South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Monday 29 March 1886, page 4

MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1886.

With some vivacity the ball has been kept going which was set rolling through our columns by a letter from "Student" on the subject of the recent law exami-

nations at the University. Others than candidates—successful and non-successful —liave entered the arena of controversy, and of course many things have been said and suggested which cannot seriously claim practical consideration; but full and free discussion of matters of public importance cannot be obtained without allowing very great latitude to those who take part in the discussion. It is to the credit of those who have been commenting on the Laws course that they have not generally complained of the severity of the examinations per ??; the complaints being more particularly directed [against the present system of lecturing and some details in the examining methods. Mere grumbling about the difficulty of obtaining the degree will meet with little sympathy from any one having at heart the real interests of higher education in

the colony, and the University authorities may count upon being backed by the intelligence of the community in their efforts to secure a respectable recognition throughout the world for the Adelaide diplomas. The only matter worth considering therefore in connection with what has lately been prominently brought under public notice is whether our University system is in every direction doing in the best way the work for which it was constituted. A further consideration of the results achieved at the University, and a comparison of these with the official calendar for the current year, have only strengthened our conviction that the University ought to and might do more as the highest teaching body among us. In other words, the weakness of the existing state of things is found when the matter is looked at on its instructional side. It is to the Law School that we are specially referring, though in some other departments it would appear that more teaching might with advantage be provided. The fact as to the course in Lawa, however, simply is that only one lecture is given in each week on each of the subjects of the several years ; and moreover, all the lectures for the whole three years' course are delivered by one lecturer. Now, if the lecturing is to be anything but a traditional formality it cannot be pretended that an hour once a week supplies a sufficient course of instruction in any bianch of legal learning ; and when it is remembered, in addition, that one lecturer takes all the subjects, the unsatisfactory character of the present arrangements seems the more patent. It is quite true that undergraduates are not to expect the lectures to exhaust for them the attention to be given to the several -subjects, and that patient private study must supplement the public work of the lecturer ; vet if any real assistance is to be given to students the lectures ought surely, in outline at least, to cover the major part of the subject in hand, and this is simply an impossibility in any branch with only a weekly lecture. Again, however capable a man may be, is it reasonable to expect him to treat a large number of subjects in an equally interesting and edifying way ? That the whole of one school of the University should be under the tuition of a single lecturer is scarcely consistent with the dignity of any department of advanced education. Even at our own University, excepting in the peculiar case of the course in music, the Law School is singular as regards its scheme of lectures, and the obvious suggestion is that as soon as possible additional lecturers and more frequent lectures should be provided. The curriculum through which pass our future lawyers is already the one moat fully furnished with students, and as gentlemen of the long robe are identified with the gravest concerns of business and social life, andalso are numericallysostrong in the political world, the Law School of the University is the one which promises to impress itself most directly upon the people. This being so it is entitled to receive generous treatment; and if the University itself cannot afford to find more lecturers the attention of wealthy colonists who intend to help forward the local alma mater rnav well be turned to the endowment of lectureships in some of the departments of the law degree. Men of wealth in the colony have made their gains by the practice of the legal profession; and possibly some of these, if their attention is turned to the matter, may feel moved to help in honoring the calling which has showered its favors on them by assisting to raise up a body of liberally-educated gentlemen to take their places in coming generations. The endowment of a single lectureship ought fairly to* be within the means of some of the leaders of the profession. And given the necessary remuneration there need be no difficulty in finding lecturers. There ought to be, and are, lawyers here who could capably instruct in at any rate those technical branches of the profession with which a large practice keeps them continuously familiar, and the regular lecturer of the University would thus be set free to deal thoroughly with the more distinctly literary and theoretical side of the curriculum. Tiie failure of thirtythree students out of forty-one at the November examination, and the subsequent fact that only six of the unsuccessful ones got through the other day, have properly provoked enquiry as to the reason for such disgraceful results. The additional circumstance that the sis LL.B. graduates for the year are all simply in the pass list, and yet two of them came out first-class in arts, and cue in addition obtained the South Australian scholarship, points to something more than a want of mental power in the students. We have ventured to submit that some ground of explanation may be found in the deficient lecturing system now in operation, and if the usefulness of a practically important part of the University work is to be what it pretends to be, the law faculty should carefully consider whether the arrangements for which they are at least in some degree responsible at all adequately meat the requirements of the case.

