Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 8 February 1892, page 4

TO-DAY, I-'r.imuAitï ü.


7.90 p.m., Lodge-room, Albion, Albion Masonio

Lodge, No. 228Ü", E.C.


ö p.m., Nominations closo for Breakfast Creek

Tony and Galloway Races. EXTKUTAIN'MKNTS.

8 p.m., Gaiety Theatre, " Homo Rule."

8 p.m., Theatre Royal, " Pirates of Putney" and

" Buy Blas and tho Blase' Roué,"

8 p.m., Exhibition Building, Tug-of-ivar.

8 ii.ui., Breakfast Creek Pavilion, Monday M Popular Concert. ;

i Queensport Aquarium arid Zoo, all ¿lay. SUN ANU MOON,- -r .

Sun rises, 5.Ü9 a.m.; sols, ü.<19 p.m.

Moon rises, 3.UG p.m.; sots, GV1G a.m. Full

moon, 18th February, at fi.50 a.m.

S.u.ns nv AUCTION.- '

Messrs. King and KiitR, at their Auction Rooms,

at Eloven o'clock : Unredeemed Pledges.

McsBi's. llitven . lind Co., on tho Premises,

Georgc-stroot, at Eleven o'clock : Household Fni'iiiliiro, ive.

Messrs.-Arthur Martin and Company, Limited,

at tho City Auction Mart, at Eleven o'clock : Suburban Properties.

Messrs. Isles, Love, and Co., on tho Premises,

Quoon-strect, at Eleven o'clock : Surgical In-stalments, Cutlery, &a.

Queensland Farmers' Co-operative Agency

Company, Limited, nt thoir Eonui-strcet Store, at Ten o'clock : Hay.

The election of mayor for the city, which took place on Saturday at noon, resulted in the appointment of Mr. George Watson, who has represented the East Ward of the city in the Municipal Council for the past year. The proceedings wore somewhat lively, a smart passage at arms taking place between Mr. John Clark and Mr. McLean. Mr. Clark was nomi-nated for the position of mayor, but failed to secure any support beyond that of his nomi-nator and seconder. Mr. Hipwood was also proposed, but the proposition found no seconder. Mr. Watson was congratulated upon his appointment by all the aldermen and a large number of citizons, and has also been the recipient of a few complimentary telegrams.

At a committee meeting of the Queensland Turf Club, held on Friday evening last, the fol-lowing lioonscs were granted:-Trainer: P. Byrne. Jockeys : J. Innes, H. Venables, P. Edwards, J. Burke, T. II. Fitzgerald, P. W. Robinson, S. Pilon, W. Bowers, T. Ryan, J. White, and R. Hunter. Several other names were submitted for licenses, but the applications were hold back for further reference.

The Registrar of Patents notifies in a sup-plement to tho "Government Gazette" that he has accepted applications for patents from the following:-.1. V. Rice, jun., Edgewater Park, Now Jersey! U.S.A., mechanical engineer, for " Improvements in and rolating to steam engines, and moro particularly to direct-acting steam engines ;" 1\ Y. Wolseley, of Sydnoy, gentle-man, for "Improvements in overhead gear for driving tlexiblo shafting particularly applicable to shecp-shcaring machinery," and " Improve-ments in shecp-shcaring machines."

The Rev. A. T. Kirkpatrick (writes a Redcliffe correspondent) had an unpleasant experience a few days ago. While driving near Caboolture the brow band of the winkers slipped oil, in consequence of which tho horse bolted and threw out Mr. Kirkpatrick, who was sovercly bruised and stunned. The buggy was also damaged. A flying ray of rather large dimensions was creating great disturbance among the fish near the Redcliffe jetty the other day. As near as could be determined it

was from 8ft. to 10ft. in breadth.

Attention is directed to the full programme (which will be found in our advertising columns) of the popular concert to be held at the Breakfast Creek Pavilion this evoning. It is in some respects a more than usually interesting one. , ¿ «- .

The election of mayor for South Brisbane T took place on Saturday at noon. There was only one nomination-that of the retiring mayor, Mr. T. Heaslo# ¡who was re-elected with only one dissentient'', voice in a full council. . h|j T

The Toombul Divisional > Board met on Saturday afternoon. The financial statement showed an overdraft of £1402 with a borrowing power not exceeding £1700. Reductions in wages of day labourers, gangers, and draymen were made. An extremely wordy discussion on the question of the constitution of the Im-provement Committee of the board took place, and a motion including the whole board in the committee was eventually carried.

