Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 24 April 1890, page 4

The Brisbane Courier.


Sir GEORGE BOWEN is known to have liad a very high opinion indeed of tho dignity, importance, and influence of tho colonial governor, and to havo given rather a wide interpretation of the duties of his office. In that free, smooth, and pleasant stylo in which ho used to couch his de-spatches Sir George wroto on 7th April, 1860, as Governor of Queensland, to the Duko of Newcastle, then Socretary of State for tho Colonies:-"Thero cannot, in my opinion, bo a greater mistake than the viow which some public writers in England ap-pear to hold-namely, that the Governor of a colony under tho system of responsible Government should bo merely aroifainéant. So far as my observation extends, nothing can be moro opposed than this theory to tho wishes of tho Anglo-Australians thom

selvos. Tho Governor of each of tlio

colonies in this group is expected not only to act as tho head of society, to encourago literature, science, and art, to koop alive by personal visits to every district under his jurisdiction tho foelings of loyalty to the Queen and of attachment to tho mother country, and so to cherish what may bo termed the Imporial sentiment ; but ho is also expected, as hoad of tho Administration, to maintain, with the assistance of his Council, a vigilant control and supervision over every department of tho public service." Sir George Bowen had probably reason during his rosidonco horo, in Now Zealand, and Victoria to modify his senti-ments in cortain respects. At any rate within tho past thirty years constitutional self-government has made advances in the Australian colonies, ¡and whilo not hinting that tho representativo of her Majesty, in his gubernatorial capacity, is "merely a roi faineant," it may yet be stated without foar of being charged with disrespect or disloyalty to the Throne or Empire, that neither the Parliament nor people of Queensland regard in the same complaisant light tho quita regal rights and privileges which Sir George Bowen claimed to attach to tho person and office of the Governor. Nor have sub-

sequent Governors adopted tlio same lofty tono. We hoar less of my Government, my Parliament, my Executive Council, than runs through Sir George Bowen's very self conscious despatches and published private correspondence. That the Governor can do much* as hoad of colonial society to give tono to public life goes without saying. By his active patronage ho may " encourago literature, scionco, and art;" but it is doubtful whother, with all the rocont evolution of the doctrino of the responsibility of Ministers to Parliament and the people, a Governor can maintain any roal control or supervi-sion over the different departments of the public sorvico. Is it not on record that a Premier of Now South WaIo3 defied tho dicta of Imperial Secretarios of Stato, or what an Imperial fleet might accomplish, and was'not a Governor of Queensland constrained to surrender his most cherished convictions as to his rights to the will of his responsible advisers ? Of course a Go-vernor is an important factor in smooth-ing ] over tho acerbities of a Ministerial crisis, and thoro aro occasions when Im-perial interests emerge that he need neither consult his ministers nor bo guidod by thom if thoy do offer counsol. But so far as the internal administration of the colony is concerned, it is only in a conventional sense that Sir George Bowon's somewhat pompously expressod apho ristn is true that "tho Governor is in a position in which ho

can oxorciso an influonco over tho wholo

course of ailuirs exactly proportionate to tho strength of his character, tho activity of his mind and body, tho capacity of his understanding, and tho oxtent of his knowledge."

So far as tho public aro awaro from wliat has transpired in or out of Parliamont tho relations of our present Governor with his Executive Council - that is with his responsible Minietors-havo been of tho most cordial naturo; and certainly Sir Henry Norman has approvod hirasolf in his contact with tho peoplo a courteous officer, a courtly leader, a man of quick and tender sympathy. No calamity has visitod any section of tho community but ho has been swift to sootho by tender consolation and to aid by material assistance. Ho has exhibited a lively intorost in our social and municipal institutions, and in our in-dustrial enterprises. His Excellency, in coming down the coast in the ill-fatod Quetta on his arrival in Queonsland waters about a year ago, had an opportunity of seeing a littlo of our seaboard towns, and of obtaining a tasto of tho hospitality which Queenslander aro proverbially anxious to extend to visitors of every degree. Since then ho has mado flying visits to tho Darling Downs, and oven as far as Warwick, and was enabled to judge for himself of the agricultural resourcos of the moro temperato part of the colony. Nor was Sir Henry slow to o .pross his surprise at tho progress made in tho culti-vation of tho soil, though ho was shrewd and travolled enough to give suggestions for tho moro profitable development of our

rich lands.