The news lately received shows that the Irish question is once more absorbing attention, and it appears uot unlikely to bring about the disintegration and fall of Mr. Gladstone's Ministry. The Premier appeals to be " flying kites" to ascertain how die wind of popular opinion blows, and presumably he will trim the sails of the ship of State accordingly. Everybody is familiar with the fact that in England and Scotland there is a very strong antagonism on the part of a large section of the people to anything and everything that may endanger the union with Ireland, and a feeling that Home Rule if granted might endanger it. It is not so generally known that in Ireland itself there is a similarly strong opinion against separation, or even Home Rule, though of course it is the opinion of a minority. Though Lord Salisbury's Government was undoubtedly defeated on account of the attitude they assumed against the Nationalist movement, yet there are in Ireland many who would gladly support any Government—Conservative or Liberal —who would steadily and consistently resist Mr. Parnell's demands. On a recent visit to Belfast Lord Randolph. Churchill was accorded au enthusiastic reception as a representative of the Ministry that had fallen in consequence of a declared policy of opposition to the Home Rule agitation. To many persons it will come as a surprise to hear that in Ireland there could possibly be any popular expression of sentiment ad

verse to Home Rule, it being taken for granted that, whatever opinions might prevail elsewhere, in Ireland there waa unanimity on this one principle. Nothing, however, is farther from the truth. Nor are the causes which have led to a contrary notion far to seek. The party loyal to the English connection as at present established have not felt it necessary to agitate for what they actually possess,and they have probably under-rated the effect that would be produced by the agitation of the Home Rule party. Ou the other hand, Mr. Paruell and his followers hare adopted as their policy the well-known maxim of Dan. O'ConnelL "Agitate, agitate, agitate," and hare filled the whole kingdom with their voice, never hesitating to represent it as the voice ot Ireland. The result is that, upon those who hare not thorougJdy understood the peculiar facts of the case, an entirely errjneous repression has been made. This has become apparent to the loyalist party, especially since the recent elections resulting in an enormous access of strength to Mr. Parnell, and they have begun to realise that unless they are content to allow themselves to be represented as acquiescing in the demand for Home Eule they must make themselves distinctly heard on the other side. With this object in view the " Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union," whose operations have been confined to the three southern provinces—Munster, Leinster, and Connaught, and who waged warfare against the Parnellites at the late general election, at a recent meeting in Dublin resolved to continue the operations of the union, and to maintain a more distinct and organised attitude of public opposition to the tactics of the Home Rule party. Similarly at a meeting of the Ulster Constitutional Club at Belfast it was determined that measures should be adopted " to develop and organise the public opinion of Ulster on the question of Home Rule, and to form a sound public opinion in England." Other meetings also have subsequently been held at various places. To what extent it will be possible to enlist the sympathy of the country at large with the object of these two associations it may be difficult to say; but at least if they pursue the vigorous policy that they propose to themselves they will do much to remove any false impression as to the unanimity of the demand of Ireland for Home Rule. Major Saunderson at the above-mentioned meeting of the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union slated that the object of the organisation was to bring the loyalist population of Ireland into near connection with those gentlemen who represented them in the House of Commons. "It will furthermore," he remarked, "have the effect of diffusing accurate information in all parts of the country, without which we who are to represent you, our loyalist brethren in all parts of Ireland, cannot possibly fight your cause and your battle with success." The intention is to establish branches throughout Ireland which may be centres of communication with loyalist members of the Commons. A London office is to be established, through which Irish loyalists can get their views made public and convey information. Public opinion is to be ventilated by means of loyalist meetings. Major Saucderson declared that what the loyalists had to fear was not the hostile manifestation of their opponents, but "misdirected English public opinion, which may in the immediate future hand over our destinies to the hands of men who have openly and repeatedly declared that it is their undying, unswerving intention to destroy the integrity of the empire to which we belong." The report that was presented to the meeting by Lord Castletown stated that at the recent election the number of votes cast for separation barely exceeded onehalf; one-quarter, roughly speaking, voted against separation, and the remaining quarter abstained from voting. "If the representation of all Ireland were at all in proportion to the number of votes given, the Unionists would have 34 representatives, the Separatiouists 09." But although these figures may be correct