There was considerable bustle and expec-tancy at the Town Hall on Saturday at noon. The annual election of mayor was to bo held in open council at 12 o'clock, and half-an-hour before that timo a crowd of persons had assem-bled ou tsido tho Municipal Chamber doors. When at precisely 12 o'clock tho doors were unlocked there was a sudden rush of the public, and in a few seconds every available inch of room was occupied. Small caucus meetings of the alder-men were held during the course of tho morn-ing, and apparently thoro was a strong desire on the part of most of tho city fathers that the question of who should bo mayor might bo settlod in a private meeting, but it was understood that Mayor Clark and two of the aldermen wero entirely opposed to this. At eight mhilitos past 12 the alder-men filed in, there being present :-Aldermen John A. Clark-, John M'Mostor, G. Watson, jun., B. ."Fraser, W. Pearse, T. E. White, J. Hipwood, A. M'Lean, J. D. Heal, and T. Burke. Many of the ex-aldormon of tho city were prosent, and were accommodated with chairs on "the iloor of tho house."

Mr. J. A, CDAUK, as returning-oflicer, an-nounced the result of the city oloctions for the yenr 1892, and moved that the town clerk talto

the chair.

Mr. MAnsitATiTi had no sooner taken tho chair than Mr. T. 13. "WHITE moved,-" That the council do now adjourn for a quarter of nu hour." This was seconded by Mr. Bniticu, but before the motion was put Mr. SI'LKAX asked, "For what purpose ?" and a voloo replied, "For drinks." Tho motion was carried by S to 3 votes, Messrs. Clark, Hipwood, Heal, and M'Lean re-fused to retiro, tho rest of tho aldermen going in a body to -¡the town clerk's room, presumably to hold a caucus meet-ing, alleged to be iii' "favour of the nomination of Mr. Watson. Tho situation was then somewhat unique, and tho split in tho council was humorously canvassed. Half of the aldermen were away "in hiding," and tho other half wero chafling or quarrelling with enoh other in the chamber. The spectators were vory quiot throughout. Ton minutes went speedily away, and then tho caucus half of the council returned to tho chumbar, but Air. Marshall would not tako tho chair until the fifteen minutos had expired. On tho call of " timo" Mr. B. FUASEU proposed his colleague, Air. Geo. Watson, for tho position of mayor, and spoke vory kindly as to his capabilities.

Mr. CiiARic said ho had great pleasure in seconding tho motion. Mr. Watson was a thoroughly practical man, and in comniittco was most useful. Ho would make a good mayor. Many objected to an inoxpeiioncod alderman being elected to' tho chair, but Air. Watson was a thoroughly good, practical, com-mercially trained man, and would occupy the position with orodit to himsolf and to the council., If he was elected he (Mr. Clark) pro-mised to render him all tho support ho could.

Mr. T. B. Winn: said ho felt it to bo hk duty to vote for tho man ho considered best fitted for the position irrespective of any other consideration. He did not know whether ho would got any socondor to his proposition, but he wished to place his viow3 on record. Tho manner in which Mr. Clark had eonduotod tho business of mayor during tho past year con-vinced him that it would bo to tho interests ot the city to givo Mr. Clark another term, and he therefore moved that he should bo re-elected


Mr. HIPWOOD seconded the motion, without 'comment. 'it.

