The special train conveying the Parlia-

mentary party to view the wheatfields in

tte Killarney district left the Central Sta- ' tion at a quarter to 12 lost night. The | party will reach Warwick at 7 a,m. to-day, and remain there till 10 o'clock, when they will resume their journey to Kil-larney, stopping twenty minutes at Hermi-

tage (the Government Experimental Farm). ! and lorty minutes at Yangan. The train is timed to arrive at Killarney at 12.25, and leave again at 4.30 p.m. A stoppage of forty-five minutes for «tea will be made at Warwick on the return journey, and Brle /bane is to be reached at 2.15 to-morrow morning.


A deputation consisting of Mr. Charl« Carkeek, Mayor of Blackall, and Mr. Geo. Kerr, M.L.A. for the Barcoo, waited on the Colonial Treasurer yesterday to ask for a loan to enaMe the Blackall Municipal Council to put down a new bore at Blackall,

to reticulate the town. The deputation did not wish' to have the present bore, because the water was so highly mineralised «that it was unlit for domestic purpcsN, and it would entail great expenco 'in deepening it to th« mora suitable watei, whick was known to exist. The Blackall Council con-sidered, therefore, that it would bo cheaper to borrow money «to sink cn entirely new bore. Mr. Philp'replied" that he could not advance the teeney to sink a bore alongside fche presen«; > Government bore, but if the . Blackall people choce to take over tho pre-

sent bore, arrangements could be made to ,;that effect. Mr. Carkeok said that the Black-all people would not havo tho old bore, as . the water was totally unfit for use. Mr. , Philp said that the Hydraulic Engineer had

reported that the boro was suitable, that he , would again consult Mr. Henderson, and

advise Mr. Kerr later on.


Included in the cargo of the steamer Cul-goa, which according to present arrange-ments Galls to-morrow for Manila, will be about 350 tons of ice. The ice, the whole of which has ben nuanufactured at Meosrs. 1 Geddes, Birt, and Oo.'s works, South Eris , bane, will be shipped in 5Clb. blocks. So

far as can be learned the ice is being for

j warded <:o Maniia for the use- of the

American «squadron. The Culgoa is 'talcing, in addition to froren meat and tho ice, a large quantity of vegetable.:.


A «special of ths Ip¿ Municipal Council was held cn Thursday night (writes our correspondent) for the «purpose cf arriv i 'lag at a decte.on in regard to Air. E. C.

Barton's letLers on the question of electric i lighting in Ipswkü. All the aldermen

I were «precent. Mr. Barton had seked it I the ccunc.l would cpp:oe an application from

him for an Order-in-Ccunt'il emp^ him l to provide elect] ic'ity in Ipswich. The coun I eil themselves 'have «obtained «such an Order,

and Mr. B'arton, In reply to a letter f.roni them, had stated t«aat if certain m:d flcations 1 wera made 'In it he would be «p;epai\jd to

take over the Order on a forty-two jeirc' i basis «wliücut camipencation, or a less term

of years w'ith suitable compensation. After 'a somewhat acrimonious« dsoussion, Alder-man Ferrett mov«?d,-" Tha«t thfe council offer no objection to Mr. Barton, or any other person or company, obtaining an Ordw in-Cauncil for the supply of electricity in the Municipality of Ipswdtm." Alderman Smith seconded the motion, which on «being «put was carried by 5 votes to 4. The Mayor (A.dermau R. M'Leod), Aldermen Real, Dea-con, Perrott, and Smith voted fcr it, and Aldermen Tallon, Brown, Spressar, and Baines against It,


The question of increased accommodation at the Milton State School has been under consideration for some time, and it is felt that something like £1000 is required for the purpose. Of this amount, the Govern-ment offer to supply £600 in the event of the residents finding the balance. Mr. T. Finney, M.L.A., in whose electorate the school is situated, visited the locality yester-day, and had an interview with Mr. Wall, the head master, and the matter was fully discussed. Mr. Wall pointed out that the average attendance at the school at present was 850, but that it might be increased to 1000 had parents not a dread of the Red jacket Swamp, which was still flooded at times of spring tide. Mr. Finney visited the swamp, and it was pointed out to him that if it was raised 2ft. 61n. or 3ft. it would he converted into a healthy place, and might be grassed over and planted with shade- trees. The area would make a very pleasant park and sports ground, and the whole locality would be improved. Mr. Finney was evidently much impressed with the possibilities pointed out to him, and promised to see what would be done by the Government in the matter.