as far as they refer to the number of rotes cast for the two parties is concerned, there are, as in all such, cases, other ways of looking at the figures which will lead to different conclusions. Thos the Pall McM Gazette says : — " The_lB Conservative members represent 879,504: people. Each of them therefore represents only 48,864: souls. The 83 Nationalist members on the other hand represent 4,299,782 persons, the average population per member being over 50,583. The Nationalist members then hold nearly five-sixths of the Irish, seats, and, what is more to the purpose, they represent also five-sixths of the Irish people." These are certainly very opposite results attained by arithmetical processes based on different sets of facts associated with the late elections, and we are not now concerned to discuss which is the more correct view to take in order to ascertain a fair idea of public opinion in Ireland. All we wish to point out is that the loyalists claim, and with sufficient justification, that Ireland is not unanimous by any means in its demand for Home Ilule. The Provost of Trinity College, Dr. Jellett, made a remarkably clear and powerful speech against Home Rule, arguing thjit it really meant separation. " There is no medium," he said "no half-way house between the government of Ireland by the Imperial Parliament, and the complete separation of the two countries." Like Sir J. P. Stephen, to whose letters we lately drew attention, Dr. Jellett contends that any guarantees given for the maintenance of the union and the Imperial authority would be simply worthless if an Irish Parliament were once established. The tone of the meeting was earnest in the extreme, and there seemed to be a general determination to ignore considerations of a party sort, such as whether persons wera Whigs or Tories, Protestants or Roman Catholics, and for the present to let everything give place to the one question of union or separation. Shortly before Parliament met Lord Salisbury received a huge deputation, representing the Irish Defence Union and the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union, and several Chambers of Commerce, who urged the maintenance of the union, and ihe refusal to establish an Irish Parliament ; and Lord Hartington received a similar deputation. Other more or less influential demonstrations have since been made ; and altogether it is clear that any statesman who wants to go with the wind is at the present moment very liable to chop about a good deaL

Ix was a nappy idea of the Chief Secretary to seize the opportunity afforded by the short stay of the Rome at Glenelg on Saturday to induce the Hon. Graham Berry to pay a visit tO the metropolis, and to attend a banquet arranged in his honor as the Victorian Agent-General. Mr. Berry and Adelaide have been strangers to each other. At one time the estrangement was perhaps more than that which would be involved in the mere fact that Mr. Berry had not visited this colony. In the stirring times of political conflict in Victoria it was not the

lion, gentleman's good fortune to escape the harsh judgments of outsiders who, viewing the battle fropi afar, were hardly in the best position to estimate the real character and importance of the issues and the aims of the antagonists. Mr. Berry is probably stall a much misjudged man, and certainly at one time he was the best-abused man in Australia. He has, however, succeeded in closing his chequered political career—temporarily at all events—with honor to himself, and with the knowledge that though many differences of opinion may continue, even -kia opponents are now more inclined to generously regard him and to acknowledge the genuine qualities of the man. In tue past Mr. Berry may have looked for little sympathy from South Australians with his labors in the Liberal cause, but the wainith of the reception which greeted liim on his first appearance in this city fitim the representative men in the ? colony must have shown him that the tiiue has arrived when the part he has played as a public man can be and is more fairly criticised. On other grounds than the opportunity it gave for an introduction to a colonial politician whose history is so interesting, the banquet arranged in honor of Mr. Berry was " a happy thought." As practically the Eugli&h Minister of an important colonial State, Mr. Berry, apart from his previous connection with politics, has become a man of note. His Excellency the Governor did not say too much on Saturday when he accentuated the importance of the duties which olonial Agents-General are now called on to discharge. There was a time when these officials were little more than the financial agents of the States they represented. That time has passed. A closer relation is being rapidly established between the colonies and the mother country. They take counsel together more often on matters of common interest, and in this operation the Agents-General are compelled—in the absence of a more convenient arrangement—to play a highly responsible part. For their office then, are needed men combining tact, address, diplomatic shrewdness, andauability to recognise with promptness the requirements of a situation in which colonial interests may be seriously affected. Air. Berry has yet to win hi 3 spurs as an Agent-General ; but he has given proof already of the possession of qualities which justify the belief that he will prove a worthy successor to the energetic Sir. Murray Smith. In still another respect the proceedings at the banquet to Mr. Berry were