Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 12 January 1888, page 4

The Brisbane Courier.


It ia no new thing to find in some of tlie so-called financial journals that are pub-lished in England, adverse criticisms directed against the colonies with respect to their frequent loans. Possibly it has been by an " undesigned coincidence" that these have so commonly appeared in anticipation of a new loan being placed on the market. At any rate the strongest comments have appeared in journals whose statements are not commonly received with absolute confi-dence, and on that account probably they have failed to make an impression upon the sales. But journals of the highest character have also thought it necessary to lecture us in a dignified tone such as an elderly gentle-man might address to his rashly-disposed grandson a few minutes after assuring some old friend that-" Between ourselves, you know, he is a very fineyoungfellow andf ull of enterprise, but it doesn't do to encourage this sort of thing too openly I" Colonists ought to, and no doubt do, feel indebted to these journals for their kindly warnings and the generous interest they take in the wel-

fare of the colonies.

But if the Australian Governments have

strained their borrowing powers a little too much, they have been encouraged to do so by the assistance that has been rendered them by British capitalists, who, if «anyone íb to blame, are just as much in the wrong as the borrowers. Just now there is a disposition on the part of the best journals to exercise a sharper censorship over our finances, and it will be wise to take note of their remarks which apply to the capitalists and syndicates as well as to the

colonies that ask for assistance. In the

Statist of 2Gth November, there is an article -published in yesterday's Courier-of a stronger tone than usual on the subject of

"How Colonial Bonels are held." The

opening paragraph is a sort of preparation for what is to follow,-"The market for colonial bonds has suddenly become a centre of interest, and it is likely to con-

tinue so for some time to come. Becent

exposures of reckless financing by second

rate Colonial Governments have at last shaken the blind confidence of investors in their securities. Colonial

four per cents are no longer a name to con-jure with as they used to be. Purchasers have become more critical, and holders who thought they had nothing to do but sit on their investments, begin to realise that they want scrutinising." This is the tone of the article throughout ; it has got a little beyond 'the reproving stage, and begins to threaten .us mildly with the consequences of our reck-lessness. "To add to the interest of the occasion, the period of the year is approach-ing for new colonial issues to be attempted. January is the month sacred to colonial .loans. The chronic borrowers of Aus-tralia and New Zealand like to be in the market as early as possible in the year, so that intorest may run from the 1st of January." Then this pleasant sarcasm takes a direct course, and is pointed at New Zealand and Queensland, the two black

nheep of the South. "New Zealand will want another million if she can get it ; and her Finance Minister has frankly confessed that he must have it somehow or other. We may also expect another visit from Queens-land, though it is not yet a year Bince she was

in the market for two and a-half millions

sterling, and had to take 97 for it. Accord-ing to her latest Budget, her public works expenditure now amounts to about two millions sterling per annum, and her ordinary expenditure exceeds her revenue Tjy over half-a-million. Like New Zea-land, she has no longer much choice in the matter of borrowing, and she is beginning to learn the force of the proverb that ' beg-gars cannot be choosers.' Though she con-sidered herself unfortunate in having to let her last loan go at 97, she may be thankful to get as much for her next." There is au exaggeration in the foregoing passage about the last year's ovor-expenditure, which was not so heavy as is represented, but still, we admit, all too large. A question is next raised as to the power of colonial Govern-ments, " with their parallel currents of deficits and over-expenditure," to go on raising money at 4 per cent, and their posi-tion is compared with that of " second-rate European Governments exhibiting equally bad Budgets." Hungarian Gold Eentes, which pay 4 per cent, have seldom rben above SO, and are often less; Italian 5 per cents, which give 4k peí cent net, have never reached par, and were recently down to 95, yet, we are told, " By heroic efforts its finances have been biought into equilibrium, and it has not had a bad Budget for several years. But Italy does not possess the talisman by means of which colonial Governments much inferior to it financially are able to place 4 per cent bonds in London at or over par." There is no doubt a " sentimental partiality" on the part of British investors for their colonial cousins, but there are business considera-tions of much greater strength than these. Colonial securities are not subject to the same risks as European. We have no neighbours armed to the teeth, forcing us into the same position for the sake of our own safety. There is no chance that we may be brought into conflict with Great Britain as they may be, nor can we be drawn into war with any other than the enemies of the mother country. Besides these considerations, we

