Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 16 March 1891, page 4

TO-DAY, aunen IG.


7.80 p.m., Masonic Hall, Fenwick Lodge, No.

2378, E.O. SPORTING.

G p.m., Nominations close for Breakfast Creek


8.p.m., Theatre Royal, "'She Stoops to Con


8 p.m., Gaiety Theatre, Lynch Family Boll

nngors. »

8 p.m., Town Hall Eeserve,»Hàrmston's Circus.

8 p.m., Breakfast Creek Grounds, Monday

Popular Concert.

Queensport Aquarium and Zoo, all day, SUN, MOON, AND TIDE.

Sun risel C2 a.m.; sots 6.15 p.m.

Moon rióos, midday; sots, 10.20 p.m. First

quarter, 17th March, at 7.22 p.m. '

High water on Brisbano Bar, 1.25 a.m.; 1.49


Mr. G. T. Bell, »t his Mart, at Elovon o'clock :

Unredeemed Hedges, Suburban Properties, ¿re. ,

Messrsf Arthur Martin and Company, Limited,

at tho City Auction Mart, at Elevcn'o'clock: Gold and Silver Omvellory, Plant, Machinery,

Sea. '

Messt s. James R. Dickson anti Company, at

their Mart, at Eleven o'clock : Suburban and Country Properties, Household Furnituie, Sec. Mr. C. Flotcheiy at Twolvo o'clock: City Pro-


Tho Bailiff of the Small Debts Court, on the

Promises, Petrie's Bight, at Eleven o'clock : Stook-in-Trade of an Undertaker. On the Premises, Staiiley-stroot, at Twelve o'clock : of a Bookseller.

MOBBIB. King and King, on the Premises, Ravon

fltrcet, off Montague-road, at Elovon o'clock : ?'mllousohold P-uvnitnro,&e..,i " .,J ¡y] ,

Mr. "W. J. Hooker, at the Albert Auction Mart,

at Elevcn'o'clock : Electroplated Ware,

Messrs. Markwell, Allon, and Co., at their

Mart, at Eleven o'clock: Household Furni-ture, Seo,

Tho Sheriff, at Lennon's Hotel, at Twelve'

o'clock : Suburban Properties.

Telegraphic communication with Sydney became interrupted last evening, and had not been restored up to the time of our going to press. Wo, have, consequently, not reoeived our intercolonial and late cable messages.

The first Civil Sittings of the Supreme Court for the current year will begin at 10 o'olook this morning, before Mr. Justice Harding.

Some little uneasiness and alarm was occa-sioned in the neighbourhood of Indooioopilly last evoning by the report that an attempt had beon made to wreck one of the' trains. It seems that as the train due at Indooroopilly from Brisbaue at 6.9 p.m. was leaving the outting beyond Taringa, the driver noticed on the down line some little distance outside the outting a largo stone which had evidently been placed there. At Indooroopilly ho reported the matter to the assistant station-master, and he, having no one else available, sent his son to the spot indicated. The train from Oxley into» town, whioh should have left Indooroopilly at 6.15 p.m., was detained five or six minutes

until the return of the lad. On arrival he re-ported that he had removed the stono, which was about 81b. in weight, and would probably have been struck by tho cowcatohor of the engine had a train passed over the obstruction. It seems likely that the stone was placed on the 'lino by some misohiovous boy, and no doubt the matter will form the subject of careful injuiry in order that a repetition of suoh dangerous praoticos may be preventod.

Sixty-five points of rain were registered at Enoggera and one inoh and five points at Gold Creek rosorvoirs for the twenty-four hours ending at 9 o'dook on Friday morning. The levels at tho reservoirs are :-Enoggera, 4ft. 7£in.; and Gold Creek 22ft. 5in. below the bywash.

It is understood in woll-informed oirolos that owing to the present unsettled state of ¡the weather and other causes the Easter Encamp-ment at Lyttou may bo postponed.