invested with considerable interest. The occasion allowed of a valuable exchange of ideas between representative South Australians and a prominent Victorian, who has not been unobservant of tJie march of events in this colony. Mr. Berry has something more than the merely showy qualities of the professional orator, and the powerful speech with which he favored his entertainers on Saturday proved that he is able to say wise as well as clever tbing3. His references to the present position of this colony were in the best taste, yet wore every appearance of candor and conviction. The disposition to take a despondent view of our prospects has of late manifested its presence in our midst so disagreeably that it is quite refreshing to hear an unprejudiced outsider speak- j ing to us in the accents of hope and cheerfulness. Mr. Berry does not believe j that trouble has made a permanent home for itself in South Australia. He has faith in the capacity of the country and the intelligence and enterprise of the people to overcome the passing spell of commercial and industrial depression. No visitor perhaps would cane to adopt a tone of discouragement in addressing bis hospitable entertainers, but in the sensible speech of Mr. Btrry there was a manly ring which would give the lie to auy suspicion that his words trilled with his thoughts. The colony will remember with pleasure the brief stay of a gentleman who was able, in spite of some not entirely pleasant memories, to think and speak so kindly of us, and there -is no insincerity in our returning the wish that his own career in future may be marked by the success which, his friends so confidently predict. The present is an opportune time for referring to a matter in connection with our system of railway management the importance of which increases daily. The extension of our railways during recent years has disclosed in an unmistakable manner the unsatisfactory character of the arrangements for dealing with rolling - stock at the Adelaide stationyards. It is possible that what has happened could not have been foreseen and provided for ; but whether or not any blame is attachable to the authorities for the choice of a wrong site in the first instance, it is certain that a more unbusiness-like system of effecting repairs to locomotives than that now adopted could not be devised by an inspired genius in muddling. About two years have elapsed since, in accordance with the recommendation of tfce Locomotive Engineer, the carriage and waggon shop machinery was transferred from the Adelaide station to Islington. This course was forced upon the Government in consequence of the limited area of yard accommodation at the city terminus. Mr. Thow had pointed out that from the want of proper yard room the country was put to a lojs at that time of some £2,000 per year spent on unprofitable labor in handling and moving material and stock. The cost of working the locomotive department was materially reduced by the new arrangement, bnt unfortunately what has been done is not nearly enough. The engine workshops should have been removed to Islington with the carriage department, and this step has been repeatedly urged on the Government by Mr. Thow. Presumably action in the matter has been deferred solely from considerations of expense. The cost of erecting new locomotive workshops at Islington is estimated at not less than £150,000, and in times of retrenchment a work involving such a large expenditure, and not of a directly reproductive character, is hardly of a kind to recommend itself to Ministers anxious to cut down expenses. The question is well worth considering, however, whether it would not be truer economy on the part of the Government to give Mr. Thow the conveniences which he asserts are absolutely necessary for the proper working of his department. Since 1880 the Locomotive Engineer, in spite of every drawback, has been able to point to a yearly reduction in the cost of working his department. The cost per train mile has been reduced in sis years from 23 83 pence to 20*33 pence, but any further considerable reduction may be regarded as quite impracticable under the present arrangements. -In his last xej:ort to the Commissioner of Public "Works Mr. Thow pointed out that the or+niDg of 100 new miles of tail way since 1883 has led to a large increase in the quantity of rolling-stock, and owing to the deficient accommodation for effecting repairs the cost is excessive and the delay most injurious to the service. If matters are in so unsatisfactory a condition now what will be the state of things two years hence, when mote than 400 miles of new railway will be open for traffic in the colony? The removal of the locomotive shops to Islington cannot be deferred for many years longer, and, considering the prevalence of the industrial depression just now, the Government would do well to consider the need of obtaining Parliamentary sanction for the work as soon as possible. The undertaking, as we have said, cannot be advocated as one likely to be directly profitable. Still, the Commissioner of Public Works, who has doubtless weighed his words, ?ays—" There is reason to believe'that the economy in time, labor, and money which would be secured by erecting suitable

buildings and machinery would more than pay interest for any money which, might be raised on loan for the purpose." If the reasonableness of this belief can be fully established, the expediency of at once taking steps for the erection of new locomotive workshop 3at Islington docs not admit of a doubt.