It is well that the constitutional Governor of a great territory uko Queensland should make himself acquainted with tho various districts within its bounds. Evon a brief visit may throw a flood of light on the ni. rits of local disputes or the necessities of local requirements. But it must not be imagined that thoso tours ought to be under-taken in order, as Sir George Bowen too fondly hugged to his courtly consciousness, "to keep alivo tho foelings of loyalty to tho Queen and of attachment to the mother-country." It needs not a pageant to fan tho dying flame of stirring loyalty to the Monarch whom we are all proud to reverence for her virtuos and her, fealty to constitutional principle):-That Lmiu aa bright in our hearts as in any portion of the British douiinioas. *>*or is the presence of

a Governor required to renow our attach-ment to tho mother-land., ,W>th moro onduring hooks is that fixed. Yet it is pleasant to do honour to the man whom tho Sovereign doth honour, and to give expres-sion in enthusiastic fashion in tho presence of the Queen's representativo to that double loyalty and that double patriotism characteristic of the lieges in these antipodean elimos-a loyalty to our local institutions as well as to tho personality of our sovereign head-a patriotic devotion to tho land of our birth and adoption, as well as to the eradlo of our race, aud with which wo aro still united by the " crimson thread of kinship." It was the good fortuno of our first Governor to bo able to do much to open up tho Northern portions of the colony by his frequent peregrinations along the coast and in somo degree inland. Much of tho territory was then unexplored, and Sir George Bowen did in a minor degree for tho coast districts north of tho tropic of Capricorn what Sir "William Macgregor is now doing for New Guinoa. Sir Henry Norman cannot in the nature of things ho expoctcd to follow in theso linos during his present Northorn trip. His Ex-cellency has only time and opportunity to visit the centres of commerco and industrial enterprise which were the haunt of cannibal savages when Sir George Bowen made his first voyago North thirty years ago. Already at Townsville and at Charters Towers helms witnessed the results of the restless activity of the colonising Anglo-Saxons, witnessed a progress as marvellous as is recorded in the annals of tho world, been the recipient of a welcorao as warm and as imposing in its way as over accorded to Eoman con-queror. His preBenco as her Majesty's representative will be of some account in stimulating the pioneers of tho North and tho clustering inhabitants of its youthful but busy towns to evon greater exertions than in tho past for tho development of what wo all know to bo the practically

inexhaustible resources of our much favoured land.

I AIN'T doing my duty by that boy, and that's tho Lord's truth, goodness knows.

Ho halos work moro than ho hates anything else, and I've got to do some of my duty by him, or I'll be the ruination

of the child." These wore the words of tho aunt of a remarkable prodigy named Tom Sawyer, as chronicled by that most vera-cious of historians-Mark Twain. In what is to all intents and purposes a similar burst of l'eoling, our oommunity is now trying to express its sonso of tho nogloct hitherto met with by tho little men who pick up a precarious living in the streots by relying on their wits, or what comes to the samo thing, their nativo impudence. Despite thoir saucy bravery and clover audacity, however, numbers of tho boys in this city have long boen, realising the terrible natnro of the struggle for lifo, and accounts which this journal has recently been ablo to publish indicate to what an extent juvenilo destitution exists in our midst. A glance at tho names of a fow of those piwont at the preliminary meeting held on Monday last to arrange for an appeal to tho public on behalf of the Work-ing Boys' Brigade shows tlio dopth of tho interest felt in the question by some of our mostprominont men, and will be a guarantee of ultimata success to all frionds of tho movement. There aro fow things of moro importance to a nation than the guidance of its youth, and few touch the imagination as do tho circumstances of the waifs who remain practically iv^uchod by tho pro-vision ol' froo education. The good that may bo done by tho organisation and maintenance of a thorough-going Boys' Brigado far transcends tho stealthy delight of bestowing the chango for a small coin upon a youthful hawker of newspapers, or tho amusingly malicious pleasure lately enjoyed by an eccentric individual of sup-porting a mimic striko playod by youngsters rather moro acuto than their patron. The conclusions to bo arrived at by the commit-tee appointed to deal with tho subjoct can scarcely bo less full than the programme outlined by different speakers on Monday afternoon, but the public await thoir sugges-tions in a sympathetic attitude, and ¿hore need bo littlo fear of ovorstopping the possi-bilities of the case by attempting too much. As Mr. Haynes well said, " tlio most serious aspect of the case was that whon tho boys had been drilled and instructed many of thom had no home to go to, and they woro obliged to sleep out on the wharves and elsowhoro." Facts liko those point lo tho absolute necossity of establish-ing somo home or refugo for the accommo-dation of tlio young nomads. Such an institution might readily próvido all the necessaries of life, and arrange for the employment of the inmatos during tlio day. A night school is also roqnirod to remove the mental disabilities of somo, whilo a gymnasium would bo a useful adjunct for all. Doubts as to tho required support being forthcoming should bo dissipated by tho warm reception accorded to tho pro-posals mado, even boforo they had assumed their presont somewhat indefinite form. A correspondent suggested a few days ago that thoso who could afford to do so might annually sot apart a certain sum for a period of five years. Already the suggestion has horno practical fruit, one gontloman having expressod his willingness to contributo £10 a year, whilo powerful monetar.y assistance was also promised from another quarter. The time of another gentleman, night and morning, has likewise been offered to watch the projected institution, and thero can bo littlo doubt that Mr. SonHce was right in stating that "if tho citizens pf Brisbane knew the naturo of the work dono by the Hoys' Brigado fhoy would furnish monetary assistanco to carry it to a suc-cessful issue." Moan whilo tho committee aro engaged in collecting all the informa-tion available upon tho subject, which, it is to bo hopod, will be placed boforo the public at an early date. Now that tho ball has boen fairly sot rolling the people of Bris-bane will take every caro that it is never allowod to stop. Wo have not boon doing our duty by the boys in tho past, and "some of it " must now bo attempted if wo do not wish the guilt of thoir " ruination " to lie at our doors. In this connection tho arrival of Professor Drummond in Melbourne has occurred very opportunely. Besides his other labours, tho famous author of " Natural Law in tlio Spiritual World " has dovotod much time to the study of the conditions under which the poor live, and was actually tho first to originate in Glasgow such a brigade as is now found desirablo in this city. In thoir searcli for information the committee could not do better than put themselves in communica-tion with the professor, in which caso they would undoubtedly be promptly rowarded by a number of valuable and practical sug-


