Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 23 August 1887, page 4

The Brisbane Courier.


THE whole colony will learn with deep regret that the Hon. William Miles, Minister for Works, died yesterday, his recent re-covery of health having apparently been only a deceptive lull in the ailment which was breaking down his constitution. The removal of so strong and well marked an individuality from the political arena leaves a blank that will be hard to fill. He was not, politically speaking, a first-rate man ; but it is only necessary to glance along the ranks of his party, seeking for a possible successor, to see how considerable a place he actually filled. In him the Premier has lost a stanch friend and an absolutely loyal colleague, and his death, following on the resignations of Messrs. Dickson and Macdonald-Paterson, will necessitate an almost entire reconstruction of the Ministry. That, however, is not the first thought that will occur to most people when they learn the sad news. They will feel that Queens-land has lost a sturdy, honest politician, who kept his hands clean, who did his duty according to his lights, and who was a loyal friend and a straightforward foe. Such men are not so common that we can lose

one without feeling the loss. The public life of Queensland is distinctly the poorer by the loss of William Miles.

IN Victoria, owing to the close settle-ment on the land, the insufficiency of the supply of indigenous timber has for some years been felt keenly. Very large quantities of timber are imported every year, and the wants of the people are still increasing. In the mining districts the demand for supports for the workings is difficult to meet, and even firewood can only be obtained in sonio country places at an almost fancy price. There is, however, another purpose to which the best hard-wood timbers'are largely applied, and this has been brought under the notice of the

Vegetable Products Commission by Mr. Speight, the chairman of the Railway Board. Accoiding to the Argtts, Mr. Speight advocated, before the commission, the planting of forests of eucalyptus timber to replace those which are being rapidly worked out, anti the reasons given for his recommendation are worth noting. "The Eailway Department," he said, " waa a large consumer of native timber. The locomotive branch alone during the last three years expended each, year ^45,000 or £50,000 upon timber, and the amount might be expected to be twice as much in the next five or seven years. The permanent way branch put down about 200 miles of rails per annum, and 2000 sleepers were required for eaoh mile. About ¿£1500 per mile was expended upon timber for bridges. Red gum, ironbark, box, and blue gum were chiefly used for sleepers, and all these woods were very durable. Some sleepers which had been taken up after having been twenty-four years in the ground were found to be quite sound, and were exhibited at the Colonial and Indian Exhi-bition. Such valuable timber waa worth protecting, both by planting new areas and permanently reserving forest lands from


In this colony there is a much larger j supply of timber suitable for the purposes

named by Mr. Speight than there 1. Victoria, but «till the demand has h

large and continuous, and is continue increasing. In course of time wocl" sleepers may give place to others made * steel, but until it is known that this methr!i can be carried out more economically th

the present, it would be well to adopt aarT

measures to secure a supply of tímb«., t

the future. We have been *££**

indifferent to the need in this coll? and the Minister for Lands seems te think that nature will repair whatever mi

chief is done by the hand of man. The ni "" plantations on Frazer's Island are neglected for this reason, and, as is shown by Mr "Wood's report on the condition of the plantations, a great future revenue is bein? sacrificed for the sake of a little present parsimony. After the trouble that Waa taken by Mr. Surveyor M'Dowall, and the expense that was incurred in starting th two plantations, it ought to have been worth while to keep them in proper order even if that required an additional expenditure of £200 or £300 a year. But because a Minister chooäcs to shut his eyes to what i3 goingon under his very noae, a really practical undertaking that was initiated by his pre decessor is jeopardised, and its value may be almost destroyed. Let it be admitted at once that there has been a great deal of wanton destruction of timber. It cannot be held wholly responsible for the present dearth of timber in the Southern colonies, even when the fullest allowance is made. Nor do we find that nature is repairing the damage fast enough to keep up the present supply, At one time the seaboard of New South Wales produced an apparently unlimited supply of cedar ; now the visible supply is very small, and has to be brought from places where once it was thought to be inaccessible. The eastern side of the Main Range, too, is stripped of the greater portion of its hardwood forests, and in some districts there is none left.

