South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 6 February 1886, page 4



KONOOWARRA, steamer, 1,500 tons, James Tozer, from Melbourne February 2. W. R. Cave and Co., agents, City and Port. Passengers—Mrs. Solomon, Misses D. Murray, B. H. Binns, Annie Kemp, Rev.

M. Williams, and Captain Sterey in the cabin ; and 10 in the second cabin. Friday, February 5. ADFLAIDE, Eteamer, 1,867 tons, T. W. Loekyer, from Melbourne. J. Tumbull, City and Port, agents. l*assen*rerrs—Very Rev. Dean Kus-*ell and Mrs. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. James Plunkett, Mr and Mrs. J. Fergusson, Mr. and Mrs. Marcs, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd; Mesdames Withall, Laslett, T. J. Pile, Brookman, O'Brien, F. Weston, G. Bastard, Waterstijn, F. W. Clarke, W. lsbister, A. Meek, two children and nurse; Mi&eaes Clara Hollcus, A. and J. NichrMson, Wyley, L. Litten, C. Kay, Caonaway, Hase, Waterstiou, M. Williams, F. Taylor, Laurie Booth, Messra. H. Raphael, W. Harris, B. L. Thompson, J. A Jaffing, A. S. Bolton, C. Sc_ir-—L J. Griffith, Rev. G. Beny, B. Ingleby, W. R. Hiddlestone, J. Watcrstion, 3. <—'dwell. Borace Watson, J. Harniman, W. B. Tancock, J. L. F. and W. lsbister. Bey. R. Dunstan, G. A. Worner, J. D. Lamonte, P. Greenaway, J. Sare, E. W. Ellis, A. Francis, 3. Maloney, A. tJpman, Eves, W. B. Mitchell, B. B. Scott, Masters L. Lloyd and J. Sare in the —-st cabin, and SO in the second cabin. EDITH ALICE, ketch, 40 tons, J. Heath, from Salt Creek. TASMAK, ketch, 79 tons, Chtunbets, from Port EITtT ketch, 17 tons, P. Talarie, from Port Wakefield. SPINDRIFT, ketch, Tl tons, B. Clark, from the coast. 6TOEMBIBD, ketch, 50 tons, G. Simmonds. from Port Victoria-MALCOLM, ketch, 22 tona, J. Jamie-son, from Port FLEETWING, ketch, 45 tons, J. Leask, from Port Julia. LADT DALY, echooner, CO tons, Geo. Enapp, from Dublin. a ENDEAVOR, cutter, 17 tons, Gateson, from Clin ton. YOUKG FOSTER, ketch, 25 tons, J. Geddes, from Clinton. CLEARED. Friday, FsmirA?V 5. KONOOWARRA, steamer, 1,500 tons, James Tczer, for Melbourne, ftisstngers—Messre. Walker, A. Piersou, F. Wills, Tucker, Easther, Cowley, Handstead, A. S. Cluon, Mesdames. Walker. Pietrson, Dewar, Tucker, Cowley and three children, Newstead, E. W. Bitchen, Misses Piereon, A. Pierson, Tucker, Bell, Easther, Qezy, Maeters Robert, WHliam, and Samuel Walker, Pierson, D. Pierson, in the first cabin; and 43 in the in cond cabin. JAMES COMBIK, steamer, 75 tons, Jas. Henderson, for Arfrroessan. MAITLAND, steamer, 127 tons, W. Ogg, for GLENBOSA, barque, 533 tons, Wniiam Langmadd, for Por—ind-, Oregon. In ballast. Passengers—Mrs. and Miss Langmaid. MTt-tTLE HOLME, barque, 902 tons. J. W. _illican, for Ljttelton, Kew Zealand, ln ballast. IMPORTS. ADELAIDE, from Melbourne—9s coQs manila, 3,000 bags sugar, 120 cases hop bitters, 124 ingots tan, 503 bags sago, £5 pkgs. PERTH, from Warn?unbool—37 casks butter, ITS cases cheese. From MacDonnell Bay—67 bales wool, 4 do. leather, 3 pkgs. From Beachport—72 bags Sta toes, 8 cases cutter. 