Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 30 January 1896, page 6



A meeting of the South Brisbane Coun cil was held yesterday for the purpose of electing the Mayor for the ensuing yeal. There were present-Aldermen Jones, Hardgrave, Nott, Duncan, Sin-clair. Burke, Dibley, Midson, Fish, Luya, Stephens, and Prout. There were a few ratepayers present, and among the visi-tors were Aldermen Clark and Thurlow (North Brisbane).

On the motion of Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Luya, the town clerk took the


Mr.Jones moved,-"That Alderman Nott be Mayor for the ensuing year." Alderman Nott, he said, had not been a member of the council from the be-ginning, 'but very nearly so. He was elected in one of the first batches, and had remained a member ever since. He had "been most attentive to his duties, had sacrificed much of his time, and was well acquainted both with the borough and its requirements, he hav-ing been a member of the old Woolloon-gabba board. In conclusion, Mr. Jones mentioned that he hand not discussed tlie matter nor entered into any arrange-ment with regard to Mr. Nott's nomina-


Mr. Duncan briefly seconded tlie mo-tion, testifying to the ability and devo-tion to the work of the borough dis-played by Mr. Nott.

Mr. Dibley moved as an amendment that Alderman Luya be elected mayor for the ensuing year. He thought Mr. Luya was entitled to the position, not only for his work generally but for his ability displayed on the Finance Com-mittee. He would like to see Mr. Nott elected but for one thing ; that gentle-man was essentially a wardisman. He had never pleased him. He believed that a mayor should he elected by the people, but while the system was as it was they should, choose a man free from ward grievances as far as possi-


Mr. Burke seconded the amendment,

referring in pleasing terms to Mr. Luya's capacity, and to the services rendered to South Brisbane by him not only as an alderman, but as a member of Parliament.

Mr. Fish spoke with some diffidence, because he felt that at this particular time he could not support Mr. Luya. There was no genileman sitting at the table that he would sooner see made Mayor than Mr. Luya did certain cir-cumstances not exist. At the present time they had under consideration a very important matter, and one in which Alderman Luya as a private in-dividual was largely interested ; and he felt that gentleman would have some

difficulty'in protecting the interests of the municipality while protecting his own. He assured the aldermen that so far as he was concerned there was no-thing personal in his opposition. As to Mr. Dibley's objection to Mr. Nott, he thought that a very small matter, for force of circumstances would prevent him being a ward, mayor.

'Mr. Stephens supported Mr. Luya for opposite reasons to those advanced by Mr, Fish. He believed Mr. Luya would be able to get the railway down the river bank, would get it soonor and cheaper than any other alderman. There had been a little friction about the railway, but by electing Mr. Luya he thought they wonld get the line, and

save £lOOO.

Mr. Sinclair also supported Mr. Luya on much the same lines as Mr. Stephens, but whichever was elected he was sure

he would have the loyal support of the council. (Hear, hear.)

Mr. Duncan said it would be a queer thing if an interested party had to be


Mr. Midson denied that Mr. Luya would be interested in the railway. He was not the owner of the property re-ferred to. He (Mr. Midson) was assured on the best authority that this was so, and that Mr, Luya was pledged to give the line his support. Of the two men he thought Mr. Luya could best serve the borough, and particularly in the direction of the railway.

The question was then put to the vote, with, the following result :

For the amendment (7) : Messrs. Sin-clair, Midson, Dibley, Prout, Burke, Luya, and Stephens.

Against (5) : Messrs. Tones, Hardgrave, Nott, Duncan, and Fish.

On the amendment being put as the motion Mr. Luya was unanimously elected Mayor.

The Mayor-elect was then conducted

to the chair.

Mr. Luya thanked the council for the support accorded him. He was quite aware there were many important ques-tions before the council. Foremost there was the railway, and had it not been for the earnest wish that the proposal should be carried out he would never have consented to be nominated. He be-lieved he could do it ; there was no rea-son In the world why he should not. It had beep industriously circulated that it was his object to get into the chair in order that he might block the line. A greater falsehood never emanated from any one. Hes only interest was in the flour-mill, which would be directly benefited by the line ; his interest in the saw-mill was now nil. The question of finance had also to be considered, for it was certain the railway would mean an expenditure of money to the council which could not be met by the 2d. in the pound rate now levied. As it was,.

there was barely enough, after paying interest, to keep things running in the borough. By the help of the aldermen he hoped to carry through a scheme which would greatly relieve the council. There were also the questions of the change of tramway system and the erection of cool chambers, and all were of great interest to the borough as a whole. He had seen a disclaimer in that; day's " Courier," from which at ap-peared no restrictions had been placed on the retail butchers. He was under the impression from Mr. Geddes that restrictions were to be imposed. In con-clusion, he wished to assure the council that although he normally represented No. 4 Ward he would look after the whole borough.

Mr. Nott thanked those who had voted for him as well as those who had op posed him. If the latter had done wrong they would, no doubt, have to pay for it In some way, but he hoped they had done right. The only thing said against him had been by Mr. Dibley, who spoke of him as being essentially a ward man. He denied that he was, and assured Mr. Dibley that he had done as much for that gentleman's ward as for any other. While No. 2 Ward raised two-fifths of the revenue and owed four-fifths of the overdraft, however, he would try to stem expenditure in that ward, for he believed that expenditure should bear some reasonable proportion to the amount it contributed to the revenue. He also assured Mr. Luya that he had not circulated any rumour abotrt his views on the railway, neither had he heard any one speak about it ; but he thought it hips duty to remind the new Mayor that the lion's share of the rail-way had been done by his predecessor (Alderman Jones!. (Hear, hear.) He promised loyal support to the chair.

The company then adjourned to the 'Mayor's room, where an impromptu toast list was gone through, and nume-rous speeches made.