Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Saturday 15 September 1934, page 19

£ 91A UNITY vTjZj 111 CROSSWORD C^rfrw J> Vr No. 28 Prizes; j CLOSING DATE: m% "'* % Aft FRIDAY NIGHT I I**22 lj c Ollf oo a „„. I 2nd ? ??5w 1 oept. zs, 9 p.m. H £<?e h MELBOURNE. |3 JtU ? M^^ lE9 F . 1 1 4th . £20 1 171717 tlfl. diunn, No Sh?re of 4th Prite will be given I'LL VU? diagram .^ m w;nner rf a i st ?? 2n* Prize. -411 Entries Carefully Checked£ls "SPECIAL FRIZES"—LODGE YOUR ENTRIES EARLY. j Solatlon Published in 'The Advertiser," Tuesday. 2nd Oct. A Detailed Besnlt list will be pasted promptly to those competitors who enclose I extra Id. stamp 'no envelope) with their entries. Prize Honey and Sealed Solution nave been lodged with Official Auditors, A. I Capper Moore & Sons, Melbourne. j EXTRA DIAGRAMS POSTED F REE OR OWN DIAGRAMS ACCEPTED. | 3. Source of licfat. 111. ||B|iTM<i I | BWUT| f\ I S. Pronoun (not \ jL\ IHHAB^i ' " '. keeping. ??~~BF] MM I M ; ?? I" IjEjlPi[sp?uTljn?F^ = i Si. Lithe (not Illfl^VElJk^^H'''l 1 I 131 I m ~ £ "WIMBLE") l"lWfc|^^B lIIj It | S 2. A vault. jApB I W^ O I PW^ l> ': plant. I I'^ I[^ f?^l D*" " IS* A w??w L ????? B^l 1 *" " ?! a bird. P/TapS) ?? BF^HHThiTci ? '? 18. Throw out liquid.| §*| g^| I I?* * 2Z. A pile. fllHzt I U^ ???? 27.' Blow. y' I |E JL 1 T.l S j^B Ul L|N PB" I S 3l! Tate off the top LMJW-M-Lr^^B .till fc I 3Z. InUrjecMon. U^i!Pi^J^JH__J?Ljtj^-^] rrUVTiITIONS- Any oumher ?* Solutions may be entered by lamilies and ViVJl^t?lilVJi^d. syndicates—each entry costs 6d. Employes of the promoters or members of their families are not el igible to compete. If posting, send Postal Notes lor more than one entry, but Stamps (Id. IP POSSIBLE) will be accepted. Oo not send coins through the post. First Prize to correct or nearest ' correct solution. Second. Third, and Fourth Prizes to next fevest numoer of errors respectively. Ties divide. First Prizewinners will not be eligible to receive more than one share of First Prize, two shares of Second Prize, or four I shares of Third Prize. First or Second Prizewinners trill not be awarded share of Fourth Prize. Alternative solutions of clues, U any. which in the judges' opinion are equally correct and appropriate as the official sealed solution, will in all respects be treated as equal to the official solution. The final judging of the Competition will be referred to the auditors, who are the sole judges, and all entries are accepted on the distinct understanding that their decision will be final and legally binding. Entries and full list of addresses of prizewinners in each Competition can be obtained at our HEAD OFFICE for twenty-eight <28) days after publication of results, but after tb,ls period no enquiries, claims, ic, will be considered. ? ADELAIDE RECEIVING DEPOT, i CAWTHORNE'S LIMITED, 17a BUNDLE STREET ENTRIES RECEIVED UP TO 2 P.M., THURSDAY, 27th SEPT. Save Postage, and Pay in Cash. Additional entry forms and result slips can be obtained here. | *§* UNITY CROSSWORDS |& MANCHESTER UNITY BUILDING, IHELBOURNE. ?PfHVjrT W /JTHE PRESENT MODEL BBS?. S tUm f f Hg^S^ATAN AMAZING LOW PRICE

WEVE BEATEN KfOHiY I Backache, rheumatism, neuritis, sci\ atica. biliousness, etc. —symptoms of disordered kidneys or liver— cannot be ! cured until these important organs have been made to function normally.'? '? Three generations [ have definitely provt en Warner's Safe Cure in the treat' ment of kidney and liver trouble. Hun; dreds of letters on i our files gratefully acclaim it. WARNER'S SAFECURE I Sold In- ClicmiM* miiJ Slorekvrpcn in , ho<li the ordinal 5'- bottle-, and tlie cheaper coucemralcd luira at 2/9.

nn suits) vMB **? ** * THE BIG BOOH> 9H \far?(> to Mea^urp T1"1 mi'-*-"" "' out FAMOUS £2 _*_? + & * M ITTAII.OUIDTOOHDrnrammf^t^^^M *? y?Ur OWll |.:n.-n In-s 1..~rn li-lidy termed ?BBHV Style THF TAILORING BOOM OF 1934. rfinHtino ti |wnr in daily. The Original j^^S|v| MYERSON'S sy||~ Ml ttUHOIC 3SirCCI DURADLC ALL-WOOL SUITINGS. Tin u> iiir-'if.l M'li W-o <":i r^ <-a:i Note Only Addiess— r ,, IT ?~,.„]„, a Tail"r<-i-<o-Regent Theatre Baildings ||||^ n "" Rundle Street I


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