The election of a member Tor No. 1 Sub-division, Wynnum Dlv'iaiowal Board, in the place of the late Mr. Dart, took place yesterday. The candidates were Mr. Louis Webor, a former member of the board, and «Mr. 'E. Thorne. There were two polling places-at the Arcade, Brisbane, where the clerk presided ; and at the offices of the board, where Mr. Jeffery acted as returning officer. Both candidates worked hard. The result was declared as follows shortly after 7 p.m. :

Wynnum. Brisbane. Total. Ebenezer Thorne.. C 22 28 Louis Weber . 10 , 15 25

Majority for Ebenezer Thorne .... 3 . QUEENSLAND TIEMPSRA<NOE ALLIANCE.

The monthly meeting of the Queensland Temperance Alliance waa held last night at the Temperance Hall, Mr. G. Jackson, M.L.A. (president) in the chair. There «were also present :-Mrs. Lorenzo, and Messrs. J. H. Shaw, J. Shaw, Lugg, Jutsum, Pope, Duncan, Tait, Bardsley, Muir, W. T. Reid, and Revs. J. Williams «and Powell. A letter Was received fromi ¡Mrs. Trundle, secretary of central branch of the W.C.T.U., advocating the establishment of the curfew law, as existing .in Ontario, and asking the Alliance to take the matter up. It was resolved to inform Mrs. Trundle that the matter hardly came under the work of the Alliance, but sui^gestlng that the subject should be brought under the notice of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty. Numerous letters were received from various portions of the colony promising support to the scheme for the appointment of an organiser «and lecturer. Tho secretary re-ported that £60 had been received and pro-mised. Mr. W. T. Reid reported the re-sult of a deputation to the Ipswich Tem-perance Council, who had received them well, and h!ad stated that they expected to raise £25 in a«id of the fund. It was re-solved to appoint an organliser, and a sub-committee was appointed "to deal with the matter and report to a bpeclal meeting. A committee *was also appointed to draw up questions to be submitted to candidates at the forthcoming general election.


The usual monthly meeting of ithe Royal Geographical Society was held at tho society's room last evening, Major A. J. Boyd in the chair. Mr. Gore-Jones read some important correspondence concerning the di«scovery of the Purari River, New. Guinea. The principal letter was one from. Sir William MacGregor, written for the pur-pose of establishing the claims of the Rev. J. Chalmers as the true discoverer of that river. The counter claims of Mr. T. Bevan were combated by the writer, and consider-able documentary evidence «was forwarded by Sir William in «support of his statements. The subject led to a llvelv diFCus3ioa, in which Captain W. C. Thompson, Major Boyd, and MT. Alex. Muir took the leadlas rarts. The librarian reported the receipt of 285 pub-lications since the date of the last monthly meeting. Mr. Kendall Broadbent read an extremely Interesting paper on the subject of American birds. Various rare and beau-tiful speclmon3 of woodpeckers were ex-hibited by the reader.


A correspondent writes :-Having a great rf-gafd for «our early pioneers in Australia, and believing many of your readers have similar î 'of interest, I send you a few scntemces, thinking you may give itheni "a place in your columns. Being in tho wlty to-day. I called to see a friend, who married and took up house where I found her in the early " forties." To my sur-prise I met her brother and sister, who had come to see her from their respective homes ßomo miles from the city, and who met at one time and place f«or the firat time for many years. Our convercation eoon ran back listo the «sarly days, and I «found the «trio wera wonderfully hale and clear-headed, considering the fact that they had all sailed away from bonnie Scotland together in 1841, and crossed tht> line about the time the Prince of Wales was born. Seeing that the youhgeet cf the three« «is 76 years

of ago, i* will be r,o «sur-orlse if I should I vesture to suggest that ihsir average t*um « is well-nigh eighty years. And yet, as the/ ¡

chattpd cviT the old memorbs of " hem1"."

