Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 5 June 1888, page 4




AN inspired paragraph published yester-day iu the Ministerial organ states that a good deal of correspondence had taken place between the Queensland Government

and the Governments of the other colonies

in reference to the forthcoming Chinese Conference, and that the Premier had intimated to Mr. Playford and the other Premiers that "it is not practicable for Queensland to be represented at the conference." Why impracticable, we ask,

and if so, who has done his best or his worst to make ifc so? We scorn to seek unworthy motives as the mainspring of the action of any statesman holding high place in the colony. We are loth even to accept seemingly inevitable conclusions thrust upon us in the considera-tion of the position. But no one can escape a difficulty by wilfully shutting his eyes to it. We maintain that for Queensland to be represented at the conference has always been practicable ever since Mr. Playford,

with a desire-for which he deserves all

praise-for united action on the part of all the colonies, first mooted the idea of a Congress. Nay, we insist that it is even now at this late hour practicable if only Sir S. W. Griffith svere magnanimous enough to play a patriotic part. Had the Premier been animated mora by a wish to serve the best interests of his country than to secure a paltry advantage to his party, he would ten days or more ago havo

retired from oüicß and permitted the states-man to whom the country bad unmistakably pointed to assume the reius of Government at a very real aud grave crisis. Consti-tutional precedents had been established in England by Lord Beaconsfield and Mr. Gladstone, and( in Victoria by Mr. Service, for resignation immediately tho course of. the general election showed that the Ministerial leader would bo in a hopeless minority in the House. But even if there had been no such prece-dents it ia the highest statesmanship, when the circumstances are such as to justify it, for a Minister to create a precedent for him-self. Sir S. W. Griffith failed to follow ot-to found a precedent. Is it that unable himself to bo present at the projected con-ference, and to take that leading part which was claimed for him in the Imperial con-ference in London, ho was determined that no other Queensland statesman should meet, tho representatives of the united colonies round the red table? Or did he simply wish to place obstacles in the way to :i brilliant inauguration of his lease of power _ by his successful rival ?

It is practicable, agd wo insist that

Queensland must be represented in the con-ference. Queensland is the nearest of all tho colonies to China, and therefore geo-graphically has the deepest interest in any matter relating to the immigration of Mon-golians to this island continent. It was in Queensland that the Chinese question first presented itself Sharply aa one demanding the closest and most earnest scrutiny. Even after the Southern colonies became alive to

the dangers attending the pressure of the yellowrace on the white population for which Australia must be wholly reserved, Queenslnnd took the lead in measures of restriction.

Queensland bore the brunt of the battle with the Imperial Government in regard to the -right of self-governing colonies to legis-late for the exclusion of any uudesirable class of immigrants such as the Chinese, or for the restriction of their numbers.. The first law paîsed by Queensland imposing a poll-tax aud other disabilities on the Chinese was vetoed by tho Imperial Government, though in the following year, when the Queensland Parliament passed the measure a second time and ahosved that they were in earnest in a matter so vitally afi'ecting their dearest interests, the authori-ties in Downing-street discovered reasons for assenting to the bill eveu to the extent of cabling the royal approval. The old bug-bear had been urged that treaty obligations between Great .Britain and China com-pelled the reception of Chinese in any part of her Majesty's dominions if the subjects of the Celestial Emperor chose to go there. A closer examination of the treaties showed that neither Great Britain nor any of her

dependencies were under engagement by I diplomatic instruments to permit Chinese to enter their territory at pleasure ; and a more careful Btudy of international law demonstrated that neither by usage nor comity of nations was one state bound to unbar its gates to the free inroads of aliens however desirable or undesirable these might be as citizens or colonists. With such a record it would be a shame if Queensland ss-ere debarred by any cause from taking an historical share in what probably may be the final settlement of the Chinese question.

