Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 18 May 1894, page 3



Befoio Mr P. Pinnock, P M.

DitUNhENNL6s -rour persons, charged with drunkenness, wero treated as first offenders, and disohaiged.

DrsoitPhiiiA CONDUCT.-Bridget Ryan was fined 5s, or six hours in the cells, for this offence.

FALSE PRETENCES -John Fleming, charged with obtaining money from the caretaker of St Stephen's Cathedral by means of false pretences, was committed for trial to tho next sittings of the Supreme Court, to bo hold on 28th instant, Ho was also committed for trial on a charge of larceny of £5 from William


BREACH OF MARRIAGE ACT -Arnold Mola was charged, on remand, with having married Mary D. Senior, a girl under 21 years of age, without having first obtained the consent of her parents. George Senior, an accountant, stated that he resided in New South Wales. He did not know the defendant, nor did he give his consent to the marriage of his daughter with defendant. She would be 20 years of age on 10th June next. Defendant was re-manded for eight days for the production of further evidence. Bail was allowed, defendant in £40 and two sureties of £20 each, or one in


LAitcrw oi A SAHDIE.-Harry Jameson waa charged with the larcony of a saddle and bridle, the property of Di. Knowles. Dr Knowles stated that on the 8th instant ho loft his horse with a saddle and budla outsido the Com meroiol Union Insuranoo Company's offiao, and went insido the building He returnod a few minutes later, but his horse, snddlo, and bridle wero missing. Some days aftor he went to a saddler's shop in Ann street, where ho was shown a saddle and bl idle which ho identified as his property, and which he valued at £4 4s Ho novel gave defendant peimisBion to take tho horse, saddle, or bridle Ho had sinco reaovorod tho horho. Othet evidenoo was oallcd which went to show that the defendant afterwards sold the saddlo and bridlo to a saddlor named E J. Carroll for 25s , and got a receipt from defendant. This olo=od tho- case for the prosecution. Harry Jameson was also ehaigod with tho larceny of a saddlo, tho property of Mr O. Weotman. Tho ovideneo for t)io prose cution went to show that Mr Weotman loft his horse tied up, with the saddlo on, outtido tho Roma street market, and on rottirning a few minutes later bo missod the saddlo. De-fendant afterwards pawnod tho saddle with Mi. W. Uprichard, pawnbroker, for £1. Tho saddlo was valued at £2 10s, The defendant was committed foi trial at tho noxt sittings of tho Supremo Court, to bo held on tho 28th


TALSI- VEIIBAI, Hrrni-SENTATIONS-William Lucas and Frank H. Brennan were obargod on remand with attempting to obtain money by falso verbal representations. From tho ovi-* denco it appeared that tho defendants went into Mr. G. billott's undertaking establishment on the 14th instant, about 5 o'clock. Luoas, whom Mr. Sillett knew by the name of Dangerlight, said that he carno to arrange about burying tho body of a little baby named Edith Thomas, which was lying ina house inCaxtonstreet Brennan wont out of the Bhop, and Lucas gave the particulars to Mr Sillett, who filled up tho usual form. Luoas produced a £10 note on a Deposit Bank in Sydney, and asked if ho could ohango it. Mr. Sillett, seeing the character of the note, tossed it baok to Lucas, toro up the form whioh ho had filled in, and told him to get out of the shop. Lucas went out, and Mr. Sillett followed and gave him in chargo of Constable Keano. Brennan was subsequontly arrested by tbo samo constable, Tho defendants woro remanded till Tuesday next for the production of further evidence.

LincFNT -John Talfor, on remand, charged with the larceny of lGs bd. from a coloured man named Sam Tanna, was further remanded till Tuesday, 22nd instant.

There aro ton "fruit schools" in Franco, where pupils are instructed practically how to cultivate and husband fruits.