Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 18 June 1888, page 6


The Opening of the Caboolture Extension.

Official Visit of Ministers.

The opening of the first section of the North Coast Railway was celebrated on Saturday by a luncheon at Caboolture, the present ter-minus of the Brisbane - Gympie Railway. The line had been unofficially opened on the previous Monday without any kind of demonstration. It was not intended, however, by the residents of the township and district to allow the occasion pass without some kind of celebration, and the proceedings of Saturday were the result of the energetic action of the local committee. A special train left Brisbane a few minutes before 10 0'clook, having on board the Premier, the Minister for Railways, the Postmaster-General, the President of the Legislative Council, several members of the Legislative Assembly, the Commissioner of Railways, and other officials, and a number of gentlemen interested inthedistriots through which the line passed, in-cluding that of Caboolture, and the progress of railway work in the colony generally. A num-ber of ladies, including Lady M'Bwraith, wore also of the party, whioh numbored in all about 150 persons. The train consisted of four ordinary first-class carriages and a sleeping car for the Ministerial party.

Tho morning was somewhat dull, but not unpleasantly bo until Caboolturo was roaohed, when a light rain began to fall. The train (¡topped at sevoral stations along tho imito, and picked np additionol visitors, and tho paco throughout was moderately fast. The riding was exceedingly cosy, and it was difficult to believe that the line was quite a now ono, only opened a fow days boforo. Atter crossing tho Caboolturo Uiver the train pulled up, and tho Ministerial party descended, in order to havo a look at the now bridge, with tho general np pearanco and solidity of which thoy ox pressed themselves highly pleased. On drawing up at tho station, a little distance further on, it was found that quite a crowd had assembled, that tho platform and approaches wero gaily decked with flags and evergreens, and that everything woro quito a holiday ap-

pearance-in iact it was evident that tho small

town was cn fete. As tho train drew up tho party on board wero loudly choerod, and on reaching the tenninns Ministors wero received by tho local committee, consisting of tho fol-lowing gentlemen :-Messrs. J. F. Holbrook (chairman}, J. D. Mellor, II. V. Ashmore, H. Dodd, and H. J. Hall and James Hobson, joint hon. secretarios. Mr. Holbrook at once proceeded to road the following addiess :

"To the Hon. Sir Thomas M'llwraith, K.G.M.G., etc, &c. Sir,-Onbohalf of tho resi-dents of Moreton wo beef to offor you a hearty ¡welcome on this, your first official visit to tho district. The opening of the railway which [your visit to-day celebrates will no doubt tond 'greatly to promote the varied interests of this distriot, and we trust that tenders for tho second seotion will soon ba called. Again tendering you a hearty welcome and thanldng you for tho honour of your -visit, wo havo the honour to he, your most obedient servants. Signed on behalf of tile committee,-H. J. Hall, James Hobson, joint secretaries."

t Sir Tiioius M'liwnAiTn, in reply, expressed the gratification it gavo him and the other Ministers to meet with such a hearty reception on the occasion of the opening of the first sec-tion of the lino. It was not the first time ho had_been to Caboolture, but ho hoped to bo able to visit them of tener during the next five years. With regard to calling for tenders for the next sootion of tho line, the Minister for Kail ways was present, and would be able to tell thom that no time would be lost in calling for tenders for the second Beotion, as it was part of the polioy of the Government to push forward tho line to Gympie. Tenders for the section in question would be called for as soon as ho had time to look into the affairs of the Treasury. ¡(Laughter.) Ho again thanked them on behalf of himself and colleagues for the warmth of their reception.

