Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 19 November 1892, page 4

TO-MOBROW.-Novbmbïb 20.

Religious Sr.nvicEs.

Whiirf-Btroot Congregational Church.-11 a.m.

and 7 p.m., Kev. F. Hastings.

Wickham-terrace Presbyterian Church. - 11

a.m. and 7.B0 p.m., Rev. Gavin Lang.

Albert-street Woaloyan Church.-11 a.m. and

7.30 p.m., Rov. A. J, Webb,

St. Paul's Presbyterian Church.-11 a.m. and

7,80 p.m., Rev. J. F. M'Swaiue.

City Tabernacle.-11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Rev. W.


Salvation Army.-11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 7 p.m.

Inspector Wassel!, of the Customs Depart-ment, made the usual search for contraband goods on the steamer Menmuir, which arrived at Brisbane on Wodnosday morning last from Hongkong, and found 1800 cigars concealed in various parts of the vessel. The cigars were seized and will bo disposed of by auction.

Whilst a number of little fellows were bath-ing in the Brisbano Uiver, at the end of Victoria-street, off Montague-road, South Brisbane, on Tuesday last, one of them named Alfred Wobber, about 0 years of age, got beyond his depth, and was drowned. Sinco then tho police have searched for the body, which they recovered yesterday afternoon lying on tho mud under the A.U.S.N. Company's wharf,


Mr. A. P. Phillips informs us that his efforts to gain a concession from the shipping com-panies for Stato school teachers after corre-spondence and expense have been unsuccessful.

The steamer Dnko of Westminster, which has been loading frozen meat from the Eajrle Parin works for tho past few days, oleared at the Customs yeBtorday for London, via Wellington ond Rio Janeiro. She will leave the wharf at Eagle Farm this morning, and at once proceed to sea. She has a full cargo, and could not tako away as much moat from Brisbane as was at first intended. Her cargo comprises tho following

At Nowcastle she loadod 11,039 carcasses frozen mutton, 9i)01 haunches frozen mutton, and 117 cases kidneys ; at Lyttelton : 881 sacks wheat, l8 caBks tallow; at Rockhampton : 1801 hinds of beef, 872 fores of beef, 80 roast pieces, 8511 carcasses mutton, 20 bags hindquarters mutton, 155 bags kidneys, 50 bags ox tails, 35

bags tongues, 42 bags fillets, 5S cases extract of I

meat, ISO bags bones, 25 bales hoofs, 9 bales |

horns, 219 casks tallow, G70 hides, and 124 hales wool ; at Brisbane : 1511 packages beef, 8572 packages mutton, 24 cases sheep kidneys, 8 bags ox kidneys, 13 bags ox tails, 17 bales lamb skins, 98 bags bones, 57 bags horns, 10 bags hair, and 100 hides. Tho cargo is a very valuable'one, and its worth may bo imagined when it is 'considered that the Brisbane portion alone tots up to £12,000. The meat from the Eagle Farm works has

givon every satisfaction to tho agents, as it is | in splendid condition and well frozen.

Tho Hamilton Divisional Board hold a special meeting last evening. It was decided to expend about £150 in draining the Hamilton Estate, a special rato being struck to defray the cost of


The First Queensland Bowkett Benefit Build-ing Society held its fourth ballot for an appro-priation of £400, in its rooms, Queen-street,

last night. At eight o'clock thero wore present seven directors and about forty shareholders, and Mr. John A. Clark announced that the

proceedings would be conducted on tho same lines as heretofore. Accordingly tho members elected Messrs. Holmes and Hossack to scrutinise tho roll and Mr. Warnock to place in the barrel a numbered ball to represent each group of shares paid up to date. It was found that 160 members were eligible for ballot, and Miss Kahler was chosen by the meeting to take out of the barral one ball. The hall withdrawn bore the number 5 which tho roll testified represented Master Fletcher, who holds one share. That young gentleman is therefore entitled to £100 of Bowkett money free of iutorost for ten years. The society is holding its own fairly in spite of tho hard times, and it is gratifying to the management to he able to state that many new members are coming in.

In addition to the four appropriations now

made thero has been a sale of £200. Tho Bowkett is only four weeks over a year old.

Dr. Lucas lcotured on Federation in the room of the Young Men's Christian Associa-tion last night, the Kew W. Whale presiding.