A meeting of the Brisbane Munioipal Council will be held this afternocn. The business set 'down includes:-Consideration of aipotition

front- lessees of Roma-street market Beotions relative to lighting and ventilation of building ; consideration of reports from the Woiks and Finance Committees, and second reading and consideration of correspondence on various subjects. _ _

John Munro, a young man residing with his with a sorious accident yesterday afternoon. He was riding along Montague-road whon his horse bolted, and turned down Jane-street. Älunro, who is an inexperienced lider, was endeavouring to pull it up when, upon turning the corner into Melbourne-street, he was thrown violently to the ground. He fell upon a stone, which fractured the base of the skull and injuied his shoulder, He was carried into the Boundary Hotel, where he was attended by Dr. Booth, who ordered his Temoval to the hospital.

At tho City Tftbornacle the anniversary services in connection with the Sunday school wero held yesterday. In the morning tho Rev. W. While preached on tho training of children, and in the afternoon tho Kev. G. D. Buchanan

delivered a sermon on " Silver cords and golden bowls," from Ecc. xii., 6. Mr.-Whale preached in the evening from Mark xiii., 33. The Sun-day school has considerably increased'during the past year, and at the three services a large number of children weie present.

Por the convenience of professors of music residing in or visiting Brisbano, who may desire to give an exposition of their skill or that of their pupils to a small and select audience, Mes|rs..H. J. Pollard and Co. have decided upon making certain alterations in their pre-,, misos whjeh will transform the upper' show-room into a very nice(httle concert hall." They propose to remove the whole of the present roof and substitute for» the slates large panes of' frosted glass, so that a strong but agreeable light will pervade the whole apartment. .It is' believed that when all the changes contem-plated are'carried out, the acoustic properties of the roorat whioh even now are by no means bad, will bo greatly improved, while in every other respect this miniature concert hall will be pretty and oomfortable. Musicians will be allowed the use of the hall for one hour every Saturday afternoon, and it can safely be predicted that many a good programme will be listened to within these walls. The alterations have not as yet been com-menced, but on Saturday Mr. Q. B. Allen, Mus. Bac., gave the inaugural recital in the presence of about fifty ladies and gentlemen. The pro-" gralnme contained only six numbors, but it was none the worse' on that account. It 'opened with a trio of Sterndale Bennett's for piano, violin, and 'cello, the instrumentalists being "respectively Mr. G. B. Allen, Herr.Rosendorff, and Mr. Keesing. The instruments were not always in perfect tune, and as a necessary result the piece was not á great success. Mr. Allen contributed two pianofoito solos, the " Moonlight" sonata, and his own transcription of airs from the opera of *' Oberon," whioh was expressly -written for Madame Arabella Goddard, and played fre-quently by her with great success when she visited the colonies now nearly twenty years ago. Both of those compositions weievery skil-fully interpreted by Mr. Allen, and were de-servedly applauded. The fe"atuie of the instru-mental portion of the programme was, however. DeBeriot's duo, Op. 100, for violin and piano, whioh was given by Herr RoseWorff and Mr.

Allen in admirablo style. The only ( vocalist was Mrs. Louis Benjamin, who first sang a very pretty ballad, "Return and Stay," which was composed by Mr. Vf. E. Allen, who is a nephew of Mr. G. B. Allen, and who is rapidly making a namo in the old country. Mis. Benjamin has a light soprano voice and sings with a good deal of taste and expression, but in this song she seemed rather nervous and hardly did justice either to herself or to the musio. When later on she gave Harrison Millard's "Waiting" she was heard to muoh better advantage. This song is always popular-indeed "it is recog-nised as the best standard song ever written by an American," and the late Madame Parepa Rosa seldom if ever omitted it from her concert programmes, as'she used to say it "inspired her moro than any song she had evor sang." Mrs. Benjamin seemed to gather similar in-spiration from tho giaceful flow of its melody, and her singing of it was a genuine success.