The Hon. Graham Berry, with his family, was a passenger for London by the R.M.S. Home, which arrived at Glenelg from Melbourne on Saturday. A special carriage was sent down from Adelaide for his accommodation, and he came ashore soon after breakfast. Afterwards Mr. Berry proceeded to the Chief Secretary's office, where he was introduced to the various members of the Ministry. In the afternoon he was entertained at luncheon at Parliament House by the Hon. J.G. Bray (Chief Secretary), when there were present between fifty and sixty gentlemen, including His Excellency the Governor. Mr. Berry replied to the toast of his health in an eloquent speech, in which he referred to the depression now existing ia South Australia, and expressed his belief and hope that in the course of a few mouths it would have passed away. A number of gentlemen accompanied Mr. Berry to the steamer and bade him farewell. An information has been laid against Mr. J. W. Lyall, late manager of the Vankalilla branch of the Commercial Bank of Adelaide, for embezzling the sum of £1,215. The case will be heard at the Adelaide Police Court on Tuesday next. There is no warrant for hia arrest out yet. The information, which charges Mr. Lyall with " whilst a servant of the bank- feloniously and fraudulently em-Ix-zzlirig" the sum mentioned, ba3 been laid by Mr. Cbas. Bischbietb, one of the directors of the bank. The charge was drawn np on Friday afternoon, but as the Hon. R. A. Tarlton did not call at the office of the bank's solicitors the information could not be laid on that day. On Saturday morning, however, Mr. RiEchbieth waited on Messrs. Bray, Foster, and Hackett, and swore the information before Mr. W. T. Foster, who is a justice of the peace. Copies were then filed in the Police Court, and instructions given to Detective Dunlevi to serve Mr. Lyall with the information. Detective Dunlevi did not leave town on Saturday, bnt as Mr. Lyall is expected in the city by the YankaliUa coach which arrives at 10 o'clock this morning he will serve him with the information then. So far we understand the notes alleged to have been stolen from the bank have not been recovered, and hence the action of the directors in laying an information instead of issuing a warrant. Aarangements are bow_ being- energetically made to fulfil the promise of the Attorney-General that work should be provided in reclaiming the Murray Flats. Next weekthe men will be engaged and operations will almost immediately he started, at all events by next Thursday or Friday. The first lot of men will be set to work in the neighborhood of Murray Bridge, and will be taken there by rail. On Saturday morning a large deputation representing the Licensed Victuallers' Association waited op the Attorney-General to ask him to make several alterations which they considered just in the Licensed Victuallers Act. In reply, Mr. Downer said he had now heard the view? of both the South Australiin Alliance and the Licensed Victuallers' Association, and within the week he would promise to giro them the vieire of the Government on the subject, and to intimite the course they intended to adopt. It would probably be a middle course, and not go to the extremes which either party demanded. On Friday works at the Dry Creek reclamation operations were measured np for the past week, which was considered a test week as to whether or not the rate of 7d. a yard was sufficient for the men to make wages. The result may be considered to be eminently satisfactory, taking into account that the work is only provided as relief. Gangs of from three to six men who worked the whole week have averaged about 6*. per day for each man, and in isolated instances even more than this has been made ; but of course the men were the most capable pick-and-shovel hands, and they worked hard. The Conservator of Water does \ not expect to hear any more about the 7d. a yard, and feels sure the men are now satisfied with the offer. ? UAmong the passengers by the R M.S. Sutlej, which arrived from London via Albany on Saturday, was Major Gordon, of the Permanent Force, who has been away on leave of absence in Western Australia for the last few weeks. Mr. Clement L. Wragce, F.G.S., announces in our business columns that in consequence of repeated applications the Torrens Obserea- j tory will be open to visitors after April 1 on every Wednesday and Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. and midnight. Mr. Stnart Cumberland handed to Dr. Allan Campbell on Friday the sum of £14 ss. as bis donation (arising out of his seance of Thursday) to the Children's Hospital. Mr. Cumberland, in company with Dr. Campbell, went over the hospital, and was exceedingly well pleated with all that he saw there. In his opinion he has never come across in any country a hospital possessing so charming a site, and where the inside arrangements are so perfect. The good work done by the institution should, ne thinks, so appeal to the public as never to