Apart from all other considerations which affect the dignity of Queensland and her. place in the hierarchy of the Australasian colonies, lhere are two pressing reasons why Queensland should be represented

at the conference. It is admitted that under existing circumstances in the position in which we stand as colonies, provinces, or dependencies of Great Britain, we cannot ourselves settle the Chinese question independently of the mother-country. It has been decided by the highest court of law in the parent colony-and we dare say the Supreme Court of Queensland would, if occasion arose, give a similar judgment-that a colony of Great Britain, however large the measure of self-government conceded to it, is not a sovereign State, and that therefore the Government of the day, or the Governor as the official symbol of the Queen's au-thority, cannot exercise the rights of a sove-reign State in at pleasure, without legislative

enactment, closing its shores against the in-habitants of a State at amity with Great

Britain. Such an exorcise of sovereign I rights can only be performed by the Sove-reign «or her Imperial advisers. The colo-nies, then, must appeal for assistance to the

Imperial Government if they ave to act I within the law-and no occasion has arisen j for overstepping the bounds of law

supreme course of procedure which can only be justified in the face of immediate and overwhelming danger to national existence.

Baron Henry de Worms, Under Secretary j for the Colonies, clears the ground somewhat |

when he says in the House of Commons that the Imperial Government lias no an-

tagonism towards the attitude taken up by ] the colonies in their efforts to prevent an

influx of undesirable Chinese immigrants j

into Australasia, further, he has stated that the Colonial Office is quite willing to negotiate with China, and he has no doubt that a, settlement similar to that arrived at between the United States and China is possible, but that can only be done after further consultation with the colonies. Lord Knutsford, a few days ago, expressly

invited the assistance of the Australasian | colonies in conference or congress assembled. It seems strange, then, that Sir S. W. Griffith with his imperial iustincts and with all his professions of anxiety to forward Austral-

asian federation -should be the one man, by I sheer obstinacy, to place obstacles in the wsy of the well-intentioned behests of the Imperial Government being obeyed. With

the perversity which characterises somo men I Sir S. W. Griffith may have taken this couise to show that ho is not animated by the "-rovelling imperialism of which he has been accused. But if that can possibly ba the secret spring of his action it is but another proof of his sad lack of tho sense of proportion. He might have taken another opportunity of exhibiting his profound belief in Australasian national spirit.

There is another -reason why the united voice of Australasia should be expressed in conference or council on the present occa-sion, and therefore why Queensland should be represented at the assembly of Australasian statesmen in Sydney next week. An exGovernor of the colonies-Sir William Wellington Cairns-has been writing to tho Times stating that the tropical portion of Queensland can only be developed by meaus of Chinese labour, ¡md that consequently no means should be taken to prohibit or even restrict Chinese immigration. This following the equally erroneous and illinstructed opinion of Lord Brassey may have a powerful effect in certain quarters in England, unless Queensland's official representatives at the conference are able to combat such prejudicial statements. Of course it may be alleged that Sir S. W. Griffith has already in a despatch to the Home Government presented the views of Queensland on the subject, but that cannot and ought not to have the same weight as if Queensland joined hand in hand with the other colonies in a strong combined remonstrance against the Mongolian invasion and in draftiug measures of self-protection which would bu applicable to the whole continent and accep-table to the Imperial Government. We repeat that, Sir S. W. Griffith notwith-standing, it ii still practicable for Queens-land to be represented at the conference. The Governor is expected to return from his visit to the AVide Bay district on Thurs-day. That evening, or early on Friday morning, the Premier's resignation ought to be in his Excellency's hands. Sir Thomas M'llvvraith could be sent for and tbero I would be time for the new Premier to select

a colleague with whom he and his party wore thoroughly at one on the Chinese question, and for that representative to leave Brisbane on Sunday evening and arrive in Sydney for the meeting of the conference on Tuesday next.

DisoRDEiu/r scenes in the Legislative Assembly have now become so frequent and discreditable to that House that it has apparently come to the conclusion that for appearance' sake at all events it must make some pretence of attempting to put a stop to them. Accordingly it has had a new set of Standing Orders prepared, which will probably be passed and come into force this week. These new rules number 428, as against 08 of the old Stauding Orders-an increase of of 330-and prescribe very fully

the manner in which the business of the

House is to be carried on in every detail, the power of the Speaker, &c. In fact they are a condensation of "May's Parliamentary Practice," and there is comparatively very

little that is new in them.

