Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wednesday 24 August 1921, page 6


His Excellency the Governor presided at the annual demonstration of Our Boys' Institute on Tuesday evening. The Postmaster-General (Mr. G. H.

Wisot arrived in Adelaide from Melbourne on Tuesday, and caught the train for Perth. He intends to return to Ade-laide on September 3, and will proceed to | Melbourne on the following Monday. Mr. Wise is going to Western Australia in connection with overseas mail affairs. While in Adelaide on the return journey he will investigate local postal matters. On the motion of the Chief Secretary (Hon. J. G. Bicv), the Hon. J. Lewis was in the Legislative Council on Tuesday granted two weeks' leave of absence on, account of ill health. The Lady Mayoress (Lady Hackett) en-tertained the wives of visiting dentists at afternoon tea at the Town Hall yester-day. Mr. Edmund Bowman, whose death oc-curred at his residence, East-parade, Ken-sington, early on Tuesday morning, after a prolonged illness, was the eldest son of the late Mr. Edmund Bowman. Mr. John Bowman, his grandfather, came to Australia in 1839 from Tasmania, where he had commenced sheep farming in 1835. He had four sons, of whom Mr. Edmund Bow-man, sen., was the eldest. Mr John Bow-man bought land at Enfield and Dry Creek, and afterwards acquired the Martindale and Werocata estates. Mr. Edmund Bowman, jun., had his his first experience at Martindale on 4,000 acres of sheep coun-try. After the death of Mr. Edmund Bowman, sen., the estate was managed by Mr. William Bowman for the trustees, spe-cial attention being paid to improving the breed of sheep. The Martindale Estate was bought by Mr. W. T. Mortlock, who purchased a large proportion of the stud shown. In 1877 Mr. Bowman took a share in a large area north-west of Port Augusta. As a result of a series of droughts and the low prices obtained for wool the venture ended in loss, and four properties—Werocata, Martindale, Wandil-lah, and Mount Bryan—were disposed of. After two years at Holm Hill Mr. Bowman