leave it short of funds. While we bear so much about poverty and distress in our midst, it is painful to record a waste of human food. The report of the Central Market, which appeax3 elsewhere, states that there was a large quantity of fish in the market on Saturday, but owing- to tiie scarcity of buyers large lots had to be taken away and buried. With so many charitable organisations in our midst one would think arrangements might easily be made for purchasing and distributing food in a case like this instead of allowing it to be entirely wasted. The theory, and one that has found favor with many large breeders of sheep, that inbreeding is detrimental to strain, size, and quality would appear a fallacy in the face of the following unparalleled fact in connection therewith:—At the South Australian. Agricultural show of 1846 a merino ram bred by Mr. John Murray, of Mount Crawford station, gained the champion prize between that date and the present twenty-two similar occasions, including the recent Mount Barker show, the same breeder has received similar honors. The clip of the 1846 ram gave 13½ lb., and that of the last prize winner turned the scale with a 20lb. fleece. In both cases the staple was fine, clean, and long. During the forty years there has never been a cross on the station, the ram of 1886 being a descendant in a direct line of inbreeding from its ancestors of two score years ago. The fact is one that CfcEnot but prove interesting to breeders throughout the colonies generally. The prizetakers were in all instances grass fed. A highly representative gathering of public school teachers assembled at the Coffee Palace, Hindley-street, on Saturday, to present Mr. John Griffith;, head teacher of the State School, Walkerville, with an address and purse of sovereigns in recognition of his services rendered in connection with the Teachers' Association during bis presidency, and his untiring zeal in the cause of the teachers' relief fund. The purse was the handiwork of Miss Kemp, of Glenelg, and the address was beautifully engrossed by Mr. E. W. Webb, of Clarendon. Mr. W. J. Young, M.A.. occupied the chair. He spoke of the lengthened service of Mr. Griffiths in the cause of education, extending over a period of some years; and also of the value of the Teachers' Association when unity was the watchword. Messrs. A. Kemp, J. T. Smyth, B. A, J. Griffiths, B. Mitton, C. J. Webb, and Inspector Dewhirst also testified to Mr. Griffiths's earnest labors in connection with education. Mr. Griffiths briefly responded in a feeling manner. Apologies were received from the Inspector-General of Schools (Mr. J. A. Hartley, 8.A.) and other gentlemen for their absence. Bef erring to their new roller-mill which they bave just started, Messrs. J. Dunn & Co. in their trade circular dated March 2"J write :— '* We may here mention our reasons for not taking up_ the roller system earlier. We personally visited the best Austrian and Hungarian roller mills come time before Americaand England had thoroughly tried the new piocefs. After carefully examining those mills we observed there was a great lack otautomatic appliances, and we were convinced that great changes would ere long be made in amplifying the cumbersome machinery used by the Hungarians. Many improvements on their system bave been introduced into the An"""'**" mills, which, to some extent, have been followed up by the English. Most of these improvenpents we have criticised by personal inspection in various partsjof the world where'the best roller mills are now working, and are of opinion America has reached the rflinniY in this respect, and, therefore, fa&ve selected our machinery from American mill furnishers. Hence we natter ourselves we have a roller mill to-day which is equal to any in the world cf the same capacity." In their breadstuffs circular dated March 29, Mestrt. J. Dunn & Co. state :^" Prices have been paid for both wheat and flour beyond th i figures quoted in public piint all through th? past four weeks. This is hard to be accounted for, teeing we are within a few weeks' sail of California, which could Bwamp the Australian irai kets atfignres below the present rates ruling in our colonies. In proof of this we may mention that our San Francisco correspondent cables as fo.'low?: —' We offer s cargo of No. 1 fctai-dard Califomian wheat of 8,000 quarters of 500 lbs., at 335. Ltd. per quarter, cost, freight, and exchange, bags weighed as wheat; shipment within thirty days. No vetstls loading for Australia.'—Which will be f een is 4s. per bw-hel in the stream here. We bave declined this offer, preferring to wait, considering it advisable to exhaust all home stocks first, and maintain the reputation of Adelaide flour, and only as a last resource