, Three cheers were then called for Sir Thomas M'llwraith, and wero given with much enthusiasm. The -party ofterwnrds spread themsolves about the small township for tho next hour. It had be6n proposed to drive Ministers round the neighbourhood, but in consequence of some misunderstanding and the fact that a somewhat unploasant rain fell for a short time the drive did not take place. But tho party appeared to enjoy themsolves in other ways. For instance, tho Premier and ,other distinguished persons paid a visit to tho marquee of "Professor" Beckford, outside of which were depicted some wonder-ful feats of sword-swallowing, snake charming, &c, while the " professor" himself appeared in front of his show and gavo some al fresco exhibitions of ventriloquism and snake charming, which had tile effect ot causing quito a rush for his tent ; the Premior himself at last, apparently for want of something better to do, making ono of the audionoo who witnessed a most uniquo entertainment, that concluded with an exhibition of tho ever-perennial "Punch and Judy." For tho rest of his professional oarccr the "professor" will announce his entertain-ments as undor the patronago and in the presonco of tho Hon. Sir Thomas M'Uwrnith, K.C.M.G., &o., ¿co.

. But while thoso frivolities woro being in-dulged in by a portion of the visitors, somo of tho residents had engaged tho Postmaster Genoral in far more serious business. In an evil moment that gentleman had Btrayed into tho Divisional Board Hall when ho was at onco hemmed in by a " deputation," headed by Mr. J. D. Campbell, who acted as spokesman, and asked for an alteration in the time-tablo for the mails on tho Woodford and Gympie line. The difficulty, it was pointed out, is that tho worst part of tie road lins to bo travelled i-from Melon Creek to Cobb's Camp-by night. To meet this difficulty Mr. Campboll suçgosted that the train on Wednesdays and Fridays should leave Caboolture at 6 a.m., arriving at Brisbano at 7.20, departing thence at 7.40, and arriving at Caboolture at 10 o'clook, tho coach to leave at 11 in-stead of at 1 o'clock. If tlio subur-ban traffic arrangements wero upsot by this, a special train might be put on, say as far as Bald Hills, on thoso days. Tho Post-master-General mot Ulis by a counter-sugges-tion to start tho train from Brisbane on the days in quostion at G a.m., and running a special tram to Bald Hills. At all events ho .would do his bebt to satisfy their desires, and thought ho bhould succeed, as Mr. Thallon, the traffic manager, was decidedly in favour of tho proposal, whilst tho pobt office officials wanted tho alteration as soon ab prnoticablo. Tho deputation thankod tho Minister for his courtesy, and all then betook themselves into the open air, and soveral of them to tho pio fessor's " unparalleled show."


Tho banquet took placo at half-past 1 o'clock în a galvanised iron shed near tho station. ThiB shed had been specially constructed nnd decoiatcd for the occasion by Mr. Dodd, ono of tho committee, and tho arÜBtio manner in ?which he had managed to turn a rough place of this kind into quite a protty dining hall inflects credit upon Ids ingenuity. At either end of the shed wero pictorial representations of a train and of tho Australian coat-of-arms, bearing the mottoes respectively of "Advance Caboolture," and "Welcome to all." Around tho walls wero foBtoons of ferns and flowers, while dependent from the roof wero a number of banners, tho wholo giving to tho shed a mobt pleasing effect. Tho catering was in tho hands of Mr. M. Daly, of Brisbane. About 180 sat down to lunchoon, tho chair being taken by Mr. M. Battorsbj',

member for tho district mid ehaiiman of tho divisional board. Ho was supportod on his right by Sir Thoma3 M'llwraith 'and tho Hon. H. M. Nelson, Minister for Eailways : and on his loft by Sir Arthur Palmor, President of the Legislativo Council, and tho Hon. John Donaldson, Postmaster Genoral. Among tho other guests woro tho Hons.W. Pettigrew and J. C Smyth.MM.L.C, Messrs. John Watson and G. Agnew, MM.L.A., Lioutonant-Colonol E. R. Drury, " Messrs. F. Curnow (CommiHsioner for Ruil 'ways), H. O. Stanley (Chief Engineer), II. Horniblow (Chief Locomotivo Engineer), J. F. ,Thallon (traffic manager , of ,Southoiu, and Western Eailways), E. AV. Curtis {rail-way arbitrator), J. M'Donnell (Under éecretwy in the P°s- autl Telesioph