There was not a very largo audience, but the | lecturer mot 'with an extremely good recep-tion. The address was of a most interesting character. Dr. Lucas had a comprehensive gvasp of the subjeot, and in these days of local separation and federation his views came most »propon. Confessing himself in the first place an ardent Imperial Federationist, ho main-tained that while some people regarded it as a glorious dream, he, on tho contrary, felt that it was a thing which would be realised. Im.

porial federation was a thing that was going to I

bo. It was tho natural growth of a treo which had been growing for the last thousand years. Mon thought that it was a mystery ; but it was no more a mystery than that two and two made

four, and two more mado six, and two more j made eight. It might require a good deal of j energy and patience to bring it about, but that it would como to pass he was confident. Canada was 100 per cent bettor since sho had becomo federated than she was before, and in proof of this he pointed to the Canadian

Pacific Railway, which could never have boen | accomplished without that federation. Previous to that they wore all British in that they could sing " God Save the Queen," and that heartily; but when they came to manage their own affairs thoy were as utterly opart as if they were Hottentots or Chinese. Australia was in the same condition at the present time, and in proof of this he referred to the border Customs and different railway gauges which set up a barrier between peoplo with the same natural aspirations, tho same climate, the same charac-teristics, and the same politics. Australian federation was not making the progress he would uko to seo it make at the present timo, but he was satisfied that it would como about. His great idea of federation was a representa-tive gathering of lawmakers representing the

English-speaking race, and sitting where they !

liked-in Brisbane, or London, or Montreal- | to regulate affairs which were truly imperial, and when that was accomplished he was not afraid as to the position which Britishers

would occupy. A very cordial vote of thanks j was passed to Dr. Lucas for his lecture.

A deputation representing the engineers, officers, and crew of the Buninyong, who were recently quarantined at Peel Island, was intro-duced to the Colonial Secretary yesterday by Mr. Foxton, M.ff.A. Messrs. Gannon and Luya, MM.L.A., were also present. The deputation stated they had been unable to obtain payment of wages from Messrs. Howard Smith and Co. daring the time they were in quarantine, and thought that as they had been ordered off the ship at the instance of the Government, the Colonial Secretary might do something for them. Mr. Tozmt replied that the Government were unable to make any payment, but seeing that they had dealt very liberally with the company in not enforcing tho strict letter of the law, and had paid them a considerable amount for work done on the island, the men had boen badly dealt with, and he promised to write to Messrs. Iloward Smith and Co. drawing their attention to the fact that the men's wages remained unpaid.

Mr. Charles Jamieson, barrister-at-law, and Northern Crown Prosecutor, has been appointed Deputy District Court Judge in the room of Judge Noel, who has boen appointed Acting Northern Supreme Court Judge. Acting Judge Jamieson will presido at the sittings of the District Court to be held in Charters Towers on the 6th December.

Tho engines at the Mount Crosby pumping station have been at work during the past two day3, and the engineer reports that they ave giving every satisfaction and working well. Owing to the increased pressure, bursts have occurred in tho mains, but the pipes have stood the tests very well. The pressure since the extia flow has been coming through the pipes has varied from 1201b. to 1561b. to the square inch. The water cannot be termed clear, but is free from smell and pleasant to the taste. The following districts aro now being supplied from the Mount Crosby reservoir :-Toowong, Taringa, Indooroopilly, Musgrave-road, Gregoryterrace, O'Connell Town and beyond, New Farm, and the whole of South Brisbane.

Mr. A. J. Boyd, of Nundah, delivered a lecture on " Arctic Exploration," in the Pro-testant Hall last evening, undor the auspices of the Queensland branoh of the Koyal Geogra-phical Society. His Excellenoy the Governor and Lady Norman were present, and the audience was fairly numerous. The lecturer, after describing the geographical position of tho Arctic regions, and pointing out on a map the routes by which these could be reached, spoke of the atmospheric phenomena peculiar to the land of snow and ice, and recounted the dangers which beset the navigators in their endeavours to reach the Polo. The animal and bird life inhabiting these northern latitudes was interestingly described, and reference was made to the Esquimaux and their modo of living. A 3ketch of Arctic exploration was then given, and at the close the lecturer was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. A large number of limolight views were exhibited during the evening.

A petition signed by thirty-six prominent ratepayers of the Redcliffe Division has been forwarded to the Colonial Secretary, piotesting against the* proposed borrowing of £800 for the purpose of erecting board offices at Eedcliffe, and praying him in terms of section 257 of the Divisional Hoards Aot of 1887 \o cause a poll to be taken as to whether such money shall be borrowed. Accompanying the petition is a statement, embodying a number of reasons why the money should not be borrowed for the purpose. It is stated that on account of the increased rate the board have considered it necessary to levy being objected to by many of the ratepayers, work of this description should not be undertaken at the present time, The removal of the board offices would be very inconvenient to a large majority of the ratepayers, four-fifths of whom reside in Brisbane and the suburbs. Kedchlïe is only accessible by steamer, and the time between the arrival and doparture of the steamer, which was about an hour and a-half, was not suffloiont for the transaction of the ordinary business, and boavdsmen could not afford to spend more than one day upon a board meeting. Consequently the Brisbane bonrdsmen would have to resign, and the choice of members for the future would be confined to tho rendent ratepayers of tho division, however inegible they misht be considered by lho majority of tlie ratepayers, who would thus be doprived of the services of gentlemen now on the board of aoknowledgod ability and business


A few day? ni(o a letter was received by Mr. Claudo Musson, of this eily, from Mr. A. Stevenson, manager of Dalton station, some distance weat of Windorah, in whieh ho states that while near Lake Yamma, with Mows, W. Gibson (dividing commissioner), W. Gamson (general manager for F. W. Armytage), and J. Henderson (manager of Eulbertie station), they saw distinct traces of rabbits in the vicinity of that lake. This is supposed to be the furthest north that rabbits have been found in that part of the colony. [A reference to tho map of the colony will show that Lako Yamma or Mackillop is less than 100 milos south-west of "Windorah.]