It is doubtful, sve think, whether new

members of Parliament will not find this voluminous edition of Standing Orders more confusing than the old and simple rules, the application of which was explained by "May," but it is quite certain that the multi-plication of the number of the Standing Orders will not make it any more easy to preserve order in the Legislative Assembly in the future than it has been in the past. Under the old Standiug Orders it was not the power to preset ve order or to punish a breach of it that was wanting to the Chamber, but the inclination and deter-

mination to use it.

A curious proof of the inutility of any Standing Orders without a determination to enforce them waa, as it happens, given at the veiy time when these new Standing Orders were being introduced as a panacea for the disorder in the Sydney Assembly. Mr. M'Ellione has been the most frequent and notorious offender against Parliamentary decency in New South Wales. Wo may say that it has been his conduct that in some respects compelled the Speaker of New South Wales to inquire of Mr. Bernays what measures were adopted in Queensland to quell riots in the Assembly, and it was for his special benefit that it was thought necessary to adopt new and more voluminous Standing Orders. Yet last week this arch offender

against Parliamentary decency committed another outrage against it, and on the fol-lowing day, being called on to apologise to the House, he made au apology which was an insolent and deliberate repetition of his offence. The House had ample power to punish this offence, and every provocation to do so that could be well imagined, but Mr. M'Elhone's friends pleaded, in mitiga-tion of his offence, that it was well known that his temper was ungovernable, and that, therefore, a greater latitude should be allowed to him than to other men, and the House accepted their excuse, and was satis-fied with a lame apology subsequently ex-

tracted from him.

Now of what use can the now Standing Orders be in dealing with a case like this? If an offender against order can get off on the plea that he is such an incorrigible malcontent that it is absurd to expect him to behave as other men do, of what use are any Standing Orders that can be framed? For surely it would be the height of absurdity, as well as of injustice, after letting off the greatest offender against de-corum, to punish others whose lapses from good behaviour are only occasional instead of constant. Under the old Standing Orders the Speaker and the House had ample poAver to keep Mr. M'Elhone in order if they chose to exercise it, and if they do not choose to exercise it the new Standing Orders will answer no better-they are not self-working -they must be administered.

So far as preserving order in the House goes, therefore, the new Standing Orders are no improvement on the old ; nor do we Bee, judging from the precis of them which we have seen, that in other respects they are much better. The practice of Parliament will not be very little altered by them ; only rules which were before established merely by precedent will now be made absolute Standing Orders. There are, of course, a number of trifling novelties introduced in tho new rules, but tho only one which we could recommend for the adoption of otu- Legislative Assembly is the one which provides that measures which have been partially dealt with during one session of Parliament, and the fiual passage of which ha3 been prevented by the proroga-tion, may be iutroduced during the next session and taken up at the poiut where they had been left in tho previous session without the necessity of going over the whole of the-last session's work on them again. This would greatly facilitate the passage of voluminous Acts of Parliament dealing with matters of importance to the country, such, for instance, as measures dealing with water rights or irrigation are

likely to be.

It has frequently happened that bulky bills have got through committee in the Legislative Assembly so late in the session that tho Council could not deal with them, and they have had io be reintroduced again in the Legislative Assembly in the next session, and again debated and passed through committee. The new orders in Nesv South Wales will permit the Legisla-tiva Assembly, if it think fit, to take up a bill from the very point where it was stopped in the previous session and pass it through its remaining stages without going over the old work again. This, we think, will be a decided improvement, and one which will greatly facilitate the work of


AYe notice also that in these new Stand-ing Orders whatever there was in the old ones ridiculous or obsolete has been carefully preserved-out of that reverence for antiquity for which the English people are so remarkable we suppose. Thus it will still be a breach of the Standing Orders for a speaker iu any debate to allude to any other debate of the same session, or to read the report of any speech made in Parlia-ment during that session or any newspaper or other document referring to a debate of the same session. This is an existing rule the reason for which it is impossible to imagine, and it is, as every one who has watched the debates in our Legislative Assembly know.«, constantly infringed-in fact we may say that a tacit understanding that it is not to be enforced exists, and yet it is carefully pressrved in the revised edition of Standing

Orders in New South Wale3.

