Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 8 February 1897, page 6




A special meeting of the Brisbane Muni-cipal Council was held in the City Council Chambers on Saturday. The business be-fore the meeting was the election of Mayor for the ensuing year. There were present—Aldermen Thurlow, Morrow, Seal, Raymond, M'Master, Clark, Thorne, Galla-gher, Fraser, and Hipwood.

There was a large attendance of the general public, who evinced a most lively interest in the proceedings.

Punctually at half-past 12 the aldermen entered the chamber, and proceedings com-menced, though it was reported that no de-cision had been come to at the caucus, and that an adjournment was possible.

Alderman Fraser, returning officer, an-nounced that Aldermen'Thurlow and Thorne had been returned unopposed for the West and Kangaroo Point wards, and that Mpssr>. Gallagher (East Ward), Seal (Valley Ward), and Clark (North Ward), had been duly elected. Messrs. W. D. Sym and G. S. Lang had .also been elected auditors. Alderman Fraser then left the chair.

Alderman Clark : I beg to move that the town clerk do now take the. chair.

Mr. Marshall then took the chair.

Alderman-'Clark:-I beg-to move that the council do now adjourn for fifteen minutes.

Alderman Morrow: I second that, Mr.


The . council then adjourned for fifteen


The aldermen entered the chamber again at two minutes to 1 o'clock.

Alderman Fraser : Mr. Town Clerk, I beg to move the adjournment of the council until 12 noon on Monday.

Alderman Thorne : I second that The council 'then adjourned.

. It is understood that there are two candi-dates for the office of- Mayor-namely. Alderman Thurlow and Alderman M'Mas-ter, and that each has four' supporters, so that practically a deadlock has arisen.




The South Brisbane Municipal Council held a special meeting at noon on Saturday to receive the returning officer's report, and to elect a Mayor for the ensuing year

There were present-Alderman Jones (re-turning officer), in the chair, and Aldercnen M'Dougall, Stephens, Luya, Tish, Midson, Dibley, Burke, Sinclair, Duncan, Nott, and Hardgrave

Tho Returning Officer announced that Messrs. Nott, Luya, Dibley, and Fish had boen re-elected as aldermen for Nos 1, 2, 3, and 4 wards respecfttvlbly, and that Messrs W G Poole and A Wylie had been re-elected as .auditors

The Town Clerk having taken the chair,

Alderman Burke said that on coming into tho council last year he had performed a duty the result of which had proved a de-cided success That action was to pro-pose Mr Luya as Major He was gratified that his action had proved his discrimina-tion in selecting the beit alderman for the position, and now proposed,-" That Alder-man Luya be reappolnted as Mayor " It was unnecessary for him to say more, as Mr Luj a s acts spoke for themselves

Alderman Sinclair, In seconding the mo-tion, said that some might think it not desirable for one alderman to occupy the position of Major for two years in succes-sion, but it had been found to work well before, and he did not think they could do bettor than reappolnt Mr Luya He had known a ronmderable amount of business tact. Each alderman had sought to strengthen the Mayor s hands and it was pleasant to think there had been no friction, and that tho work of the council had boen faithfully attended to The Mayor had done his duty faithfully and well

The motion was cari led unanimously, and Alderman Lujsa, on being conduoted to the chair by Meshrs Burke and Sinclair, Rendered his sincere thanks for the honour done him in appointing him for the second time as their presiding officer In return-ing thanVs, ho did so with a full conscious-ness of tho heavy duties before them all, and he felt, In taking the position, that he could rely upon every alderman for help and advice in carrying out the very im-portant works that would come before thom this j ear He wished briefly to refer to a few very important matters that he felt sure would come before them shortly The Wharf Railway was a thing now accom-plished , but, although he presumed it would be open some time this month, yet to make it effective the council must give its best endeavours to put the South Brisbane Reach of tho mer in proper order-(hear, hear) so that vessels of the types now being built could with safety navigate It If the reach was allowed to get silted up, all the vorlc that the council had gone through the Jost few years in getting the railway established would bo null and void Everybody having the interests of South Brisbane at heart were doubtless aware of the many vessels grounded in the reach dur ng the last year and of the eftorts made not only by the council but by busi-ness men to remove the obstacles He waa glad to say that at the present time there was a movement on foot, heartily seconded by the largest merchants and shipowners of North Brisbane, to get the Government to put the new dredge at work to deepen the South Brisbane Reach as soon as it arrived so as to give a uniform depth from one end to the other From the gentlemen who had the matter in hand, he was as-sured there was every prospect of success , but the council ought to second their efforts in every possible way, not only in the interests of the ratepayers who had wharf areas, but also In the council's own in-terests, they being themselves owners of such a large area of wharfage Another matter of equal interest was the freeing of Victoria Bridge. They had made certain progress in the matter, and the Govern-ment had certain proposals before them which they seemed disposed to accept. It would be a good opportunity, as a com-memoration of the long reign of her Majesty the Queen, to get the bridge de-clared free. He felt pretty sure that the bridge would be declared open at the time of the commemoration proceedings. Re-garding the finances, although they had got on fairly well the last year, there was plenty scope for Improving their position, and if they wished to do that they must persevere In last year's efforts to put their finances In order. If they were In a better financial position, of course they would be able to do more justice to various parts of the borough. It was pleasing to notice the many Inquiries being made for resi-dences on the south side of the river , but if they wished to encourage the people to live on their side they must look after the pnbllc health Strenuous efforts ought to be made during the year to complete some of the drainage schemes At present they had at both ends of the borough open drains, and there could be nothing of more benefit to ratepayers than to get those drains com-pleted and put ia a clean condition. If they did that, and persevered in the good works already initiated, he had not the slightest doubt that South Brisbane would take Its natural place in a very short time in the metropolitan area To do this, the Mayor desired the co-operation and hearty sympathy of every alderman, and he felt gore he would receive it He wished to return his thanks for the courtesy and kindness they had always exhibited towards him,-1 and for the readiness with which they had always seconded his poor efforts, and for the valuable suggestions they tad from time to time made for the better government of South Brisbane He thanked them all once more for the honour they had done him In placing him In the chair for the second time, and assured them it would be his pleasure as well as his duty to continue the efforts of the past without any relaxation whatever He hoped at the end of his term he would be able to hand over to the South Brisbane Council