Can these experiences of Victoria and New South Wales be disregarded in Queensland? Can it be believed that nature will keep up a supply here when she has not done so there] Even the Government of New Zealand abundant as the timber supply of that colony appears to be, offers special en-couragement to the settlers to assist nature by creating new forests of their own plant-ing. As a matter of fact the hardwoods of this colony-those which are suitable for railway sleepers-are almost confined to the Southern and Central districts, and do not extend beyond the leading spurs of the main dividing range of the colony on its western side. Railway sleepers and timber for bridges aud wharves in the Northern districts are shipped from the South, and just now there are vessels at Cairns with this kind of cargo on board that have taken it there from Wide Bay or Port Curtis. The drain on the hardwood supply is enormous ; it must increase as railways are pushed out in all directions, and the demand for purposes of renovation has already begun. Why, then, should we not take Mr. Speight's

recommendation to heart? In South Australia, au intelligent Conservator of Forests has been allowed to in-crease the scanty supply which that colony naturally possesses, and he lm proved beyond all doubt that sterile tracts of land can by artificial planting be rescued from their nativo forlornness ; thousands of trees now cast a grateful shade on what a few years ago were dusty and heated flats, and the stony sides of the ranges are hidden bv the foliage of rising forests, If so much can be done elsewhere surely there is no reason to despair of success in Queensland, and the suggestion to plant beside the lines of railways trees that will eventually supply timber for replacing that used in connection with tho railways themselves is well worth


We have now an Agricultural Depart-ment, and the Under Secretary is -about to visit the other colonies to ascertain what work is being done by similar departments elsewhere. This business of timber-growing is one of their cares, and, although we are already aware of what has been and is being done in this direction, he might charge him-self to inquire more fully into the matter for his own enlightenment. Possibly the

condemned Yeulbah. Farm would make a good timber plantation.

THE case reported in a recent issue as having been heard with closed door.«, on account of its specially painful character, connects itself significantly with the remarks which fell the olher day from the lips of the Attorney-General of New South Wales in replying to a deputation on the social purity question. That gentleman then stated that of sixteen cases brought before a certain court, nine had been brought by women for alleged indecent assault by men ; and that as prosecutor, he " was convinced in his own mind that sis out of these nine cases were trumped up,

as indeed proved to be the fact. With hu

further statement that these cases were

trumped up "as the result of literature which was at that time flooding the country,

and his inference that it would be dangerous

to raise the "age of consent" from 14 to IS years of age, we do not at present concern ourselves. We desire to fix atten-tion on the fact-the appalling fact as it seems to us-that women should be so easily and so utterly lost to all sense oí shame as to fabricate a charge like tun against men, whether for money or revenge, or, indeed, for any consideration under tue sun. But now it appears that this plague of shamelessness is breaking out aruongs! ourselves. Not long ago we had an abominable case in which the dastardly false accusers were men. In the latest case, we regret to sav, woman was again involveu, not exactly as in the casesreferred to by tee Southern Attorney-General, but m tne equally shameless position, to all appearance, of false witness, and with the probable aggravation of suborning the false evidence of young girls alleged to be more imme-diately concerned. The circumstances w the affair leave on the mind a sus-picion amounting to conviction that tn

-was another of those horrible trump«up cases. Now, we refer to tw subject for the purpose of demand», that no quarter should be allowed to tnw form of wickedness. It is a moral lepro») which will spread with a very little suece* or with no success at all, if only it » neo lected. No such case should rest where m last did. Let the accusers be prosecuted « perjury, and, if found guilty, be pnmrf' with the utmost rigour of the law. J*'

far that a few guilty men should1 es«¡pe w»,

that woman should be tempted by the w neglect or inefficiency to bring ">».

speakably darker guilt and deeper deua*

ment upon her soul.

^rTwviiTii ANN'S interesting account of his U i ^ New Guinea, which we recently

"nth a coÄ ihat at first sight

pub « hie a foimidable indictment of the ffiManon«? Soc.oty in respect to ita

U wntof the nitive teachers He ?*'Ä visit paid to one of these devoted dteCr»ho ta£ngU his wife, "is now left tnoÄ his Uo little children iway from Kome and f pends, among strange and bjff.«nt savages, without the slightest

íffi'mh^ ind trouble dwelling

ÏÏ mwraW» little humpy withou even LVr necessaries of life " H.s s dary is *n0a year, while everything that he

ii" to buv is double the price that it is in

Ana "'At tho same timeall the helphe ^vrequire from the natives must bepaidfor ft «mild be difhcult to draw a moie forbin «rtnre and if these facts are not excep "o a or exaggerated the case of the native Sens one calling for prompt mvestiga "7 It is, of course, possible that this 'Tuful condition of things may be argely