The frequent reports of house-breaking and petty cases of robbery which have recently ap-peared in our columns have indicated to the public that to safely protect thoir property it was necessary to look to window and door fastenings on leaving their dwellings. Notwithstanding these warnings, however, much laxity has been manifested by householders, many of whom have suffered to a considerable extent. It is now known that there aro two or three gangs of Southern thieves in Brisbane, whose opera-tions havo extended from ono end of the city and suburbs to the other. Perhaps the most extensive haul made by these was on Sunday, 31st January, when they completely sacked the jewellery establish-ment of Mr. Buxton in Ann-street, Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Buxton left their residence about 1 p.m. on the day mentioned, and did not return until evening. On arriving home they found that the premises bad not been un-occupied duiing their absence, and that the whole of the most valuable portion of the stock had boen removed. This included gold and silver watches, rings, chains, brooches, and many other articles of value which helped to form Mr. Buxton's stock-in-trade. The thieves may really bo said to havo had a " soft thing," for strange though it may seem the articles had been left in the window and show casos, and not removed to the strong safe, as is usually done by jewellers. They entered hy the back way, easily gained an entraneo, and as easily left the place. The detective depart-ment were communicated with, but it is under-stood that none of tho property has yet been recovered. The police are naturally reticent, and therefore it is difficult to obtain anything as to thoir suspicions or investigations. Mr. Buxton values the proporly stolen at £400.

Jenkin Richard Jenkins, late hotelkeeper, near St. Lawrence, was adjudicated insolvent on the 3rd instant. The first meeting of creditors in the estate will be held on the 18th instant.

The Salvation Army Rescue Home reports for the week ended Saturday as follows :-Number of inmates last week, 1!) males and 4 children ; admitted, 3 ; left for situation, 1 ; remaining, 21

males and 4 children. '

The following names of magistrates names appear on the roster for atten-dance at the City Police Court this week :J. JJ. Adams, H. Thompson, C. E. Birkbeck, J. II. Burns, AV. Chisholm, R. Dansie, C. Fletcher, J. Gillies, James Hamilton, N. J. Howes, A. Kerr, E. B. Lewin, A. Macintosh, J. Milne, W. C. Nicholson, Sheldon Pole, W. Ruddlc.R. A. Skinner, J. W. Strachan, C. J. Trundle, and J. S. White.

The Victorian horse Spondulix, who made the record of Oft. 7in., has been purchased by Mr. B. E. Fenwick, of Brisbane. Spondulix has arrived in the colony.

At the Government Iiabour Bureau on Satur-

day three applications for employment were made, and the engagements numbered three.

An announcement appears elsewhere which interests subscribers to the School of Arts. It is therein stated that in reply to a representa-tive deputation the retiring committee have expressed their willingness, provided the majority of subscribers so desire, to allow them-selves to be nominated for the position they have just vacated.

The Exhibition Building re-opens to-night, the occasion being the first international tugof-vvav ever held in Brisbane, and judging from the enthusiasm displayed by tho members of the various teams, tho greatest interest is being taken in the event. Tho teams consist of ten men each, with a substitute and a captain, and the first pull will start at 8.15, when Denmark will enter the lists against the representatives of Germany, i England versus Scotland will be tho next competition, and .then Ireland and Australia will tug for the honour of their respective countries. For the order of pulling, complete information will be found in our busi-ness columns. The huge stage (100ft. in length) and the patent register are all in position, and the largo hall has been decorated, and seating accommodation for upwards of (iOOO people ÍB arrangod. Special trams and

'buses havo been put on in anticipation of the rush of people to the Exhibition. Admission for the general public to the building will be at the turnstile gates; whilst ticket-holders and teams will enter at the Bowen Bridge-road gato. The band of the Irish Volunteers will be in attendance, and in order to vary tho programmo a concert will be held eaoh evening during tho intervals, when well-known local artistes will appear. As everything connected with the practical arrangements of this tug-ofvvar are on similar lines to that held in Mel-bourne, the tournamont should be very suc-cessful. It should be noted that tho whole of the prize-money will be paid over at the office of the National Association.

General entry for the races to be held in con-nection with the second Summer Meeting of the Queensland Turf Club has been fixed for to-day. Entries and nominations must be in the hands of the secretary at 4 p.m. to-morrow.

