Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Tuesday 3 February 1857, page 2

ENTERED INWARDS. February 2- Barque Ambrosine. 437 tons, Wm. Maybank, master, from London; Du Cros & Co., agents. Passengers - William Hollett, Henry Tapp, John, Phoebe, Isaac, Hezekiah, Thomas and James Arnold, George Pitcher, R. P. Brain, Alfred Tuckwood, Wil-liam, Hannah, Mary Ann, Emma and Watkin Wilks, James Byard, Ann, Hephzibah and Bertha Byard, and five children, Margaret Ferrier, Eleanor Jones. Selina Weaver, Loulse Baldwin, Hannah Chatham, Louisa Hates, Lois Neil, Sarah Courtice, Rosina Courtice, Sophia Jane Bayliss, Elizabeth Campion, Mary Ann Claxton, Mary and Ann Hoskin, Caroline Morris, Charlotte Maybank, Sarah Butt, N.M. Draper, Lucy Spane, Emily Perfect, Isabella Armstrong, Elizabeth Wakeman, Caroline Payne, Cordella Fisher, Ann Nicholas, Harriett Sarah Mills, Mary Ann Stripp, Mary Ann Rowley, Harriett Augusta Turner, Ann Abberton, Sarah Jennings, Elizabeth Jackson, Sarah Ann Jackson, Mary McKinlay, Louisa Hart, Charlotte Maria Merrick, Eliza Dawkins, Emma Thomas, Mary Ward, Bridget Ward, Margaret Coffey, Nancy Pettett, Fanny Watson, Margaret Reynolds, Martha Doig, Edwin Ham, Jacob Stocking, Joseph Chad, Robert Ware, Wm. Gifford, Rebecca Buck, Harriett Buckland, Sarah Jane Gladwell, Joanna Sheehan, Abraham Moses, Fred. Augustus Hale, William Wright. February 2.-Steamer Maid of the Yarra, 100 tons; J. Louden, master, fram Melbourne; F. W. Townley, agent. Feruary 2,-Schooner Dohsons, 110 tons, F.' H. Tohin; master, frem Port Albert; F. W. Townley, agent. Fehrusry 3.-Big Lissle Webber, 214 tons, J. M Kinlay, .master, from Sydney; Gereene Fisher, agent. passengers-Miss Kirby, Alie. H. T. Smith, Alliss Thompsott, M~r, The.. "Cowlishan, SIr, sod Mrs. Lewis, Mr1. Ship, Rev. G.' 1. Smith, Master Smith. E. BIremer, G. Davis, J. Lavey. J. McDonald. I-February 3.-L. S. N. Co.'s steamer Royal Shepherdb rO ltonm; W. H. Saanders, mester, frem telborans ; G. Fisher, agent. t'aysee. ges--~Two Masters Helpmsn, Sir. and Sirs,' BAshlegt..Etr. snd Mrs. Sharerton, Sir, and ras. Murray, Master Alfred and James .TuPhermon, Mrs, and sties toeddc r Sir, and Crs. Rtertson ean d seroeent Airs. Young, Dr. Chalmers, Sir. and laster W, L. Jordans or, Creooe, MeanS.r Fe en, Knleoh, 7stons, 'Young, H. and It. DoLittlr, Williams, Eng. *land, SI'Ewsn, T. Lobey, Nesbitt, E. Mlay, J. *Barrett, E. Johason, RampSr; 2I steerage. In hats. CLEARED OUT. Jaeuary 30.-Sheoner Water Lily, ti Ions, .H4. te'llech, master, tee Mtelhoarnet Green, Cleseland & Co., agents. January 30,-Brig ratlcatire, 233 tens, J. tamilton. master, toe Callao Wom. Johastone, 'agent. In ballast. " Janasry 30.-Ship Alice Welton, 767 tens, .James Fersyth, master, for Calseo;iou Croaa sad Ca., agents. in hallast. Januasry 30.-Barqtan Sir James Rtes, n26 tons, A. Stephens. master, fer Mluriteus; De Creea &Co., agents. " So -IMPORTS, Steamer Maiad of the Yeses, from Mielbourne. 654 bags sugar, 40 bales asel.s, I hoese, Browa and See,' . -Schooner Doibsons. fram Mlelboarne. 40 besd cattle, Brawn & Son. Ambrosine from London. 15 boxes, 10 half tierces tobacco, 150 cases sweetened gin. 10 ditto cheese, 15 crates 2 casks earthenwares, 2 cases 1 cask hardware, 102 bars iron, 5 cases 2 casks 1 bale saddlery. 6 hhds. 10 quarter-casks Marsala wine, 6 cases ploughs, 3 casks shears. 