5," tn the supineness or personal habits of

eÄar teacher visaed by Mr Hart

snn and that, if he had pursued his in-stigations, he might have found most of these men in as comfortable a condition as

if young chief whose clean and well ap-pointed dwelling he places m such vivid Contrast with that of the unfortunate mis-sionary Nor would it be fair to suppose that i'O per annum include all the emolu-ments of their office Stores and necessines of vanous kinds are supplied periodically bv the society, and gifts are often furnished bv benevolent friends who take an interest in this particular field of missionary work Still one such case as that described by our correspondent is a reproicb to the society .rod its European agents, and would lead anny to think that it did not stand alone AVe fear, indeed, that the patient and easily contenled spirit of these native Christians does sometimes lead to a neglect of their uist claims At any rate, their condition in >ew Guinea his excited the animadversión of travellers in that island more than once. A few years ago a contributor to these columns complained of the miserable ac-commodation afforded to the native teachers and their wives when travelling to and fro on the coast in the Ellangowan. Men and women yvere huddled together m the hold, often miserably seasick, and ?when m bad weather the hatches were battened dovra the atmosphere bieune foul in the extieme. Oui strictures on that occasion evoked a reply from the Her S M'Fnrlane, m which the facts weie confessed and apologised for, on the ground that the schooner is veiy small and the y o\ ages are very Bhort, while an equal amount of discomfort is often endured by the European missionaries We are inclined to think that the evils thus complained of aie largely due to the extremely small number of Europeans in charge of the mission }ven when they aie all at their posts they are but a handful, with a very extensiv e and diflicult sphere of laboui to supervise lhey have two ti arning institutions to maintain, besides their work in evangelis-ing the tribes vvho live in their own immediate neighbourhood, so that frequent visits to Btations scattered along some GOO miles of coast become a physical impossibility If this ia so, then the staff ought to he increased so as to

ei able the nnssionaues to maintain an ttiective oversight of the various stations

intrusted to the care of these natives

teachers This is needful not only for the purpose of stimulating to diligence and activity, but also for their protection fiom menues, as well as their social comfort It is quite certain that no teacher will secure the respect of the people amongst vii oin he labours, if his domestic sunonud H gs aie squalid, or betoken a want of comfort far below the average of his heathen neiDhboui3 Thoy aro quick to discern the signs of superiority in these respects, and if their contempt for the teacher bo once

excited his efforts to convert them will be wholly nugatory For the credit of the souety, as well as foi the welfare of these humble workers, we hope such c ire will bo tiken as effectuait) to prevent a repetition of the state of things spoken of by Mr


To day is tho last day of the Jubilee Eshibi ti n and as it is also a general holiday,, there flould be a largo attendance of tho public

I'^plo should, indeed, bo hard to satisfy if tlicy ( innot find something- in to-day's pro ¡-runrao to please thom The trotting race of "0 «ois, horses to trot under saddlo ni heats, ti ould attract all who aro fond of a bit of loncst eport This will take placo in tho norning at 11 o'clock, and in tho afternoon at - o clock, will commence tho ov ent which many arc beling forrard to with great interest i amil), tho boyß' pony jumping for the special l"/0L,iyenbyMr J Irving, MBCTS Tho 1 oi letlmve to be ridden bv boys,jookeysexcludod, ^ that the event will bo much more oxoitmg ti an if tho riders woro ndnlts Aftei this i mes the TIandicap High. Jump, for which ci tries wal bo received at tho secrotaiy's olhco "1 to 12 o clock this morning This Bhould ilso prove a good draw, as tho public dearly wea httle excitement in tho shape of a few kIiHs, though m tho Exhibition ring, the

f imgimr hurdles and the thick tan with which

the track is strewn, do not mako tho jumping a "n dangerous pnstimc Besides tho regular ?rornmrae, there are a large number of side

ov, and oilier attractions which dosoivo moie

than camal attention Those who have not yet «n the Jubilee Exhibition bhould certainly not h «o this, their last opportunity

after; the delegates from the anti-Chinese Unfcrence had mterviowed tho Premier yester «.«, they adjourned to the Towri Hall for the Purpose of closing the conference Mi Row "id of Bundaberg, occupied tho chair It *.> decided to send a copy of all the résolu t ous arnved at by the oonferenco to the ¿renner Mr A Walker stated that tho ir&do and Labour Council had communicated *"> kindred associations throughout the colonies with a view of raising on Australian «ti Chinese agitation Mi John A Claik wa elected permanent secretary in tho placo of

lr lotts, who leaves Brisbane to-day on a «hiring tour on the Downs Mr Potts paid "ulet0 tho ""-V the work had been carried on "> tue various centres of population m the « " ii , Was sure taat ti1T unlted efforts *ouiaultimately be crowned wath success All " legates who had attended tho conference

n elected on tho committee In tho event of . general «leeton, it was decided to endeavour »waive Chinese immigration a test question

