Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 11 February 1888, page 6



TOOWOOMBA. Februarv 10.

At the Police Court to-day, John Hennessy, of the Queen's Hotel, was brought up on »eniaud, chaigod with mahoiousl) inflicting on James AVdhams a wound causing him gnevous barm Dr Garde, who was re-oxanuucd, said he had made on evnruiuation of Williams s eye since the swelling had subsided, and found a laceiatcd wound in the internal anglo ot the nght e)e, the wound could hav e been caused b) the sharp edge of the leg of a chair lhe muscio ot tho eyelid was par ii) sed, and AAllhanis might have to uudeigoasurgic ilopeintiou,butho(witness) could not sa) definitely at pi esent if it vv ould be neces-sary. Two witnesses deposed to -"OMug Hennessy push a chair m AVilliams s lace Détendant was committed for trial to tho sittings of the Circuit Court commeuciuK ou the 21st mstant Bail, himEtlr m £o0 and ono suiety to the sameomount,

Was accepted

TheHou James Taylor, MLC, was to-da) unanimously elected chauman of the Joudaiyan

Divisional Board

Mr John Truss was to-day, for the third time in succession, elected president of the Middle Ridge Shire Council.

Bum coutiuued falling well into last night, and several smait bhowers fell bcfoio du) light It was cloudy all day , but not mi) thing like enough

rain has tallon heie vet.

V\ AIÏAVIGK, Tebruary 10

Tho weather has been showoi) all diy, and is still cloud) and unsottled iho laiufall for the

week amounted to about 2m

MVR\B01tOUGII, Pcbru-iry 10

The police magistrate (Air Kaukiu) seriously injured his foot this morning wlnlo digging m his


Mr Tooth has been elected chiinnau of the Burrum Du îsionul Bo ud

Iho weathei is dull and like ram

Y.LUUU Tobruary 10

The rainfall legisteied heio )c->teiduy was l'GOiu , and this moiuiug 2 bOin 1 loods aie


CROYDON, Tebruary 10

A numbei of deputations will wait on Mi Hodgkinson to monow

A public meeting w as hold this nftenioon vv ith regard to the question ot wutei supply 101 CrO)don A deputation vvus npiointed to wait upon Sir Hendoison, Government Hvdrauho Lngmeer, who will visit the dilferont sites lo-mon o A- und Atonda)

'iho mulls by the bteamoi Uiniiing, und w Inch left Norunuitou on lucsda) for Croydou have not jet jnssed Ciecu Ciecl mills uio heavj aud a long dclii) is e\pcctecl Iho Gilbeit Itiv or is running iib inker, md the Gooigctovvii mmls uro expoctcd to bo di 1J v od loi «cioncl du) s

'iho rainfull for the week ie¿istcrcd lui 'lhe weathu is still vciy hot