On tho whole we cannot see any reason fnr arl vising our Legislative Assembly to

copy the new Standing Orders of the New South Wales Assembly. Oura are more concise, a few short amendments might perhaps improve them ; but there is no occasion to put the old ones away. As for order we may boa3t that we have not as yet had any difficulty in preserving it in our Parliament, and under any circumstances it is not the Standing Orders, but Parliament itself, that must preserve it.

APROPOS of our remarks on the commercial depression from which New Zealand has been suffering are the observations made by Major Dane, the eloquent American lecturer, in an address recently delivered to the people of Auckland on his impressions of the colony. Among other things he ex-pressed his opinion on the prevailing stag-nation of trade. He seemed to think that the piincipal causes were too small a popu-lation and " too much shop." What the two islands chiefly wanted was about 15,000,000 inhabitants. New Zealand presented a grand field for enterprising and industrious people to settle on the lands. One of the groat evils from which the colony is suffer-ing, according to his views, is that so many prefer commerce to agriculture. With the broad strokes with which a Yankee gene-rally draws the picture, he declared " every little hamlet had shops from beginning to end." He found six wholesale jewellery establishments, while Boston, with a popu-lation about equal to New Zealand, was sufficiently supplied with one. The number of drapery houses also was about three times that of Boston. This shrewd observer has no doubt touched on one of the weak places in our colonial commerce. While the soil is crying aloud for workers, and offering untold wealth in the shape of minerals, the products of tillage, and stoclc in return for labour, an unduly large pro-portion of the people are crowding one another in the towns, and filling every de-partment of trade with keen competitors, so so that only the Btrong can maintain their solvency in the struggle. In this way trade may be dull while the producer is more than maintaining his ground, and as the towns have tho ear of the Press and the country, their outcry of "bad times" is too often taken as representative of the feeling of the whole country. If the depression ahoulct have the effect of weeding out these super-fluous tradesmen, and of leading some of them to settle on the land, its cure will have been begun. The towns will be benefited by the restoration of healthier conditions of trade, and the country will be advanced by the increased development of its resouices. In every colony commercial prosperity would be greatly enhanced if there were leas shop and more farming.

His Excellency the Governor is expected to visit Gympie to-day. Our Gympie correspon-dant, svriting on the 1st instant says:-Last ovoniug a number of prominent citizens met at tho invitation of the Mayor to take stops to provide a fitting rocoption to his Excellency the Governor, who in company with Lady Mus-grave is expected to arrive on Gympie by the morning train on Tuesday. The Mayor (Major Ferguson) stated that the council that morning had hold a speoial meeting, and it had been decided that his Excellency ba received and entertained as the guest of the council during his Btay, and a committee had been appointed to carry out the dotails connected with the re-ception, &o. After some discussion it was resolved that tho Colonial Secretary ba asked to grant a holiday to the public schools within the goldfield, as it was deoided that in addition to the formal addross his Excellency should bo welcomed at the railway station by a de-

monstration of school ohildron. It was also

resolved that the vice-regal visitors he enter-tained at a ooncert by the Gympie Musical Union on Tuesday evening. A numerous and influential committee was also appointed to carry out all arrangements. To-day "the sky is overcast and a change for rain seemB im-pending.

Probate and letters of administration have been tnken out since the 26th May in the fol-lowing estates :- Rodger Kennedy, late of Samford, farmer - personally £30, to Ann Norah Patterson, of Samford ; William Lane Marley, late of Port Douglas, surgeon-per-sonalty £601, to Edith Isabel Marley, of Port Douglas, widow ; Alexander Moora, station manager, late of Willowbank, Ipswich-per-sonalty £1293, to Miohael Mach and John Tobin, both of Ipswich, farmers ; Matthew Fitzgerald, retired police-constable, late of AYarwick-personalty £400, to James John lloran, of Warwick, parish priest, and Francis Barron Woods, of same place, freeholder. Administrations : Robert Dott, bootmaker, late of Charters Towers-personalty £300, to Janet Dott, of Charters Towers, widow ; Samuel Wotton, mariner, late of South Brisbanepersonalty £500, to Susannah Wotton, of Brisbane, widow ; E-obert M'Caig, late of Groy-Btreot, South Brisbane, carter-personalty £125, to Eleanor Frances M'Caig, of South Biisbnne, widow.

Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock the candi-dates iu the Ithaca Shire election and their semtineers mot in the Council Office, Red Hill, for the purpose of considering what Bhould be done with reforence to the scrutiny of tho in-formal votes, amounting to twelve, demanded by Mr. T. Lehano. iSome misapprehension must have existed in the mind of that gentle-man as to the powers possessed by the returning-officer, as tho Act provides for tho scaling up of tlio ballot-papers immediately after the result of the election has been declared, and abo that the seal shall not bo broken exoept by some competent court or other tribunal re-quited so to do in the event of the election being disputed. Mr. AVhite, the returningolficer, explained this to the candidates. There-after tho scrutineers went over the electoral roll with a TÍOW of ascertaining whether there had been any cases of personation or double voting. It is believed that thero have besn some such cases ; and as Mr. Lehane, who was only eleven votes behind the successful candi-date, has expressed his determination to take legal steps in the event of any illegality being brought to light, it is probable that something turther will bo heard of the Ithaca Shire contest. It may be stated that any per-son guilty of personation or double voting is on conviction liable to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding one year with or without

hard labour.

A destructive firs occurred on Mr. D.

Wilbernott's farm, off the Nudgee-road, on- Sunday evening, a large outbuilding which was used as stables, hayloft, &c, being totally demolished with tia whole of its contents. Mr. Wilbernott had been away at the North Pine during the day, and on his return early in tho evening he retired to bed, after seeing that the horses in the stables lind been attended to and that everything was safe. At about half-past 8 o'clock, however, one of the inmates of the house noticed a bright glare shining through the windows, and upon looking out found that the upper portion o£ the stables was on fire. An alarm was at ones raised, but from the first it was seen that there wero no hopes of saving the building or its contents, with the excep-tion of tho horses which wero lot out of their stalls immediately on the alarm being given. Tho building, which was constructed throughout of timber, was about 60ft. long by 20ft. wide, and as tho wood was very dry the fire made rapid progress, and in less than an hour had burned everything to the ground. In tha loft were several tons of oaten hay; which»;

together with a quantity of harness, two chaff cutters, and other farm implements, was totally destroyed. The building was insured in the South British office for £15, but this will not nearly cover the amount of damage done, as Mr. Wilbernott estimates the loss at between £200 and £300. lortimatoly tho night was oalm, for had the wostorly wind, which had been blowing all day, continued, other build-ings, including the dwelling-houso, which wero not far away from the 6tablo9, would probably havo been destroyed also. There is no clue to the origin of the lira.

Amongst tho immigrants which arrived by the Quetta few days ago was a man named Henry James, his wife, and infant. During the voyage measles broke out, and one of the passengers, a man 21 years of ago, Succumbed to the disease.Later on Mrs. James was attacked, but by the time the vessel arrived in Moreton Bay she had so far improvod that she might be regarded as convalescent, al-though she had not quitted her bed in the ship's hospital. This woman was permitted to land with the other immigrants and takEn to the depot on Kangaroo Point. It was then dis-covered, we understand, that she was still in a criticul condition, and subsequently the baby contracted the disease, from which it is yet suffering, although its condition is im-proving. Ever since her admission to the depot Mrs. James and the child have been kept in a ward separatedfrom those apartments occupied by the other immigrants. There is therefore not a large amount of dangor of the disease spread-ing, but the whole oircumstances are such as call for the strictest investigation.

The list of mattera pot down for hear-ing before tho Full Court for to-day is ns follows :-Margaret L. Cullen v. J. G. Dick-son and another, special caso ; re charges against two solioitois, rales absoluto ; Regina v. Abraham Street, questions reserved in con-nection with the luto criminal trial.