Holloway 's Dramatic Company gave another CliTS ? Pozanco at the Theatre M r«T m?ht' Whe,i " Leah' therorsaken," H^UCelí° aM:r> Ml howe To night, Hoodman Bhnd» will be played for the last me and to morrow night Mr W J Hollo ?ttr,K"i take a benefit, appearing as

Mahoho m «Twelfth N,¿t »The W otr.f miaDCe *& *» T»&r the

" Ladt M hU Mencr «" kernot Utt r Mu£¡?ave,lns worship the Major, f rce?t °Taadant and ««««» of tho local

Band y«?! Z Permissi0n the Defence Force Vr BrJi PreBent' and Pla> tw° "elections. kwill hTnlT??T1** that on t*113 occasi°n

>> fÏndl ?JT 1v"e,re11 t0 Q»*«^a> Td

to in «Tv ,aM «e sufficiently numerous

^nZ Vm¿ nUBper hDUoe Mr ^ H E» bato'T» ^oUo7ay's acting manager, left

a*n"oin*r,%f0r Syd^r. to arrange for

e" oi Performances thero

Mr. George Leitch's "Harbour Lights" company arrivod in Brisbane yesterday, and arrangements will bo at once mado with a view to tho production of this sensational nautical drama at tho Theatre Royal on Mon-day next. Tho drama had an almost phenomenal success in London when it was first produced thero with Mr. Wilson Bnrrott in the principal charaoter, as it occupied tho boards of the Princess's Theatre for over a year, drawing crowded houses all tho while. Mr. Leitch promises to stage tlio piece with many startling scenic effects, and as ho has plenty of timo at his disposal in tho intervul tho produotion will no doubt be a highly in-teresting ono.

Amongst tho correspondence which was road by the town clerk at tho ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Counoil yesterday after-noon were lottcrs to and from the council and the Tramway Company relative to tho control of the tramway traffic in accordance with the by-laws recently passed hy tho council and ap-proved hy tho Governor-in-Counoil, and, in answer to inquiries, the town clerk intimated that the company had that day taken out licenses for all thoir drivers and conductors. Tho tender of A. Byrne (£-19, fivo weeks) was accepted for the romovnl of tho ferry-house, Thornton-street. Tenders were also opened for tho construction and strutting of a portion of the Spring Hollow Drain, but after discussion it was considered by the council desirable not to aocopt any of tho tenders, and that portion of tho Works Committee's report recommending the carrying out of tho work was referred back to tho com-mittee with a view to thoir considering tho ad visabloness of carrying out a moro extensivo and permanent work than the one for which tenders had been invited. Accounts amount-ing to a total of £3404 los. 7d.' were passed for payment. " For tho rate collectortJiip, for which applications wore invited by advertise-ment, tho town clerk stated that seventy-one applications had been received, and it was decided to hold a special meeting for their consideration at 3 o'clock next Wednesday


A meeting of tho shareholders of tho Bris-bane Permanent Building and Investmont Society was held in tho society's office last night. About twenty shareholders wera present, and Mr. J. R. Dickson occupied tho chair. The discussion of the articles of asso-ciation were being discussed, when the moan-ing of certain legal technicalities was considered not very plain, and tho meeting was adjourned until Thursday night next, at 7.30, in ordor that tho socioty's solicitors might bo present and to allow shareholders timo to go through tho memorandum and artioles of association. Tho nnmo of the society was altered to the " Brisbano Permanent Building and Banking Company, Limited."

A conversazione in connection with the Church of England was hold last night at the Masonic Hall, and proved very successful. The entertainment was organised with tho object of bringing together tho pooplo of tho different Church of England congregations, and in order te do away with tho fooling of isolation that has hitherto existed between tho different parishes. Hitherto theso gatherings have been confined to tho parishes in which thoy havo been held ; but tho success of tho conversnziono hold last night will give a far moro general character to thom in future. Thoro was a vory largo attendance, in fact, tho room was hardly large enough to accommoduto all. Sir Anthony and Lady Musgrave, Bishop Wobber, and Arch-deacon Dawes woro amongst thoso who were present. Pictures and photographs woro dis-tributed throughout tho room, and served to keel) the audience amused during tho intervals between tho music. This latter was given by Mesdnmes Stanley, Kelk, Parkes, and Sisoly, and Mosers. Martin, Buchanan, Sisely, and Colledge, and formed a vory important item in tho evening's amusement. Refreshments wore served during tlio evening. It may ho mentioned that the proceeds will bo devoted to defraying tho expenses of tho entertainment.