arid " shipboard" and the " eavly diys,': I

everything appeared almost f o:h as ihî events of yesterday; and I thought, as I havij

thought a thousand tta.-s bofo-e, N:ver ian''

wo knew, who bolong ti a later generation, how much we owe to the ppluMtiid charac-ter and brivery and hcioLsm of the early pioneers of Australian lands. Little did our \etit-raUe iriciids thick, as they talked and laughed, till thty almost cried, as they lived tL'ä past llfty-ieven year* over again this afterno-n, that they were jiving lu the days of ciectricity, and " saapehois,' and that I had got tasni grouped in suiUU.a tucaa for yow- cclunira. They are an ex-ceptional group, ami I present it as a rara illustration of " the pe..i.e we mest.' Ana another thought worth noting comes up la this ccnneUion. In oraer that our colonia« may betorae the Greater Briialu we hope to s»a li, w*» need thousands more of the same hardy tvpe cf colonleer, who only recosa«* alfilcultics as obstacles to be surmoamiid, and who, while otheis are murmuriag about their lo: and MU rounding-', tell patiently and bravi'y OJ to imprc\u tho environment, and to Lave the woild brighter and bdUer .han they found it. _



Last year the number of electors oa the roil ic>r the Ii-swlch oanstl/tuency (wxitca our coridspondent) was 21/20. During the j car 279 naniets weie added, while 132 wore utruck off at tho annual reviJion, leaving .no number at present on the roll at 2177. Ninety-eigÜt names were added to the Ips-wich division of tho Bundamba roll, and £,e\enty-ci&ht struck eff, co that It ha3 in-creased duiing the year from 893 to 1013» In the Ipawlch dUIsuon of the Stanley elec-torate elghty-ena names were added and seven sto-uck off, making an in« case from

375 to 443.



Follow ing cn the Hues of Dr. Marshall, of South Australia (writes our Warwick corre-spondent), Dr. Tilley baa for some 'time been demoting attention to fthe hybridisation of wheat. The doctor is of opinion that wheat, like ccher plants and flowers, requires ac-climatisation and adaptation to the soil la which it is intended to he raised. With these ends ho purposes taking up what may he termed stud'- farming and rearing seed wheat. He bos -iiriported rêverai of the best" ?varieties'- Inclùdlug Mwslhall'g Prolific, Marshall's iNo > J/'ohd Marshall's No. 8 fiom Dr. Marshall.0 'He has already crossed Indian Pearl (a club wheat) with Velvet Chaff, and the result has given satisfaction.


' Tho following passengers travelled by last night's overland mall for the North :-For Gladstone . Stewart, Randary, Casey, G-l&s sey, Mr. and Mrs. KeMy, Miss Beale. Foç Rockhampton : Mr. M'Laughlln. For Clermont : Mr. Parry-Okeden. For Rock-hampton : Mr. "Waloh and Mr. Tlddswell. For Longreach : Mr. Shawe. For Rook hanrpton : Messrs. Moody, Bayne, and W. M'Laughlln^


The first race stars to-day at 2 p.m., and the special train to catch this race will leave the Central Station at 1.35 p.m. The acceptances for to-day's races are all that can be wished for, and, given fine weather, a large attendance will witness the close of a successful meeting.


Horseowners and trainers are reminded that-nominations for the 'Brisbane Jockey Club's meeting to he held on Saturday, 19th instant, must be In the hands of the secre-tary not later than 4 p an. on Monday, 14th. The (programme appears in our advertising eclumnu,


A very interesting draughts match was played in the rooms of the Caledonian Society last evening between teams selected from Ithe Scotchmen of Brisbane and the Government Printing Office Club reepec tlvely. Some very close matches took place. The result is very satisfactory to the newly formed club, the total score being :-Scotch-men, 17 ; Government Printing Office, 12, The following are the individual scores -

Caledonian Club. Govt. Printing Office. Wins. Dra ws. Wine.