Department), Glen Cameron (Acting Under Secretary for Works), Joshua Bailey, R. L. Armour, James Campbell, J. D. Camp-bell, J. W. Zillman, George Raff, S. Maxwell, R. McGavin, R. A. Skinner, H. Wake-field (Mayor of Sandgate), W. Widdop (chairman of the Toombul Divisional Board), R. Dath (chairman of the Booroodabin Divi-sional Board), and others. The vice-chairs were occupied by Messrs. A. V. Nicholson and J. D. Campbell.

The usual loyal toasts having boon proposed by tho oh airman and duly honoured,

Mr. Nicholson proposed " The Ministrj'," coupled with the name of Sir Thomas M'Uwraith. Ho considered it was sub-

stantially tho samo Ministry who had been iu power beforo, and whose roigu was so bonofioial to the country. (Cheers.) Ho did not like people to govern us whoso vision was bounded on one side by the Victoria Bridgo and on the other by Petrie'» Bight. (Laughter.) What wo wanted was a Ministry who would look all over the country, and legislate for tho wholo colony at largo. (Cheers.) If the country went ahead, Brisbano and all tho other towns would go ahead. With regard to the futuro, if the M'Uwraith Ministry would allow him to use tho term, ho looked upon them as a species of financial conjurors. (Laughter.) Whon thoy went into ofilco with an ompty Treasury, heigh ! presto ! and tbero was plenty of money. (Laughter.) So it had beon in tho past, and so ho hoped it would bo in tho future. (Cheers.)

The toast having boon drunk with loud ap-plause.

Sir Thomas MTlweaitii roso to îospond, and was greeted with checiing that lasted for soveial minutes. He said ho was very proud to reply to tho toast whioh had been so heartily drunk. This was the first time since the Ministry had boon formed that thoy had been so toasted. (Cheers.) Ho was proud of tho eulogibtie torras in which the proposer of the toast had spoken of the Ministry, but ho was afraid thora was a good deal of very hard " slogging" requited to fill the Treasury ohost rathor than the moto " beigh presto" per-formance spoken of by Iho vice-chairman. (Laughter.) Ii a Treasurer could do this in such an off-handed way, ho did not know where the pleasure of life would be, because ho would losotho great pleasure which ho would feel in futuro years in looking back upon the hard work which was necessary to place thoir finances in such a satisfactory condition as thal referred to. (Cheois.) And that it was hard work there could be no doubt, but tho Ministry would do thoir best. (Cheors.) With regard to tho Ministry 113 a whole, ho thought he might say, judging from the way thoir pasonncl had beon reviewed by the Piosn, that thero was every disposition in this" colony to give thom a fair trial. (Loud cheering.) Not only that, but the criticism had all been of a kindly character, and was to the effect that he had picked about aB good a set of Ministers as could be got out of a IIouso of seventy-two members, considering that he only had his own Bide lo choose from. (Chceis.) Ho thought the party ho represented war satisfied with the Ministry, and it was a grati-.ciifion to him to know that he had the confidence of the country alco in this respect. (Cheors.) Of course within the next four months the country would know a groat deal moro about them. Although all the Ministers woro known fairly well as good members of Parliament and mon of experionoo, many of them in an administrative capacity, nnd all of thom as good men of business, having the interest of the colony at heart, still some of them had not befoio been Ministers and were now upon their trial. But with such men at his buck he did not fear the íesult, and ho be-lieved they would bo able to account for the next fivo years fairly well to tho colony. (Cheers). Beforo sitting down ho wished to proposo tho toast, "Prosperity to this district." It was not the first timo he had beon there.

