Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 23 May 1896, page 6



Hlie Opérai House AM.11 be reiopeaicd tullis evening by tuite Orlteriton Burlesque Company, wbMi 'lias just completed a suctíeislsfliíl tau- im 'tlhe proviuecö. A burlosiqu'e, enutüHlod " Kittle Beb Ma* callire," Whlicih fe 'described «s a bWgfofc and ainrulsiiug pliece, will be produced on öie üccuiäfon. Tilie company iluminéis some twantly Imetalbers, unions wllvoui may tie niewtlianed IKIas Kate Howamle, Mies Bdiltih -Grlbnidiiuuliig, Mr. Beril Baliley, amd Mir. Darry (Oralig, "Wbio play 'llh'o ipntaripnfl. pairtis. The 'burlesque Will Tie effeetfrvuïly dtaiged, amd every cere "Will 'be talken to make Its pro dudtlioai als complete as possible.


lihis leVeniiUig, -ait "tib'e Theatre Rtoyaï, Mr. T. A. (Kennedy, tihe popular mies m'eric emltcibaiinea", will maike Ibis reap-pearance after an absence of nearly seven years. During Mis travels lui ?Wie loitli'er cdkm'ies and in varions pana of Wie world elmee tbla't, Mr. Kennedy's uniiqne and armisdmlg entertainment sel-dom failed to lalöfcract crowded anidl eucets. His Brisbane (season will bo a «boort one, and 'as popular prices aro to be ebJorged intending patrons will do we'll to secure their seats in ad-vance a't Nicholson's. Tuite evening Uhe doors Will be opened sltortly after 7, the performance tertttanatiug at 10 Khaiip. , ,


Mr. Vf. ,11. Slpead will providte aln entire clliawge o'f programme at thlte populan: pla'ce of anraisamtat tblis even-ing. Two fresh, airtiists will malee tihelir appea/ratoce In the pensons of Miss Amy and Mr. WttllBnlm Gourlay, Wibo Huiro been playing under the management of Mr. Harry Rickards. In addition to their performances, various novelties in the shape of smart songs, clever dances, and other specialities will be furnished by the other capable members of the company. It sbould be mentioned that Mr. Speed has made arrangements for a benefit in aid of the Brunner Relief Fund. Tills will take place under the patronage and in the presence of bis Excellency the Governor, on Wednes-day evening. An exceptionally attrac-tive programme bas been prepared, and it is lioped that tbe entertainment will be successful in every way.


At the Albert-street Wesleyan Church Ibis evening, "A Might with the Great Masters" will be given, as announced elsewhere. A feature of the recital will be the first appearance of Mr. Alfred Burness, a tenor vocalist from Sydney, who is very bighly spoken of in musical circles in New Soutb Wales.

Mr. Benson will be assisted by Mr. ,T, Marlor (Unto), Mr. II. Sleath ('cello), and Mr. G. B. Mant (vjolin). Mr. Beuson's organ solos will i ii elude Bee-thoven's celebrated "Funeral Mardi."

The Exhibition organ recital to-morrow will be of an attractive charac-ter. In addition to the organ solos by Mr. Seymour Dicker, there will be a miscellaneous programme. Mr. Craig, formerly baritone in the late Montague Turner Opera Company, Miss Mildred Saunders [Sanders], and Master John Ralston will be the vocal soloists. Signor Truda will contribute a violin solo, and will also play with his excellent string quin-tette. Mr. Bailey, of the Ralph Roberts Comedy Company, will give a dramatic recitation. The recitals will in future begin at 3.15 p.m. and finish at 4.45.

T3y invitation of the committee, Mr. W. H. Chambers, president of the Liter-ary and Debating, Societies' Union, occupied the chair at the meeting of the South Brisbane Debating Society on Thursday evening-. In his introductory remarks he imparted much instruction relative to Parliamentary practice. Messrs. W. H. Arnold- and Charles F. Bardsly were elected as members, making a total of 32 on the roll. The "Governor's Speech" was read by the Acting Speaker (Mr. Chambers), and the formation of the Ministry announced as

follows:-Premier and Colonial Trea-surer, Mr. E. Holllday; Colonial Secre-tary, Mr. R. S. Ross; Minister for Works and Railways, Mr. E. H. Farnsworth; Minister for Education, Mrs. Abrams; Attorney-General and Postmaster General, Miss May Dibley; Minister for L-abour, Works, and Railways, Mr. W, Riley.

At a meeting of the committee of the Queensland British Football Associa-tion held on Thursday the drawing of ?ties for the first round of the Cup com-petition took place. The ties start on 6th June, and the first matches to be played are-Rangers v. Normans, ia Brisbane; and Bushrats v. Rovers, at Dinmore; the Rosebanks having the bye. It was decided to initiate a junior com-petition.

Sarah Ann Taylor and Margaret Buckley were found guilty of drunken-ness at the South Brisbane' Police Court yesterday. The former was fined 30s, or forty-eight hours in the cells; and the latter 5s., or twenty-four hours In the


A private correspondent from Perth tells us that business is brisk enough in Western Australia, but that the knowing ones feel that it cannot last. "The bubble must burst, and burst it will," says our Informant, He is a gentleman who keeps a shrewd eye upon the events of the day; and to a large business ex-perience adds a natural capacity for locating weak spots in financial armour. "In his opinion the collapse will not long delay-r-"I think before the year Is out'

Is the suggestion, modified to some ex-tent by a possibility of the present momentum keeping the colony going like a bicycle uphill after a tremendous pelt downhill. Population is of course the great factor, and where people are about they must eat or be buried. Con-sequently business will not vanish at once. In a colony, too,, which is iii provided with farmers and whose fertile areas are undeveloped the luck of the outsider will continue for awhile.