! should we entertain importation from California. Bat we believe that the introduction \ of breadstuff's from abroad may be averted if 1 holders here and in the neighboring colonies will accept reasonable prices before it is too ; late. It is due to our Adelaide growers to say I they are parting with their holdings fairly \ well. We hare ourselves purchased from several well-to-do farmers large parcels of old wheat lately, ranging from 5,000 to 21,000 bushels. Smaller parcels of both new and old wheat are passing into the hands of town millers in sufficient quantities to keep their lni'ls going. Several country millers, however, are at a standstill for want of wheat, while others can only get enough for local consumption." On Saturday afternoon the first-class shots in ihe Volunteer Military Force were engaged in firiDg at vanishing and movable targets on the Pott Adelaide ranges. There was a good attendance, over 100 voluuteera engaging in the practice. En passant, it may be ob3erved that the troops take a keen interest in the firing at the vanishing and running targets, which dtaws forth all their latent talent as uarttmtn. The six>rt is exciting, and the greatest curiosity is evinced by the red-coated Fpectators to learn the result of each other's FUooting, as they know that to hit either the vanishing or the dummy figure of a British fcoldicr as he is gtutly drawn along a line requites fcteady hands ani nerve and a quick eye. The distances were 150 and 200 y?rd.<=. Twenty round? were fired p?r man, each being also allowed two sighting' shots On the whole the firing was satisfactory, some of the scores being particularly pood, as the following will show:—Captain Wilson and Captain Dean, 10 each; Private Draper, 15; Privates Rush, Simmons, Lincoln, and Hawk, 14 each. The targets were shot away several times during the day. The Brigadier-General Commandant cine on the range during the afternoon, and witnessed the shooting. He also examined the butts and targets of several companies which are in course-of erection. Lieutenant-Colonel Makin was in command and regulated the shooting, and there were also present Lieutenant Colonel Madley, Majors Plummer and Stuart, A.K.; Major RoweU, M. Rifles; Captains Dean, Ferguson, Legoe, Hinde, Mitehel, Naiah, Solomon, Medlyn, Curtis, Fowler, Wilson, and Feterewald, and several subaltern officers. A daring cafe robbery, perpetrated at Tantram's Hotel, Silverton, on Friday night, March 19, is thus reported in the Silver Age :— "It appears that Air. Wehl, the manager, locked up the safe at the usual hour and retired-to rest, the key being left on a ring with others and placed in the pocket of hia trousers, which were thrown on the bed. In the morning, shortly after the coach was dispatched, the barman asked Mr. Wehl for Eome cbange, and on going to the safe he noticed that the key was missing from the ring, having evidently been removed therefrom during the night. The duplicate key was by come strange oversight left in the cafe, to .that before it could be ascertained whether a robbery had been committed it was necessary either to obtain another key or break open the safe. A telegram was Bent to Adelaide to learn whether a third key was procurable, and on learning that it was not the only other alternative was adopted, and the Eafe broken open. This was a difficult task, however, and it was not till Sunday at noon that an entry was effected, when it was fonnd that a sum of about £50, in notes, gold, and silver, was missing. Cheques were untouched, and about l'is. in threepenny pieces and sixpences were alsd left. The theft i was a daring one, the perpetrator having cvi- ] dently entered Mr. Weld's bedroom, taken the bunch of keys from that gentleman's trousers pocket, removed the safe key, and replaced the others, where they were found as usual in the morning by the owner. Neither Mr. Wehl nor Mr. Mc?ryde, who is the other occupant of the room, beard any noise during the night, which proves that the robber is a master in his art, and conducted his operations with considerable skill. The police have their suspicions of course, and 83 has Mr. Wehl, but nothing sufficient at present to warrant an arrest being made." A meeting of the members of the Collegiate Schools' Association was held at St. Peter's College on Friday evening. Mr. D. J. Byard, B.A. (president) occupied the chair. There was a large attendance of members. Me. H. C. Shortt read a paper on the "Collegiate Schools' Exhibition Scheme." He said it should combine some of the features of public school exhibitions witn some of those of the Literary Societies' Union. There would be many difficulties in carrying out such a scheme: the amount of labor involved and the wherewithal to provide prizes would be very great. Unless the principals and head masters of the schools represented in the association entered thoroughly into the scheme, and urged upon their pupils the necessity of the exhibits being large in number and good in quality it would be a comparative future. There was no doubt that such an exhibition would be well attended. The united schools represented a large constituency, and most of the parents would be