Advertiser and Register (Adelaide, SA : 1931), Monday 22 June 1931, page 8

Out among the People


TAT[?]ERSALLS Club people were well pleased with the result of their race meeting at Morphettville on Saturday. During the afternoon I

spoke to the chairman, Pat Flanr.agan, and Jim Marshall, and Allen Mcrris, members of the committee, and thsy told me the totalisaior was travelling well. At the end of the day the figures wer2 £2,000 odd better than last year. The double machine accounted for £3,328, so this innovation is re- { taining its popularity. Mention of Pat Flannagan reminds me that nil hand has not lost its cunning with the billiard cue. The other afternoon I: saw him win six games out of ssven at American pool, a new potting game played with varied colored balls. Raceconrse Economies rpHE presence of members of the com mittee eating sandwiches at the members' bar was accounted for by the fact that the club, owing to the hard times, decided to abolish the official luncheon, and the usual entertainment in the committee room. Many mem bers I spoke to expressed the opinion that it was a decidedly good move. It will mean the saving of about £60. Then there was no band, the musical numbers being provided over the air. the items concluding with t'ae, National Anthem. Quite a number I spoke to actually thought a band *as on the course. The dropping of -^he luncheon meant, of course, 'the employ ment of fewer waiters and waitresses, but when drastic economies are made somebody has to suffer. One of the first wen I met on the ground was W. W. Warren, just returned from a trip to Cairns. His friends could not help noticing improvement in his appear ance, and Bill said, "It is the' best health trip I know, and I can recom mend everyone to take it." Alf Withers told several of us that he had .been to Yararoo. his station out from Port Wakefield, and it was looking remark-1 ably well. I met ? Whltmore Carr, the chairman of the SJLJ.C. at the half-crown tote, and we remarked on the number who used to bet in counfls and half notes who now patronise "She two and sixpenny machine. The donble tote is also papular on account of the small stake. An Interest In this mi'.d form of gambling has been aroused throughout the country, and agencies receive many instructions from near and far to Invest small sums' in the machine for clients. A Sporting Boy TJITHEN speaking over the air recently " I said I wondered if the young folk derived much interest from my Friday night talks from SCL. I have received many letters from juveniles in all parts of the State of a reassuring nature. They seem to enjoy the funny | stories, "especially the curly one," one boy writes. Here is a typical letter from Jack S. lade, of "Stantons," Mac-Gillivray. Kangaroo Island:—"l left earlv this morning to go kangaroo hunting, and got three nice ones. Ai couple of weeks ago three of my boy! friends came out, and we got seven kangaroos and 25 wallabies. Last year a friend and myself found about 150 nautilus shells. They were in all sizes. and nearly all perfect. This was the first time we had found them in the winter months. They generally come up in the late spring or summer." Sailing Ship Enthusiast ARTHUR S. Diamond writes:—'"Dear Rufus—Captain W. F. Lee, master of the motor ship Minnlpa, running between Ports Adelaide and Lincoln, an enthusiast In windjammers, pos sesses what is probably the finest col lection of photographs of sailing ships hi the world. Captain Lee, whose father was also a master mariner, well known at Port Adelaide, where some years ago he conducted a school for aspiring merchant service officers, served his time hi the well-known windjammer Bankflelds. He told me the other day that he bad been an enthusiastic col lector of these photographs as a boy before going to sea. After having dropped the hobby for some years dur ing the early part of his maritime career, he recounted the interesting circum stances—too long to mention here—of his renewal of Interest in the matter. Now he has large correspondence and effects exchanges of photographs with enthusiasts all over the world. The means by which be has come by some rare photographs is a romance In itself. Captain Lee is a typical sailor man himself—by which Ido not mean a seaman trained in steam."

Hayley Lever (TVER the week-end Mr. Charfrs v Allen showed me a letter be bfi^ received from New York' from Hayiey * Lever, well-known Adelaide artist Hayley lever was contemporaneous with Septimus Poweq Hens Her sen and Will Ashton. He says "Busi ness is rotten and thousands are oat lof re-ort h?n. tt R is a bad place for anyone oat of work, because everything is so expensive. I saw the Australian Show of Arts in New York. It didnt ajwim to make a big Jm sion over here. What they ooglu to have done was to borrow front galleries and made a Ing im posing show. My work is fitffl hawing in most in UJS.A. in April I had a snow of my work at the gallsry founded by Mrs. Roosevelt in memory of her sis ter, Mrs. Gladys Dick, who was IdQed in the hunting field. I was awarded the medal of honor at Uontdair Art Museum, New Jersey, for New Jersey artists. They own a canvas of ?"*? ?Bathing Beach, St. Ives. Cornwall.'-Hayley Ijever, who is an old P.?C boy. is represented in our National Gallery by 'The Last Glow St Ires." Happy Memories JOHN B. Blair, Brisbane (Q.) writes: "Dear Rufus—l always read your interesting columns, and was grieved to learn from them recently of the final departure of my old chum, blue eyed, sunny-natured Fred Bullock. He was a pal of mine at good old John L Young's Adelaide Educational Institu-tion in Stephens-place. 1861-1864. The last time I met him was at the ball he gave when mayor of Adelaide. Tom conducted me to the old school a few days after my arrival from the Clyde and presented me to 'Johnnie.' who placed me in Mr. Bennett's class—'Bulldog' was his nickname, but I don't know why, unless because he wore spectacles and a bulldog didn't! I recall as class-mates Walter Duffleld, Sam Jacobs. Kyffin Thomas. Vabian Solomon. Dollman, Whitham, Billy Whitridge. Hughes Cleland. George, Jamie and Walter Young, Jim and Bob Buick. two Scarboroughs. Phil Campbell. (grandson of Philip Levi), Carlton, Lambell, Harry Fesenmeyer. George Beaton. Jack Sinclair. Billy Wigsell Cary Clausen. J. H. Weidenhofer, Nat Bennett. Billy Townsend, John Fletcher and Jack Grossman. Tom Bowen had sisters, one of whom married Fred Bullock, while another married Robert Kyffin Thomas. I am glad to knew, from your frequent mention of him. of the wellbeing of my old friend Louis von Doussa, whom I first met at the Finniss, in 1872. and whose guest I have been on more than one occasion at Mount Barker. One Sunday there we foregathered with Paris Nesbit, with whom we strolled about tbe beau-tiful surroundings, Paris quoting Kip-ling's "Mandalay, and scraps from other writers, to our great ediflcation. I retain a warm feeling for the good old 'Queen City of the South' end her inhabitants." Blades afad Religion , -C M. N., Nairne, writes: -Uear Bnnu> ?* —I was extremely Interacted to your account of David TJnalpon ut The Advertiser.' I have in my possessioa a photographic card which speaks for itself. David is sitting at the organ, and fSrannip TJnaipon, as she is known at the Point McLeay Mission Station. is sitting on the ground with her grandchildren. The one with the ? book X believe is Kropmyerie. Mr. Bead was superintendent at the time this picture wa? taken. It is wonderful what die white man's religidn of Christ has done to help our dark brothers and sisters and another proof that the efforts of the pioneer missionaries at Point Mcttsy have not been in vain and are etra bearing fruits after 12 year?, as in David Unaipon's case."

Hayley Lever *