At the Police Court yesterday, boforo tho P.M. and Mr. Jamos Mooro, J.P., Honry Williams, alias " Tho Knocker," was charged with having on Saturday night assaulted Con-stable Cahill, who was thon arresting a man named Patrick Daly for obsceno lnnguago. From Cahill's evidence it appeared that ho arrested Daly about 9.30 p.m. at tho corner of Eagle and Creek Btroots ; Daly whistlod, and defendant and another man rushed up and knocked witness down; the defendant then kicked witness on the ground, and Daly got away. Cahill afterwards arrested "The Knocker" in a brothol in Albert-street. De-fendant tried to prove that it was a caso of mistaken identity, and was entering into an oxoited conversation with tho con-stable when he was stopped by the P.M. Senior-sergeant Downie said ho was in the brothel when Williams was arrested, and when charged with tho offence he (Williams) only laughed. Defendant then gavo evidence on oath, and said ho was a hawker by trade, but had no liconse, and was at present earning £1 a day nt tho boxing booth at the Exhibition ; and that at tho timo ho was charged with having committed the offence he was "Bhow

? " nt the Exhibition ; ho only left the Exhibition grounds at 9.30. Cross-examined by Inspector Lewis (who prosecuted), ho. said ho had been about seventeen times beforo the court, and had five or six convictions against him ; there waa anothor similar charge against him. As tho defendant said he had " lots of witnesses to call," he was remanded till Thurs-day, bail being allowed, himself in £5 and one suretyof £5 in each case, or himself in £10

watenhouse bail.

During the week probates were granted in the following estates : -Reinhold Claussen Gripp, bootmaker, of Normanton, to Anna C. Gripp, of Brisbane, widow-personalty £100 sworn under probate rules and £1090 s »ora under the Succession Duties Act ; Peter M'Intyro, civil servant, of Ipswich, to Charles J. Porter, solicitor, Brisbane-£420 sworn under probate culos and £107 11s. under Suc-cession Duties Act ; James Hayes, licensed victualler, of Roma, to Sarah Hayes, of Romo, widow-personalty £1051 under probate rules and £192 11s. Gd. under Succession Duties Act ; Robt. Lyon, accountant, of Brisbane, to D. Reid, of Brisbane, draper, Alfred Pryor, of Brisbane, grocer, and Sarah Jane Lyon, of Brisbane, widow-£200 10s. 4d. under probato rules and £349 los. Id. under Succession

Duties Act.

A deputation of delegates from the Anti Chinese Conference placed their views before the Premier yesterday. A report of tho inter-

view will be found in another column.

A burglary was committed at a fruit shop owned by Mr. D. Mackay, Wickham-street, on Sunday night. The family retired for the night as usual, but on opening tho shop yesterday five watches and several gold rings were missed from the window. An examination of the premises showe 1 that the shop had been entered by a back window, and in order to reach the watches several small packages had been removed. The watches stolen had been bought by Mr. Mackay at odd times by auction.

Mrs. Herman Bowser has reported to the police that her child, a boy of 3 years of age, left her home at tho Eagle Farm Junction yesterday morning, between 9 and 10 o'clock, and has not been heard of since. He was dressed in gray jacket, black trousers, white stockings, and leather boots. The boy was accompanied by a little cousin of his, 3 years old, who was dressed in gray striped trousers and coat, red stockings, and leather boots. Thoy are both children of German parents.

Tho Civil Sittings of tho Supremo Court woro commenced yesterday before tho Chief Justice, Sir Charles Lilloy. Tho wholo of the day was occupied in honring tho case of Quinlan, Gray, and Co. against tlio Norwich Union Fire In-

surance Company, for the recovery of £3216, for insurance effocted upon plaintiffs' goods. A very strong Bar was retained for tho plain-

tiffs, consisting of Sir S. W. Griffith, with Messrs. P. Real, Virgil Powor, and Shnnd, while for defendants Mr. Chuhb, Q.C., and Mr. E. M. Lilley appeared. The plaintiff firm had boen acting as agents for thoNorwich Union Insurance Company, which is an English firm, and had insured their goods in different stores, in three Bums of £1000 and two of £500. Somo time afterwards the plaintiffs transferred all tho insurance policies to the goods contained in No. 4 shod, Government Wharf, which was destroyed by fire on the lGth March, 1SSI. The plaintiffs alleged that duo notice had boen given defendants of Iho course of notion thoy had taken, and no objection had been taken to it. Tho defendant company had promised to sottlo tho claim, but afterwards their Sydney agcut, Mr. V. W. C. Goddard, on tho advice of solicitors, referred tho matter to tho head office, on tlio ground that tho policies were not signed by Mr. G. W. Gray, but by a clerk, tho powor-of-attorney to incur any liability on defendants' account having boon only issued to Mr. G. W. Gray. Tho defendants also alleged that plaintiffs had insured their goods above the limit which the company allowed for buildings of rho class in which tho goods wero stored. When tho court roso yesterday, plaintiffs' case had boon com eluded, and it is expected that another day will disposo of the case. On account of to-day boing a publio holiday, tho court adjourned until 10.30 a.m. to-morrow (Wednesday).