sufficiently interested to pay it a visit. By widening the field of competition the standard of education was likely to be raited. While the University examinations fnrniehed a test of most of the usual school courses, the exhibition would give a stimulus to some branches which were either not prominent in the University courage or not included in it. Making collections illustrating some sections of natural history, constructing a Ekeleton or a piece of scientific apparatus, would stimulate the powers of observation j and thought, besides affording pleasant recreation to many who might other- : wise drag out an aimless existence for the greater part of their school life. It was decided that the attention of the head masters and mistresses be called to the scheme. An able paper was read by Here G. Drews on "The teaching of modern languages." An interesting discussion followed, in which Miss Tilley, the Bey. F. Williams, Professor Boulger, Messrs. Byard, Sunter, and Stepheneon took part. A vote of thanks was accorded to Messrs. Shortt and Drews for then: papers. Several of the members feelingly referred to the demise of the late Mr. Whinham, and a resolution was passed requesting the secretary to convey the sympathy of the association to Mrs. Wbinham and her family ia their sad bereavement. i The Indian Tourist Party continue to draw good audiences to Garner's Assembly-Booms. On Saturday a very attractive programme was provided, nliss Jennie Xye, a ciever burlesque ! actress and dancer, and Mr. Townley, baritone j vocalist, leaking their first appearance, and being favorably received. The city and suburban companies of the Rifle Volunteer Force held battalion drill at the foot of Monttfiore Hill on SaturJay afternoon. The troops were under the command of Lent.-Colonel Madley. The various movements were entered into with spirit, and were creditably performed. The Academy of Music was well attended os Saturday, when Lingard's diorama of Scotland and the Soudan war afforded entertainment to a number of young folks at the matinee, and to an adult audience in the evening. To-night is announced as the Last of the season, when His Excellency the Governor and suite will be present, and those who have not seen the diorama ehould avail themselves cf this last opportunity. An entertainment was provided for the inmates cf the Destitute Asylum on Thursday evening Glees, solos, and duets were rendered by Mesdames Maddern and Carr, the Misses Clisby and Chaffer, Messrs. G. Daniel, Wellborn ne, Kobinson. and Maddern, and recitations were given by Messra. Gurney and Robinson, In the absence of the Rev. R. M. Hunter Mr. Lindsay occupied the chair, and Mr. G. Daniel acted as musical director. By tie kindness of a few friends a b9untiful supply of fruit was provided, and much enjoyed by the inmates. There was only a moderate attendance at the City Oval on Saturday afternoon, when tbeclub matches which had been suspended for h've weeks ware resumed. The South Adelaides met the Hindmarsh at the north end of the ground, and going to the wickets first the Souths rercained in possession all the afternoon, making 184 at a cost of four wickets. Cragie played the innings of the day, making 110 not out. His runs were the outcome of good cricket, and he scored rapidly until late in the afternoon, securing the hundred in a little over two hours. The unfinished match between the North Adelaides and Adelaides was concluded at the other end of the ground, and resulted in an easy win for the former. The Korthp, who bad previously made 172 for seven wickets, raised their total to 207, and the Adelaides going to the wickets were all disposed of for 89, Richards being the highest scorer with SG to his credit. The losers had very hard luck, Waldron knocking down his wicket when he was well set, and Evan being runout. The Eastern Suburban R.V.F. Band will give a concert at the Rotunda this evening. A meeting of the Parkside Tramway Co. will be held at Fine Chambers, Pirie-ttreet, at noon to-day. A meeting of the junior team of the Norwood Foottoll dub will be held this evening at the Norwood HoteL Tea and public meetings in connection with the Archer-street Wedeyan Sonday-ecuool will take place this evening. The settling over the Morphett Tale Baring dub meeting will take this evening at the Emu Hotel, Morphett Vale. Hie naif-yearly meeting of shareholders |in the South Australian Mutual Stores (Limited), held at the stores this evening. A meeting will be held in the institute hall. Hindmarch, this evening, relative to the proclamation of fiindmareh as a manufacturing district and other matters. A public meeting respecting unemployed artisans in the city will be held this evening at the Town Hall, for the purpose of urging the Government to at once push on public works. It is announced in our business columns that the first number of the Adelaide " University Shakespeare Journal" wul be published on April 3. Subscriptions must be i>aid in advance.