10 pockets hops, 18 cases manufactures, 1 case figs, 4 carrotels 26 barrels currants, 4 kegs nails, 10 cashs horse shoes, 3 cases merinoes, 1 case jewellery, 24 bales sacks and tarpaulins, 4 cases 3 trunks 5 bales apparel, 40 tons coal, 10 barrels 20 half ditto oatmeal, 10 barrels 15 half ditto split peas, 10 barrels 20 half ditto pearl. barley, 40 boxes fish, 200 boxes pipes, 10 cases Bath bricks, 40 boxes cheese, Du Cros and Co. ; 11 case manufactures. R. Dis ; 50 hhds. stout, 50 boxes manufactures, James Peters; 4 cases 2 casks box manufac tures, F. G. Spicer ; 1 box ditto, Ingram; 2 trunks ditto, John Steer ; 200 casks bottled beer, Browne, Kennedy, & Co.; 46 grindstones, 23 casks 43 bundles 12 cases 124 iron kegs 1 box 3 hogsheads manfactures, William Hart; 5 cases ditto, Henry Hopkins; 23 crates 2 hogsheads 3 cases ditto, Henry Howe; 4 hogsheads 20 quarter-casks manufactures, Wm. Birch; 2 cases 2 casks grindery, A Webster; 3 cases 3 cylinders manufactures, lsaac Noake; 2 crates earthenware. 1 box engravings, I box (a por trait) Samuel Horton; 1 crate earthenware, 24 cases cheese, T. Parramore. Brig Lissie Webber. from Sydney. 100 tons 'goal, 65 loga cedsr, it, chests no bait ditto Isa, Ge. Ficher ; roses cigars, J. Cobeeen 0 bes tca,' Greea, Ctevelsnd, & Co. a I ceak s cbrm x10 W. Hart;a ditto, Crooebs att1 T-Dtber, C. Tr. Wretwan , -" " :X EXPOTS. -iBarque Sir James Ross, tor Mlaseltius. I boa containg rear tbousand severliges, De :Ceos & Co.-. Schooner Water Lily, tor Mseibourme. 134 bags oats, D.1,00 paliing, 0 bags floar, tO ditto potalgs, Green, Clsreland sad Co. ; 10 bags bere, Roasto 2000 fret timher, orbboand Tyson. Ssebrar Q-een, for Melbourns. 20 horses. Emanation no5 bgsg Seaur, Walker, leuan end Co. 1 10 bags tees ore, J. Mtutre ; 90 begs r.or,' Huater ; 90 ditto.. Ralston t 200 cases fruit, Tankard, 111, bags Seaur, J3. K. Archer; 16 axles, Perry rq2 trunks beots and shoes, JandSip p 60 peeaagea fralt, varioos shippers. Stsamer Black Swan, for Molbeurer. I case merchaodise. Urqahart; 60 begs besan, Grant; 15bhones, D. Nesbitt I 251 bags bran, 41 bags oaos, Thompson & Ca. ;6 begs oats, ieoth ; 38 bags' besn, 'tO bsgs eats, Dean; 23 bags bran, Brawny, Kennedy & Co. 1090 bags Soar. Jacobs 1 140 besg bran.' Huntaer 1 43 bogs eels, Woods I I tears earthenware, Soitor ;3 ditro, Sales 16110 'packages fruil, vareous shippers;I 4 wianttwiog macbines, Bradley. COASTERS-INWARDS. 1Jtor, 9I.-N. C. S. N. Ca's steamer 'Titania, 100 tens,, D_ Phillips mader, bom tbe North West Cost.. Cargo team Circular Head-h bales hay, 18 bags potato'. trom Port, Serell .-5 bsgs onions, I toh belier. . COASTERS-=OUTWVARDS Fehrenry 2.-Schooner Mary Ann, forWoal. eorih. Cargo-t ten floor, 3 beses seep, t dray. 4 scythes. 12 rams. "`TAMeAR HEADS. I..s AnaIVAls. Feb; 1-Barque Ambreslee, Lendon. -S2, Blig tLlrie. Webber, Sydney.' Stamer 'Roals Shrpherd, Mel. bourne, t ý' ', ý DSaAsTURaa. Jan;.28.-Ship Alicee Walton, Callao' Steamer Black Swan, Mlelbouroo. Qoeen, ditto. tFsh. 2.-Scbeeser Waler Lily ditie. Baque Sir James Itos, Mlauritius. Scbooner Circassian, Hoharten. SIIGH" WATER AT- LAUNCESTON. Wednesday, sh6 00m:a.ra.; 6h;''t7r. p.m. Tborsday, l0b. 45i. s.m~il'th. Sln. pm. It is high water at iho'hedads ohut two hours eartier thart at Leenceeton. t `OIRCULARt-HEAD.