Two one-mile bicycle handicaps willie run at the Sports Ground, Breakfast Creek, next Monday evening, 23ul instant, during the interval in the concert. Mr. A. L. Petrie, a vice-president of the Biisbane Bicycling Club, has kindly given somo valuable prizes to be competed for, so that a large field and some really good racing are expeoted in each event. The tiack is_ being harrowed and rolled, and will be in very good him for the men to train on at once. It is hoped that all cyclists will make a point of entoring and competing on this ocoasion. Pull particulars appear on our seoopd page.

Messas. B. D. Moiehead and Co. have re' ceived a telegram from the manager of Tinnenbuna station, Warrego district, to the effect that an enormous quantity of fresh water has been obtained in the second bore at a depth of ,090«., , , ."- , ,,"' ,J .

Thero waa a good gathering at the Opera House evangelistic service last night. The Rev. J. Stewart, city missionary, conducted the meeting, and gave an address based upon the theme of Professor Henry Drummond's latest publication, "Pax Vobisoum." He strongly recommended his hearers to buy the book and read it carefully for themselves. The address was listened to with very close atten-tion. Ttíe singing was led by the Evangelistic Choir, and was bright and cheerful. A collec-tion was taken up towards the expenses, and amounted to £3 12s. 3d.

Special services were held at All Saints Ohuroh yesterday, on the occasion of Passion Sunday. Holy oommunion was,, celebrated at 8 o'clóok and at 11, and at both of those ser-vices special offeitoiies were taken on behalf of the Sunday school, In the evening, as at the other soivioes thioughout the day, the Rev. C. G. Bobinson, M.A., incumbent, officiated, the special featmo of the service being the rendering of Sir, Jahn Stainer's musio 'to the '.Oiuoifixion." The Rev. Mr. Bobinson stated briefly that it was not his intention to preach a sermon, but he asked those present to enter into the spirit of the music which would be sung. If they did so the service would be profitable to them and acceptable to God. Stainer's beautiful composition was then rendered with good effect, the large assemblage, paying devout attention to the exquisite musio as interpreted by a strong and well-trained choir. The principal soloists woie tho Bev. Manley Power, Mr. S. Taylor, and

Mi. 0. Baker.


,The old-fashioned yet none the loss enjoyable comedy of " She Stoops to Conquer," was again plnycd by "Messrs. Brough and Boucicault's Company at the Theatre Royal on Saturday evening, wherí there was present a fairly numeious but very appreciative audience. This play w11 hold the stage until Thursday evening, when the company will appear in

'Balbara" and "A Pair of Spectacles," the former a comedy which has never failed lo prove attiactive and inteiesting.

To-night the members of Mr. Harmston's Circus Company will appear in a new pro-gramme, and judging from their past success it may fairly bo argued that this freshly designed bill-of-fare will bo an attractive one. The piincipnl item is the equestrian drama of the " French Jaok Sheppard," in which there will be introduced feats of horsemanship and effects of a îemarkable charaoter.

TheQueenslapd Volunteer RifloBattalionheld its fiist daylight parade of the year on Saturday afternoon'last. Mustering at Adelaide-street the mon were marched by Queen and George streets to the Government Domain. Captain T A 'fi1Bîg vihn TO(ia in onrnmanil put +VIB_ corps through various column and line move-ments, and then handed over the command to Captain A. Aytoun, Adjutant of Volunteers, who continued the drill, and afterwards formed the oorpst for the attack. All the movements were well exeouted, especially the attack, on which Captain Aytoun warmly complimented

all ranks. Thé"men were then marched back to Adelaide-street, where they were dismissed. The newly-organised band under Bandmaster H. Williams gave general satisfaction. The attendance was fair, the parade state being as follows:-Staff, S; band, 19 non-commissioned officers and men; A Company, Captain J. A. Cioig, Lieutenants W. Craig and H. Harris, 41 non-commissioned otlicers and men ! B Com-pany, Lieutenants W: A. Dickinson and H. Davis, 21 non-commissioned 'officers and men ; O Company, Lieutenants A. C. Byrne and R. Dowse, 33 non-commissioned officers and men; D Company, Lieutenants W. Raulston and H. Hamley, 29 non-commissioned officers ,and men; total, 157.