borough as progressive as they all wished

it to be.

Alderman Fish heartily congratulated the ' H*gat, upon his re-election, but said he

must give expression to the opinion that the continuance lu office of one man was some-

what to be deprecated. He"" did not speak with regard to the individual, but In regard to the system into which they seemed to bo drifting. A representative of No. 2 Ward had occupied the position of mayor-for five or six years out of nine. Na 4 Ward bad had the position for two years, and No. 1 Ward for two years. (Alderman Hardgrave : " Never. Nos. 2 and 3 elected him. We had nothing to do with the election.") Ho desired to return thanks for his own re-election, and Would endeavour to do the best he could for the municipality in general while looking after the interests of his ward. He considered the questions referred to by the Mayor as of vital importance. Last year the Mayor's efforts were untiring in endeavouring to forward every one of those movements. His work in connection with tho railway was appreciated * very highly by the ratepayers, as were his efforts

in conjunction with Alderman Jonesu in I regard to the river.' He (Alderman Fish)

regarded the toll question as the question > of the day. Ho was quite certain that the matter of finance would be In safe hands, and trusted that a considerable Improve-ment would bo made in that respect.

The proceedings then terminated.


Tho Coorparoo Shire Council met <

Saturday at noon. There were present Councillors G. H. Blocksidge, G. V. Francis, G. V. Hellicar, T. H. Chandler, R. M. King, D. Miller, R. Groom, S. Winterbottom, and W. Meeke. a

Mr. Blocksidge, the returning officer, re-ported the result of the elections, after which the clerk took the chair. Nomina-tions were then invited for president. Mr. Hellicar proposed Mr. King. He said Mr. King had been a resident of the shire for a long time, and was quite capable of taking the chair. Mr. Chandler said ho would support Mr. King. No. 1 had had the chair for the last two years, and No. 3 ought to have a show, as thoy had not had a president since tho shire had been divided into wards. Mr. Mecko also supported the candidature. Mr. Winterbottom proposed Mr. Francis, who was a capable man, and looked after the ratepayers' interests. Mr. Blocksidge supported the candidature of Mr. Francis, as also did Mr. Groom. The vote was then taken, as follows :-For Mr. King-Hellicar, Chandler, Meeke, aud King. For Mr. Francis-Winterbottom, Blocksidge, Groom, Miller, and Francis. The clerk then declared Mr. Francis elected. Mr. Francis thanked the council for vctlng him to the chair, and said that he would do his best for the shire. The council had got on well in thi-. past few years, and he hoped he would get on as well as Mr.4 Block-

sidge had done, and he proposed a vote of thanks to that gentleman, which was carried. Mr. King was authorised to ¡.ign the cheques till the election of the Finance Committee.


A special meeting of the Windsor Shire Council was held at noon on Saturday, at the shire offices. There were present Messrs. H. Cameron (president), W. H. Lane, K. M'Lennan, W. Mooney, T. Pib worth, C. Perry, G. P. Campboll, T. Haw Jdns, and W. Baker.

After formal declaration of the result of the late election, the business of the election of chairman was proceeded with, and the clerk was moved to the chair. Mr. Perry proposed, and Mr. Baker seconded, the nomination of Mr. Hugh Cameron. Mr. T. Hawkins opposed the nomination, and pro-posed, as an amendment, Mr. M'Lennan, which was seconded by Mr. Campbell. On tlie amendment being put, four voted for and five against. The motion was then put, and Mr. H. Cameron was declared elected by a majority of one vote.

