Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 8 March 1888, page 5



Tho ordinary monthly meeting of the Ithaca Divisional Board was held yesterday afternoon in the board's new office, in Chambers, Bruce, and M'Nab's buildings, in Adelaide-street, when there were present Alessrs. VV. M'Callum Park (chairman), T. Robinson, T. Marshall, W. P. Gordon, VV. H. Ashton, J. S. Mullin. The clerk, Mr. F. Slaughter, was also in attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.


The following letters comprised the outward correspondence :-To the Minister for Works, stating that a résolution bad been passed at a board meeting "That tho name of the board be changed to the Enoggera Divisional Board," and asking that effect be given to the same. The CHAinMAîî Btated that he had seen the Under Secretary for Works on the matter, and ho had said that ho could see no objection to the proposed change. To the Treasury, forwarding a statement of receipts and expenditure for 1SS7. To the Registrar General, forwarding the statistical returns for 18S7. The following letter« were read amongst the inward correspondence :-From the Lands Department, advising the board that it was intended to open a road near Mount Coot-tha, and asking, it there were any objection*, that thoy bhould be lodged with tho Under Secre-tary within a month from dato. It was decided, after the Standing Orders had been suspended, that no objection bo taken to the proposed deviation. From the Ithaca Shiro Council, informing the board that £400 14s. Sd. had been banked to its credit, being part of the interest duo. From the Metropolitan Traffic Board, enclosinz a cheouo for ¿8 los.

2d , money duo to the boaid as per distribu turn ndopted by tho'Irime Board A number of letters weie read trom lesidenta in tho Ithaca dit îeion, complaining ot the bad stato of the roads m the t itmity of then pi "iportits Mr Parker''« letter on this subject was lofcried to No 1 subdit won, tt ith powtr to act


The Finance Committee brought up a roport recommending the payment of aeeonnts amounting to £136 4s Id The roport tt as adopted The balance sheet for ISbi, which shotted that the receipts had nmonnted to ¿S83o 12s , and tho expenditure £10,104 9s , wns also presented


Mr GORDON moved tho following -"That the hill on the toad lendiug to tho Uppci Ithaca Creek bo out down so as to make it passable for trafilo, and that tho road leading to Toowong trom Captain Simpson's pioptity

be cleared ot bushes "

Till. 10SITI0V or CU.RK

Thore were thirtt applications foi the olerk slup considered ni ooiumittee, and a sub-com-mittee was appointed to bung up the ton most suitable applications to a special meeting of the board to be held at 11 am to-day, when the selection tt ill take placo


Tlie ordinary monthly meeting ot the Toombul Divisional Board was held ut the board a ofhco, Breakfast Creek, yesterday afternoon, whon thero wero oiesent-Mossrs W Widdop (chau man), J 1 Buckland, W J T Cooks ley, W A Ballard, A L Petrie, C Atthott, J Stuckey, A Wagner, and Dr Bauoiott

The minutes ot protious meetings were road

and confirmed


Amongst the correspondence reçoit ed ttas a letter iiom T Goodall, applj nig tor pel mission to erect a boatshed on tho bunk ot the liver near Rooky Point Tins led to n considerable amount ot discussion upon the udvisablouoss ot deoiding upon a uniform cbaigo pet foot tor the light ot making uso ot theritor fiontago for boataheds It tt as agreed, on tho motion of Mr CooivSMîY, that 10s per foot per annum be tho oharge imposed by the boaid, six months' notice to bo git en if the board should desire a shed removed ut any time A lottor ttas recoived from tho Broakiust Creok Bridge Board, notifying thoir intention to issuo a precept for £4000 to euch boaid with respect to the now bridge contract 1 ho letter ttas hold otei for tuither cousidoiation Tho Metro-politan Tialiio Board forttaided £30 13s id , amount ot bin plus ot tho ti ailie funds due to the Toombul Boaid A lottor from the secretaiy of tho Q f C , asking that a portion ot tho road leading from tlio Hamilton-road to the ruceoourse gates, and which has always boen in a bad state be lupniiod as soon us possible, was refeired to tho lnipiovemont Committee faoveral lotteia ttoio received from mdividuul ratepayers asking for linpiovo ments to roads within the division All of

those wore eithor retened to the improtoinont Committee or to the general im>pcotor to deal



The CirAiinwN stated that the Uudei Colonial Secietary had promised to havo tho boundiines ot what should bo ttcatod as couutrv and what suburban lands published in the " Uazette "

COMtimiLS' lim OUTS

The roport ot tho 1 manco Committee of oven date, recommending tho payment ot accounts amounting to ¿lib 17s 9d was road and adopted_

Tho Improtoinont Commitloo's roport upon the work dono duimg tho past foituight, and recommending tho carrying out ot road works and other lmproteintnts within the ditision was passed ttilh amendments

It ttas decided that the cltik bo instructed to ascertain the coat ot cutting down the Hnmil ton-ioad from looruk-ioud to Broultttist Creek, both to the evtont of Ut and 2tt

a EN ni ns

Tendéis weie recenod mid accepted as fol-

lows -

Tor filling up G ay thorn-road, Albion W Gill £65, eight weeks

Tor clearing and forming Eton street, Nun-dah W Young, £17 10s , five weeks

For cleaimg Bismaick-stnet, Wagner Lá-tate N luckettXG, ono month

Tor clearing from Nudgee Station to Sand-gate road N Tuokett, £1 5a per chain


After a general discus-non upon the advisablo iie«s or otherwiso of changing the tuno of meeting to the evening, Mr PLUUL gavo notice ot motion that the meetings bo hold ut 3 p m

on the first Siiturdat in each mouth


Several motion«, of tvluoh notice had pre-viously been given, were referred to the lm-prot emeut Committee