The annal entertainment of the Wharf-street Literary and Parliamentary Debating Society was held in the Protestant Hall last night, and was on the whole very successful. The entertainment consisted of recitations, vocal and instrumental music, and a dramatic selection. The vocal music was chiefly sup-plied by Mr. P. M'Robbie and Mrs. Kelk, both of whom were in excellent voice. Mr. M'Robbie began with Lohr's song "Out on the deep," and on being encored sang "The Skipper." Later in the evening he sang a new Bong by Bonheur—"The Conquerors." There was a fine ring about the song, and its merits were immediately recognised. In response to the encore Mr. M'Robbie sang "The King's Highway" with equal success. Mrs. Kelk sang a beautiful composition by Mozart, entitled "Twilight," and later she gave Bishop's fine old favourite "Bid me discourse." A song in character, "Three young maids," was sung by Miss Prim, and in response to the encore, "Three young men of Ware" was substituted. An Irish tale in verse, "The Bewitched Breeches," was effectively recited by Mr. W. H. Davis. Mr. Huxtable also recited "The Bridgekeeper." Instrumental selections were given during the evening by Miss Pethebridge, who also rendered great assistance as accompanist, and Messrs. Atkinson, Hirsche, and Pethebridge. Mr. Atkinson also played a violin solo. The entertainment concluded with the per-formance of scenes from Sheridan's comedy, "The Critic," in which about fifteen members took part. Considerable care appeared to have been bestowed in preparation, and the per-formers acquitted themselves with credit, al-though a much better, easier, and more suitable selection might have been made from the literature of comedy, and even from the works of Sheridan himself. The Elizabethian period costumes for the "rehearsal of the tragedy," which forms the chief portion of the comedy, were supplied from the collection of Mr. Gilbert Smith, and the fine scene depicting the ramparts of a castle was kindly lent to the society by Mr. W. J. Holloway, of the Theatre Royal. Although nearly all did well in their respective parts, Mr. C. F. White, as "Puff," and Mr. G. Cuffe, as "Tilburina," deserve special mention.

The first floor flat of the Courier Building was last night transformed into a concort-room by tho Fisk Jubileo Singors, who gavo the

firbt of their last two concerts in Brisbane. Seats wero provided for moro than 1200, and quite that number were present, among thom boing a largo representation of tho working classes. Tho programme was an ex-cellent ono from tlio opening piece, " Oh, Sinner Man," to "GoodNight." The acoustio properties of tho room proved to bo of the best, and the syllables in the faintest pianissimo wore hoard distinctly at the extiomoendof the room. Mr. Loudin's solo, "FriondoftheBravo," was, as it deserved, vory heartily received. In response, Mr. Loudin sang his popular "LaughingSong." Miss Lawrence has not previously been heard in Brisbano to such groat advantage as last night in Paolo Tosti's " Good - Byo." For tho encore " No, Sir" was substituted. " The Bolls" and " Tho Sloigh Rido" again aroused the en-thusiasm of the nudionco. "John Brown" and " Wrostling Jacob" wero Bung by special request, and tlio malo quartette, "A sailor's life for mo," was as successful as over. In an-nouncing the concert to-night, Mr. Loudin enid : -" It has been our desire since our arrival in Brisbano, and I may say we havo boen anxious, to sing to the masseB ; but, up to the present, wo had been unable to obtain a building largo enough to do so with profit to ourselves, so that, while thanking you for having come to listen to us in such large numbera, we havo also to thank-and very heartily too-tho managers of the Courier for placing this magnificent room at our disposal. I may say that fifteen minutes beforo the concert com-menced I had my forebodings as to the suitableness of the room for a concert, but I am suro now at the close of tho concert that my friends with whom I am associated aro unanimous with me in tho opinion that it is by far the best concert room and tho easiest to sing in that we have sung in during our visit to Brisbane. I am suro that had tho room been built for concert purposes it would i ot havo been built so suitable for that purpose as it is now." Tho Jubilee Singers will appear for the last time in Brisbane to-night. They go to Ipswich to-mor.-ow.