January 29.-Steamer Titania, Phillips, nas. ter, from Launceston. _DOPAflT5nItI5 Jonuary il.-Schooner Champton. 71 tons, tDavts, enaster, forr Mtnlbourneo ia Rabin Cape. 0001 posts and rails Atnaondnr. 29..-Schooncr tPrince of Watns, 114 tons. Campbell, eanutrrr for Metbournr. 40,557 pa lIng.. 50 plcces btarbwood. 10 cases applnt. 0 tubs butter, Emmett; 4 horses, 6 Durham bollt and cows. IS pigs. I ton potutne, Ford a 2r tons potutoe. Whiteo 7 tabs barter. Btoys; 5 tubs ditto, Wtteon. 7 bags potatns. Andierson; Passengers-F. W. Ford, Esq., iMessrs. Wil sun and Walab. TheMr pStowart was loading for Melbourne, to leave ,.n the tat Fettuary. PORT OF HOBART TOWN. Jannary lil.-Scboonrr Creorri, 114 tons. Cortn, master, from Newcostle, New South WVales. —Barque Australasian Packet, 196 tons, Folley, master, from whaling. Passenger— Mrs. Folley. ~Schoonnr Bialmoral, it5 tons. King. mat tar, from Newcastle, Nere Sooth Wales. January St.-Ship Woudcote. 474 tons, Fle. mint, master, foe Guam. in ballast. February 2.-Schuooner Scotia, 112 tons, Walbre. muster, for Melbourne. -Schooder Zephyr, 00 tans Smith, master, for Geelong. MISCELLANEOUS. The favorite brig Liesie Webber has made a splendid runa tem Sydney. having nft on Wednesday, and entered the Tumor yeaterday morring. the Royal Shepherd puased the Blaeb Swan fortytie miles from Pnort Piblip d tead, aot Sunday, a~heed ofthbe Queen. The Ambrosine came up on Sunday. She baa mode a goad passage ait 88 days. She spoke no ships connected with the colonies excepting the Tudor, by which she was reported. Most of her emigrants are females, sent out under the auspices of the Family Colonisation Society. rTue RBa:cc POR oaSoaat.L.-~We are very mach surprised to ale that the beeoah ordered by Sir Henry Young whnn be visited the coast, lonbe erectedon the rooc a1 Rort Sorel.a is net yet completed, ti tact is mahing hardly any progress. PAt~hoagh the iron workr has heren or, the spot for aereral months. norhing baa been done, exoept the boring of a tow inches art the each, though the woraher baa aitrrded hurt. dreda of opportanitiea. Wa do not bnow mhr the contractor is, or who is responaible for the proper eaecotlaa of the work, but it is limo it was com pleted. The foliowing is thn fsat of passancers by the RI.y.S. Oneida, frnm Melblourrrot-For Saath awptoa.-.lira. Jesse Cumming, Miesura. Ar. thar H-allaws, T. J. H-Rllo~ws, Jowe, Woolf, A. MLtachlan. ylrCattow, Cbarins Mi'Donaid, Francia Clurke, Joseph laioir, George Swat,. sroe, R'cter Allrtin, J. G. Veutter, George Wiison. J. T. Rilordan. James Sbeppard,Jamns Cumming, Henry Mooere, Albert Edelmars, James Luieg. For Malto.-lir. and lire. John Nicholson, liisa Ana Nicholaon, Miaster John Niebolsan, lire. A gnea Davidson. Miisa Eu-' plewaca Daeidson, liliss Lacy Dlavidson, Alls,. 'Taylor and seevnon , her. arrd Sirs. Davuid Coweron, Mre. and lilrs. Walter iPowell, bilass Loara P'owell, Mil. Alexnrder Mllubeson, anad Mr. Pa. Alt. Batchelder. Fat Alexandria.-Mlr. and lies. Joha Wood. Dr. and Ainr. Rtanktr. Mirs. Reoynolds. bliis Rtichrardaoa. lire. Aloe. arder Woord end chilid liteasra. Gee. Blartielt, William Gray, L. tHolsand, Murruy Powell. For Suco,-itahhI Zower.