. Mr. M'LEAN said thoyijworo aware ho had been a candidato for the position, but ho had withdrawn, and was going io support ono of the candidates proposed. [Mr. M'MASTKU : " I am going to propose another."] He was going to support a young man. As far as ho could judge it did not want such a wonderful amount of intelligence to occupy the chair as was supposed. Mr. Marshall was really mayor. (Cheers.) Ho intended to support Air. Watson. (Cheers.) Somo timo ago thoro was a compact cntored into that the honour should go round, but the old members got the position over and over again. Oh, thoy (pointing to AJossrs. Hipwood, Clark, Heal, and M'AIastor) aro all very old chums. (Cheers and laughter.) Ile did not cntor into that compact, hut was going to support it. Mr. "Watson was an honest and honourable man, and he (the speaker) did not believe in o man who dohborately said ho would not offer himsolf agnin for tho position and then went and asked for votes. Ho stuck to Mr. Clark last year. In fact he put him in the ohair-(clicois, and " Go it, Sandy")-but he did not think that ho (Mr. Clark) had acted as the proper representativo of the temperance cause. Ho had supposed Mr. Clark would havo 'been an honour to the 'cause, but he was very much mistaken. (Cheors^ind laughter.)

. . Mr. Hii'woou i ,1 rise te^a point of order. Wo did not como here to discuss Mr. Clark's pri-vate character, but to elect a mayor. (Cries of " Sit down," and uproar.)

Mr. FiiASDit said Mr. M'Loan was explaining why Mr. Clark should not bo elected mayor.

Mr. M'LEAN denied ho was speaking about Mr. Clark's private character, and amid inter-ruptions and upronr continued to ailinn that Mr. Clark had clone a great injustice to tho |'temperance cause in his position as mayor. Finally the TOWN Ci/nitK ruled that Mr. M'Loan was not acting fairly by casting reflections upon Mr. Clark's private character, and further said tho by-laws provided that ono alderman should not speak disrespectfully of a brother


Mr. Bum;r; Baid ho intended lo support tho nomination of Mr. Watson. Ile had also been a candidato for the chair, but had withdrawn. Every man who had been returned as a repre-sentative and who had conducted himself decently had a right to the chair.

Mr. CI.AIIK said he could not allow the panto-mime to pass without saying a word or two,

more particularly in regard to the exhibition of I good tasto and temper which they had just had

from Mr". M'Lean. There was a little matter on I which ho would take them into his confidence, and the public would then know how it was that the cat jumped so hotly on the bricks. (Laughter.) Ho had always had the groatost

respect for Mr. M'Lean-(laughter)-and | would not attack his private charaotor, but his public career was anothor matter. He (Mr. Clark) emphatically denied the truth of many of the statements which Mr. M'Lean had made, and would meet him at any time on a public platform. iChoérs.) Only a few days ago in that very rooni'ihe (Mr. M'Lean) had voted with tho other aldernien in the unani-mous vote of thanks which liad been passed to him (Mr. Clark) as to his honourable conduot as mayor during the past year. (Applause.) If Mr. M'Lean was now speaking the truth ho must have perjured himself on the previous occasion. (Applause.) If his conduct had not been honourable or if ho had violated any of his pledges as a total abstainer he (Mr. M'Lean) should then have oponed his mouth. He had repeatedly lifted Mr. M'Lean out of mire into which he had fallon-(cries of " Chair, chair," and a voice " The tramway company are not bosses, aro they?") Tho

sentence was not complete. Of course ho only j meant municipal mire. Ho quite forgave Mr. M'JJean all ho hod said. To-morrow he (Mr. M'Lean) would have changed his mind, and again on the following day. Ile understood why it was Mr. M'Loan had lost control of his temper. During the last three or four days he had been on the tramp, and when he carne to him (Mr. Clark) and asked for his vote

Mr. M'LEAN, excitedly : " It is a lie, sir."

Mr. CI.AHK said he reiterated the statement,

and that on his honour as a man. Mr. M'Loan I carno and asked for his (Mr. Clark's) support. [

He told Mr. M'Lean that ho must be left free

to act, as frooly as ho (Mr. Clark) had left | him (Mr. M'Lean) when the matter was before them on the previous year.

Mr. M'LEAN : I emphatically deny that ; it is !

another stretcher.