English and other mails ex Orient Com-pany's B.M.S. Orient arrived by train last night, and will be dohvered by letter carriers at 8.30 a.m. and at the General Post Office at 0 a.m. to-day.

The executive of the Christian Endeavour Union hold its monthly meeting at the Young Men's Christian Association Jtoorns on Wednes-day afternoon last. Mr. G. H. Buzacott (presi-dent) was in the chair, and thero were represen-tatives of six societies present. Correspondence from the New South Wnle3 and Victorian unions and from Hie United Society. Boston, was read and dealt with. Further acoounts in connection with the recent convention were passed for payment. Authority was given for printing the prayer meeting topics for 1898, and to secure a number of portraits of Dr. Clark for salo to members. Arrangements were mado to assist the Lookout Committee in furnishing delegations to congregations desiring information as to the principles of the Chris-tian Endeavour Society. Meetings were hold the same ovening in connection with the Free Methodist Church, Ann-street, the Congregapational Church, Brighton-road, the Primitive Methodist Church, Boggo-road, and the Presby-terian CImich, Valloy, and a society was organised in each place, making a total of six societies formed within the week. The strength of the movement has inoreased from eight societies at the time of the annual meeting of the union in July to twenty-three at the present time. These are located as follow :-Brisbane, 15 ; Ipswioh, 4 ; and Toowoomba, Allora, War-wick, and Stanthorpe, 1 each. Denomina-tionally they are distributed as follow :-Con-gregational, 7 ; Presbyterian, 7 ; Baptist, 4 ; Primitive Methodist, 2; Free Methodist, 2; Wesleyan Methodist, 1.

From a private letter, bearing date 8th instant, received from Brooklands station, near Quartz Hill, on the Herberton-Georgetown route, we learn that no min has fallen for some considerable time, cattle are dying every day, and the waterholes are filled with dead and dying cattle, which have to be taken out and burnt in order that the water may not become polluted. Bush fires have also devastated the country for some distance around, and the outlook altogether is exceed-ingly bad.

Tenders have recently been invited for the following works:-Customs-offices,Short-street Wharf, until Friday, 25th instant; M'Credia Bros, and Chambers, architects. Completion of smith's and ironfounder's work, new Trea-sury Buildings, Saturday, 19th instant ; John Jude, contractor. Supply of 1000 tons best steam coal, Mount Crosby Pumping-station Monday, 28th instant ; L. A. Bernays, secre-tary. Building a bridge on the Bite of the present Normanby Bridge, Gympie, Saturday, 20th instant; J. G. Bädgell, seoretary. Erec-tion of part of Quetta Memorial Church, Thurs-day Island, Thursday, 2-lth instant ; G. H. M. Addison, architect. Erection of offices (wood) at Normanton for the Australian Mutual Pro-vident Society, Monday, 28th instant; G. H, M. Addison, arohitect. Erection of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rockhampton' Thursday, 29th December ; Voller and Graham' architects. The tender of J. Davidson_£524 -for the erection of All Souls Church, Toowong, has been aocepted ; Hunter and Corrie


Warden Bracewell, of Eidsvold, wired to the under Secretary for Mines yesterday, stating that an escort in charge of Senior-sergeant Gallagher left there that morning with 1971oz.

7dwt. lOgr. of gold.

A cricket match between the Glasgow House and Newstead O.C. was played at Newstead on Thursday, and resulted in a win for the Newsteods by an innings and 42 runs. For the Newsteads the principal scores were Wyatt, 25

R. Harden, 24 ; Smith, 23 ; Newall (not out)',

8 ; Day, 8 ; G. Harden, 0. For the Glasgow House, first innings-Callow, G; Baker and M'Nab, 5 each ; second innings-Dixon, 8 ; Flatman, 6; and Urquhart, 5. Flatman and Moylan bowled well for the Glasgow House, as did Wyatt and Day for the Newsteads.

The Brisbane Liedertafel orchestra have been of late engaged in vigorous rehearsals in preparation for their forthcoming concert on the 2nd Decomber. The concert will be the first of its kind given in Brisbane, and a novel programmeis being arranged, which will include full orchestral recitals and vocal and instru-mental solos. An excellent group photograph of all the members of the orchestra, with their instruments, has been taken, and is on view in

the music warehouses.