[A Voice: " Don't let it be the last."] That ho would not, but ho was about to say that ho did not expect anything in tho " heigh presto" style from tho opening of this railway, because theycouldnothopeforanythinglikethatuutiltho wholo line was openedfromBrisbanotoGympie. The Ministry had already considered this matter, and made up their minds to push on the line to that place. (Cheers.) It had boen rumoured pretty freely that as Gympie had returned no members to support tho present Ministry, the Ministry would not bo iu a hurry in pushing on this line ; but Ministers wero not going to bo aotuated by any suoh mise-rable motivo as that. (Cheers.) It was a line that would do good to the country, and ho could promise this-barring accident to tho Treasury-(laughter)-that it -would bo one of tho first works pushed forward, becauso the soonor it was completed the sooner the financial results would bo apparent. (Cheers.) The raonoy spent on the line already made would produce nothing ; but ns boon as it was comploted it would give a rotura. He asked thora now to drink the toast, with which ho would couple the name of Mr. Georgo Raff. (Applauso.)

Tho toasl having been honourpd,

Mr. Ratt responded in suitable terms, and rolatod Hoiao of his financial and troublous experiences of the district in tho eaily days. He sincerely wished for the arrival of the prosperity mentioned in the Premior's toast.

Mr. J. D. Cambell proposed "The Parlia-ment of Queensland," but said he felt this was a difficult question to deal with inasmuch as tho Parliament had as yet done nothing, and itwns too early to commence complimenting them, tboiifrh jrreat things wero expected of

them, and in this respect He hoped the country would not bo disappointed. (Cheers.) There was one thing he was very pleased about, and that was that the .majority of those returned wero practical men instead of mero theorists-(cheors)-men who had fought thoir way from tho bottom to the top of the ladder. He belioved ¡rood men had been returned to both sides of the House, and ho hoped thoy would work amicably to-gether for the good of the country. (Applause.) But they must not loso sight of tho mot that whon the elections caine round again, if they had not dono their duty the country would put them on one sido. (Cheera.) There wore several things ho hoped to seo dealt with, and ono which ho trusted the Premier would bring to the front beforo ho gavo up offico-though ho hoped to seo that gentleman in again for another term at the end of tho noxt fivo years. Ile referred to the federation of tho colonies. (Cheers.) Australasia would not stand in tho front rank till wo had that, and ho felt confident this was a matter that could not bo in bettor hands than those of Sir Thomas M'Bwraith.

(Cheers.) He asked thom now to drink heartily to the Parliament of Queensland in the hope that thoy would do woll for the country.

The toast was drunk with much enthusiasm. Sir Anniun Palmeb, in response to loud calls roso, amid moBt hoarty applause, followed by a verfo of "He's a jolly good fellow." Order having been restored Sir Arthur Baid ho was not usually ooneidercd a modost man, but he had been called upon moat unexpectedly to respond to this toast on bohalf of tho Uppor House. Ho had, as thoy all know, fought many a hard fight in the Assembly-(cheer6) and . ho was proud of tho Lower Homo of this colony. Itcouldbofnvourably compared with the Parliament of any other ; and ho was very glad to say that such scouos were never witnessed in our Assembly as ho was sorry to find wero to bo witnessed in some of tho other colonies. (Cheers.) Ho believed our membora always did their duty to tho best of their ability, and in a gentlemanly way-(applause)-and ho hoped, in these respects, the present Parliament would follow in the footsteps of ita predecessors. Ho was not at nil likely to make a political speech upon this occasion-in fact ho did not think it was the time lo do so. They wore hero in connection with the opening of a line which he trusted would bo tho precursor to an exten-sion of our railways, not only to Gympie, but to nil our Northorn sea coast towns. (Cheors.) Ho belioved the line would bo curried out thoroughly by the present Miuibtry. (Cheors.) It was truo thoy wero only on thoir trial just now, but judging from their antecedents ho thought wo might hope for the best, and ho trusted in thal respect wo should bo gratified. (Cheers.) If Iho Premier only did a twentieth part of what was oxpected of him we should have roason lo bo proud of him, and indeed, ho' would have reason to ho proud of himself. (Cheers.) Knowing Ids ability as ho (Sir Arthur) did, he was still very doubtful about his ability to carry out so much