4 pkgs. From Robe—3B ies wool, 2 do. skins, 56 pkga, 2 do. boota. From Kingston—2T sacks wheat, 35 bales wool, 1 case crayfish, 19 bides. KONOOWARRA, from Melbourne—l pkg. 36 do. turnery, 1 do. lignrvrcr—, S do. in-**—iments, 1 case ?electric' apparatus, -82 pkgs. rattans, ISO bags malt, 10 cases cheese. 3 pkgs- stationery, 1,06s pockets sn—x. 107 faeces blaijkwood, 36 pkga. merchancUse, 15 tons coke, ts hbds. tobacco, 600 baga rice, 8 pkgs. brushware, 14 stones, 2 cases maize, 26 pkgs. merchandise, lOS bags oa—s, S3 bdla. iron, 3 bars do., 1 box, 43 ingots tin, 8 cases baths, 109 ingots copper, 1 case -pictures. 1 do. pumps, 2 do. lamps, 4 trunks boote, 8 pkgs. augers, 4 cases book?, S bales paper, 2 cases do., SI coQs rope, 6 parcels, 2D cases sundries, and 31 do. pines. *.* A special charge is made to consignees for annonceem-enls inse-fted under the head of laroara. EXPORTS. KONOO WABBA, for Melbourne—l parcel, 5 bales cotton *-i-reate, 8 bags bark, W. R. Cave and Co.; 1 parcel, I*leechmore Bros.; 2 cases books, G. Robertson and Co.; 7 horses, Mr. Jones; 67 liales wool, Kew TJj?jl.r.ri Loan and Metre—it!le Agency Company; 24 pigs, WE. Ford. For Sydney—l 4 pkgs. furniture, 3. Hawkes; 1 ease, L. Conrad ; 1 box, A. Simpson and Son; 1 case, G. P. Harris, Scarfe, and Co.; 1 crcane, 3. Mel—ren ; 1 waggon, 1 reaping machine. 5 bones, T. Walker; 75 cases jam, 82 do. eggs, 5 do. eance, G. Wood, Son, and Co.; 72 tons flour, W. C. Eturison and Co.; 35 do. do., Adelaide M—imc and Men——ile A-rency Cotnoemy; 16 do. da, Magarev and Co.; 60 do. do., GL __iber and Co.; 10 do. do., 3. Du—i and Co.; 50 cases r-rhioorry, Wbyte, Counsell, and Co.; 7 casks eggs, H.Graves; 40 (aseswine, P_'fold and Co.; 1 box, Mra. Mat—ier; 32 pkga eggs, C. la. Meyer and Co.; 1,306 bags chaff. G. Hart; 3 cases eggs. W. L. Dicta-on; 10 tons floor. Vet-go Bros ; 1 parcel, M. 3. Solomon and Co.; 1,240 bags chaff, 200 pkgs. flour, 32 eases eggs, W. R. Cave and Co.; 3 do. do., —. Charlie*. Feb. SAILED. S—KONOOWAERA, steamer, for Melbourne and Sydney. MISCELLANEOrjS SHIPPING. The Psotectosl, H.M.O S.S., -—o-ared pretty conclnsively on Thursday that although ostensibly for defence purposes she is equal to other eanca-gencies. On learning that a vessel was aground at Troubridge ehe dropped the moorings at Lurgs. and under a head of s*eam made 13! knots, re—*hing the shoal just in time to see the j-tntaxes trip and make sail, she ranged np alongside, and having signalled congratulating as to the peasant termiriation of the accident, the snip filled away on her course, and the gnnboat returned to Largs harbor where she came to ai.chor at snrset It is pleasing to know that in event of any accident happening on toe coastline so