Tho following candidates hare passed the April examinations for solicitors in the order named:-Final-P. J. O'Shea, A. S. Lilley, and T. M. S. Rowland, all of Brisbane; inter-mediate-A. M. Lilley, Brisbane, and R. G. Wuudeilej, of Tuuauumba; pieliniiuaiv-M,

T. Fleuiing, of Warwick, and J. J. O'Shea, of

Brisbane. I

TO-DAY, Amu, 24.

MEETINGS.- ,.-,.,,_.

11 a.m., Yeerongpilly Appeal Court, Board's

Office, Bocklon* - ~ -3.30 p.m., Ithaca Shire Council.

4 p.m., South Brisbane Fire Brigade.

8 p.m., Brisbane BicyclingClub, annual, National



8 p.m., Opera House, Fun on the Bristol.

8 p.m., Brisbane Musical Union Concert, Pro-

testant Hall.

Queensport Aquarium, all day.

Columbia Skatmg Rink, evory evening.


North and South Queensland : Generally cloudy

and unsettled ; showers on coast and iu eastern parts ; sea rough. SUN, MOON, AND TIDE

Sun rises G.23 a.m., sets 6.83 p.m.

Moon rises 10.53 a.m., sots9.7p.m.: first quartor,

27th April.

High water at Brisbane Bar 0.29 a.m.; 0.60



Messrs. Arthur Martin and Company, Limited,

on the Promises, Newstead, Breakfast Creek, at Eleven o'clock : Household _?urnituro, Art ObjeotB, &c.

Messrs, King and King, at their Rooms, at

Eleven o'clock : Groceries and Provisions.

Mr. W.T.Iloid, at the Advance Auction Mart, at

Eleven o'clock : Household Furniture, ic,

We have'been requested to contradict the statement contained in an advertisement published in yesterday's evening papers and signed by the president of the Queensland Bailway Employees' Association to the effect that " At the present time no insurance ofBco has been approved by the commis-sioners." As a matter of fact, the commis-sioners, although they had not seen fit to an-nounce their decision, had approved of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, the Mutual Life Association, the National Mutual, and the Colonial Mutual as offices in which assurances may he effected by railway servants. The commissioners are for-warding to the whole of the railway employees copies of the rates of the different offices. It may also be mentioned that they have decided for the convenience of the employees that the premiums shall be paid monthly. In view of the importance of the whole subject, we took stops some days ago to obtain the opinions of thoso most olosely concerned in this matter, and a part of the result of inquiries then made will be found in another column, together with a statement volunteered to us re-garding the part taken in the negotiations with the insuranco companies by the president of the Railway Employees' Association. In con-nection with the investigations made, we have still to give the statement of the secretary of another prominent insurance company, and other particulars of interest, which will probably appear in our next issue. In our advertising columns, ono of tho approved societies quotes special ratos, available only to railway em-ployees.

In a supplement to the " Government Ga-zette" issued yesterday it is notified, in accor-dance with the regulations already published, that an examination of candidates desirous of competing for admission to the ordinary division of the civil service will bo hold on Tuesday, 1st of July noxt, and following days. The number of candidates requirod to fill probable vacancies before the noxt annual examination is declared to be thirty. Candi-dates must ba over lo and under 25 yours of age on the first day of the examination, and must havo resided in the colony at least twelve months at the date of application. The «' Gazette" contains other information with reference to the conditions of examination, &c, which lias already appeared in our columns.