as was oxpeoted of him. He was oxpeoted to make a railway to every man's door, and if ho. wero forty-fivo M'llwrniths rolled into ono ho couldn't do it. (Cheorsi .Mid lnnghtor.) Ho again thanked them on bonalf of tho Legislativo Council, whioh ho thought would in tho future bo what they had beon in the past-namoly, a very good drag on any " wild-cat " legislation of tho Lowor Chamber. (Loud laughter.)

Mr. Watson responded for the Legislativo Assembly, and said he hoped that body would act up to expectations. Ho trusted too con-nection botween Gympie and Briöbano would bo by way of Fortitudo Valley-without that

ho did not consider the lino would be such a

paying oonccrn as li ought to be-(laughter) and ho might state that Sir Thomas M'llvvraith, tho head of tho National party, had pledged himself to that, and would ho (Mr. Watson) was euro, carry out his word lo tho very letter. Instead of being in power five, he sincerely hoped the Premier would bo in power ton years. (Cheers.)

Mr. Aonew also returned thanks, and said

ho trusted the now Parliament would endeavour to be equal to any previous Parliament thnt had ever sat in Queensland. (Applauso.)

The Hon. J. Donaldson also responded, no thought an orror had been made in culling upon him, because at the prosont timo ho was not a momberoi Parliament at all-(laughter) though ho hoped soon to be ; so, perhaps after all, ho was only speaking in anticipation by a fow days. Tho only Parliamentary exporienco ho had, ho had gained in tho late Parlia-

ment. Ho lind done his best in the causo

of legislation, and whatever small abilities ho possessed had been fully recognised by Sir Thomas M'Uwraith by placing him in his present responsible position. (Cheers.) Ho keenly felt that responsibility, and it would bo his best eudoavour to give satisfaction to tho electors of the wholo colony. (Cheers.) All requirements that carno within his provinca should havo fair consideration, hut 'ho would not promise too much, thoiigh'hB would always favour what was" fair and rod'sonable. A great deal was expected of him ; ho was now to offieo ; and ho trusted they would not bo dis-appointed, no hoped that if in tho oourao of a few years ho should meet tho same company as he was now in tho midst of, thoy would bo able to say ho had their approbation in what ho had dono. (Cheers.)

Tho lion. II. M. Nelson nlso spoko in responso to loud calls, but paid ho would only say a few words, as he hnd to speak on auothor toast later on. Uo had, ho Bnid, a very short Parliamentary experience, having only ontered the Houso in 1883, but. during tho time ho was thoro ho lind gained a good deal of information as to tho way things wero worked, and ho be-lieved now that ho had beon plaeod in his pre-sent responsible position ho would bo able to do some little good for the colony-such at lonst was his doairo and ambition. (Cheers.) Ho bolievcd the Ministry commanded the confi-dence of the colony-moBt of the peoplo ho had met who had spoken on the subject had ex-pressed their satisfaction at its compof-ition. Although ho did no1 wish to draw comparisons, ho could not help referring to tho 6aying that the last Minibtry was a one-man team, but ho thought ho might say thal in tho prcsout Ministry thore wero soveral horses who would not keep the traces buck and do their share ol' the work, and although thoy were sevon, they would work ¡xa ona mmi. (Cheers).

Mr. J. W. Billmanproposed "ThoRailway Department," coupled with tho numo of the Minister for Railways and railway officials.