On Saturday the LynchFamily of BeUnW gave both a matinée and an evening cor formance at the Gaiety Theatre. On ea/h occasion .the attendance of the public was large,) and ihe programmes announced wera faithfully* ¿md -satisfactorily gone' throne

The last two nights of the season are nt

announced, and this evening a complete chans« of programme will be made. The farce T.

« Five Shillings a Week » will bring the enter

tainment to a close.

Tiie ?' Monday Popí» at the Breakfast Creek Pavilion to-n.ght should prove as attractive as any of the concerts which have preceded it It is to be a " glee and madrigal» niRht and lovers of this truly English form of the musical art cannot fail to appreciate the programme

which is announced.

The progress-and general report of Chaffev Bros.,-.Limited, which appears in our adver tising columns, will be read with much interest, Mildura and Renmark being now so well known ana widely discussed by the Pre« and the public. In view of tho magnitude o the works necessary to keep abreast of settlement which is largely taking place from tha United Kingdom, the directors have determined to add to their capital by the issue of 33 017 shares to, the general public upon the terms' set out, and in order to broaden the share-list and extend the company's interest as far as noa sible, the number of shares to be allotted to ona" poison is limited. The îeports are of a most encouraging" description, and show that the splendid results which have attended irrigation in California have also been obtained in Aus


A general meeting of the Queensland British Football Association was held on Friday night in the Shamrock Hotel. - There was a large atten-dance of members; and in the absence of the president, Mr. A. Brown was voted to the chair. The secretary and the treasurer read their reports, which showed that the association was flourish-ing both financially and otherwise. The report showed that the representatives of the associa-tion scored ten goals and lost three during their visit to New South Wales. The association is to be strengthened this year by the addition of three clubs from the Ipswich district, besides others from Brisbane. The recent visit of the Queensland team to New South Wales has raised the popularity of this game with the' public. It is anticipated that the New South Wales team will visit this colony this season. The election of office-bearers re- sulted as follows:-President, W. Stephens, M.L.A.; vice-presidents, Messrs. G. D. Forbes, McLennan, Drennan, J. Mclntyre, and McDonald ; treasurer, J. Fenton ; secretary, J. Inglis. The meeting was closed with a vote of

thanks to the chairman.

An exchange remarks : The outcome of the rocent demonstration'at the Murrurundi (New South Wales) Railway Station on the occasion of the departure by special train ? of free labourers for Queensland, is that three alder-men who were present and five other persons wèie summoned' for creating a disturbance. The oases were heard before- the Police Couit on Tuesday, when four out of the eight sum-moned (including two aldermen) weie fined each £2 and posts.

From a source that should be reliable we [Eidsvold Miner of 7th March) learn that Mr. G. H. Jones will next week resign his seat in the Legislative Assembly as member for the Burnett. This will necessitate an immediate election and an effort should be made to find a suitable representative without delay. Amongst tho names of piobable candidates the more prominent are Mesps. W. F. M'Cord, Coonam-bula; Michael Bennett, Mount Perry; J. 0. Walker, Bundaberg; Frank G. Connolly, Gayndah, and Michael Tansey, Nanango. The same paper also says :-On Tuesday next, Mi. G. H. Jones, M.L.A., a forty years' resident of the district, will be entertained in Gayndah at a banquet prior to his departure from the colony. The banquet will be of a strictly social