The Premier (Hon. B. D. Morehead) returned from the South toBiisbane yesterday, and was busily engaged all day at his office, Treasury Buildings. When in Sydney Mr. Morehoad had a long interview with Sir Henry Paikes, and several matters of intei colonial importance were discussed. The best means of fortifying Thursday Island and King George's Sound on tho lines suggested by the Imperial Government was talked over. It was decided, wo understand, that there should not be any conference of the commandants of the Defence Forces of the different colonies with icspect to this important subject, but that the respective commandants should submit an independent report to their several Governments, after which there will be an interchange of views between the Governments of tho different colonies. As regards the course of action to be taken by the several Governments in the appointment of delegates to an Australian Federation Convention, it has been decidod that New South Wales and Queensland shall act in unison in submitting resolutions to their respectivo Parliaments. No communication on tliis subject has as yet been received from Mr. Gillios, but it is confidently anticipated that he will agree to a similar arrangement on the part of Victoria. Some conversation took place between the two Premiors on tho matter of New South Wales making a oharge for official tele-grams from New Guinea, whioh pass through that colony, and Sir Honry Parkes promised, on behalf of his Government, that no charge should in future be made for such telegrams, thus placing Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria on the same footing with respect to them. As to the offer of Mr. Smith Ellis, of South Yarra, to make publio his knowledge of an effectual means for tho prevention of rust in wheat, on condition that he Bbould receive a grant of £10,000 on its efficacy being demon-strated beyond all doubt, which has been favourably entertainod by the Governments of New South Wales and Victoria, Mr. Morehead inforjned Sir Henry Parkes that the Govern-ment of Queensland would be quite prepared to contribute their sharo of any reward agreed to be paid, provided that the competition for the grant was not confined to Mr. Ellis. Mr. Morehoad is of opinion-and his opinion is, he believes, shared by Sir H. Parkes-that the proportion of tho contribution to bo borne by each colony should bo not on the basis of popu-lation, but on that of the acreage of wheat under cultivation in the different colonies. Au arrangement of this kind, ho considers, would bo as fair a one as oould be come to in thointeiests of this colony, where the acreage of wheat agriculture is so very much less than in any of the Southern colonies.

Two very valuablo boars of the improved Berkshire breed have been landed from Adelaide. Thoy are the progeny of the boar and sow, Sir Charles and Dido, reoontly im-ported by the lion. J. H. Angus, of Adelaide (which were not allowed to land on arrival, were shipped to Western Australia, and, after being there a month or so, were res'lipped to Adelaide). These boars were imported by Mr. B. H. Purcell ; one goes to Mr. J. 0. Button's Zillmere farm, the other to Messrs. M'Connel and Wood, of Durundur. Anyone wishing to see purebred pigs of this style can view one of these boars at Messrs. Howard Smith and Sons' wharf, where it will remain for a few days.

Inspector Murray, Cooktown, has wired to the Commissioner of Police that the supposed French escapee who was in the hospital there died on Monday night. It will be remembered that about ten days ago two Frenchmen were found on the beach near Bedford Head, and brought to Cooktown by the police, as they were supposed to be escapees from New Caledonia. One of the men was much exhausted from want of food, and had to ho rr inny-fl t" fhn i'"°pi»°| *nr w,o"^| trfnt

f meat. The otiwr man will be ? sent down to

Bnsbane by steamer on Saturday next.

Messrs. Murphy and Co., the contractors for the South Brisbane Extension Ballway, com-menced work in connection with the line about ten days ago, and although it wiU be a month or more before operations can be got into full swing, thcro is sufficient at present to show that the undertaking has been entered upon in earnest. Already there are between 120 and ISO men employed in the construction of the line, and about thirty drays are used. The line, though a short one, includes some very heavy earthworks. The hill above Vulture street will require to bo excavated to a depth of 40ft. at the deepest part. Stcphens's hill has to be tunnelled a distance of between 7 chains and 8 chains. Another cutting, 30 chains in length and 18ft. deep at tho highest point, will have to be made close to the Boggo-road State school. Work has been commenced at the cut-ting from Vulture-street, also behind tho hill in Mr. Stephens's paddock, where about 250 yards of a drain running through the paddock will have to be sunk Eft. lower, to avoid coming in con-tact with the line. A cutting is being made from this paddock to the face of the tunnel in Stephens's Hill, so that when tunnelling begins the stuff can be taken away in trucks instead of by drays. Work has also been commenced at the other end of tho line, near tho gaol. Offices are being built in Stephens's paddock for the use of the contractors, and sheds and stablos have already been erected for the horses and tools used in carrying out the work. When the undertaking ha3 been well started tho con-tractors expect to employ double the number of men now engaged on the works.