Tho toast having boon honoured,

Tho Hon. H. M. Nelson responded. Ho esteomed it a great honour to bo placed at Iho hoad of thoso connected with tho railways. The responsibility of his position was no light weight. Ho looked upon tho railways as one of the most important depart-

ments connected with tho Government of Queensland. It was one in which was involved the largest expenditure of publio money of any of tho departments, and consequently it re-quired to bo constantly in louoh with tho Treasury, ne thought they should adopt a difforont system from that carried out for somo few years buck-namely, not to havo ono depart-ment running away with another, but to havo thom unitedly acting togothor with one purpose and with plenty of consideration, boforo rush-ing into any largo undertaking, so that thoy would bo in a better position to advance tho interests of tho colony than they wero at tho prosont time. (Applause.) Ho would en-deavour to bring about suoh a state of things in conjunction with his ohief, Sir Thomas M'Uwraith. Ho did uot protend to bo very well voraed on tho subject of railways at presont ; ho had to work up his information on this point, no hud noticed with regret thero was a sort of bias against tho colonial railways as contrasted with the lines at homo and in America and other places, and this was a sentiment whioh he very much deprecated. (Cheers.) If thoy lookod at it in a proper light thoy ought to bo proud of thoir railways. (Cheers.) Considerable diffloultios surrounded them, and it was only b3' getting tho assistance of tho publio that tho depart-ment could bo carriod on at all satis-factorily. Some people seemed to think the Govornmont ought to do everything for thom. That was an idea ho would Uko to put and end to. What a Govornmont could do for

the people was renlly, after nil, not vory much ; tho progress of a country depended moro upon the peoplo themselves than upon the acto of tho Government. (Cheers.) The Oovorument might try and keop them in the right direction,'aud

¡vo thom overy possiblo usäiBtnnco to encourago enterpriso ; and in tlio matter of railwaj-s, tho Government having built them, had fairly a right to expect the peoplo to support them, so as to enable the Govern-ment to still further develop them. A great many peoplo wanted to know what they woro going to do with their boys. [A Voion: " Givo us protection nnd thoro is work for thom all."] A very Rood idoa, no doubt ; but ho looked in a different dircotion. IIo would Uko to soo their young men-and women, too, for that mattor-settled on the land, and it was by carrying their railways to all parts of tho country that facilities woro given for this settlement. (Cheers.) When this could bo thoroughly carriod out it would, ho thought, bo au answer to tho question "What shall wo do with our boys?" All thoir young people could not bo provided for in tho towns, and ho only wished that

moro of thom woro in tho countrj'. j

In addition to this thoro could bo

no doubt thoy woro moro liablo to the tempta-tions of vice in towns than in tho country, so I that for this reason too it was a mattor of public

benofit to havo tho young settled in tho country. Thoro was, in his opinion, acopo for all, and tho enterprise of their young would bo a most material aid to tho prosperity of tlio colony when exercised beyond the towns. Tho land possessed all tho resources to mako a country rich and it was our duty to develop thom, and this could bo done to a very grout extent by oponing up the colony hy moans of railways. (Cheers.) With regard to tho prosont Uno, ho thought tho people of the district had overy reason to bo thankful. It was ono of tho highest typo that had yet boen con-structed in tho colony of Queensland ; it lind the heaviest rails, etc., and was finished off in first-class stj'lo, tho reason being that tho Government intended it, and expeotcd it, to bo a mam trunk lino, which, when completed, would bo ono of tho most important that tlio colony possessed. (Cheers.) It was part of a largo system of railways thoy might expect to sec in tho future, and ono which might become an immense boon from a strategic point of viow in caso of any attack upon our coast. (Cheers.) By concerted action, and tho employment of such lines as these, wo should be able lo copo with any f orco who might think it good enough to invado this country. (Chcors.) That was ono point of view from which the line might bo looked at. Another reason why ho would Uko this lino to bo pushed forward as toon as pos«iblo was that it would not pay until com-pleted, and that wiib a very great consideration. Many peoplo said they did not expect railways to pujr, and that thoy were for tho good of tlio country whother thoy paid or not. If thoy carried out that idoa to tho fullest extent thoy might just as well say that thoro should ba no charge at all for travelling on our lines-that ovoryono should go free. (Cheers and laughter.) No mattter how far a farmer lived away from town ho thought his produce ought to bo taken thero quite as cheaply as tho produce of tho'farmer who lived only a few miles away. That must surely appear to