The Coast Defence Committee, composed of Major-General Tulloch (Victoria)^ . MajorGeneral Downes (South ¿AucfralieJ, ¡^MajorGeneral Richardson (New South' Walesa Colo-nel Bernard (Tasmania)', Colonel French (Queensland), and Captain Moore (representing the Imperial authorities), have almost* com-pleted their arrangements for visiting Thursday Island and Port Darwin (writes the Melbourne Daily Telegraph).^ They will leave Sydney for Thursday Island by the steamer Taiyuan, which will * also . convey them to Fort Darwin. As the steamer is timed to stay at Thursday Island only twenty-four hours, the commission may divide there, some remaining on the island and others proceeding to Port Darwin. It is, however, thought possible that the owners may be induced to extend her stay at the island, in which oase the whole of the commission could make tho inspection of the site of'the proposed defences there, and then proceed to Port Darwin, with the exception of Oaptain Moore, who will probably remain for some time on the island.

A slip which occurred in our leader of Satur-day last on the bakers' strike needs correction. Reference was made to the communication from the masters' committee on the 28th February, offering to meet the journeymen; but by an inadvertence this was made to açpear as from

the men to the masters.*

- Our Sandgate correspondent writes to correct an eiror in his report of the fire. Whilst the fire was burning ho was informed that Mi. Pemhyn was tho tenant of Mr. Fishley's oottage Beulah, and had saved somo clothing, <fco. Mr. Penryhn lived- in Pevensey Cottage, and saved nothing, (the family barely escaping

with their lives. ""

The usual weekly meeting under the auspiceä of the Moreton District Lodge of Good Templars was hold in the Tempeiance Hall 011 Saturday evening. There was a large audience. Mr. J. L. Muir, D.O.T., presided, and gave a short address. The speaker for the evening was Mr. W. S. Houchins, president of the Piohibition League, who urged the tem-perance people to use their influence at the ballot-box in favour of- those who are prepared to support tho platform of " Abstinence for the individual.'and prohibition for the State, ins following ladies and -gentlemen contributed to the ¿programmo during the evening:--Misiea Simeon, Gruer, Fry, and Mrs. Foster, Messrs. Sorivener, Duncan, and Jenner. The accom-paniments wore played by Muses Paul ana

Monteith. -

-The Western Champion published at Barcaldiño gives publioity to thef ollowing strike mci

dent :-The reporter at 'Clermont for one of the Rockhampton-papers, who made some most disparaging , remarks about the Mountea Infantry, assorting that they were drunk on

duty, was challenged to combat by several 01, the indignant Volunteers. The reporter modestly declined to enter the fighting arena, so the Volunteers quietly waited their oppor-tunity, and, catching their maligner a?roaa" they without ceremony ducked him in me


In-oopnection with the Sandgate races on the 17th March, it is announced that traína

leave Brisbane at 10.20 a.m., li.» tt-m." ,?T 12.25 p.m., stopping at Deagon,? olose tow« racecourse. The first race will not start unm after arrival .of the 11.5 train from Bris-bane. The course is in very good oroer, notwithstanding the late rains, and should nn« weather prevail to-day a large glenns, » expected, as the number and class of norses entered give promise of a good day s sport.

The usual weekly meeting of the Defence Lodge, I.O.G.T., was held in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening, Bro. T. M. Moo»«" tho chair. There was a ßood attendance 01 members and visitors present, in«' ", * welcomed back to Brisbane Bro. M 0001, » past officer, who is now a member c-t u« Pioneer Lodge, Charters Towers, and is on » visit to Brisbanr. It being magazine mfflh Bro. Drinkwater proceeded to read the paper» he had received, which created some mu* discussion. During the evening a lady an gentleman were readmitted to the lo^-f1^ which a vote of. thanks was.«corded » visitors and to the editor of the ««»»* which was responded to. The lodge wa closea at 9.35 pjau *. ? ". - v . v »