The election of committees resulted as follows .-Finance-Messrs. Lane, Mooney, Campbell, and Hawkins , Works Committee -Me&srs Perry, Pibworth, M'Lennan, Baker, .tpd Cameron ; Legislative Commit-tee-The wholo council , Building Commit-tee-The wholo council. ,

The timo of the council's meeting was fixed at the second Tuesday in each month, at 7.30 p.m. ______________________


The meeting of the Sandgate Municipal Council for choosing the Mayor for the en-suing year was held at the Town Hall, Sandgate, on Saturday last, at 12 noon (writes our correspondent). The town clerk (Mr. R. W. Southerden) was voted to the chair. Mr. H. W. Bell, as returning officer, reported the results of the election. There was a good attendance of ratepayers, amongst whom were Messrs. E B. Souther-den and A. W. Field, ex-Mayors of Sand-gate. The Town Clerk called for nomina-tions for the office of Mayor. Mr. Barrett proposed, and Mr. Mann seconded, a vote of welcome to the incoming aldermen, Messrs. Phillips, Paul, and Lightbody, who duly responded. The aldermen present

were—Messrs. W. Barrett, F. W. B. Mann, W. H. Bell, Thomas Lee, George Phillips, G Lightbody, Thomas Strong, and Dr. F. Paul. Mr Lightbody proposed, and Mr. Lee seconded,—" That the aldermen go into the Mayor's room to elect the incoming Mayor, in committee." They retired at ten minutes past 12 o'clock, and returned at twenty-five to 1 o'clock, when the Town Clerk reported that the committee had re-commended that Alderman Mann be elected Mayor. This was carried unanimously, on the motion of Mr. Lee, seconded by Dr. Paul. Mr. Mann was then conducted to the chair amidst the applause of the aldermen and audience. Mr. Mann thanked his brother aldermen, and promised to do his best for the borough at large. He trusted that aldermen would

be careful what motions they brought for-ward in future. Every work would take its place in rotation as authorised by the council. Several of the aldermen in-dividually offered their congratulations to the Mayor. Alderman Bell said he was prepared to give his assistance to the Mayor. He thought the wards should be taken into consideration in choosing the Mayor, not the seniority of aldermen, and the East Ward was not entitled to Mayor again this year. Alderman Barrett said he had nomi-nated Alderman Bell to the office of Mayor because his ward was entitled to that con-sideration ; but he would assist the Mayor chosen by the council. At the invitation of the Mayor, most of the aldermen adjourned to the Seaview Hotel, where the healths of the new Mayor, ex-Mayor, aldermen past and present, and the Press were drunk and responded to. ____________________


The usual meeting after the elections of the Maroochy Divisional Board was held at Nambour ou Wednesday last, the 3rd in-stant, at noon. The returning officer re-ported the result of the late elections : For Subdivision No. 1, Mr. J. A Low ; Sub-division No. 2, Mr. G » L. Bury ; Subdivi-sion No. 3, Mr. J. Currie. The clerk took the chair pending election of chairman. Mr. D. H. Mitchell was duly elected chair-man, with an honorarium of £30. Mr. G. H. Jones was reappointed clerk and in-spector at a salary of £130, being £10 in-

crease on last ye-ir


At a meeting of the Toowong Shire Coun-cil held on Saturday, Councillor Patterson was elected president for the ensuing year without opposition.


Councillor Shaw was elected President of the Shire of Ithaca for the year, without dissent.


Mr. Jj. Heinemann has' bpen elected Chairman of the Tingalpa Divisional Board. "~


{By Telegraph from Our Correspondents )

, TOOWOOMBA, Fehiuary C.

Alderman Edmund Boland was elected Mayor of Toowoomba to-day. Alderman Mayes, the retiring Mayor, was ai«/> uonii

anted, but he received a minority of votes on a division being taken, and Mr. Boland was eventually unanimously elected. A lively scene followed, the other aldermen exchanging compliments, and some disorder


Mr. John Brown has been unanimously elected president of tho Drayton Shire


Mr. Edward Eggloton was unanimously I elected president of the Middle Ridge Shire i Council. I

Mr. Michael Heffernan was unanimously

elected chairman of the Gowrie Divisional j


ROCKHAMPTON, February 6.

Mr. W. W. Littler has been re-elected | Mayor of Rockhampton.

MACKAY, February 6.

A special meeting of the Municipal Coun-cil for the election of the Mayor was held

to-day. On the motion of Alderman [ Hodges, seconded by Alderman Pirie, Mr. H. B. Black waa unanimously elected. Mr. Black, in returning thanks for his election, said he was favourable to the policy of economy which had been practised during the previous year, and he would agree to the setting aside of a certain amount to-

wards the reduction of the bank overdraft. [

TOWNSVILLE, February 6.

At a meeting of the Municipal Council, held at noon to-day, in the Town HalL Alderman Michael M'Klernan was elected Mayor for the ensuing year. There ^vas

large number of the public present at the |



Mr. E. D. Miles, who has been a resident of Charters Towers for the past twenty years, was yesterday unanimously elected Mayor for the ensuing year.


Mr. John Lacy has been elected chairman I of the Einasleigh Divisional Board for tho]

third consécutive time.