all of them (his hearers) te bo absurd. Thoy must got sorgo royonuo from their railways (cheers)-andnit §;as only fair that those who used them sjiojilcJlH^ least-if thoy did not pay tho whole co0{^-j^y° 8UOn support to thom hi tho way of payment for their uso, as might reasonably be expected. (Cheers.) Tho proper way to maka tho railways pay was to inako thom as serviceable as possible. That was ono reason ho was with them ou tins occasion-not so muoh to mako any promise, whioh ho was not in a position to do-but rather to find out the wants of tho district, and what tho public roally roquirod. Tho present lino had been con-structed at a cost of £0000 a milo, including buildings &o., and the rosumption of land. But tho probability was that somo of tho other seotions would bo nraoh moro oxpentivo. It was hoped that by tho ond of uoxt month thoy would bo able to call for tenders for two further sections of tho lino-always of courso having in yiow tho Bttte of tho Treasury. Tho noxt Boction-No. 2-they might reasonably expoot to bo finished in fifteen months from tho timo of tho accordance of tho tender ; and after that by moons of n piece of road to conneot with No. G section, they won!." bo ablo to tako people from Brisbano to Gympio in ono day. (Cheers.) That would be something. In tho course of probably two and a-half or throo years they might expoot to soo tho whole lino finished ; and if ho wero fortunato enough to remain in office during that timo ho could assuro thom it would give him the groatcst ploasuro to try and have this brought to a successful iisue (choorsl-always supposing that thoy did all thoy could to assist tho department, and to look uponfraiïways as a jthiiiff that was pro-vided for thom, but whioh thoy might reasonably ho oxpocted to support. Thoy got full vnluo for"thçir money in what thoy had, and tho Government hoped to bo ablo to give them moro^jiji thojjfimo rate. (Choors.) Tho Comtnijjijipner of iïcu'iiways and tho Cbiof, En gine^pj^whom thoy'pml¿.bly know better than they^Snow him-wouldapo doubt bo nblo to giyjo ".thom some further; information, if thoy should desire it, on tho subject of tho present line. Ho thnnked them very siuoeroly for tho way in which thoy had received tho toast. (Chocrs.)

Mr. Ouknow, Commissioner for Railways, also responded. Ho said tho Dopartraont of Railways was moro intimately connected with the gonoral public than perhaps any other. Everything which affected tho general com-munity affected tho railways, hut tho worst trouble thoy had to contend with wns that in connection with tho railways. What was a bonofit to ono seotion of tho community was very often a disadvantugo to tho othor, there-fore he would ask them when thoj' found o very body was not pleased to romomber that tho department could not please all, but that it tried to do tho greatest good for tho greatest number. Thoro was not tho slightest doubt in his mind that tho rail-ways had dono moro to beuoñt Queensland than any othor department. (Cheers.) Ho romembcrcd somo j'onrs ago hearing the late Mr. Macalister proposo tho construction of a railway from Brisbano to tho Gulf of Carpentaria, and how somo ono thon said thoy might just as well think of building a railway to tho moon. Well, this lino from BriBbano to Caboolturo led to Gympio-tho linos between that place and Maryborough and Maryborough to Bundaberg woro being sur-veyed, and tho noxt lino to that would bo to GladBtono. Thoro was oidy a short distanoo between Gladstone and Rookhampton, aad from there to tho Golf of Carpontaria ; tho opening of tho railway along the entire routo would soon bo a thing accomplished. (Choors.) Estimates had beon mudo of tho lino from Cloncurry to Hughendon, and from Towns-villo to n»ighondrn, and when these works wero done a very short longth of railway could bo constructed connecting tho two ends, so that Brisbano would then bo connected with tho Gulf of Carpentaiui. Tho offioors of tho dopartment would do their host to curry out tho duties dovolviufr upon them to tho best of their ability, and if they did not always satisfy tho public they did their best to do bo. (Cheers.)