0 W. Inglis . 1 Phillipa .,. 0 2 Carmichael ..'.. 0 Macfarlane ."¿ 3 Hardy . 0 Harris .« 0

1 A. Inglis . 2 Hancox . 1 0 Gran't . 12 'Marshall < '.. 1

2 Foord . 0 Perkins . 0 1 Wilkie . 0 Rolleston . 1

8 Milea . 1 Munro. 0 1 John Kelr . 0 Coulter .* 1

.'! Or/ . 1 Allon . 1

1 Kerr . 0 Mufllen . 3 1 Lowry . 1 Barrett . 2 17 . 8 - 12

Mr. C. Abraham, sen., acted as referee, to the satisfaction of all.

At the request of Mr. A. Meston, Pro-tector for South Queensland, we gladly re 'mind all friends of the aboriginals, the

ladies ©specially, that any 'Christmas gifts of clothing, toys, or any other acceptable presents will be gratefully received and ac-knowledged on behalf of the women and children on Fraser's Island. All articlea can be left at Mr. Meeton's office in the Tieasury.

The Post and Telegraph Department ad-vises that malla Cor England, despatched from Brisbane on the 3rd October per R.M.S. Oroya, arrived at London on the afternoon of the 6th instant.

In a letter recently appearing in the dally and weekly London " Times," Sir George Bowen, our first Governor, in referring to .James Murrell, who was slxteen years with the Burdekin blacks, says .-" I should men-tion that a full statement of Murrell's ad-

Ventures and much 'Intereotlng and valuable iniormation about Australia will be found in the ' Geographic History of Queensland,' a book recently published at Brisbane by Mr. Meeton." This book by Mr. Meeton has been a very good advertisement for Queens-land, having attracted a considerable amount of attention, over 8Ö0 copies being in circulation In the old country up to the present time. A number of copies have also gone to America.

Francis William Little has been appointed a clerk on probation in the Treasury.

At the summons,,division of the Central Police Court yesterday, before Mr. G. P. M. Murray, P/M" Mr. M'Mahon proceeded against H. Hillier for giving an unstamped receipt. After i hearing the evidence the bench fined the defendant £3, with 5s. 4d. costs of court, and 5s. costs of one witness, in default levy and distress, or one month's imprisonment.

A committee meeting of the Lady Bowen Hospital was held on Tuesday, Mrs. David-son (V.P.) presiding. There were also pre-sent-Mesdames Cooper, Foxton, Groom, Pinnock, and Power. The matron reported 8 patients admitted and 8 discharged during the week, leaving 15 patients and 13 infants in the hospital.

The usual meeting of committee of the Hospital for Sick Children was held on Thursday. There were present-Mrs. Cow-lishaw and Mrs. Oxley (V.P.'s), Mrs. Perry,., the Misses Bedford, Griffith, Kean, and Roberts. The report showed 20 children ad-mitted and 8 discharged during the week» There had been 2 deaths; 57 children re-mained under treatment. Money received during week-Juvenile ball committee, £90; Subscriptions, £12 6s. 9d.; patients' pay menta, £3 13s. Accounts passed, £113 28. lOd.

In Chambers, yesterday, before his Honour Mr. Acting Justice Paul. Peter Mahon, trading as the Gowrie Junction But-ter Factory, was adjudicated insolvent on the petition of S. A. Josephson, trading as Waugh and Josephson. The first meeting of the insolvent's creditors was appointed to be held on 1st December. The following were adjudicated on their own petition in forma pauperia:- Mathew Heeb, of Pim-pama Island, shipwright; William Henry Tavener, of Paris-street, West End, boot-maker; Thomas Townsend, of Ipswich-road, bootmaker. The first meeting of creditors in each estate was appointed to be held on

24th instant.

