Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 24 May 1887, page 5


Mr Win Torgas m, i uprcseiitiiig tho Widgoo Ditisional Bmrd, and Ali A Hutohinson, of tho Gtinpie, Chainh r if Agncultuio, waited on tho Munster for Woiks ycstciday to show causo why Widgee inn should bo letained within tho Widgen division, and that tho boundary between Kilkitan and Wulgeo i uns should bo a base lino foi the no w dit lsiim 1 ho following partioulais of the mtertiow havo boon supplied hy a inombor of the deputa-

tion -

Mr runausoN pointed out that tho part pi o

posed to bo severed by tho Kilkivau petitioners would take away neiuly ono half of tho rot enuo of the whole Widgeo division, leaving tlio main roads into Gympie from Noosa, Brisbane, and Widgeo a charge on tho board

Mr A HuTciiiNsov pointed out that as a quostion of State p ihoy it would bo a gravo mistako to allow the choice lands of a portion of the division to ho sovercd Gympio was tho murkot tor the fanners and dairymen in that district, and tho 1000 acres about to bo oponed for selection nriu Widgee station would dopond upon Gympio foi an outlet tor a market It was fin thor pointed out that to accedo to tho petitioners' requost would, by molting Widgee, Kilkivau, Bxmuru, Baramba, Munumba, mid Mondine, neate a powci that would intiroly doprivo tho smaller Bettlers in thoso diBtnote of any share in local got eminent

Mi Mu i s saul tin y might havo siivod thornsolves all tho trouhlo, becauso ho would bo entirely guided by the action of tho Widgee Board, whom ho took to loprcHont the rate


Mr Fi nousoN saul that was all thoy oould desire, aiidtliiinkedtho Munster for thocimrteouH marmor m windi he had leeoived thoir ropre

BonlutioiiH He also toudci ud thanks on behalf of tho Gympio Railway League foi the iu tion of tho Government m hating called for tondois foi tho hf th sootion of tho Bi lubuno Gy mpio Rail-way _