efficient a craft is on hand to render assistance should it be nccrt—**a*ry. The Adelaide,steamer, left WiTlia"i*-*rtownat3.3op.m. on Wednesday attt-n-oon. and rounded Cape Otwar at li p.m. Passed Cape Jervis at 2 on Friday moinitj-r, but was not reported as usual. She disc—ugod mails and par—engets off Glenelg at 5 a m , and then proceeded into the river. The Vmra, steamer, from Melbo-—oe via the outports, had strong bre eaes and westiK-ith-weet gales to Port—nd, and "—ence moderate and favorable winds to arrival. The Eo-soowajtu—, steamer, of Howard Smith's i*****, arrived on Thnrrsday atternoon, havinj-; deared Port Phfflip Heads at 10.40 pjm on the Sod, with light variable winds and dull cloudy weather, attended with heavy westerly swell, which lasted during the entire passage. Ste was off Cape Otway at 5.30 a.m.. oo the 3rd, and Northumberlanel atl—np.T_, Cape Jervis at 12 on the 4th, aml on tfa ie afternoon's tule steamed into harbor. She sailed again for Melbourne on Friday. The Djj— —c, barque, which was towed out on Thuraday, trie—red for Guam, and -would be ready to sail with the first fair wind. The Fi~B or Lou— started in tow of the Eleanor on Friday afternoon, but on rounding Snapper Point the flood-—le and wind were dead against her; therefore the tug had a hart task to take the light vessel through the narrows, but ultSn—te)y she succeeded, and the barque came to anchor at the bell buoy. The weat—er at the anchorage has been variable for a day or two, but the falling glass of Thnrsda y night showed an appraacr—ng change, which came on Friday mon-in**;, when a freeh westerly breeze set in. later on the wind veered to the southward, and for a tune blew hard, with nasty short sea. It was a most fortunate -dii*un-rstance the Antares got off the Marion Beef when she did, or the next tide might have resulted disastrously for her. GLENELG SHIPPING. JT—l*—ED-Februari s—Elizabeth Assic. ketch, 61 tons. C. E. Anderson, trom Port August— Caijjo—Timber for the I—aaalonga Biver. PUBUC SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Ardrossax.—Arrived: February 4—Osprey, Port AdeUide. E—esconz —Arrived: Februajry 4—Napperbv, -ankoowt— No?iuunto—ts — Sailed: Februaiy 4—Cowiy, Port Adelaide. s—New ArrivrJ, Second Valley. Wallaroo—Arrived: February 4—Ferret, Port Uncoln; Jessie Darling, Port Pirie. Pobt —ren—A-—Sailed: February 4—Br-onzewing Part Ade*—ide; Gambier, Port Lincoln. Mn—KO.—Arrived: Februaiy! — Bourke, Murray Bridge. Massra.—Arrived: Febrnaiy 4—Britannia, Morgan Mi-kuak.—Arrived: February 4—Queen, Mannnm. _r_ed: February 4—Britannia, Manna—. s—Qoeen, Overiand "Comer. Weftworth.—Sailed: February 4—Prince Al—el, Morgan. IKTBROOIrOSIAL. Meleocbse.—Arrived: Ferbruary 4—Victorian, Adelaide ; Rorkton and Woosung. Sydney; Myrmidon, em—ie. February 5 — Cheviot, Sydney. Baaed: February s—Borrowdale, Neercastle; Caii-nbulg, Kew Zealand; Mount Ke-—bia. Point Kembla; Pateena, Lanncf?ton ; Telefon, Bangoon; Unda, Guam. Stdset.