Mr. Cr.Aiii* said it was a fact, and proceeded

to state that Mr. Watson was a young man who | had learnt tho faculty of holding his tongue,

which Mr, M'Lean had not. [Mr. M'LEAN: I " That's another stretcher. I don't want a lecturing here. I can stand a bit of a flying jump as well as any man."J He was teaching

Mr. M'Lean a useful lesson-how to bridle an I

unstable tongue. (Laughter and cries of " Sit down.") Ho was trying to teach Mr. M'Lean the first letters of the municipal alphabet, and the sooner he learnt it the better it would ,bc. (Cheers and joors.)

Tho motion that Mr. Clark be elected.'mayor for the ensuing year was then put, but'Messrs. T. E. White and J. Hipwood only supported it.

Mr. M'MASTÉI! said ho was quite sure the public must have appreciated the washing- of dirty linen betweon the two advocates of tem-perance. Ho thought Mr. M'Lean had made an un justifiable attack upon Mr. Clark, although many people would agree that the lato mayor always had an empty cupboard. [Mr. Cuiuc : " I never had a drop of spirits in my cup-board."] He-v had boon twenty years an alderman, and never in any caucus meetings had heard such disrospoctful language as had boon used that day. Ho sympathised with Mr. M'Lean, because ho was a disap-pointed man. He was going to proposo another candidato ns mayor, not because ho had anything against Mr. Watson, but because he thought ho was inexperienced. He pro-posed Mr. Hipwood, a man of experience, and one who would givo satisfaction to the city and to the council. (Cheers.)

Thore was a pause of about a minute, but no seconder was forthcoming, upon which tho original motion was put and declared carried unanimously.

The TOWN Cr.muc, amid ohcors, thon deolarecl Alderman Goorgo Watson duly elected as mnyor of tho municipality of Brisbano for


His worship tho Mayor was thon conducted to the chair, and signed the usual affirmation.

Messrs. Frasor, Clark, M'Loan, M'Mastcr, Heal, and Hipwood congratulated tho now mayor, each giving him a word of advice.

? Tho MAYOH returned thanks for his clootion. lie had not sought the position, nor solicited a vote. Ho trusted, howovor, that now ho had boen elected ho would do honour to the council, and uphold tho dignity of tho chair. (Chocrs.)

The proceedings then terminated.

Subsequently a number of citizens entered the mayor's room, and congratulated tho now mayor. Mossrs. M'Lean and Clark also embraced the opportunity to adjust thoir dif-ferences, tho' former explaining that ho did not accuse Mr. Clark, when mayor, of having had strong liquors in the mayoral cupboard, but rather tho absence of them, and complained that there was nothing to drink when the now aldermen woro olooted. Thoy ultimately drank each other's health by tho aid of somo good gingorhcer, and tho little breeze in the council was quito forgiven.


The meeting of tho South Brisbano Muni-cipal Counoil for the election of mayor was hold on Saturday in the Council Chamber. Tho full council was present. .


The M.ivon briolly referred to tho lato muni-cipal oleotions, and welcomed Mossrs. Midson and Allan to tho council. Tho council had lost two good mon in Mossrs. Morry and Nott, but in a short lime the new aldermen would, he had no doubt, be quite up to their standard.


