Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 18 October 1921, page 8



Twenty-three men all advanced in years, gathered round a table in the Grand Cen-<*> tral Hotel on Monday evening to do honor to the memory of a well-esteemed citizen

?f Adelaide woo nras leaded to fairer Artie* 41 ran ago. Silver has touched the Jwir of the youngest of them, and eome have lane paaed she allotted men of three ?core years ?nd ten. but in tteWts oi fL* s "^ *"iv U!r *lne ??va?.t love for tear oU edibotmaster, Mr. John J,. 12?*S tkefomrfer and prineiua! of tie Addarfe-ghlostiooil institute. Menwo of the aammtes ? cne's youth become ?fort" hallowed in the dam -when tie ?bidon tactben, ud the tares begin to £s?L To a wmgr man tbe sincerity and bonhomie of tftis little gathering was mou diftrait <mma, after school daps by w. rod*J>f?kanee. hav^ ?ofae together m !*>autumn for the purpose of keeping ?JW?I tfc? to iaoe We', dangea and widely known and highly aaapecied; all of ti*m fcwe beat SHmvfalf? some mlk rf We. and it -srooid be dUaenlt to find a >^^tf"^mttecnnuimiifly. Mr. J.U. .???*? sdbool vms opened in Adetade in~lK§ and dosed in 1880. Mr. Tonne <fied in the Bed Sea on July 25, Eft A??W?^?r ? 'dinner waabSd on September 18, 1867, Imt from then nntjl mi no records reUcnfc to reunions exist. Tke firtt rrawo of the present r-if-Wfrirm was held on October 11, 1912, and on t&at trailtttfe members kancbed a eehente to ??? £Mg? to *???* the J?*n L. Yonng Beaean* eckokoaaip ?t the DnnecsityTni connects* witn -which a priae of £50 5s awarded ?unity. The winner in M9O was Mr. Frank L. Winter. At the tenth a&noal rennuo last night it was announced that tie £LttO had fcen naisedttheW instalment of £300 paid to the Registrar of the University, and the -?>" aim. of the association attained. ??.wikm: Mr. F. A. Chapman presided, and the others Vraent wcreT-Sir Joseph Veres, o^*?- BmereOle. A. Johnston, J. Barker, W. Bone, F. W. sSTfV B. H"***. W. A. Hagkes, F. W. BuHocfc S. Boinervine StoWSnMh. R. Lewis, F. H. Oark, A. eehnunm, J. H. M. H-wk?^ and C-ttfwlt The pub met eachotaer ?ordujlr, and the gathering vu i very sappy one. Each member present passed Ms mm card nwnd and enured the auto-Craph of <everyone el?e. There ?re, sins, very Uw of the early &*tentvm of Mr. J. L. Y?m(r? scnoUrs stOl Hving. -Tke Adekide Educatkma] Insttution." H*. "i* M1- Yonne tad g^Tj, them a ?piendiJ atart in lie. U m good to have ?Md tbe fnemtohip sod tuition of J?ch a worthy mm and erudite scholar as be, tor fee tanghl His boy. that knowledge pa the nnc* treasury of aH. (Oaeers.) It eonld not be stolen sad it could sot 5" f?2? anfZ' ? Tl'e/ h*d karaed a great deal from the teaching of tbeir old mlker aod from miafi beeinnaig? great things had come. The men praeni that night had ?m?_s*. ??o the world; aotne were more ?aocoafal than others, but aU had d-me ?*'L fh<y nad much to thank the Adelaide hducttkuial Inanition for. (CHeete.) Goodmss had ndta£?d trom Mr. Ydaas; be gained not <mlv char re?p?t but'thro- ?dmintwa. "He had a wonderfully em temper and a marvellous facflHy in imparting knowledge minsh i>w could ?arpMs. (Cheers.) Ttroogn he had been dead ior 40 years his name ?a]l bred and would do so in the political economy ?nd research ??holanslr?s at the Lniventty. (Cheers.) The old eAolars were becoming: * ?*aJ!er band &ch year fViven mnre name* had bjen added to the* !?. of thoae who had toeeu laid to rest bat even wb*n all were emte the nanM> ri John Utnmzo Young wonid be handed down lrom generation to generaliao in the most ertraordinarv way. (<"h<>er!< 1 The toast nr.w lionored with en&raiafim Mr. F. \V. BulUwt (chairman of the *rfu>VLrship wimniUeel siil in Ucrober, 1 9! 3: " tb. e>" to nae fl,oon for a miolar^fp. and on .lannsry 25 la*. t'ie payment, of Cm w, made to t^e ."* tIK% lTniv??*>-- Ha.v.-mr ! finwhed the<r c-hirt" wo*t, he honed Lhe old .xJi^ars vrouia sliH keep their interest ;" l die asBoc:iu:on. (Oh^ws.) The mme}had heco rawed eieliurvejy from old m-!ioi*rs. (Cli?ers.) ilamy" cii? v^M iiave liked (43 6ub?nbe. but it was irYt it was the a-ork of the old bovs. who ?:sied t., ebo ? their lore w their sch-wlr^ster. (<.heer.s.i It had token nine idKrs to armmi4is!i. bat tbe war bftd initerfen^d 1 ant* during four years little ?"aa m. The annual eaiJieriur was much appTOL-ieited bv ; the daughters of Mr. Young. 11m >iii;U I \ouiig, writinsr t> him recentir j'ro.n itrartSord-.-m-Avon. lad esprewsod th' decrwwt thanig ..f Lj*-!f u.i*i bw Kisu-r 1 f.K- whil w.l* l>e!ig dme t-> iwrprtaaie ! the ninsf ot her ut!i<r H'Ker* I lAt the in?sUn.v --> Mr. <:iark. , Vl >t<> .? thanks wa* tendered t,> the consmittee f t tho work d*>th? in co?n*f<T.ion -i :ih i)\c v?mineQwrati\i' SA.lK)la?'i4>. \ l.Mst. "Thp m?iMiv >?; nur n] ( and psKwiwnl nviwer. Mr. .1' J.. \Ynnp.'' u: Jnink ill gJrniL-e. and ?hit ??. "Alwni old . ?^'n.^rs ' was also Iwiioip 1. Tiosn tkh-j I died flay the last n-uni-n i.,rc >J>-Roixrt Kcll.-. .if St. J'ctw: l?i-. ,J,,h n " ! Spn.l. of N'ortli Kcns'nron: M?vn V |\\. Hotlin,:. ... lhuV?-!i:" Frank .lonn??p' |tM?ii ? V: UiHiin.'.v.T !?* ?: '.ir..l Jaha I'eppcrell t.ctli'cd, o-" Cigjt's Wvlt,