The Civil Sittings of tho District Court were held yesterday, before his Honour Judge Paul. In several undefended cases judgment was given for the amounts claimed. The first jury case was then called on. This was an action arising out of the sale of certain mineral selec-tions in the Burnott district by a syndicate called tho Great Normanby Freehold Estate Company. The plaintiff was James M'Lay, and the defendants N. Bartley, H. L. Davis, and J. Willard. The plaintiff alleged that by misrepresentation ho had been induced to buy shares in the property, and sought to obtain a restitution of the money ho had paid, or £150 damages. The hearing of the action took up the greater part of the day. It ended in a ver-dict in favour of, and judgment for, the defendants, with costs. An action for defama-tion bolween two Germans named Joseph Wehner and Martin Reis resulted similarly.

In Chambers yesterday, before'his Honour Sir Charles Lilley, C.J., the following matters wero dealt with :-In the mattor of the liqui-dation of Abel Hydo and George Blakiston Robinson, of Maryborough, merchants, Mr. Lilley (instructed by Mr. H. B. Lilley) appear-ing for the creditors, applied for an order directing the trustee to accept a proof of debt by Blakiston Bobinson, and to pay dividends. Mr. T. J. Byrnes (instructed by Mr. Powers) appeared for the trustee. His Honour re-served his decision. In the matter of Alex. Bell, trading as A. Boll and Co., of Brisbane, merchant, insolvent, an application was made for an order for tho delivery to trustee of insolvent's books, etc., by B. Sparks, assigneo of the book debts in tho estate. Mr. Lilley (instructed by Mr. G. Down, of Messrs. Hart and Plowor) appeared for the trustee; and Mr, T. J. Byrnes (instructed by Mr. Chambers) for B. Sparks. An order was made dismissing tho application with costs, tho trustee's costs being allowed out of the estate. In the matter of Georgo Mihr, of Montalbion, hotelkeeper, insolvent, an order was made appointing the last examination of insolvent to be held at Herberton on 21st May, beforo the police-magistrate. Leavo was given to tho Curator in Intestacy to administer the following estates :-Bernard M'Cormack, Georgo Master Juno (a Malay), Ellen Flynn, Thomas Dillon, Robert J. Castles, and Maurice Casey.

In Chambers yesterday beforo his Honour Sir Charles Lilley, C.J., tho following were ad-judicated insolvent : Otto Hagen, of Brisbane, bookbinder, on the potition of Henry Lose, of Brisbano, storekeeper, first meeting oí creditors 6th May ; John Alex. M'Walters, of Warwick, ooachbuilder, on debtor's own petition, first meeting of creditors 1st May.

A special meeting of the Brisbane Butchers' Employees' Union was held in the Belfast Hotol on Tuesday for the purposo of making preparations for tho inauguration of tho forth-coming weekly half holiday. There was a largo attendance, over 100 being present. Mr. W. Woodcock was elected to the chair. The secretary then reported the success which had attended tho delegates at tho recent con-ference with the employers, and that he had also received a largo number of signatures of employers since. Those are to be advertised in the papers, and the public will bo requested to assist the union by deal-ing only with thoso who closed upon tho half day, and also by shopping early on such occasions. Ho also stated that ho had called upon Mr. M'Kinnou asking him if he would receive a deputation from the union to place their proposals boforo him, and that he had oxpressed his willingness to do so ; also that if it could be shown to be a workable scheme he would agree to closo. Considerable discussion then followed, which resulted in a number of delegates being appointed for tho purposo of waiting on Mr. M'Kinnon. Mr. Witheridge, of tho Mutual Butchering Company, who had been unanimously* requested to remain during the meeting, and Mr. Rayment, of Georgo-street, then signed their nnmos as consenting to close, amidst loud applause. A motion was passed that tho commencement of the half holiday be advertised in tho daily papers, and the public bo requested to assist as suggested. It was also decided to have notices printed at the ex-penso of the union and forwarded to tho em-ployers for their service. It wai» also con-sidered advisable in some way to celebrate the first half holiday, and a sports com-mittee was fonned for that purposo. In con-sequence of fears having been expressed that the half holiday might result in some instances in work being negloctod on the following morn-ing, it was decided to provide against such by placing a heavy fine upon any member guilty of neglect, with a penalty, in case it should not be paid, of exclusion from the union, and leaving such mem-ber to be discharged by his employer. A motion to this effect was carried unanimously. A vote of thanks was then passed to the employers, after which tho meeting adjourned until the following Monday.

The following passengers, booked for Bris-bane, left London on 21st March by the P. and O. Company's steamer Victoria :-Misses Wal-lace and Collings, Messrs. Rose, Macdonald, M. Jamieson, C. Binckes, Day, and Whyte.