A special meeting of the Cleveland Divisional Board was held at the chairman's residence on Saturday laBt for the purpose of opening ten-ders. The members present wero Messrs. W. Ross (chairman), J. Cross, P. Horisk, and W. Kerford. The following tendors were ac-cepted:-(1.) For five chainB forming and gravelling on main Wellington Point-road : W. Helmholz, at £2 19s. per chain. (2.) For ex-cavating on main Wellington Point-road : Messrs. Haywood and Wilkinson, at 12|d. por cubic yard. (3.) For erecting culverts on main Wellington Point-road : C. Kelso, for tho sum of £32 10s. (4.) Gravelling road through swamp on main Wellington Point-road : W. Helmholz, at £2 1 7s. Gd. per chain. (5.) Ereoting four anda-half chains of guard-ftneo at Sandy Creek : J. Willard, £4 2s. Gd.

In the paragraph relating to the Theatro service, a cheque added to tho collection by Mr. R. P. AdamB, was wrongly credited to that gentleman, who handed in tho contribution on

behalf of "M. M."

The Lobby .-The premier Photographic Lobby of Australia is at 221 Queen-street, where Mathewson & Co. are showing somo of the finest work in the Southern Hemisphere. Do not fail to seo it, as M. & Co. specially invito com-parison. M & Co. still continue to produce their full and half-length Cartes dé Visite at 7s. Gd. per dozen.-[ADVT.I

About ten days ago a list of proposed changes among tho postmasters in tho oolony was pub-lished. These, howovor, failed to gain Execu-tive approval. ? Tho lift was subsequently re-vised, and, having, passed the Exooutivo Council, was gazottod on Saturday. The fol-lowing is the oorreotod list :-E. G. Grose, to bo postmaster at Ipswich ; Wm. AVooloock, at Rockhampton ; D. Peterson, at Bundaberg ; II. Lyons, at Dalby ; W. A. Uhr, at Cook-town; J. "V. Brown, at Mackay; G. II. Knowles, at Warwiok ; and R. W. Sims, to bo officer in ohnrgo of tho post oflico at Bowen.

The following amounts wero deposited in tho Ponny Savings Banks on Saturdny ¡-Windsor road, £1 19s. Gd.; South Brisbano, £1 14s. lid.; Ithaca, £3 lGs. 3d.; Valloy, £1 los. 9d.

Mr. S. Williams, tho Customs officer at Stanthorpe, made a seizure of goods vvhioh had boon sniugglod across tho Now South Wales border on tho 13th instant. Tho goods consisted of a largo quantity of drapery samplos which lind been brought from New South Wales by a commercial traveller, and on whiohno duty had been paid. Tho seizure was mado at Cambooya, and the travellor was fined £50 by tho Customs authorities. The fino was paid.

Tho young mon and women of tho Freo Methodist Guild had a very interesting enter-tainment at their meoting last night, about eighty boing present. Proceedings opened with answers to quostions that had boen sont in tho provious week. The question warden doalt with, "Should Sir S. W. Griffith's finan-cial proposals bo supported ?" confining his answer to tho question of the land tax. Ho wnrmly advocated tho tax, assuming, however, that it was on tho vnluo of unimproved land, mid not on the unimproved vnluo of land-au error that appears to bo very prevalent in spite of the officiai explanation given. Tho ovoning wound up with olmrades and other nmuso monts, which gave great plcnsuro to tho


A portrait of tlio champion ram Lovel Top will appear in tho Queenslander of Saturday next, 27th instant ; also portraits of tho red polled bull Falstaff (303) and tho rod polled cow Dolly (14G3), tlio two champions of the breod at last yoar's show of tho Royal Agricultural Society hold at Norwich.

A few days ago wo ?published a warning to tho publio respecting tho influx of thioves and piokpookots from tho Southern coloides. It is now necessary to caution tho publio to bo on their guard against burglars. Jowellors, ware-housemen, and all business mon should now bo ou tho alert to guard thoir promises against in-vasion. Tho spielers who havo como hero to mako monoy at tho rucos and Exhibition grounds by thoir unlawful games havo boon prevented from doing so by tho polico, and thoy will no doubt get thoir monoy hy somo othor means. Thoy aro hore in largo nuinbors, and at loast ono place was entered and a robbory committed on Sunday night.

