Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 31 December 1923, page 12



"The gross profit of the Chinese [?]our of Australia was £,336, and not £10,000 as has been stated." said the secretary at the New South Woles Soccer Football

I Association and Australian -Tours, I,td <Mr. _S. Stony) to-day, ilr. Storey commenting on th? statements maue by £hen and Wang, two cf tlie Chinese footballers, to the "Son's" Hondtong correspondent, said:—~lt aas admitted those two playevs had a grievance, ljut it -avis aith the diine*a manager (Mok Hing) and the thine* selection jebnunitteo. ami not with the Football Association or Juistralian 1 osts. (/united. It was a. case .of 4 <juarrel between i(J3iinese cf the nortli and the eoutli." Mr. Storey cdtfad, "Ui the profits, £1,000 has. been distributed as folloK?:—Foj&sUJ Associations, £375; siuireholdexs, £635. Of the £SO p*id to shareholders £259 avfll go to private JivesUm:, which is eqnivaJent to 41 2-3 per cent, -on thfir capital, ssA the remainder, Tiz., £375. -will go to tie football associations, aa dmdemij on inrest-Dieots. llins the game will get out of the first £1,000 a. total amoant of £730, or 73 per cent- To this must be added the share the game has already gat, 15 per cent. Ground rent to associations controllins the grounds iie'4ed nearly £5-^ proSt to the football assefciatiacs Then approaamaid}- £75 -was paid toSsutk Australia auJ approximately £50 to Victoria. Tlius tlie JBa:nn has actually >wnetited bjr tije Sim of. approximalelv," £1,555, and prJTEte inreefors. who risked 100 p*r cent. ?f their csTiita] after the asocis.tion nad tutafnl liosn the nroposifjon on accoont of tlie unknoMi cognmitnicnts, and Ttito pot in their cash first, hare received £25?. the remaining 1393 is bcinj; kept as a reserve for the present, hot it is tmlfticlj- tJwt more than half d thij will he distributed. Soccer fooUnllere rwi^nisr that i-liis ventore 'lias piased their same on a piaiic liiiierti tiot dreaaiod to be nossiiJe, and it. ?provided a Fj>lendid opportunity or tesuits Australia so far as international fotbail is con?erntNj. Matches am playeJ in Sr.v ScmHi WaJ?H. Ijoeensland, Victaria, South Australia, and Tasmania. I\x- prWioton? risked their profits in protnoijitkjo of tbe fame, and lost' £3flrt Utroajii extendinj; the tour to ti? roijthcrn Stales. Would thej- hare draw- this had the venture been a. c-Md-hloodcd inmnKFS pi-cpositaon. A profit was made in Sooth. Ansfcralia. and \ ietoria. bat <he extension to Taanania. cost nearly £500. We iiave received'from Mr. Mok. the manager of the team, a. letter of anpreciatian, in wjuch li^ expresses hunsHf as thoroughly satjetied. We arc on the hest of ternis i\ilh the Cbinese commnnitr- Ilie five J?btttee, vsiio Uioronghlv understand the position of the ventnii add tieir unquaSSed endtnsement, and they are satieSed that die Chinese team Tea? not exploited."