; , /

A correspondent writes:-" The late Mr. R. S. Warry began business in Brisbane about the year 1853, on the site where Mr. G. T. C. Lang now is. He afterwards built that fine brick store next to the Royal Hotel, and subsequently the Q. N. Bank's first office. When first erected, in 1862, it was the most substantial edifice in Queen-street. The deceased gentle-man long-survived his brothers. Thomas. who died in 1864, was a chemist, on the site of Mr Beesley's present establishment, and Charles Warry was a chemist in Ipswich, and died at the early age of 38. Soon afterwards, their father, when hale and hearty at the age of 78, lost his life by a slip between a steamer and wharf down the river and the consequent shock to the system. The sisters, Mrs. Hugh Bell and Mrs. G. L. Pratten, are now the only local survivors of the family, which came from Dorset, in the old country."

. The usual weekly session of the True Blue Lodge, I.O.G.T., was held in the Temperance Hall, Edward-street, on Friday evening. Two candidates were proposed, one for membership for thef ollowingPriday, and one was admitted on clearance card from Gympie. On'the business being'concluded, the sisters entertained tho biothersbya number of songs and recitations. Selections were also given on the piaito, tand fruit of various ^inds was liberally provided. A hearty vote of thanks was given to the sîsteis. The lodge was closed at 9.30"p.m. "

The following particulars of a collision on the Central fine beyond Barcaldine are from our own'correspondent, under date/11th March :-" There was a collision on the iailway extension 21 milos beyond Barcaldine, at the main camp, last Eriday night, caused by the contractors' ballast train running into the material train; and considerable damage was done to the rolling stock, but the men employed on the trains fortunately escaped serious injury. There is a siding at the place men-tioned, on which the mateiial train consisting of. engine, tender, and several tiuoks for carrying sleepers, &e., was standing.! The ballast train came along ns usual, slowing down to about six miles an hour, but when reaching the points " the engine, instead of keeping on the main ''line, turned into the siding. Steam was immedictely shut off and the brakes applied, which somewhat lessened tile foice ' of the contact. As it was the tank ti ucks, orushed into the trucks in front of the engine of the; material train, smashing them up as thoy telescoped into each other, and driving the engine and other trucks up the incline. Both locomotives kept the rails, but the tender of the material train was much damaged. The driver of that train was thrown off by the"shock, but received no injury, neither did tho driver and fireman of the ballast train, who stuck to their posts. Eight r trucks were completely destroyed. It is/not known how the pointa were left open, 'but it is sur-mised that during the shunting of trucks pre-viously the points had become out of order. It1 is said the loss will fall altogether upon Messrs. Bothwell and Langtree, the contractors, who have already been very unfortunate in connec-tion with their contract.

The Gospel Temperance Mission services were held as usual on Sunday evening in Charlotte-street, bein'g led by Mr. J. A. Clark, who spoke at some length to a large gathering» chiefly of men. Tho meeting in the hall com-menced with singing and prayer.-- Addresses were delivered by Messrs. Clark and Langlands, and eight persons signed tlie pledge and donned

the blue ribbon.

In connection with tho Lytton races to be held to-morrow, it ¡U announced that the Aquarium boats leaving town at 9 and 10 o'clock will reach Lytton in time for the first race, and a steamer will leave for town at 5

,An attractive programme has been provided; for visitors ¡to the Aquarium to-morrow. Exhibitions will bo given by the special class of the Boys' Brigade ; a comic enteitainmcnt will bo provided in the pavilion at 12.30 p.m.; and a second athletic display by the boys at 2 p.m. A band will play at intervals throughout the day. Steamers, will leave town every hour from 9 a.m. till ß p.m., and e\tra boats will be available if required.

An v entertainment to be given in the Foiesters' Hall, Fortitude Valley, to-morrow tvening,,"as ^ benefit to Mr. T.. M. Tynejl, is advertisedin-this"Issue, " " '7 *-'"''"

Publie Holiday."-St. Patrick's Day, To-morrow (Tuesday), 17th instant. Finney, ISIOB, and Co.'s establishment will be closed.- [An\ T.]