Considerable interest was manifested here on Saturday afternoon (says our Sandgate corre-spondent) in a lawn tennis match, which drew a large number of spectators to the Hurlingham Tennis Court on the Cabbage-tree Creek reserve. The match was between Mr. Nicolson's Brisbane team and Mr. Thielman's Sandgate team. Play commenced shortly after the arrival of the 2.20 train ; Messrs. Ayers and Thielman (Sandgate) playing Messrs. Nicolson and Love (Brisbane). The former won 9 games to 4. The second set was played by Dr. F. and Mr. H. Paul (Sandgates) against Messrs. Cottell and Robin-son, of the Brisbane club, the latter winning by 9 to 4. After a short interval Messrs. Cottell and Robinson (Brisbane) were matched against Messrs. Ayers and Thielman (Sandgate). The Sandgate players won by 9 games to 8.

The last set was won by Sandgate, Dr. F. and Mr. H. Paul, against Messrs. Love and Nicolson, the games being 9 to 7. The final scores were Sandgate 31 to Brisbane 28.

The Aquarium Company's steamers Natone and Alice are at present receiving a thorough overhaul at the hands of Messrs. Evans, Anderson, and Phelan, at their works, Kangaroo Point. It is expected that the Alice will be finished in the course of a few days. This boat has just received a new steel boiler, tested to 2001b. to the square inch, which, with the alterations and improvements to her machinery, it is anticipated will make her one of the fastest steamers on the river and bay trade. Special attention has been given to the renewal of the deckhouses and shipwright's work. Improvements are also being made in the Natone, which is in-tended for the Humpybong trade. It will be seen by our advertising columns that the Aquarium management have placed the steamer

Woolwich on for three moonlight excursions.

The half-yearly meeting of the School of Arts was (says our Sandgate correspondent) held in the reading-room of the institution on Friday night. Mr. Wm. Street, president, occupied the chair. There was not a large attendance of members. The half-yearly report, a summary of which has already been published was taken as read. The president said that in these depressed times it was well that the institution was holding its own. The interest in it was increasing, and as regarded the finances they were thoroughly sound. He must congratulate the members on the great increase of books in the library and also in the greatly increased pro rata issue of the circulation. The report was criticised by Mr. C. M. Paul, Dr. Fred. Paul, and others after which it was adopted. Dr. Paul regretted very much that a number of the most promi-nent and wealthy persons in Sandgate did not support the institution by being members. Messrs. C. M. Paul and W. E. Barfoot were ap pointed auditors. Votes of thanks were passed to the auditors, committee, and president for past services.

Mr. Munro and Sir Graham Berry appear to attach a widely different meaning to the correspondence which passed between them on the subject of the Agent-Genoralship. Sir Graham Berry, in the course of an interview with a representative of the Argus on Mon-day, remarked that-"The letter which I had from Mr. Munro several weeks before my recall was decided upon was couched in terms which I construed, and still think properly construed, into more than a con-ditional oller of «appointment as far as the Premier could make it._ It was as strong a letter as one friend could receive from another. My views were asked, and Mr. Munro declared that ' there was no one the Government would bo so glad to appoint.' " In other words, Sir Graham construed Mr. Munro's letter as an officially authorised offer of reappointnient. Mr. Munro, on the other hand, says that his letter to Sir Graham Berry was written purely in his private capacity, and expressed only his personal views. " I did not write as tho Premier of Victoria," he Bays, " I wrote as James Munro, and if my personal views were consulted to-day I should still ba glad to see Sir Graham reappointed."

The annual general meeting of the Railway Employees' Ahsociation commences on the Oth instant. The business will include con-sideration of a district council scheme, the enlargement of powers of branches, the estab-lishment of a fund to indemnify members who may bo made to suffer for taking an active part in working for the good of the association or its members, the management and editor-ship of the Railway Times, the appointment of a permanent organiser and election of

officers, and alleged grievances These lattoi include discussion of the Central Railway dismissals bouts of duty, redue tion of «ages probationers being kept too long waiting for appointment and having to pay for msuianee, &.C , before being aware whethei appointment would be confirmed or not, medical fees and loss of time attending fot examination, inadequacy of the bousing accommodation of lengthsmen, ground rent

provision for tho children of lengthsmen attending school, system of promotion from tiavolling to permanent gangs , delay in issue of unifoims, keeping back increases when due, light and fuel, budge carpenteis, oier time and passes