A concert, as advertised in another column, will *v given in Rowe'a Refreshment-room», in Qt"'--street, to-night, and will be con-tinued ovary Saturday n,!izht durang -the summer monthc. Mr. Truda'a string toad hats boon engaged, and this should M ft sufficient guarantee for the quality of'that* «cocerte. " ' -" -


. The shooting for the Prince of Wales Handicap, of 60 «sovs., under the auspices of the Brisbane «Gun Club, took placo at the club's ground, 'Rocklea, yesterday. The , .weather was delightfully fine, the condi-

tions as regarded light, wind, &c, being all . that could be desired for gtfod shooting.

fThe attendance was very representative,

and Included «the president of the club, Mr. .T. Finney, M.L.A., besides many other pro-minent citizens. The conditions were : First prize, £40 ; second prize, £10 ; nine (birds, with,.two misses out. The entries Were exceedingly large, and numbered twenty-two. The shooting, which started before noon, was exceptionally good, so much so that et the end of the ninth round seven shooters remained in. These wera R. J. 'Willock, " E. C," " Plover," A. Barring-ton, A. laver, R. Challoner, and W. Tucker. iAifter a short consultation these shooters decided to divide £35 between thom, and to shoot off Jn the form of a sweepstake for the remaining £15. Tlhe sweepstake îe sulted in a tie between Messrs. A. Barring-ton, "Plover," and A. Laver, vIth three «birds each, and they decided to divide. (Another sweepstake was then initiated, and resulted In Messrs. M. Sheehy, J. Claike, and R. Challoner dividing. This concluded «L «most enjoyable day's sport. Mr. W.

«Mooney -performed the duties of judga to the general satisfaction. Mr., «With his usual good nature, has promised the club a trophy «in the shape of a silver cup to be shot lor at an early date.


Our Adelaide correspondent telegraphs, under date 11th instant ¡-While sprinting behind a triplet at the Jubilee Oval to-day, S. A. Whorlow and L. T. Merkel were thrown (from their bicycle. Merkol had hi» shoulder dislocated, and Whoriow's skull was frac-tured. It Is feaied that uhe iattei is very «seriously injured. <.


i One of the Hy^-i^ucceusiul runctrons of Its kind yet hçid, iji toyat/ane, in the form «of a complimen^iy banquet, was tendered

to Mr. H. Brookes inuhe Australian Hotel last evening by a number of his friends, as . a mark of their esteem, prier ito His ap-proaching marriage. Mr. L. E. Walker occupied the chair. Amongst those pie sent were-Messrs. W. M'o'oney, A. Barring-ton, P. J. O'Shea, T. J. O'Shea, A. Stacey, *E. J. Holmes, H. Bracker, G. Morrison, Ü. Kirk, Parry-Okeden, C. Musson, E. Baynes, H." B_aynes, J. Greaves, A. Montford, E. Taylor, J. E. Harris, M. Darcy, H. Joyce, H. Perry, E. Maikwell, Dr. Hopkins, Dr. Jackson, and James Clark. The spacious diniing^room »f the hotel was prettily dc «corated with flowers, &c. The dinner «took the form of a cold collation, and as such it was everything that could be desired. After tho toast of " The Queen" had been honoured, Mr. L. E. Walker proposed the nealt'h of the guest, Mr. H. Brookes. Mr. Walker spoke in eulogistic tprms Of Mr. .Brookes, and his remarks were received

?with enthusiasm. In conclusion, he wished IMr. Brookes and his 'bride-proepective ©very happiness, and judging by the heartiness of the applauso, this was a sentiment shared by all present. Messrs. W. Mooney, A. Barrington, P. J. O'Shea, and E. Perry also spoke, bearing testimony to the good-fel-lowship of the guest. Mr. Brookes, on rising to respond, was greeted with enthu-siastic applause.. He was much, affected by the Tecoption extended to him, and re-turned thanks in a very feeling manner. The only other toast was that of " Our «Hast," whitsh was suitably responded to. The «remainder of the evening was spent in harmony, most of the songs being contri-buted by Messrs. A. Crane, E. Lloyd, A. E. J. Austin, A. Barrington, W. Mooney, and P. J. O'Shea. The menu card was of a very handsome d«3slgn, and carno from the establishment of Alex. Muir and Co. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed «throughout the evening.