Tho town clerk having taken tho chair,

Mr. FiiAXCis said he wished to make a fow remarks, and to put himself in ordor ho would concludo by proposing . an alderman for tho position of mayor for tho current year. Tho gentleman whom ho should proposo was ono who from his years, his largo oxporionco in local government, and as a business man, com-mended himself to, and ho felt suro possessed tho respect and ostcom of, all with whom he had boon brought in contact, whether as fellow-aldermen or as ratepayers, and in fact "of tho rank and filo of tho general com-munity'whoso wolfnre he (Mr. Francis) was con vinocd Jio had thoroughly at heart. Before going further ho felt called upon to say that he had long considered it a most unhappy state of things that tho aldermen of the borough of South Brisbane-the second municipality in tho colony-should bo unablo to select their own chief officer, but should bo obliged to refer such selection to a Minister of tho Crown, mid he sincerely trusted that on this occasion tho Colonial Secretary might bo spared that very invidious task. Ho trusted that the hint dropped hy that honourable gentleman at the mayor's pionio last week had fallen upon recep-tive cars, and had boon absorbed by relluctivo and responsivo rrtinds, and that the aldermen gathered thora that day to perform the gravest, the most important, and the mo-st honourable function that foil within the sphere of thoir responsibility would at this critical period en-deavour us far as possible to sink their specific identity as representativos of individual wards, and remember, for the noncoonly, that thoy woro aldormen of tho borough of South Brisbano met togother for tho purposo of adding dignity and lustre to thoir office by now selecting that one of their number who was best fitted hy ox-porionco and endowments to becomingly occupy the chief civic chair. Ile might now, perhaps, bo'permitted briolly to refer to some few of tho moro important features of tho just ended reign of our respected mayor, Mr. Thomas Heaslop, Ho had had an onerous duly to per-form, and often and in many ways a painful one. It was for many reasons to bo logreltod thut his term of office had expired. He had borne

the burden and heat of tho day in carrying to a successful and triumphant issuo the building of the now Council Chamber. Ho had fought many a hard light both in that chamber and out of it in order that the aldermen of South Brisbane might havo a hall wherein to deliberate that was worthy of their borough ; and ho (Air. Francis) for one thought it almost a pity that ho should not enjoy tho satisfaction of plucking tho fast-ripening fruit over whoso culturo ho had watched with such sedulous care. The now sanitary contract was another instance where he had toiled long and arduously in the interest of the borough. In this ho had met foomen worthy of his steel. Ho had had to zealously guard tho interests of the ratepayers. Ho had engineered that most important work from its initiation, and up to the very point of fruition he had had a long tough fight; and again ho said that ho thought it was a matter of deop regret that ho should not be in command to control the inauguration of a system now so near consum-mation, and for which so much was claimed. Of the vexed question of a year ago, the matter of the central bridge, he need not say much. That bridge was as dead as Leander, who used to swim across the water to see his lady love, because the joint authorities of his time could not see their way to bridge the Hellespont —(laughter)—and it was due in no small degree to the action of their late mayor that the central bridge was so very dead. To come now to the question of the moment. It was by many considered that the very essence of local government was involved in an annual change of leader. It was held, and not without reason, that where one man con-tinually held the reins abuses would creep in, and administrative details run into grooves in a way that was not always desirable, or for the general good. A periodical change went far to remedy this. A now broom was said to sweep clean, but only when wielded by capable hands, and he certainly thought that other things being equal frequent changes wero beneficial. It hall frequently been remarked that No. 4 Ward-in many ways the most im-portant in the borough-had not yet had a re-presentative in tlie chair. Ho endeavoured temporarily to forget that ho was one of that ward's delegates, but he could not fail to recognise the claim of No. 4 to have a mayoral representative. Ho trusted that time was now near, and while ho did not wish to ignoro tho merits and claims of- any of his colleagues, be trusted that the gentleman lie was about to pro-pose as mayor would during the ensuing year continue to prove tho wisdom of his choice, and that his colleagues in the council would endorse by their unanimous votes tho proposition he would now make. He proposed as mayor for the borough of South Brisbane for the current year Mr. Alderman Heaslop.

Mr. STEPHENS seconded the motion, stating that he hoped the action taken by Mr. Francis would go a long way towards doing away with the jealousy which existed between the various wards. Hitherto ther.e had been a good deal of friction, but he hoped that Mr. Francis's action would remove it. With, regard to Mr. Heaslop's late mayoralty ho thought thoy would, all agree

that he had carried out his duties remarkably

well, and he thought that there was no man seated round tho table more suited for tho


The motion was then put by tho TowNOrxaic and dcolared carried, Mr. Jones being tho only dissentient. ?IlílIfJ.'U'

The ALwoa elect briefly retumtíft£ííthanks..) stating that ho r--'3 J- -'".,A i-üI-41-aJ

the interests

afraid from the _ ".r_ _"__._, existed tho task he had undertaken was a liiu'd


The proceedings then terminated.


