter. The Cleveland Stakes of 20 sovs. h. ft. and 5 only. One tnlle. Mr. Meiklnm's Broadwath 4 years (Cnrtw tight) ? 1 Lord Egllnton's Dr Calm, 4 years,.. ...... 2 Mr. Watson's Milksop, 5 years. ? . . 3 A fine raqe.