—Arrived : Februaiy 4—lngebuig, Hatnburg: Pertrpont, Melbourne; Katontnba, Port Deragias; Wendrauree, Melbouine; Em—ie Mane, Fredericks—dt. s—Bombay, jjrondon ; Lerua, Brisbane ; Coromande**, Melbourne. Sailed : February 4 —Ean I—is, San Francisco; M?—;—. ValparaisD ; Crnrnmock Water ana ?George Thompson, Valparaiso via Newcastle; Tairawerra, Auckland; Tenterdea, Addaide. Kewcj—ris. — Arrived : February 4 — Victoria, Adelaide; Jonathan, Brisbane. 6—Candida, Adelaide. Sailed: February4—Aberioy)e.JSaTiFrancisco. Bam***——.—Arrived : February 4 —Bant—i and Eurimbb, Sydney. FBOJ-Clj—> Di-'A—TO—i—L <_____ T—n Arm— *Baropne, Febrreary 8; Tjtanatdan, Febrnaiy IS; B—ata, F-*braruy 82; Oaro-maadel, February 27.__bot—t_—jlde__e, __bot—t_—jlde__e, t_* day. Sydt-rsy— ct leviot. Tentorden, F-r-bruaiy 12. West Australia—Sod—i Aust—r—an, early. Port "Darwin— Woaeang, Febraary VL USS———U tt_sttn. laat too— B-uperus, A Bhmore, Torrens, Ba-roesa. Fremantle—T-****inia, firgale*). VWWKI- EXPECTED. _ — tauu Ad*—. M—L —ur—, B—, arukd Jaooaiy —I. Faoa Ooujicbo. P. -O. Bengal, sailed Januuy 28. Fbom r^umQ.. <_ert_, 827 tons, load—a. Alraa—rtr—, sailed Deoember __. nvtttvl. ai. snllrrl Tamtair 9. _a__eb, BBS tons, _adiog t?eitteDiber v. Barmiga. 1.080 toos, aaQed Novetnbe?l4. BJ-deer, ljotntonstoai-ng-eoaabttai. Pir4)i?niTn?niir trn.lnaTtm-r Detoooi—i, 148* toii--*,to__ToMrm']- ( -*r< [ _ B met, aa., lim6 tons, aa-ad -lanuaty ie. V_rida, 2J144 tons, sailed 00-barl_ Jaae Putsr,Tnurcnie,"—St—o,(*_Qad November 28. John Patterson, barque, Lf??tooe, lose Hog December j_ _'.st^f—6torns,r*——1 Hovenr—arlS. Hiy —lla. aia, 1,788 tons, to aail Jannary 16. _ortbns- tsmad, aa, 2,0? tooa, loadii-f. <!MwrrW ap?—l nm*m_mhmm, aU rrangs-m, __joe, B?tttms, r*_—l Deoember U. Br-tm, I jaetotw, iotdi-gOctd-er is. W-Wom l AatVaawVOQfla BBmB--_--.fVta-a-mai_aJ)aoeuumrtL -It-aEbntt.-'rqir^flfl?tcnr.Mr-d?t*^^ m__^_-.e. ftou o_-_aoow. PMtra *?*l7*~aTTght,——ed !>*?**-*?" a>**ff -_^^f_^^^^-_-_?S^zmaiA Bovanbet 10. ?r—#*—f, ?*—***_, IJB]i-_—(,-ioadi?gDeoei at >_ 24.

Faoa BAaaow-uc-FtjaKT—s. Oaslna, loading. Faoa Sak Frabcisco. Ewet, loading. Mary Fores, 610 tons, loading. From Aktwtsbp. Firth ot Clyde, sailed September 21. Fbom Qrimsbt. Marta, sailed October 3. From Knr Toas Filippo. barque, 7(9 tons, aailed October 31. Wolfe, barque, 91S tons, to sail December 20. From Scnobrland. Beech Holme, 763 tons, sailed November 23. From Hamburg. Mandalay, barque, sailed November 28. From Boston*. Caroline Snooner, barque, 663 tons, to sail January 2. E. L. Mai burry, barque, 05i tons, to sail November 11 ADELAIDB OBSERVATOBT. Tike Ball. Longitude, 9h. 14m. 21e. 3 East. la?titude,34?6s' 83", S. February 5. ISSG. Ball dropped at lh. om. Os., crotresjionduig to February 4,15h. 45m. BS"7s. Greennich mean time.