A special meeting of the Windsor Shire Council was hold on Saturday for the purpose of electing a president. Present-Councillors G. K. Jopp, Al. Rigby, W. H. Lane, ~ Macgregor, T. S. Hawkins, C. E. Birkbeck, W. Floyd, W. Mooney, and J. M'Intyrc. Tho

clerk was voted to the chair.

Mr. BioiiY moved,-" That Mr. Jopp bo pre-sident." Ho thought that Mr. Jopp had discharged his duties satisfactorily during tho

past year.

Mr. AlACGr.Ffloit said ho did not believe in the system of changing tho president ovory year, and to test tho fooling of th'o meeting he would seconded Mr. Jopp's nomination.

Mr. Biunr.oK movod as an amondment that Air. M'lntyro bo president. Ho did ngrco with Air. Macgregors ideas about having the samo chairman year after year. Air. LANE seconded

the nomination.

Mr. Jorr said he was allowing himsolf to bo nominated because it seemed to him that Air. M'lntyro was going to havo a walk over. Ile did not consider that Air. Al'Intyro was tho best chairman they could select.'

Mr. Biniiv said ho thought thore had hoon some little oittsido canvassing in the matter.

Messrs. FLOYD and HAWKINS supported Air. M'Intyro's nomination.

On a voto being taken, Messrs. Bigby, Alnc gregor, and Jopp voted against tho amendment, and Messrs. Birkbeck, Lano, Hawkins, Floyd, and Aloonoy in favour of it. The amendment was declared carried and Air. Jopp conducted Air. M'lntyro to the chair.

Air. M'INTYIU: said ho had not canvassed for tho position. The only gontloman ho had spoken to on tho matter wns Air. Alacgrogor, and that before Air. Macgregor was oleetcd. Thore wero sovoral questions ho would uko to address the mooting on, but ho would defer his remarks for tho present.

Air. AlAcniinoou explained that he did not intend it to bo understood that ho advocated tho appointment of a permanent chairman, hut ho thought it was not always advisablo lo appoint a now chairman every year.


Mn BAUM S Eiaxn n Pni sim si

A. special mooting of the newly constituted Cooipaioo Simo Council was hold at tho offices of tho shuo at noon on Saluiday foi tho pin poso of olootmg a prosidont foi the ensuing yoai Thoio weie piesent - Counoillois Maniott, Howling, Lahoy, Baines, HoiBloy, Hanson, Edmonds, and Carnell Very httlo inteiest was taken m tho piocoodmgs, theio bung only two oi tinco iitopayois in atten dance, and it was quite ovulent that tho election of Mi W II Baines, to fill tho piosidont schan foi tho usual tel m was a foiogono conclusion Hie chau was taken by tho shno cloik, Mi


Mi MMIIUOTT proposed that Mi. W II Barnes ho appointed pichident

Mi HANBI N ¡seconded tho motion Mi

ITOWIINI suppoued tho motion, which on boin[* put to the vote was oainod almost unani moubly only Mi Edmonds voting against it Mi Dimes was then fonnally doolaied elected, and wai conducted to tho picsident s chau

