Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Saturday 2 December 1939, page 9

ITS MOMENTS jj^**JS~ \l^^ LIKE THESE \%^ifte^'t\\ ? <^ MinlieS & THE UNIVERSAL. SWEET i ?fade ONLY bj Jaa Sttd?n - HadaortSma Ud, ?Gmuaaa" Simbetr, N.S.W. aad AacUnl, N2. , 9 .j, Far parts mni constmetlMi plan* to build "Mlntlex" Dotcli Windmill, cend stamps or postal nol? to tie Tains of I/-. It more _, than one is wanted, send I/- (or each.

j^&. HAPPY RELIEF "Every 'Picture £PNSHf^^ FROM , a^^^^^ -- BACKACHE S^^^L ?^ those gnawing, nagging, painful back-JK^^^B aches people blame on colds or strains are often jjfJi^B oatlsed bJ tire(i kidneys—and can be relieved when treated in the right way. The kidneys are one of Nature's chief trays of €HHH^H taking acids and wastes out of the blood. A healthy igptHj^^^H person should pass about 3 pints a day and so get $SMfp^^/^U ?* ?* more than 3 pounds of waste matter. f!^pCS§P>s^S M the 15 miles ?f kidney tubes and filters don't _ *^^*Sr?PP(IBI work weli r this poisonous waste stays in the body. ? It may start nagging backaches, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, lumbago, swollen feet and ankles, puffi.ness under the eyes, rheumatic pains and dizziness. Don't let it lay you up. Ask your chemist for DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PIIXS used euccessfully the world over by millions of people. They give quick relief and will help to flush out the 15 miles 6f kidney tubes. So be sure you get DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS. F/^g^%^ Rerue all sabsthato. Inrirt apos "*fe^ DOANJS

?HggQHH|| If' ? V* W k a^H I ?^?^l^^a^^E^^^^^^a^^^a? ?Bb all! 9i I %f %f I ?HI^BHHnnBiSHiSBaBBBV — : GeUcnite Becovered.-About 42 sticks of gelignite, which were stolen from the powder magazine of the Adelaide Brick Company, at Waterfall Gully, Bnmside. between 10 am. on Wednesday and 6 pjn. on Thursday, were recovered by the police at a house in North flensing-ton yesterday, Might as well Sit down to drink— meet you at the new "Nap" LOUnge Bar. NnnoWin ? ?? napoiean lane. "^"^^"^^^^^T| _^^_^_^_____^^ JPn^attQjrrglMl |SR^^|Mh^^^ ~^lhHqS£S^Slb^^ affit^^^ JaE|^^al3a?K^ .^^mK?EmmiSS?3*^l§H&^ S^MmS?sa??at&U^ 2^^Hn^H|^^BS^BS?|B??v^ RADIO ANALYSERS AND METERS. ML j/m MJ ME* %^ write for catalogue writi for tATiuuout Newton, McLaren Limited, Adelaide. C 8341 aaaa^aa^HMaJ

mwiw^ TRUSSES PEARSE SUPER-TRUSS DEFDJITELT SOLOS ALL CLASSES OF BDPTtJBt No Spinal ot Hip Cottlnt Strain—no Backla—no Snetl?n Pmds. ??? definitely snlj ?? loch ittmhi la lUtat Trnia. 3NKBZB—COOOH—ROM—JUMP: in fact; these and any tests TOO desire are given to roo prior to the pnrebase of the appliance. me SDPKH ranss is a modem, scientific, surgically designed Rnptnra rrusi ano deOnltely carries NO DNDBRETRAP—the bane ot rupture sufferers It U hygienic nsbible and sale. The SUPER THDBS 1? Btted only by experts and carrtei 18 MONTHS" SERVICE guarantee Phone, call or write for appointment and oersonal attention. MR. PEARSE. SUPER-TRUSS CO. 34 ZOUNO ST. OUT TOWN 14 minutes from Cltj by Norwood or Kensington tram). Phone P4959