Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 14 May 1887, page 6



The third annual meeting of the Anglo-Queensland Football Association was held at the Imperial Hotel on Thursday evening last. Mr. D. G. Forbes was elected chairman, and there was a fair attendance of delegates. Owing to the absence of the late secretary's books the minutes of the last annual meeting were not read. In fact, considerable incon-venience was caused by their non-production as the evening advanced. The chairman, who at considerable trouble had drawn up a report of the past season's work himself, then read it to the meeting. The report alluded to the various clubs playing the game in the colony and their successes and reverses. The follow-ing list will show the number of matches played by the various clubs :-St. Andrew's F.C., 10 matches ; won them all ; 50 goals were kicked in favour of the club, 8 against. Rangers, 12 matches; won 6, lost 6 ; 34 goals were kicked in favour of the club, 20 against. Queen's Park, 8 matches; lost them all; 1 goal was kicked by the club, 24 gainst. Bun-damba Rovers played six matches ; won 1, lost 3', drew 2 ; 7 goals were kicked by the club, 19 against. Queenslanders played 3 matches; lost them all ; 4 goals were kicked by the club, 15 against. Swifts, 4 matches; won 1, lost 2, drew 1 ; 6 goals were scored in favour of the club, 14 against. The report congratulated the St. Andrew's Club on the leading position they hold, they being premier club and the winners of the association badges. An allusion was made to an exhibition match played at Ipswich in the interests of the game; to the apathy displayed by some of the office-bearers of the association ; while a passing reference was made to the unsatisfac-tory manner in which some adherents of the game in the sister colony had endeavoured to bring about a series of intercolonial matches without apparently being officially instructed. The thanks of the association were tendered the Courier and Observer for the support they gave in reporting matches and meetings. The re-port deplored the decease of the Queensland Sportsman, which paper had also supported the game. Tho proprietor of tbe Pineapple Hotel was also thanked for giving the use of his ground for the past season free of charge. The committee meetings held during the season were referred to as not being of frequent occur-rence. Mention was also made in the report that at the start of last season the credit balance was 3s. 5d., and at the close of the season there was £1 6s. 2d in hand. The

treasurer also held £2 12s. for the proposed Association Challenge Cup. The report, after slight amendment, was adopted.

Nothing further of importance was done be-yond securing three or four Saturdays in the

Gardens, and it was also decidcd to endeavour

to obtain the use of the Pineapple ground for  

the incoming season.

The meeting then adjourned till the 20th instant, when probably the secretary's books will be forthcoming. Tho election of officers will then most likely take place, and other business which could not be transacted at this meeting will be brought forward.

The clubs represented at the meeting were the St. Andrew's and Rangers, with a Queen's Park delegate for the past season. It is not known yet what clubs intend to form the association this season, but the St. Andrew's and Rangers are bound to take the field. The Swifts, unless they receive support from the stronger clubs, can hardly be expected to put a

team into the field. There is a possibility of the Bundamba Rovers joining the association,

but further than that no other clubs so far have   signified their intention of so doing.