Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Friday 18 November 1932, page 25

I Friday Specials! [ AVAILABLE TiLl NINE P.W. j Big- Purchase FuH Fashion T"/^vYI 12/11 Silk Hose JJN Big Melbourne purchase of full AM^ ?Ba?lilHl^il fashion Sllfc Hose, shaped heel. "I f\% WsSm?^l I Jkle top, feet and toes; every pat </ I I 'WmSS^-^A <pc latest shades — Gunmetal. ??/ II WsESBT Pi Browns. Grey. Fawns. Putty. TJsu- **' ? ? Ifflslsi V ally 12/11. AT SNEYDS. 3/11. Mlllk 1/3 Children's Sox for 6d. M CW? r£S' S *? Mercerised Lisle Sox. marked 1/3. To \Bg§|pil Clear 6d. pair. Finest quality Mercerised Lisle ?i 1-^ f£d Buck* ?Ver U>P' Slaes 4to 8 Mostly Blue 12/6,10/6 Sunshades M 5 d3zen only Dainty Flora: Su-i- A Im*. t-IVJ ?!hades. with colored border, chubby R /D M^l 1/6 Rubber Bathing Caps in Wj Fancy Designs and Colors, 1/- Jr \ ITOure^SOirruji 1/2% S^M- Sli^^??^ eCt Ws al!' ,an e**Uent c!o*n tor sports wear, also B&fSK l^?i eCt ???????*??: ?? *? wide. Usually SS 3/6 EveiL Taffeta ) British Fuji S had m / of While. Cream. sf'?S7'SiS?:v*ffi^ I Grey. Brown. Hello. Red. Navy.' l/ll jenJ. ' and BlocJt. 30 in. l/a yard. 1/- Beach Pyjama Cloth 7 3id. Beach Pjrjiinas Cloth. A wonderful range of gay floral designs, on grounds of Saw. Royal. Ore en. Red. Black, be., suitable for pyjamas. clmonas^Ac. Usually \f. AT SNEYPS 7?id. nb3?^ Sn^yds New I PainT I in* ? in ? iKSfll Location — Basement. Docker's Famous Paints SItVOVA—The heat-resisting Silver Frosted Enamel for 101 home uses—Gas Stoves, Baths, Heaters, &c. ITOPATH Paint, the perfect Paint for Cement Floors. To be had In all shades. STBAtJDE—The Perfect Hat Dye O.V. STAIN for Floors and Furniture. SCX BRAND, the ever-shining Paint for all Inside or cutside surfaces.SNEYDS SNEYDS THE BDST itCTJPLE STHBET PRATERS

DONT KEEP A COCKROACH FARM. £^^k DEATH TO COCKROACHES. i^3^ liet BLATTACIDE rid you of the pest Non-pol- r^vB3^"? ?onous. Never known to rail, no matter how hUHWnr badly Infected. Guaranteed to be absolutely A ??"?" harmless to children and domestic animals. CgcociiiKwut BOY A TIN NOW— fl *^iSi I DONT DELAX. u^ I \ /Rm^ \ Obtainable at all Drug Stores. w<2^v \\/^Wt^l^ Grocers, Chemists. /^ e&>\\ <J&hl^^^ Manufactured by *^mL//~^ fefftl^^Z^t^^^^t— THE BLATTACIDE COT, irai^V&r^&iF 49. Clarence^t. Sydney. /(GBtggtfgJ I DUNCAN AGENCIES. >> %^~?==3 £r Tne?tre Boyal Buildings. /y .^B lo Hlndley gtreet, Adelaide. ~flg. w^%^

BUY NEW TIRES THIS EASY WAYI MrHa No Deposit! No Interest I 20 Weeks to Pay 1 HAVE ~~"~ Immediate Delivery City or Country MBWM Capitalise on your reputation ? Select the HUMS Tires y?u re luire for Car or Truck in any desired make. We will Y*i*m supply them at Manullw facturers' List Price*. You repay us at the rate of 1/- in the £ per 0010 week. There it no charge for the accommodation. All CASH Tires fully guaranteed by the Manufacturers. —^J Act nowl Batteries Sold on Same Plan Write for Confidential Booklet "TIRES ON TERMS"

its moments like these qou need MinEeS THE UNIVERSAL SWEET — . —M - i hi ii in

BLACKS Limited, Adelaide's Leading Shoe Retailers SMARTEST WHITE SHOES IN TOWN GREATEST VALUES.. HALF SIZES | L 1955. VERY SMAKT and L 3760. ALWAYS POPULAR. effective .Plain White Bock- Plain White n—fcdri^ smart skin Court, smart short round cat, comfy, round toes, smart toes, popular high spike beds, high spfte heels, neat miei-liW naif sizes in stock, at 14/11. around vamp, half sixes, 14/11. THE VERY LATEST BROWN AND WIUIK Sandal Bar cat oat i vamp andqurter, smart lacings, as shown, neat fitting, medina tee. ! smart Cohan beeis, bait sizes. AU THE BACaET^ mnu?am we, ?ho Honor qrike. 1 ri? We *i?M#£ SSv&n. EKmSSIM Ht^lilHi ?ff^iH^E PKETTT Dm BBOWH GUI li^fc SBftC, alw JSfIBVV flaakfi beeh. Half akaa, 12/11. f~* (?aafl Hs^^.^E^^^^laaal n H 205-HEETS GB£AT J^^Sl^^tz^^ VALUE! BLACK BOX j&SgMBB^ CALF, TAN WILLOW CALF. VKSbSb^^ M-206 also BROWN CALF. *w^ Good fltOnr. medtam sgntre toes, half sho, cnut cartel apt. vamps Bod backs as tliuwii. welted sales. E?7 pair fMQy caani?teed. BLACKS GREAT VALUE, 16/1! for B/1L BARGAINS FOR MEN TODAY AT BLACKS STORES-FOR-MEN Adjoining Oar Famoas Ganger Street Shoe Store*. AIR PILOT BLACKS SELL HATS FOR LESS HEfZJHBH WOOL FELT HATS FOB MEVS QDALITr WOOL MEN. Popolar range of colors: FELT HATS, ad edge style, Fawn, Nutria, SteeL and Slate- P*l"*ar shape. Oslan, Fbvb, ?*? OHB: ??neo or CJnQned. ?? *? ?i ??/? ?^ mni ? 15/U FOE W/6 AT BLACKS. faJUCKS. Make Certain of Out Store Locations MAIL ORDERS, BOX 1341, CP.O. GROTE STREET (Opposite TivoH Theatre) GOUGER STREET (the Big Shops—"At tho MmrkMaTl SS RUMPLE STREET (next Sirica Chemists)