Tho Rev. Riolmrd Kerr, who wns induotod last week into tho chargo of tho now Presby-terian Church at Toowong, preached his first sormon ,at that place on Sunday, and weloomod his now congregation. In tlio oourso of his sormon ho stated that tlio lines on which ho in-tended to carry out his work wero thoso laid down by Christ-to preach Him and nothing elso. If tho congregation desired ' ' f oshionablo' ' or other kind ot preaching thoy would havo to look olsowhoro for it. In tlio ovoning Mr. Korr pleached to another largo congregation, taking us his text tho 0th verso of tho fourth cluvptor of Zachariah, " Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." He first applied tho words indivi-dually, and thon to tho oongregation as a whole, pointing out that success could not bo attained by any devieos or plans of man's making, howovor well organised, but only by tho powor of tho Spirit working in thoir midst. For this aid it was for tho con-gregation to devoutly pray. It was unnouneod that tho Sunday school treat would take place noxt Saturday in Mr. W. J. Scott's paddock, near tlio Toowong Sports Ground. As this will bo tho first sooinl gathoying lit which tho now pastor will bo present, it is oxpeotod that tho paronts and other members of tho ohuroh vvill attend in largo numbers.

Writing ooncorning somo recent riilo matches a correspondent says :-"It is to bo regretted that mombors of various companies in tho Dofeneo Foroo do not tako moro interest in those competitions. Valuablo prizes uro offered, ammunition is provided, and muoh timo and troublo devoted to thoir successful arrange-ment, and, with a maximum handicap of 25 points, no man can fool debarred from winning a prizo if he will only practice lu viow of tho rooont Queensland Riilo Association mooting, and speaking gonorally, I think that with tho facilities, oncouragomont, and prizes offered for rifle shooting hy tho Government, tho publio (through tho Queensland Rifio Association), and tho officers of the Defence Forco (through riilo clubs), the mon of Queensland should bo amongst tim finest marlwmon in tho world. Do thoy tako advantago of thoir opportunities ? Tho recent Q.R.A. meeting provos othorvviso. Aro the men and youths of Queensland dete-riorating ? Is tho ' race ' to bo sacrificed in favour of tlio raco for monoy-grubbing and minor pleasures, to the detriment of ono, and to this"country tho most important, of manly accomplishments-rifle shoot-ing - tho vory ossonco of tho real dofenco of Australia against her onomios? With a. coast line of suoh vast extout as that of Australia,'with a railway which will shortly extend from hor north-eastern to south-western seaboard, I ventura to think that nono bul fools would attack tlio Btrongly forti-fied harbours of Melbourne and Sydnoy when a landing could bo effeoted by an enomy with comparative safety ehsowhoro, and the railway Unos to tlio various capitals of the oolonios bo mado availablo for attacking purposes. Con-sequently tho first weapon brought into action against our aggressors will bo the rifle. I trust, therefore, that Queenslandors will hotter understand and act up to their responsibilities, avail themsolvos of their opportunities, and that tho success of rifle shooting as a pastime in Queensland will bo much moro pronounced than at present."

The following is Ihe report of tho Btato of tho Benevolent Asylum, D unwich, f ortho week end-ing 13th August:-In tlie houseatlast report, 408 males, 65 females ; sinco admitted, 4 males ; discharged, 10 males, 1 female ; died, 2 males ; absent on leave, 8 males ; total, 392 males, C3 fomales. Tho medical superintendent acknow-ledges with thanks the receipt of parcels of newspapers from tho Parliamentary Librarian, tho Government Printer, Mrs. Lowis, Potrio terraco, and Mr. Nowman Wilson ; also a box of briarwood pipos from Mr. James Moffatt. The deaths reported aro thoso of Thomas Henry Brady, aged G2 yeais, nativo of Galway, Ire-land, and William Jones, aged 47 years, native of Shropshire, England.

A grand holiday programme is promised a t Ridgway's circus to-night.

WoodrofiVa glassblowing exhibition is now

on view at Bowen Park.

On account of tho holiday, thero will bo no drill of tho B.V.R. Corpa A Company this evening.

Settling over the Kedron Park races will toke placo at the Kedron Park Hotel on Thursday evening.

Particulars of the Sires' Produce Stakes to be run at the autumn meoting of the Q.T.C. in 1891 will bo found in our advertising columns.

Soven of the singlo pirls who wero immi Êrants by the R.M.S. Bulimba went to tho

iady Musgravo Lodge last evening, and will be open to engagement this morning.

Tho intercolonial football match, Now South Wales v. Combined Juniors of Queensland, to be played this afternoon at tho Albert Sports Ground, is sure to be well attended, as a great deal of interest attaches to tho match.

There will be no practice of the Liodortafol this evening, in consequenco of the holiday ; but there will bo a full rehearsal (orchestra and chorus) on Friday evening next at H. J. Pol-

lard's new music warehouse.

Everybody should secure bargains at Lord's Insolvent Stock Sale, TbUjDjay,-[ATJVT.J