Mi Bums than! ed his follow councillois foi tho honour thoy lind oonfoutd upon lum He telt that tho position was ano of gtcat impoitancc Itwab neoossaiy for the man who occupied tho chau to uso much tact I ho gentlemen who had piouoiibly occupiod tin chau wcio men of c,ioit ability, and in stopping into Mr Ilolhcar H placo ho felt that ho was in a bomowhat trying position He pionusod to do his utmost to faithfully cany out all tho dutios intiusled to lum and would endoavoui to bo tlioioukhly impailinl Ho trusted thoy would vvoilc well togolhoi, and studiously avoid bickerings of any soit Ho might niLtition soveral matters which ltqimod the immediate attention of tho council llioio was tho lim nott Swamp hrnl| o lio hail iilways had vuy stiong uetts on that subject One of tho first entlcavoms of tho now council tihould ho to tiy and induce the Government to allow thom toappiopnatc some ot tho hillanco of the loan towurds constiuclin« that luidlo Inking the ur(,oncy of lins woikintoconmdeia tion he thought it would havo boen bottoi if tho cutting neal tho ollico had been loft alono Another mattet they would lime to considoi was tho (.tate of the finances It wo'uld bo nccessaiy to keep a veiy furn hand on thom Ihcn there was the getting m of înlos in auears Thoio was a laigo amount of latos standing in tho books as yet not col loo tod Olio of tho fust things thoy would ha\o to do was to c,ot them in, and if thoy could not bo got in thon lcgnl stops would havo te be tnkon foi

then »ecoveiy j


Councillors Boys, Fletchor, Hpcedy, Paton, Mullin, Valentine, Lintern, Alofl'at, and Whito attended a special meeting of tho Ithaca Shiro Council on Saturday to consider the election of president, tho clerk taking tito chair. Sevoral ratepayers wero present, and the proceedings wero very lively,

Air. SI'UKIJY moved,-" That Air. Valontino be president for tho ensuing year." , Ho thought No. 1 ward was entitled to the presidentship, and as Air, Valentino was a really good councillor, it would bo in the sbiro's interests that ho should tako tho chair.

Air. Boys seconded tho nomination. No. 1 ward was entitled to tho vacancy, No. 2 Ward having had it for tho past year, and No. 3 Ward not wanting it. From tho able manner in which Air. Valentino had filled tho position of chairman of finança it was apparent lie could (ill tho president's ohair equally well.

Air. MoFPAT^supported the motion.

Air. PATON* said ho would oppose it, though not upon personal grtmnds. Ho was not pre-pared to maleo any amendment.

Alcssrs. Speedy, Boys, Moffat, and Valontino voted for tho motion, and Messrs. Mullin, Paten, Lintern, White, and Fletchor against it.

Air. BOYS moved that Air. S. White bo presi-dent. From his long connection with the board ho had the next best right to tho


Air. AIorrAT seconded the motion.

Air. VALENTIN« moved as an amendment, " That Mr. Speedy bo president." He did not recognise the right of Mr. Whito to presumo to tho position, seeing it was the first meeting ho had attended. Mr. Speedy had been returned for No. 1 Ward by the biggest majority ever polled in the Bhire, and had never failed to attend any of their meetings. Ho had dono good service as a member of the Works Com-


No one seconding the amendment, Mr. SI'EKDY said that at the present timo he declined to be a candidate, although ho might come forward again in the future.

Alessrs. Boys, Aloffat, and Whito voted for the motion, and Alessrs. Alullm, Paten, Speedy, Valentine, and Lintern against.

Air. LINTEIIN proposed Air. Alullin for tho oflice. Air. Alullin was an old and experienced councillor, and were he elected he would be able to All tho position creditably.

Air. Si'EEtiï seconded the motion. He sup-ported Mr. Alullin on account of his ability, which wduld bo a great service to tho shire at

the present time.

Mr. Alow AT contended that Mr. Alullin could claim no right to be elected. Two years ago he was returned by the ratepayers. He took his seat at the council for ono night only. He wanted to be president then, and because he could not succeed he resigned immediately

after his election.

Air. FLETCHER said he would support the

motion rather than see a deadlock.

Air. PATEN said as Mr. Speedy would not stand he would support Air. Alullin.

Mr. BOYS said he rather failed to see" where the ability of Air. Alullin carno in. He hid left the ratepayers in the lurch before,'an!4,fce"w0Was throwing over Enoggera so that Jhe iiiignKget votes at the Shire Council for the'&residency;' ?