At tho Crimin?! Sittings of the Supiotne Court yesterday morning his Tlonour Mr. Jus-tice Mein said with regard to the rcquebt made on, Friday by Mr. Virgil Power, counsel for the prisoner, Abraham Street, jim., thatlho questions iis to tho admissibility of the last proof of debt and the power of attorney given lo prisoner by Barnett in 18SG Bhould be reserved, ho had stated a case for tho Full Court, which ho autioipatod would be hoard at the sitting of the Full Conrt on Tuesday. In those circum« stances ho thought that tho best cotu-so to fol-low was to pdjoum tho euee lill the rising of tho Full Court. The jury would, theroforo, bo disoharged till AVedne-day morning, at 10 o'clock, but if the Full Comt did not finish the business before them on Tuesday, Rn advertise-ment would bo inserted in Wednesday morn-ing's newspaper informing the jury at what other hour they should be in attendance.

By the B JLS.N. Company's supplementary steamer Duke of Sutherland, which loft Lon-don for Queensland ports on the ISth April, the following pn=songors sailed:-Mi»s Sarah Platt, Miss Eastmont, Mr. A. J. Harvey, and about 400 btoerago passengers. The following passengers loft for Queensdaud ports on tho 23th April by another steamer via Sydney : ForBribbane : Miss Seaton, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. J. Waters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson, Mr. T. H. Rawson, Mr. W. II. Rawson, Mr. S.Ososki ; for Rockhampton-tho Misses Aird ; for Mary-borough-Mr. J. T. Atkinson ; for Townsville -Mr. H. A. Farley, Mr. E. Bancroft, MibS Bancroft, Mr. J. S. Borlase.

Concerning the picket boat built in the Isle of AYight for the Government of this colony,

"Anglo-Australian" in the Euiopean Matt writes :-" Queensland is looking well to de-fence, as I havo before had occasion to point out. Tho Duke of Sutheiland is taking out to that colony a ' picket boat,' named the Midge, designed for torpedo work, and having a speed of over 15 knots. She is a beautiful vessel, tlOft. long, mid ia quite a model. The builder is Mi-. White, of East Cowes." The Duko of Sutherland is due at Thursday Island.

Tho B.I. and Q.A. Company have receis-ed advice from London that the new steamer Taroba, one of the four vessels of the Jumna type, ordered by the British-India Company, has been launched. Her capacity is about 6000 tons, and eho is fitted with engines to indicate 4000-hoiHe power. It has been decided to despatch her from London with the mails for Queensland on the 30th of this month. Tho R.M.S. Merkara will take the noxt mail, sailing oa the 24th July, and will be followed hy the Jumna on tho 2áth of August.

The steamer AVator Lily, with a party of eight gentlemen, loft town last Saturday for a Bohuapper trip to Flinders' Reef. The fishing svas s-ery successful, the party catching 100 mixed fish, amongst which was a barracoota, caught by trailing a line overboard svithout a binkor. This is beliei'cd to bo the first iubtanco of a barracoota being caught off Cape More-ton. Tho weather svas fine and the trip a moat enjoyable one.

A meeting of Swiss residents, couvencd by Mr. Tardant for the purpose of considering the desirableness of has-ing a Swiss consul appointed in Brisbane, was held on Saturday evening at PuUe's Coffee Palace. Louis Hunte was voted to the chair, and, after somo discussion, it was unanimously resolved that a committee be appointed to draw up a petition to the Swiss Government for lho establishment of a consu-late at Brisbano. Mr. Jacques Leutenegger, manager for Messrs. Schoch, Bruggmann, and Co., who was present, consented to allow him-

self to be nominated for the consulship. A I committee, consisting of Messrs. Runtz, Tardent, I Hag, Gross, Reber, Hagonlocher, and Leute-negger, was formed for the purpose of drawing up the petition, which will be left at Pulle's CulTee Palace for signature.