became manager (for Messrs. Ayers Bro-thers) of Wandillah, and his eldest son, Mr. E. T. Bowman, succeeded him at Holm Hill. When the Government resumed for closer settlement 4,000 acres of Wandillah Mr. Bowman bought the homestead and some land, and then Wandillah and Holm Hill were worked together. Mr. Bowman took a great interest in Burra affairs, and for some years was a member of the dis-trict council and the hospital board. He was an enthusiast in all kinds of sport, and was one of those who originally intro-duced polo into South Australia, which he represented in inter-state matches. After leaving St. Peter's College, he entered Clare College, Cambridge, where he rowed in the college eight. He married Miss Cowie, a daughter of the late Mr. C. T. Cowie, at one time manager of the Adelaide branch of the E. S. and A. Bank. A widow, four daughters and two sons survive him. One son is a farmer at Jamestown. Mr. Bow-man was a man of the finest character, and his loss will be felt by all who have en-joyed his friendship. His splendid qua-lities were always appreciated by this fel-low pastoralists, by whom he was highly respected. He was a thorough sportsman in every sense of the word. Miss Martha Burns, a Brisbane dental surgeon, attending the Congress in Ade-laide, has an interesting record of war service. With otlier dc!csatcs from Aus zr.tlia t-Jic was ailciidiup tik JDental^Con. (rreis held in Ijiindon. in , 19IClaod ?? de midireak o( ?:ir ?jrent on wAive. BtHTjfi, wti":i the lirst Australian :V<ftintarf-^Io?v l>i;al. organtedJjy Lady Oudi^. sur^oon w Ctc imir. irhichi|*?oi*d?tt fiwc ??- /laiTc. tiioii. .\fusc the rotreac from Mon.-. ti\ Sr. Na^iin-. and after the battle oi the Marnc to \yiincn?o3L,?oiitsde^U<iu i<vne. iliss Bnrrw iraETiiv?Jiied feoojfc in 1 D.?comlKT. 1914, and aftfrW^d? i'Said^ltcd trt.KU.ed to the ---At?U3k3ia>f .lodmtt of l>enusrry," pawwinji tbc iiecessiO" ?.den tists '.?"einj; at the front, ?at> one of the Sr-^t Plat^mciits written on that subject In- anyone who iiad beeu on aojrre serricie. :m<i is believed to have;,accelerated?i;lhc rnrmation of the Dental fjioep?'in Anajpi iia. Mies Bums, poor to Xjualanps l^>r hot- pro£ea?non..-Tras a'studeoit atTlfc( 3tel-V>uroe Denta! IKwps^i. ?nd', liviier&y.-Vor licr fi?i services slie roocirc3 :ne Move nndal. Tne death is aononnscd oi the Bcv. .T. Clc?*t, SJi, of &*?n]kins,/. : 3le:Hnft 80 yealpi ace. Father- Clemy'.was Si dis tin^aiJbcd prcacie^and a popniar mis >ion*ry. well knoTfn Sn'varwbs parts of the Connuonwr?a!ta. He was -wrn in Ti^ -s>craJT, Ireland, on May 10. IBS, and came to Australia in ISSS. for ?gme JgirM he t jras'jeiKaged in eallqgp-woti Sri wSbourne 1 ' and aS*nt-AlBB6 took up paibchia'. datic- in Adelaide, bat'eeven or cu;ht years a?o h<* retired in ili-ijealtH to Ke had been suffering from diabetes and la-art- trouble, and his dralj, aUKMigb *-idely regretted, -was not alto gether' uncx]?ectcd. An Jryp" Trobate jlim been lodsed ~>r the Ksocul-jr Trn9ie? and Agencr Comoanv in the estfate of the late Dr. Boniajnin I'onlton. of -Xi?rtii*errace, 'die cross estate beinc ?mini ux to exceed £9,tt?. A private letter received from Mr. -T. J. Virgo, Iron, secretary of .tho- YJ4-Q.A. British Empire Uniun. notifies taat he in iends Ixsne in Adelaide in' November. He tiuiv -nosnbir remain in A?s>t?iia mttil tbe middle of 192!. Mr. .T. B. Collins, eecretaiy ta -|*a Pedc lal Trsafurv. has accepted the invitation of the Sou eh Australian Central Diggers' Loan Committee to deliver an addreas on the financial position of Australia. Mr. GMltns, who lias recently- 'been in i?ondoii, and ' otlctbded iie Brassde Intrrn?tion?J 3-ina?cjal Oobfereoce as representative o. the Coanmonvealth. will snirc <oi Fridaj raorning, and will be tendered ? Inndiora on that day ot tbe Grand Ceotrai Hotel. Miss StcikCPoicer has been '^osagod to appear with Kubrlifc in a series of 35 ronuerie to be given in Londoa and the English provinces. Mr. C. iL HJckey.-secreta-nr' of theAiis fca-'ian FootbaH CoiawT, arrired !w the express rfroro Vertii ycetodaj. He w;H leave for MeJ'aourne to-d?y. Professor Colemaa Pliillkeon is *o W fcarc Trader 4>e ?—ivw ct the Victoria, lieagac. in tbe PnbEc XJbrarr lecture ix>om, on Xorth-terrace, t'aia ofening im **Hinv TPBatio? c£ Teace are aaade." ?Sirs, .lane Hart, nvho died at Tbrraaieville ?ilthcr 79di year, arrived :n Soatb insutuia with' her parents in 1855. The early of iic-r married life was spent in tic 3>or t-iera Terriwry. Her first husband. <\fr. Ctericc Mhcaefli ?ma?<poe?jnasler at fioatis port (N'.r.). dud bier at XormaanDe. Oa h^s deaft ehc iras awpointod pqetntMtoess at Aldiujn, aad aftantarfs mamed Mr. Francis Hart, trho died last year. She ?vas an asdent member of taie Ja?gLoan CJmrcb. end was noted sar icr ramty ?b of Uindnes?. iJr. Raymond I'op^ has4ieea apjiqcnfaa lo tie staff oi t+ic. VJMLC.A.-W roanber friiip eecretarj', in plaoc of 3Xr. H-. lw -Ctubs, nio is on" the" way ioAnirnr*,' ~' y ?Mr. Al E. Bnghcs, ns3.b? en 55: Ti-ay startioamaster at Brintwortn, aas been transferred rreeling. ? ? 3fr. MisJia L*n-i?iia Adelaide season hairing been postponed, cwing -to. on in jury to his hind, the reception -jriiicn lady Hackett had- arrangej :ox Saturday mora iDg. beco't?nc:lled. Tbe death of Mr. -loin HugKee, tof Kelih.' uear Bathursc, ;n las9<"h year, au I>T-..kon a!ic.^'.>er !iak.j?ilj '-be bu?hran£ui£ dajs of Ascnxaija. '3!r. Hugues 'was born ia 152.2, #nd canto t* Ane?r?lii iras ?coinni^QJ^Vcd to. so zrast tte^^TH*"t te

Sydney with a bdSock dray to tike tbf historic White family acram foe moun tains. Mr. Hughes used to tell or an in terrietr be bad vitb Ben Hall, the noto rious faarinangv. After talking ntfc la* the feuiibraiieer ?*ed; "Wtafdo yoji thro* they will jbws one?' Hughes replied; "Irt J T^" i? Si then rioSt i? bod, ?.4 no I^^* of providing for iie ?nl?asn. He iwtl in the timritt tint lie hid BO blood ijoHs faude. and dooded no: to Bunender. Next day be ?*?* >>? titn Wood. Jfo- Hwibes died g(W?o mauiis ago. aged 93. Borti Mr. .^^f I??nM £yed tn a erati. asp- A nafax^Hts. Uo, r?Klred 88. and ?bo*? ??. Mm. Geoudso, of Paiiee, * 461 afve ?t 30 years. Mr. CL-J-gtaiecy (n—?cer ?f tiie BHtsh nine, Brt*en fiiM) Tjft Ikiadon ?riy tU siaea> *y -??,JUw.jfk. ft* viw??e ia? AjaOa&.""ffi*£p?Sdit axdn ia Aidude dbnat rwijwtn, J&'3 >

Tbe jate Mr. 'Edmund {Bowman. j ) j I ? j I j j ? ] i j