A special meeting of the Enoggera Divisional Board was held in the board's oflice yesterday afternoon for the purpose of considering tendéis for the construction of two concrete culverts ; also the appointment of a junior clerk to the board. There wero present Messrs, J. S. Mallen (chairman), Thos. Robinson, W. M'C. Park, E. J. Corbett, W. G. Williams, W. P. Gordon. Fifty-two applications were received for the position of junior clerk to the board, at the remuneration of £1 per week, and the applica-tion of Bobert Speedy, jun., was accepted. It was resolved that a fidelity guarantee of £200 be obtained for the junior clerk. Seven tenders were received for the construction of two cul verU on the Waterworks-road, and the tender of Messrs. Walten ana ooopei {UM) wastw


The usual meeting of the crmZüT *


ing lapsed for want of aquomm T! y"ea* meetings have, however, been held rW "^i.**1

past fortnight for the purpose ofmfc vision for the preparation of studeÄ £' Civil Service examinations in conner the the classes already held under th?. °n With of Mr. B. J. Kelly: The fet fT . ^"'¡^n all the subjects Squired teg ST°? * tion have been fixed as low as posS ^^

The annual meeting of the clubs in Brisbane

and Ipswich playing under the British Football Association rules was held in the Queen's Hotel on Tuesday night. There was a very large attendance, including representatives from all the clubs and others interested in the game. Mr. M. Drinnan was elected chaírman. The

reports of last year's work were given

by the secretary and treasurer, and were very favourable considering that the game has been but recently introduced here. The election of the office-bearers for the en-

suing year was then proceeded with. It was decided to form an association, comprising

president, vice-presidents, and delegates from

the different clubs in the colony playing these

rules, under the name of the Queensland British Football Association.

It will be remembered that on Wednesrl-v

the 15th instant, John White was sumÄ at the City Police Court by the ¿K£

ment for having exorcised the business or Irada of auctioneer on the 10th instant without having previously obtained a license as required hy the Act. The evidence showed that deien dant sold goods by auction at Fernfield House opposite Swan Hill, on the day in question In his defence he stated that he obtained an ordinary certificate ns auctioneer on the 4th December last while in partnership with Mr. Brennan. This partnership, which had been of three years' standing, was dissolved in March last. Mr. Brennan always looked after the obtaining of the license. Defendant got a summons, and then for the first time found the license had not been obtained. He put the facts of the ease before the Colonial Treasurer, who thereupon autho risod the issue of tho license defendant pro duced dated 15th instant. The case was then adjourned for a week in order that Mr. Pinnock might communicate with the Treasury. Yes terday the bench fined defendant £15, the minimum penalty under the Act, with £2 2s. professional costs, in default of payment levy and distress. The maximum penalty is £50.

An adjourned meeting of the council of the Labour Federation was held in the Maritime Hall, Eagle-street, on Tuesday night. The pre-sident (D. Bowman) occupied tho chair, and there was a good attondance of dolegatcs, The amondod rules dealing with the duties of officers wero further considered, when tho secre-tary reported that a meeting of the executive had been held that evening to deal with a communication from one of the affiliated societies. As tlio subject of such communication was one of urgency they recommended its being dealt with imme-diately. The letter was dealt with accordingly, and a committee appointed to act in conjunc-tion with tho committee of the union referred to. Attention was called to the proposal of the Government to deteimine that in future when holidays fall on a Saturday they shall be kept up on a Monday ; strong exception was taken to the remarks recently ¡undo by the Premier to the effect that business people kept open on Satur-days in the interests of the working classes. After discussion the following resolution was put and carried unanimously,-" That in the opinion of this council holidays falling on a Saturday should not he postponed until Monday, and that the statement that business people kept open on Saturdays in such cases in the interosts of the working classes is not correct." It was further resolved that a joint deputation from tho federation and the Eight-hour Anni-versary Union should wait upon the Premier and urge upon lum the desirableness of not postponing to Monday holidays which fall on a Saturday. Three members wero added to the Organising Committee, and the council ad-journed at 10.45 o'olook.

At a special meeting of directora of tho Queensland Farmers' Co-operative Agency Com-pany, Limited, held on Tuesday last in the com-pany's registered office, Eagle-street, there were present Messrs. E. Harvey (in tho chair), W. Castles, R. Hall, B. Hudson, J. Philp- G. T. Leney, and J. Jackson (manager). The busi-ness of the meeting was the election of a direotor in the room of W. B. North, resigned, vvhioh resulted in Mr. G. G. Smith being placed in that position unopposed. Tho regular monthly meeting of directors was then opened by the reading of the minutes of the meeting held on 18th "March, which were confirmed. Correspondence'waa read from a number of farmers residing at several country township^ asking that a représentative of the company be appointed at their respective stations. After this matter had received close consideration it was unanimously decided that Mr. G. G. Smith bo empowered to make all necessary arrange-ments for one or two districts. The auditors monthly report was placed upon the table, which shows tho business of tho company tobe rapidly increasing. As some of the share-holders are in arrears with the payment o calls now long overdue, it was decided that a final seven days' notico bo sent out im-mediately demanding payment before legal pro-ceedings are taken for the recovery of same. Tho election of chairman of directors was next proceeded with, which resulted on Mr. G. L.. Smith being duly elected for the current year. The next monthly meeting was decided tor Tuesday, 20th May, on which date a decision is to be arrived at relative to the purchase ot refrigerating machinery. An application tor ten shares was duly granted, and the meeting