A. meeting was hold at the Temperance Hall last night to take.into consideration tho ques-tion of forming a Queensland National Alliance for the legislative prohibition of the liquor traffic on the lines of the United Kingdom Alliance. About twenty persons were present. Mr. J. Brame, one of tho movers in the matter, (rave an account of the principles and objects of the British Association. During the discussion that ensued it was generally held that the present time was inopportune for the forma-tion of such an alliance, and that the local option clauses of the present Licensing Act were snfricieiit. The meeting affirmed the dc'cirnbleness of forming an alliance, but that the present timo was inopportune.

At the monthly meeting of the council of he Queensland National Association held yes-terday it wa3 reported that the debit balance at the bank was £7411 10s. 2d., or about £100 less than last month. The Park Committeo reported that Messrs. Hood and Binnie had declined to take up their tender for the erection of tho iron fence round the ring, and recom-mended that the nest tender, that of Messrs. Smith, Forrester, and Co., which was some £50 higher, should be accepted. The matter was, howes-er, postponed pending further considera-tion. It was also decided that the amount of prize-money at the coming show should be the fame as that of the year 1S86, which was in-creased last year on account of the Jubilee festivities. A motion was unanimously carried declaring the advisableiiess of the association being incorporated under Act of Parliament.

A general meeting of the Thistle Football Club was held at the Criterion Hotel last night, Mr. D. G. Forbes in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and passed. The secretary (Mr. J. H. Burnup) stated that during the football season of 1887 the club played six matches, four of which were won, one lost, and one drawn. Eighteen goals were scored by the

club, and ten against. The funds of the club were reported as being in a satisfactory state. Five new names were added to the roll, making the number twenty-five. A discussion was entered into regarding the scarcity of available grounds for playing the British Association game in Brisbane, and the meeting authorised the secretary and club delegates to lay before the Anglo-Queensland Football Association a list of grounds which that body should make an effort to secure for the present season. The meeting was of opinion that it was time the fixtures of the association were arranged for the present season, as any further delay may tend to jeopardise the game in the colony. A vote of thanks to the chairman ended the proceedings.

The Socioty of Christian Endeavour held their usual weekly meeting last oi'oning, tho subject for this week being a Biblo study on oil. The study consisted of a series of papers on tho subject, and was divided in tho following order :-Oil for anointing to office ; oil for the purpose of lighting ; oil as symbolical of tho Holy Spirit ; and, oil for the purpose of food. Upon each of these subjects brief papers had been written, which were read to the meeting in a clear and distinct mannor. A beautiful piano solo by Mrs. Dennis, a well rendered duet by Messrs. Strout and AVhalo, and an exquisite rendering of the "Lost Chord" by Miss Silvester, added not a little to the plea-sure of tha evening. At the close of each paper suitable remarks were mado by tho Rev. W. AVhalo, who closed the meeting with


The Catholic Young Men's Society met last evening in St. Stephen's schoolroom. Thoro was a large attendance. The huainoss of the ovoning svas tho second reading of tho Dofeuco Act, svhich svas laid on the table of the " house" and road a first timo a fortnight ago. It is ? intended to deal with this bill according to ! Parliamentary forms, and judging from tho

attention paid to the various speakers last night, this plan of procedure is much appre-ciated. On account of next Monday night being "Magazine " night, tho debate svaa adjourned till tho following Monday night. Members desirous of joining a vocal music doss, or an athletic club, svero requested to ineot in the schoolroom on Friday night next.

Tho usual monthly committee meotirig of tho Commercial Travellers' Association was held last evening, Mr. Henry White, vice-presidont, in the chair. Minutes wero road and confirmed and accounts passed. It was reported that tho sum of £600 was now available for investment, and it was decided to advertiso that it could bo lent on mortgage, Messrs. Thorpo Riding and G. A. W. Kibble being omposvored to negotiato the investment. Several minor matters were discussed and the meeting terminated.

At the time the Lady Musgrave Sanatorium at Sandgate in connection with the Sick Children's Hospital was opened, it was stated that one of the wards still required furnishing, and voluntary contributions were invited. It is satisfactory to note that already the com-mittee have received a gift of the six cots required, six ladies having generously responded to the appeal made. The ward is to be named " The O'Connell Ward," after Lady O'Con-nell, the honoured president of the institution.