The aibove match is to «be resumed to-uay at 2 30 at the Brisbane Cricket Ground, (Woolloongabba^ It will ne remembered ,*hat last Saturday Woolloongabba started

Ibattlng, and after losing thr«as wickets for 39 remained in possession of the creases for the rest of the day without further loss. The «men who then contributed to the suc-cess of the club were W. Bradley, who made 135 not out by magnificent play, and G. S. Crouch, who compiled 75 not out by equally good, if slower, cricket. The partnership produced 189, a record for Queensland, and there is every «possibility of the same being «largely increased.


As announced in another column, a child-ren's festival and popular concert in aid of the Exhibition Organ Purchase Fund will «toa given at the Exhibition on Monday even dng next. Mr. Arthur Kaye's well-trained juvenile «hoir will sine some of their most popular choruses, and. these will be inter-spersed with vocal and instrumental solos by Mrs. R. Spencer Browne, Miss M. Norris, Mr. S. G. Benson, and Messrs. Marlor, Long-bottom, and Colledge, jun.

A petition has been filed for the liquida-tion of the estate of J&seph Edward Walker, Beaconsfield, near Roma, selector and gra-zier; liabilities, £4667.

Mr. William Robertson Strong, one of the defendants in the case against the late audi-tors of the Q.N. Bank, in which matter a nolle prosequi has been entered, arrived in Brisbane by mail train on Wednesday night, and was in court, with the other defendant (Mr. F. Q. Southerden), when the case was formally called on on Thursday. Later in the day Mr. Strong visited friends at Sandgate, and left Brisbane again by mail train yesterday for Melbourne.

At the South Brisbane Police Court on Thursday, before Mr. W. Yaldwyn, P.M., and Mr. J. Garsden, J.P., Carl Eckeroth was charged with having been drunk and dis-orderly and having made use of obscene language. For the former offence he was discharged, but for obscene language was fined £2, or fifteen days. John O'Grady, cook on the British barque Alliance, pleaded guilty to conttiLued wilful neglect of duty. / Defendant was-iorderel to be imprisoned for

six weeks, and-nloiípay 30s. for expense of substitute, andfl4a..6d. costs of court.

A large stock of new Silk Ribbons, pur-chased by Finney, Isles, and Co., are now being closed out at prices that cry aloud to the public to come without delay and secure


"«Religion and Recreation" is the sub-ject to be dealt with to-morrow evening toy the Rev. ' C. E. James at the people's service in the Albert-sti eet Weeleyan Church. Special music will be provided.

To-ttnorrow (Sunday) there will be a con-secration ceremony at St. Stephen's Cathe-dral in connection with the Arch-Confia ternity of the Holy Family, as advertised 'in another column.

An open court for the îevision of voters' lists for the city will be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, on Monday, 21st m etant, at noon. '

A splendid assortment of, Black Straw Flop Hats, in all sizes, now on view in Finney, Isles, and Co.'s Millinery Depart-ment. These aro marked at (3d. and Gd.

each, to clear.*

Some interesting specim«ans from No. 4 north Victory and Smithfield, Gympie, are now on view at Matthewson's, next to the Royal Bank, Queen-street. The specimens are taken from a depth of only 40ft.

i Customs and Legal Forms always in stock

at W. H. Wendt and Co.'s, Printers-not paintore.*

" The House upon the Rock and the

House upon the Sand" is the subject of'-a special sermon to be preached by an evan-gelist in the Catholic Apostolic Church, South Brisbane, on Sunday evening, as ad vertieed in this «issue.

A new ¡shipment of Japanese Goods has iust been opened by Finney, Isles, and Co, comprising Bamboo Bracket«?, EESÎIS. Tabljs, <Ohair«, Bead Blinds, and Folding Screen», in ?. great' variety. These are being shown oa

'the first floor of the new building.»'