The arbitration in the case of Mr. John Robb and the Railwy Commissioners was resumed yesterday. Claim No. 8 was concluded; and olaim No. 9 for £1470 for alteration of tunnel 14 was opened. The court adjourned at 4.30 p.m. until 10 a.m. on Monday next. It is ex-pected that Mr. Reid, the contractor's aibi. trator, will be able to take his place in the court on its resumption.

We are informed by our Southern correspon-dents that Mr. Wall, the missing bookmaker, whose disappearance has so much exercised the Chicago police, is at present alive and woll in Melbourne, so that the suspicion of foul play is quite unfounded.

The Taylor-Carrington Company at the Gaiety will produce this evening the latest London version of Bouciciiult's drama "The Octoroon." Special efforts have been made to give this favourite play a good setting, and there should be a large attendance, particularly as it is to be played for three nights only.

" The transfor of Sir Samuel Griffith from the post of Premier to that of Chief Justice ol Queensland, which is one of the open secrets of the near future (says the S. M. Herald of Wednesday last), has already begun by antici-pation to suggest questions as to the filling up of the vaoanoy which it will produoe. We have witnessed something of the kind here, although the cases do not correspond at all points. When Sir James Martin quitted political lifo for the first place on the judicial Bench, there was a withdrawal from the As-sembly of a power that had been feit, and the Parliamentary conditions were appreciably changed. Thero can be little doubt that the change in Queensland will be more severely felt, for reasons which will readily occur to tho minds of those who have watched the course of events in the Northern colony ; and the only consideration that will tend to miti-gate reRret at the loss in one department ol public life will be tho reflection that there will be a countervailing gain in another. There will be a transfer, not an absolute loss. But still, in the political world the loss will be felt, for in the conduct . of publio aft'airs personal initiative arid personal influence retain their value and power." After referring appreciatively to the work of Sir S. W. Griffith in the cause of federation, the writer goes on to speak of the effect of his retirement upon the movement for tho estab-lishment of provincial government in Queens-land. The determination of the Government to

persevere with the Constitution Bill as recently cabled to England is also discussed, and tho defeat of the measure when recently before the Legislative Council. In conclusion the writer says : -" We aro not hero discussing the ques-tion whether the bill did or did not rightly como within the operation of the two-thirds clause. Our argument- is simply this, that inasmuch as the bill was obviously lo3t through an oversight or misadventiue, and the effect of an unexpected technical objection being sprung upon its supporters, the result cannot bo accepted by the Imperial authorities as on in-telligent expression of the opinion of tho colonial Legislature, oras opening the way for that Imperial legislation which wn3 not to be proposed until after the colonial Legislature had taken a definite,and intelligible stand."

On Tuesday, night last the new comet was seen from the Sydney Observatory. Mr. Bussell says it is close to Mu Andromeda, and appears uko a hazy body with a well-defined nucleus. It is not far from the. Great Nebulas in tho constellation Andromeda. The position is due north, visible between Í) and 9.30 p.m., but it is too low for a good observation, being only about 18deg. above the horizon. The Southern Cross, familiar to everybody, is just Gdeg. in length, so three times the length of that constellation would gire the height of the stranger above the horizon at present. It will thus readily be understood as being very unfavourably situated for observation in theso'latitudes. With regard to the report that the comet will bo but a million miles from this planet in a few days, Mr. Bushell says there is little probability that it will make any difference to the earth's atmo-sphere. It has been held that comets have caused a kind of glow by their near présence,

and, astronomically speaking, a million niilej is close ; but in instances where it is beyond doubt the enith has been crossed by the tail 0. one of these incomprehensible wanderers in space, no such peculiar lißht was observed. In a few days it will be definitely known whether there is a probability of this new comet becom-ing a splendid obj ect in Southern skies.

A small black hairy grub, supposed to be the grub of the bugong moth, has made its ap-pearance in countless thouFands in the Hawkes-bury River district, the Clarence Biver district, and other places in tho colony (says the Sydney Baily Telegraph). It has become particu arly prevalent on the grounds of the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, where it has completely eaten down considerable areas of oats and maize, and this witbin a few days of their appearance. The most effective means of destruction has been found by making a double furrow round the paddock, the earth being thrown outwards. The grubs climb over the side and fall into the trench, and are then easily buried in large numbera. Experiments are being made by the Agricultural Bepsrtment with Paris -green, by which the grabs are poisoned; also bv means of spraying with a solution of hellebore and pyrethrum. two gallons of the solution being spread over an acre of crop. A good deal of destruction has also been caused by passing rollers over the paths, thus killing the grubs in their onward march. There have been plagues of this grub before, but they are fortunately few and far