On the motion ot Mr BUCLLAND, it was agiced that all infoimiition be obtained regard-ing the best means to adopt m filling up the landslip on tho Hamilton-road Mr Buck land stated that ho had inspected the slip, and found that it ttus extending, and it something was not dono with mt delay, the whole load

would be washed in


By Mr. WAGNER,—1. "That this board, at its next meeting, take into consideration the advosableness of having the district hitherto known as Boggy Creek in future named Myrtle, and that the Minister for Education be requested to have the school renamed accord-ingly." 2. "That the Postmaster General be requested to have the German Station Post Office at Nundah named Nundah Post Office " 3 "That this board, at its next meeting, do, by resolution, decide whioh expenditure bo considered general expenditure, and that all such expenditure be charged to each subdivi-sion pt o ? ata to the income i outributed by ouoh Also that the balance of moonie bo expended m

like proportion "

By Mr. BALLATTO,-" That the unformed road between Boggy Creek and the powder maga-zine be formed and metalled."

By Mr. ATTHOW,-" That tenders be called for destroying prickly pears growing on the Nudgee Reach Reserve ; also that the worst places to same place, from Mr. Childs's corner downward, bo repaired by the roadmen."

By Mr. WAGNEH,-"That tho formation newly made on road at Junction Estato bo further filled at oulvert, tho whole formation to be gravelled."

By Mr. BUCKLAND,-" That the now forma-tion lately finished on tho road at west of Mr. Abbot'B new house, bo gravelled, and also that the road towards Franz's be formed and gravelled.


The usual monthly meeting of the Municipal Council was held at the Town Hall on Monday. Present: His worship the Mayor (in the chair), Aldermen Holmes, Drouyn, Smith, Prentice, Coward, Cooksley, Little, Agnew, and Mr. Lascelles (town clerk). The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, after Mr. Agnew had moved, and Mr. Coward seconded, that "The rates should be collected by the town clerk or his deputy by 1st November, 1888," be added



Letters were read from several ratepayers asking for minor improvements. A petition was presented by Mr. Holmes, signed by seventy-four ratepayers, asking for improve-ments to be made at the swamp by Cabbage-tree Creek. Received and ordered to be tabled for further consideration.

A letter received at the previous meeting from Mr. Ernest Goertz, re sea water flooding his land, was referred to the Improvement


N. Corrigan's letter, re fence to bathing-house, which six months ago was ordered to lie on the table for six months, was again brought up; and it was resolved that no

action be taken.


The report of the Finance Committee showed —expenditure for the month, £353 8s. 8d.; receipts, including endowment, £1241 10s. 1d.; bank balances, general account, credit, £307 10s. 5d.; special loan account, credit, £10 5s. 11d. The report was unanimously adopted, on the motion of Mr. Coward, seconded by Mr.


The nuisance inspector's report was read and received.


The motion by Mr. Holmes re unexpended

balances was withdrawn by the mover with the consent of the council.

The standing orders having been suspended, it was moved by Mr. Drouyn,—"That the approach to the gentlemen's bathing place, Picnic Point, be attended to at once, and be made urgent." Left in the hands of the mayor. By Mr. Coward, re water supply to the town. Mr. Coward moved, and Mr. Cooksley seconded,—" That the mayor obtain levels from Mr. Phillips, also estimate of cost, for utilising

the three lagoons situated between Nashville

and the Bald Hills road." Mr. Agnew strongly objected to any taxation that would fall on those who had provided the necessary tanks for water supply to the advantage of the un-provided.—Carried. By the mayor, re reclaim-ing the Cabbage-tree Swamp. After discussion complimentary and otherwise to the present Ministry, it was resolved, on the motion of the mayor, seconded by Mr. Agnew,— " That a deputation of the whole council wait upon the Government to elicit to what extent they would assist the council in carrying out



It was proposed by Mr. Cooksley, seconded by Mr. Coward,—"That tenders be called for the sanitary contract for the term of one, two, or three years, the same to be considered at the next council meeting."—Carried.

Proposed by Mr. Prentice, seconded by Mr.

Coward,—"That tenders be called for gravel for the year at the rate of 500, 1000, or 2000 yards, as per last specification." It was re-solved that tenders be called for carting only, also for the same quantities including royalty and stripping.

Regarding the report on the condition of Cabbage-tree Creek Bridge, it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Smith,—"That a copy be sent to the Nundah Divisional Board asking them to pay half the expense of repairing the same ; estimate £130."

Mr. Cooksley here withdrew.

Before the mayor left the chair the important subject of drainage was referred to, and Mr. Agnew introduced a verbal complaint from Dr. Thomson, that though he had made a report to the inspector about the state of his premises, no action had been taken, and that its present condition was likely to introduce typhoid fever. Mr. Agnew complained of the mayor's continual interjections, and accused his worship of treating such a serious matter with flippancy and cavalierly. It resulted eventually in its being unanimously carried, on the motion of Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Coward,—"That the mayor be authorised to abate the nuisance complained of on Dr. Thomson's premises at once."

The proceedings then terminated.