.; Mili - ..> <:*,; '

. -On -tho chairman-being asked to put tho motion, Mr. BOYS (jumping to his feet) said, "I won't stop. I have a perfect right to come here and say what I think fit. Some of you ¡sit here like old hens, and do nothing but ,ohook, chook, ehook."

. Messrs. White, Mullin, Paten, Speedy, 'Fletcher, and Liutern voted for, and Messrs. .Boys, Moffat, and Valentino against the motion.

Mr. MuLLfti, in thanking tho councillors for his election, regretted so much feeling had been shown. Ho hoped all ill-feeling would now be dropped. He would like to have seen Mr. Paten in the chair, and had used all his persuasion to induce him to stand without success, and was therefore forced to tako tha position himself against his will.

At tho conclusion of tho' meeting Mr. Valen-tino handed in his resignation, and Messis. Boys and Moffat intimated their intention of

also resigning to-day.


Tho polling for Subdivisions Nos. 2 and 3, Taringa Division, took place on Saturday last with tho following result :

No. 2 Sumuvisioî".

Board's Courier St.

Office. Building. Lucia. Ttl. John Goldsborough 01 31 0 5)2 J. W. Todd 20 31 0 CO

Boin-! a majority of P,2 for Mr. Goldsborough.

No. 3 SunmvisioN.

II. F. Smith .. 9 42 20 71 C. Lune .... 20 31 5 C2

Being a majority of 0 for Mr. Smith. Five voting papers' were informal.


The polling for Nos. 1 and 2 Subdivisions, Stephens Division, took placo on Saturday last with tho following result:

No. 1 SUBDIVISIO"*. Board's

Office. Brisbane. Moorooka, Ttl.' D. F. Denham 63 82 D2 177 J. Neil .. GC 25 12 10«

'Majority for Mr.-Denham, 74. . Informal 2. .!, . " . ,'liiij .

. .. r '. . No<-.2'J3unprùg'o**., .

T. Freunqy ... "liS-t «i«, .Ä 1 M3 W. W>ldon .. .'Ï23, .,' ,;H3| " 4 181)

. , -Majority for.Mr. Waldon, 47.

For auditors tho polling was :-J. Noill, 182 ; C. W. Round, 230 ; W. li. Wilson, 202 ; A. C. Wylie, ¡lO'l. Messrs. Wylie and Wilson were declared duly olectod. Tho informal votes

numbered 19. __________


A special meeting of the council for the election of mayor was held at the Town Hall on Saturday. The mayor (Alderman Walter Barrett), and Aldermen R. H. Sheaffe, D. J. Childs, M. Quinlan, J. C. Hassall, James Greenwood, and G. Prentice met in caucus at 11 o'clock, and at noon they were joined by Mr. J. W. Todd. Some considerable discus-sion took place, there being three candidates for the chair, and somo thought it should be decided by seniority in the council, but

each had been in the council for the same period. One then withdrew, and left only Messrs. Sheaffe and Childs as candidates. At

12.26 the aldermen came to the council table,

and the town clerk was voted to the chair. Mr. TODD nominated Mr. Childs, of whom he spoke in eulogistic terms. The nomination was seconded by Mr. PRENTICE. Mr. J. C. HASSALL, moved as an amendment that Mr. Sheaffe be elected. The amendment was seconded by Mr. GREENWOOD and supported by Mr. M. QUINLAN. Mr. BARRETT supported Mr. Childs for the chair, as he thought the Central Ward was entitled to have one of their aldermen in the chair. Mr.

HASSALL, contended that Mr. Childs resided out-side the municipality. On the amendment and the motion being put the voting was equal and after discussion it was decided to let the

matter stand over until Mr. Zahel, who is at present in Sydney, could vote. The council then adjourned till Wednesday next.