A football match was played on Saturday at Kangaroo Point between teams representing the Kangaroo Point and Brisbane clubs, and after a very even game was declared a draw, each side scoring 10 behinds. Diggles (captain), Mullen, Wotton, Driver, and Barry for tho Points, and Charleson (captain), Greenwood, Chips, Reeve, and Hutton for the Brisbanes, played up well. Mr, Proctor (Souths) made an efficient central umpire.

The latest roports show that the water in tho Enoggera reservoir is 2ffc. 2Jin. and that in tho Gold Creek reservoir 5ft. oin. below the by-


In tlio Glasgow Mail of tho 21st May appears tha following acknowledgment :-"Wo havo pleasure in acknowledging loceipt of the hand-some subscription of £500 from Queensland (per Q.N. Bank) to the Mail Crofters' Fund. We have not yet received lettor by mail making known the kindly Scots in Queonland who have so liberally subscribed to the Mail Crofters' Fund." Tho total amount received by tho Mail from different sources for tho crofters is £123G 8s. Wo are informed that the Brisbano Committco has ovar £100 in tho bank now, which it is intended to despatch shortly, nnd thero are several promised donations which tho treasurers would be glad to receive.

Tho Gaiety Theatre will bo opened to-night by Professor Arictor, who is announced as a phenomenal mesmerist. The entertainmont which ho gives is described as unique and full of fun, and the acting of subjects placed in a mesmerio state by hi8 influence will form an oxoiting feature of the programme.

Tho Brisbane Bowling G roon was patronised by a largo number of members and friends on Saturday afternoon. Messrs. R. Fraser, Jeans, Aitchison, and Miller defeated Messrs. M'Nisli Fraser, Moffat, M'Kellar, and Evans. Messrs. G-. Munro, M'Gregor, Stark, and Carey beat their opponents, Messrs. G. Bain, Hall, Bartholomew, and Thallon. In the fourth tio of tho champion match Mr. W. Rodgers, after very exciting and iutorostiug play, won tho gama against his opponent, Mr. Cochrano. Tho play on this occasion deserves special notice. Mr. Rodgers was l8 when his opponent only scored 8, but by judicious and splendid play Mr. Cochrane ran up 20, leaving Mr. Rodgers at 19. In the last head, however, Mr. Rodgers secured 2 points, which gave him the victory by 1. On Saturday next the championship will "bo decided, and it now lies between Mr. R. Fraser and Mr. W. Rodgers. At a meeting of the members, Mr. William Hall was balloted for as a member and unanimously admitted. Mr. George D. Izatt was proposed as a nsw member, and will be balloted for nt next meeting. The socrotary was instructed to record on the minâtes a special vote of thanks to Mr. Bartholomew for the gift of a flagstaff, and to Mr. Carey for an offer to erect the samo and supply halliards, &c. Alderman Galloway is preparing tho flag, which is whito with

letters B.B.C. in red.

Mr. W. G. Field writes io us from Sand-ringham station, Boulia, undor date 12th May : -" Some few weeks ago I sent you notice of striking artesian water at MOfc, flowing over tho surface at tho rate of 30 gallons per minute. I left it at that depth, and going to look at it a few days ago saw that the flow had considerably increased, but had no means of ascertaining by how much."

A little boy named James Ferguson, aged 4 years, strayed from his home in Ann-street, Fortitude Valley, on Uriday night la&t, and has not been heard of since. Ho was last seen at tho Salvation Army Barraos.', Adelaide-street. He has blue eyes, light hair, and a small seat-on his forehead, and was dressed in a striped

sarge suit with white felt hat.

A little girl, 3 years of age, named Ruby Woodford, had a narrow escapo from drowning at Bulimba on Saturday morning. The girl with other children was playing on tho Q.M. and A. Company's wharf, near the ferry, when by some means sha fell off into deep water. A boy, aged 12, named Harry Sergeant, pluokily jumped in after the girl with his clothes on and seized her on rising to the surface the first time. Both wera subsequently got out nono

the worso for their bath.

A further donation towards the fund in aid of the widow and orphans of the late David White, who was killed by falling from the new Government offices, has reached us in tho form

or 10s. from R. U.