Mr. Clement L. Wragge, Government Meteor-ologist, issued thofollowing forecast at 11.30 a.« . yesterdav:-» Showers, heavy in Plaocs',^r, fresh to strong south-east winds are probable along the Queensland coast. These condition" will be intensified between Capo Moreton an Cape Capricorn, and also between CapeBeatow and tho New Guinea coast." ,

The following cases were decided at the Petty Debts Court yesterday, before Messrs. G.P. M. Murray, P.M., and J. Carbery, J. P. Ver-diets wero entered for the plaintiffs excep where otherwise stated i-Undefended ça-* Queensland Mercantile Company v. Mor.u * Fullerton, dishonoured cheque£2210s. liw.,

diet for plaintiff for £22 14s. 4d.; London^ Brisbane Tea Company v. 3. bf°*,£ir", 15s. 6d.; Joseph Peirson v. O. *".?{£"

funeral expenses £9 11s.; the **f%V:° j Adamson, money due £12 17s. M.| f**%^ wife v. Samuel Bussell, rent £3 IaS" ,. thi and Gough v. E. J. Butler, work L*. «"-. . same v. Isenberg, goods £0 *-». y

judgment confessed; George Thorne v.

Owen Hayes, cab fare £1 13s.;

tralian Mercantile Loan Company*- .

True and E. Davis, dishonoured prom'- .

note £11 15s. lid-, judgment«ff¿r',a costs allowed; Thomas Benn an i Co-v-^

Lawrence, goods £4 17s. ^'Ä_fcU

fessed ; Exton and Gough v. C. ^^¡'L ,. g £3 4s. 7d. Defended cases: Bow «ma«- ^ g Harrison James, work done £5 ID»- . . | diet for plaintiff for £i 9s. 9d., with 5.- j of adjournment and 5s. costs of court, | line Sibthorpe v. Wm. Crarsn. war g lodging £9 9s., plamtiff nonsttiUi, » | for plaintiff and Mir. O'Shea for defend T g T-JIT «nd Brisbane Tea_ Comp^ ^ | Qroeiben, goods ii 1*« **Ui ""8?î pf -1

The weather in Brisbane yesterday was ''markable for heavy thunder and vivid Iight

?c which are unusual at this late period of Reason. During the afternoon this was «noticeable, and one flash of lightning Tick the Railway Hotel, Woolloongabba, inSngsome slight damage to the plaster on Kia wall. The storm subsided before

=et but rain fell at intervals during the 6UD";n'i. and about midnight tho lightning 'IX became very vivid and the rain fell r\¡lv The rainfall for twelve hours ending

, Q" m amounted to 0'93in., and Mr. Wraggo's f'JU indicates the probability of further I wers Under Tuesday's date no forecast 1 ° ¡^forihis part of the colony, but on Monday showers were predicted, with a return ¿f westerly winds and fine weather within four


On Tuesday the mayor of Brisbano (Mr. J. winder) sent the following telegram-to the

¡oi Bourke (Mr. W. H. Daniells):

¡T^s navor of Brisbane I beg to offer, through ^on' the heftrtfclt sympathy of L citizens of Brisbane with the people of Bourke in the unprecedented cslamitv which has overtaken the town." A tenir iias received from Mr. Daniells that night

.¿Ho,«:_»Thanks on behalf of residents

£r y0ur kind sympathy. We are in a deplorable


The sales of station produce at the stores of S Macgregor and Co. and Morehead and Co. «re not over until about 1.30 p.m. yesterday. Messrs. Fenwick and Co. decided not to hold an suction, but report having disposed of a large proportion of their catalogue privately. The bovcottof the firm by the Hido and Skin Dealers' Association had no effect, wo are in-formed, on tlie prices realised.

At the South Brisbane Police Court yester-day, before Mr. W. H. Day, P.M., the following petty debts cases were heard, and verdicts given for the plaintiffs : - Lahey Bros. v. A. Edwards, timber sold 18s. 8d.; same v. Charles Ruff, timber sold 10s.; George Green v. Joseph Fletcher, milk sold £10 0s. 4d., defendant to pay 10s. a week till the debt is paid ; William Jones v. John Manify, rent £7, defendant to pay £1 a week.

