Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Friday 5 July 1946, page 2


After a war career as a naval store carrier, the Yandra is expected to resume on the South Australian coast run about the middle of this month. She has been refitting at the Naval wharf, Birkenhead, since her arrival on February 22.

If the Yandra is ready she will sub- <*> stitute for the Moonta on the Spencer Gulf schedule on July 13. She is de- <*> finitely listed to sail on this run on

'July 20. She will operate for the Ad>' laide Steamship Co. while on the run. but v owned by Coast steamships. 1 Two ships, the Broadway and Ko-; ! poola, maintained the West Coast ser-. ?nee during the war. but the Yandra can ?? enler Venus Bay and EHlston, wblch are: inaccessible to the Broadway. j I DUE TODAY . : : Culraln. from Colombo. No. 10 berth, '8.30 a.m. M.G.Anderson. , Moonta. from spencer Gulf ports. No. 2 berth, 7 ajn. Adelaide steamship Co. I Kopoola. tram Edlthburgh. No. 2 berth, 'early morning, coast Steamships. SAILING TOOAr Cbyebassa. for Melbourne, from G berth, Birkenhead p.m. Macdonald. -Hamilton, i Iron Warrior, for Whyalla, from E berth. Birkenhead, noon. Broken Hit. Ptv.. Co. j River Hunter, for Wnj-alla. from Os-I borne, s a.m. Burns, Pnilp: J. Rawiings land Son. Port Adelaide agents. Karatta. for Kangaroo Island, (ram prince's Wharf. 6 p.m. Coast Steami shipsI I Lowana. for Melbourne, from' No. 5 ! berth, noon. Melbourne Steamship Co. : DOE TOMOBJtOW Barrahduna. from San Francisco, via eastern States, with timber. No. 11 berth. morning. Elder. Smlta & CX>. Chupra. from Melbourne. No. 3 berth. Outer Harbor. Macdonald. Hamilton. Minnipa, from Port Lincoln. No. 2 berth. 7 a.m. Ade^lde Steamship Co. Karatta. from Kangaroo Island. Prince's wharf, about 7 p.m. Coast Steamships. SAILING TOMOBKOW Moonta. for Melbourne, to dock, from No. 2 berth, morning Adelaide Steam. ship Co. I Broadway, for Spencer Gulf ports, from -No. 5 berth, noon., Adelaide Steamship ]**" ABJUVED WESTBaUJAT Mlnnlpa from Port Lincoln and Tumby B?t. No. 2 berth. 7 a.m. Adelaide I gttflLQisbip Co i Karatta. from Port Vincent and Kdithburgb. Prince's Wharf. 7 p.m. Coast ' i?teamsblps. I SAILED YESTEKOAY : Port Mlnfan, for Whyalla. noon. Me. nwrslth. McEacharn. Minnipa. for Port Lincoln. 7 p.m. Ad?-? laide Steamship Co. r. IN PORT \ Broadway, at No. S berth. Coast : I Banron, at No. 16 -berth. Huddart. ?tNo. 20 berth, maer. Smith ;|* n ctiyeoas?a, at G berth. Birkenhead. .' Macdonald. Hamilton.