Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 1 November 1888, page 6



The twenty-sixth annual district meeting of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Queens-land commenced its sittings in the temporary church, Albert-street, " ;day morning* at 10 o'clock. The Rev. J. "A. Nolan, chairman of tho district, gave out the hymn beginning "And are we yet alive," whioh was sung by all present. Afterwards the Ravs. I. Harding and J. W. Winspear engaged iu prayer.

Tho following wore present :-The Revs. J. A. Nolan, chairman ; I. Harding, G. Wool-nough, M.A., supernumeraries; J. Spence, H. Youngman, W. II. Rogers, W. Wall, W. H. Williams, J. W. Winspear, W. Din-ning. F. Duesbury, .F. E. Fletcher, M.A., l-l. Jones, W. H. Harrison, T. B. Homes, W. Pearson. B. Dinnhip-, T. Brassington, W. Brown, J., Gardner, W. H. Howard, W. P. Brown, J. J. Gee, and T. Warham. Tho Revs. P. Clipsham and, C. W. Graham, from New South Wales, received permission to attend the sittings of the district meetings. The Revs. II. Youngman and J. W. Winspear, as senior ministers attending the district meeting for the first time, wero cordially welcomed by the chuirman, as also tho younger brethren, W. H. Howard, J. J. Gee, and F. Warham.

After the Rev. H. Youngman had beenelected as district secretary, the Rev. F. E, Fletcher as assistant secretary, the Rev. W. n. Williams ns journal secretary, and W. Pearson to take charge of the Sunday school returns, the hours of session woro fixedmorning, 9.30 to 12.30; afternoon, 2.15 to i¡. Dispensations of absence were granted to ti e Rev. C. Wiles on tho ground of absence ia England, and to the Rev. J. Snell.

Tho Ohairmnn referred to the death of ot r late Governor and the immediate departure cf Lady Musgrave from our colony, after whica the following lottor was directed to be sent to

her ladvship through the Rev. G. Woolnough,


To Lady Mu«i*iaie, Government House, Brisbane.

Madam,-Ave,' the ministers of tho AVesleyan Metho-dist Chin eli in Queensland, now aseeuuilctl in our Annual Dist] ¡el Heeling, desire on this the eve of jour much regretted departure from the colony, to approach your Inclybbip with profound l-espeet, aiicttoexpreis our deep sympathy with you in the poignant sonow tvhlcU has ov crtaken you and your family tliroiiffh the unex-pected decease of your bite husband his Excelleni-v* (Sir Autltony Mulgrave, G.C.M.O. AVrth our fellow colonists we mourn the loss of nu example whose high seu«e of duty and Impartial atlininistmliou of rule lime i-o nilly contributed to the good government of the

colony; anil tes représentatives of a Christian Church we ieel the more impelled to tender you this expression of our sympathy, in token.of our appreciation of the liiirh mond mid spuitunl influence that has manifested Itself in tlio kindly- interest ond cuniost clevolednenH of Chi ¡st. liko ell'ort displayed by you towards the various Christian institutions of our city. AVe pray that Hie Great Head of the G'htiifh maj- frmrioiisly vouchsafe to you every sustaining intttienee of His Spirit aud all tim c-oieolations- of Divine sympathy-,

Albei't-streel Church, .'SOtli October.

The rest of tho possion was occupied with the question of ministerial character, religion« belief, and general competenoy for the xvork of tho Methodist ministry. The examination manifested confidence and brotherly feeling among tho ministers, and afforded theMethodist Church throughout the colony evidence that the high and E.acred office of Hie Christian' ministry is carefully guarded againBt hirelings, and its solemn importance fully recognised. It was reported that by the authority of the presi-dent of tho confereuco,T. Warham had beenap. pointed to the Ipswich circuit, J. F. Gee to the Pino River circuit, and J. Snell to the Rock-hampton circuit) and to reride at Mount Morgan, these ministers having arrived in Queensland since last conference. The book lists of thovariousprobationersworeread during thenf tornoon Eoesion,their trialaermons reported upon and considered, each probationer receiving a unanimous recommendation to the ensuing conference. Tho following candidates for the ministry woro reported :-James Robert Wil-liams, " from the Valley circuit; Thoms« Hansen, from tho Gympie circuit; and Mr. Stephens, from tho Charters Towers circnlt. An'ungoments wero made for their examinatioq in theology on tho following day.

. ' In the Evkninq.

Tho usual snoraniontal service in connection with tho Annual District Meeting was hold, in the temporary churoh in tho evening, and was presided over hy the Rev. J. A. Nolan. The nttandance was good. The Rev. J. Winspear addressed tho meeting. The Rev. H. Youngman also spoke.