For the last three or four months tho Boys' Brigade has been meeting weekly in the Town Hall, which has boen placed at tlieir disposal by the City Council, the accommodation at Mr. Northcott's house having become too small. Last evening they met as usual and went through the ordinary exercises of drill and boxing, while somo songs were sung. The pro-gramme was nrrangod'by the boys themselves, Mr. Northcott being present to presorvo order. Before the boy} dispersed Mr. Ferguson, secre-tary to the Boys' Brigade Committee formed on Monday last, spoko a fow encouraging words to them and counselled thom to behave themselves well, so that they might turn out good men. Mr. Lenneberg, who some time ago promised a hall in Ann-streot, Valley, for the uso of tho brigade, again renewed the offer, and gave Mr. Northcott the koy of the placo, BO that ho eould take possession of the hall whenover he chose. Cheers wero given for Mr. Porguson and Mr. Lenneberg, after which the latter treated about thirty of the boys to a meal at a coffee-stall in George-street.

Notwithstanding the wet weather last o vening t number of members of the Hand of Friend-ship Lodge, I.O.G.T,,' met together in tho lodge-room, Ann-street, to- carry out the pro-duction of a "Fancie Faire." Tho sale of goods MS postponed till tho 28 th of May, but thoso who had promised to sing or recito wore asked to carry through their part, which was done with success. A now member was added to the roll, and tlie meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

Tlio Brisbane Musical Union, which is just

entering upon its eighteenth year of oxistence, . will produce to-night a cantata now to its fi audiences-Collins's "Ode to tho Passions," set to music by Alice Mary Smith (Mrs. Meadows White). This work was originally composed for the Hereford Musical Festival in 1882, and by the contrasted variety of its stylo sustains the interest of the audience from beginning to end. The choral and orchestral portions of tho w>ik are perhaps the .most striking features, hut there aro also some effective solos for soprano, tonor, and baritone. Throughout Hie cantata the composer displays much power and melodious tenderness of musical expres-sion. The second part of the programme for to night's concert includes Sullivan's magnifi-cent o\oiture, "In Memoriani," this being also the first time of performance in Brisbane ; the dainty gavotte from Thomas's opera, "Mignon;" Oie Bridal March and Chorus from "The Bride," by A. O. Mackenzie, nnd t«o unaccompanied part songs. The orchestra »ill be larger than usual, and tho choir aro «ill (hilled in their parts, so a very enjoyable concert may be anticipated.

Important further reductions in passenger fire- hy both tile Australasian United Steam Mvition Company and Messrs. Wm. Howard . ""> i an 1 Sons aro announced in our adver-

ts «s olarans to-day. Howard Smith and . i . offer a saloon passage to Sydnoy by the « 1 ndo to-morrow for £1 lös., and a return ' 113, w hile a steerage ticket only costs 18s. 1 « Aj=tralasian United Steam Navigation ppanv announce that the fare3 to Sydney 1 theG'anwoithon Saturday and the Bane[..101 Monday will be: Saloon, £1 10s.; ro.-'?!. i J I."s.; steerage, lös. Corresponding '.?.«ions have been made on the Northern

l" .'- The rates charged by both companies ^ n^v lower than they have been for many ,,!'", aru1.¡t " anticipated that n number of J j 'i= will take the present opportunity of . 'r? cheap trips to Sydney and other places. r ,7 0Î- tlle men cmPl°yßd by the Graziers'

'"icripci Company disappeared suddenly , ', av »arning.. Ho had been sleeping on

''"?.nnesin Stanley-street, and was called . - .-ii at 4 o'clock. He had just begun to .".' *'!cn be went outside, and though

.n'-I=eaichhas been made nothing further

'?'.i'»« ? ? - - - -

I - seen of him. It is feared that he has

n into the river, which runs at the rear ' ' e premises, and been drowned.

..,T, " "nn of nre was given to the Central . p"1 f-* "in« minutes past 12 last night by t t,ric-tcnRoo branch station, flames having :-i.,C^crvel in the direction of Bowen ii i,'\/i 10P1 was despatched to the Swan ' . ', . nnd ¡t wa3 found on arrival that a i " "if ^ house belonging to Mr. H. -(i!0C'"' ,Mction£,ei,i had been totally conS '^. T!le ,an% are believed to be at .- '"?tn; ani nothing is known as to the ;. i C'.Ue fire- T1>e flame3 were first seen in .. ''ctj"n by a nightman, and he at once

- ; i ne.çhbours ; but the fire spread so . '. t-i-t they were unable to rescue any of

, -Ttcre from the burning house.

.-'..' ] 11°" 0CC<"Ted in Eagle-street on Tuesday Gt ; r be tween a dogcart driven bv Mr. J. I: ,'r Ier , a cart drivel> by Georgo "Warlow.

, i^-.= tr.atWarlow*shorse shied, and the f: .f i\i -, cle ta which it was attached i » "V * Slf2 of Gallagher's horse, inflicting ' . 'ltl «. ne«*sitated the animal being u- bVv ? 0W was thrown out of his i-.::re lnjurie3 were not °* a serious