Mr. Stanley, on behalf of tho engineering branch, also returned thauks, and referred to the heavy work of hection No. 2 including the rivers which had to bo bridged and tho ranges whioh had to bo piorccd. Tho Eeotiou just openod might bo called a cheap lino, compara-tively speaking, when thoy oonsidored tho throo brideoB it contained, which had cost £30,000. lío was not an advocate for cheap railways, hut believed in economical railways, and he considered tho lino from Brisbano to Caboolture carno within thal category. (Cheers.)

Mr. Thallon, traffic manager, also re-sponded, and regretted that although his dopartmont always did thoir best, thoy did not so universally meet with public approbation.

Mr. Hornidlovv, chief locomotivo onginoor, also responded in a humorous speech, suggested by tho uniquo character of tho picture on tho wall dosoriptivc ol' tho arrival of the first train

at Caboolturo.

Mr. O. Hay proposed "Tho contractors of tho first seotion of tho North Coast Railway," coupled with tlio namo of Mr. Grierson.

Tho toast having boon honoured,

Mr. Gnir.asoN responded, and expressed re-gret at the absence of Mr. Robb. Ho hoped uio presont Minii-lry would mako plenty c

railways during their lorm of office, if onlj* foi tho sako of tho contractors. (Laughter.)

Mr. Aonbw proposed tho member for tho dis-trict, " Our wortlij' chairman," and in tho course of his rcmniks said ho hoped ono of tho first works of tha now Ministry would bo to remove tho royaltj' on local timoor, and plnoe an import duty on tho imported article.

Tho toast was drunk with loud ohoering.

Tho CirAimtAX responded and related somo interesting experiences of his curly settlement in tho district. AVith regurd to Sir Thomas M'llwraith, ho believed in bim and should follow him as long as ho thought ho was doing his best for the colony, but not an hour longer. (Choors.) Ho looked upon tho Premier as tho host statesman in Australia, bar none. (Cheers.) As for a good man)' of tho members -himself among tim number-they wero poli-ticians of tvvonty-fivo minutes, but ho expected by tho time the five yetti s wero up somo of them would begin to bo politicians in reality. (Cheers and laughter.) In conclusion, ho proposed tho health of the prosont Opposition in Parliament. It was tho Opposition who had Btartcd tho railway to Caboolturo, and ho hoped tho M'llwinith Ministry in this rospoot would bo as good and try to finish it in three years. (Choors.) Ho couplod the toast with

tho namo of Mr. Wakefield.

The toast having been duly honoured,

I'Mr.'WAKEriKLD responded, and congratulated trio flcoplo of Caboolture'on having their rail-way*. ' Ho endorsed 'Commissioner Curnow's

rerani'ks tbAt this1 wn's'fho commencement of a' railway frdmt93risbanc to tho Gulf of Carpon-taria-indeed1''ho would go further and say it was n railway from Adelaide to tho Gulf of Carpentaria. (Choors.)

Tho Hon. W. Pcttigkew referred to tho foot that whon it was proposod to tako tho Gympio lino by way of Ipswich, ho had btrenuously opposed it, supporting tho Uno by way of Caboolture, which was now bo successfully completed and inaugurated by n Ministerial visit. (Cheers.)

Tho tonst of " Tho Press" brought tho pro-ceedings to a close, and timo being nearly up for tho train to start, all tho party woro noon on board, and the train sped away for Brisbano, n largo crowd collecting on tho platform and cheering loudly as it left. Aftor a plensantrun of a little over an hour and a-half Brisbano was

reached, nnd a very pleasant outing brought to

a close.