One of the fastest passages e\er made to Australia from Marseilles was performed by the Polynesien, of the Messageries Maritimes line on her last \oyage outwaid, and this time she has done well The steamet was due in Sydney eaily on Friday morning, and as she left Mar seilles only on the ard of last month, her pas sengeis will be landed at Sydney on the thirty third day after embarkation This is equal to landing passengers from London m thirty foin da)s lue Sydney poition of the Polynesien s mails were delivered in Sydney on AVednesday last Some \ei) fast steaming «as done on the trip Toi example, between Mahé and Albany the daily average was $03 b knots, or a, fraction o\ei 15 knots per hour right through -a distance of 4000 miles

AJYO {S M Herald) have received the report foi the yeal 1891 of the aborigines' station AValaga Lake (South Coast), submitted by the superintendent, Mr J D Beece to the Board for the Protection ofAbongines Progiess has been made, but many difficulties have had to be contended against AVe are told that ' the aborigines will not work on the reserve for shaies of prospectus profits, and are also too nomadic to stay and share such The ab'e bodied men aie really the woist class to deal with Thoy will e\en desert a good paying emplojmeut aftet they have earned a little money, return to the station, and gamble, then awaiting anothei job, will loiter about the place and eat of the rations of tho others, old and young " The abongines ha\e taken readih to the MODS of their white bl othets 'Gambling is still lampant," says tbft fèport " They will stake tobacco, knife, money, boot«

anything and everything, they will neglect employment, cooking, the sick, all for caids, j et the superintendent is powerless to stop lit ' Mr. Reece states -" Once (three jeais ago) thoy had a dead body boxed up 1 was waiting to lead the sen ice, the women too were waiting, and daikness setting in, yet these fellows would finish the game befoie they con vojed the body to the gra\e " Another thorn in the flesh of those in control of the camp is dogs "Not a man, woman, or child is without at least one each of these mongtela of the most mangy description They eat up «liâteser scrap of food is left, drink out of tua same vessels as the family, and sleep on the «ame blankets " Tho number of aborigines on the station being supported by the board on the list Decembei last was ¡SI adults and ii children

A subject m rcfeience to the amalgamation of the legal profession which has given rise to some speculation of late was settled bj Air Justice Hood on ATednesdaj (sa> s a Melbourne telegram). Motions for orders to review wete being made m the Practice Court when Mr James M'Kcan rose to show cause. His Honour theieupon saul " I cannot hear j ou

you cannot appear before the couit unrobed ' Mt M'Kean "But the Supreme Court rukä ha.e been repealed by the Amalgamation Act, the) aie swept away " His Honour "That has nothing to do with it. \ rule of practice

has been laid down by the Judges that pro-fessional men must appear beforo the court in their ¡robes.- Youi might as well appear with-

out your coat aspjvithout robes, and I am sure you would not show such disrespect for the Court. This'matter will have to be ad-journed."

A Melbourne telegram to the S.M. Herald

states that the board of reference have an-nounced their decision in the case of the dispute amongst the boilermakers engaged in the repairs to the steamer Bancoora. Tho successful tenderers for-the repairs were Boberts and Son, of Bendigo. Upon obtaining the tender the firm opened a workshop at Williams-town, intending it to be a permanent shop. Shortly after commencing repairs on the Ban-

coora the men concluded that they were entitled to an extra 3s. a day under the rules regulating the trade for board and lodging on tho ground that the works were more than » certain distance from the shop. They struck for that amount, contending that the shop opened at Williamstown was only temporary, and that therefore they were entitled to an allowance. The award of the board of reference is against the men, on the ground that they have broken their agreement and are not entitled to the extra allowance claimed. *

representative of the men has entered a Pr°jfsl against the award, but without reason, lae men, on receiving the extra amount claimea, individually pledged themselves to repay tne amount if the award was given against them, but the understanding is entirely depender» upon their honour, and it remains to be seen whether they will be bound by it.

Residents in the country sending their ordert to Finney, Isles, <fc Co., with careful descriptioa of requirements, naming prices they wish to g

to, and enclosing remittance to cover anz-can rely on getting as well served a»,the keene« buyer in the city from the best assorted stock ? and best value to be had in the colony, wnica ! omp arisen of the goods will prove.- [A»«'J