possess a great and growing trade with Great Britain, which is'secured to her more per-« manently by the extension of our financial connection. And there has still to be added the not unimportant fact that the colonies have enormous resources that are only be-ginning to be developed, and these must increase the security we have to offer a hun-dredfold, while that of the countries referred to is not subject to similar improvement. Surely in the admission that colonial " securities can always bo used as security on which cash can be raised" there is proof that they contain an element of safety that does not pertain to foreign bonds.

As for the very powerful combinations behind the colonial Governments, that is a matter npon which the Statist should be well informed. At the head of these are placed the "Six Australian Banks," which act as a "Supervising Committee,

and set in motion all their extensive ramifi-cations on behalf of the loans they take an interest in. Through them our own joint stock banka, financial associations, and insurance companies, are enlisted in the competition. Strong syndicates of jobbers in the 'House', and capitalists outside, have always been ready hitherto to take up big blocks of each new issue." By means which are well understood in business circles, con-siderable profits are made very quickly. Loans aro by arrangement largely over tendered for at a " safe price," and it is said that " formerly they could, within five or si months, retail millions sterling of new bonds at a profit of 2 or 3 per cent, and as fast as they got one new loan off .their hands another was ready for them. Having scalped it, they proceeded to the next, and the Agents-General could always find some mischief still for their busy hands to do." Now we are told that the value of colonial securities having been raised to a dangerous level by tho syndicates, they have to sustain the market to protect their own interests, and in this they are assisted by tho banks and insurance offices. " But latterly the market has had a shock from which it may not recover in a hurry. The truth has dawned on unsuspect-ing minds that Austr.dians are not exempt from the elementary laws of addition and multiplication. If they borrow too much and too often they may by-and-by find themselves with more debt than they can .take care of. The strongest and most obstinate syndicate in the world cannot alter that stubborn fact ; the most simple-minded investor must sooner or later realise it. Apparently, a good many have begun to do so. The amount of New Zealand stock delivered to the public

at last settlement caused consternation

I amongst the jobbers. The honest souls had [ been flattering themselves that it was only

' bears ' who were selling, and some of them had gleefully anticipated a harvest of ' back-wardations ' at the carrying over. But when they had the stock delivered them their faces fell; prices fell too, and tho colonial market has had a very bad spasm. It was not the last or the Worst which will be felt before colonial finance is brought into better shape."

The Statist has for many months been exposing the company-promoting fraternity, and has run some of the most notorious

to earth. It is not quite complimentary to the colonies, therefore, to find they are the next who have been singled out for attack ; but may not the suddenness of this fierce onslaught be partly explained by the fact that those who have already " drawn blood" are generally eager for the fray ? At any rate, the floating of the Victorian loan at the very high rate of £108 13s. 9d., or slightly in excess of last Saturday's market quotation, is a significant commentary on the warnings of the financial authority.

TnE recent appointment of Lord Lytton by Lord Salisbuiy to the post of Ambassa-dor at Paris, in the place of the late Lor.'I Lyons, should not go by without remark. Lord Lytton's past career was scarcely one to justify such an appointment. We must conclude that, once more, somewhat extra« ordinary forces have been set in motiou in the favour of this gentleman. Lord Lytton is the son of the novelist, Bulwer Lytton, as whose rather garbling biographer he has lately been appearing. He is also known, under the pseudonym of Owen Meredith, as the author of a good deal of " society" sentimental verse, and his latest effort, " Glenaveril," a work announced with considerable éclat, and which turned out to be a tediously long rhymed novel, will still be in the memory of readers of contemporary literature. He served his diplomatic apprenticeship as attaché or auibassadoi at several Continental Courts, and then suddenly astonished the world by his utterly unexpected appearance a3 Viceroy of India. The appointment was maiie by Lord Beaconsfield, then Mr. Disraeli, and just entering upon that career of "Imperialism" (unkind critics call it " Jingoism") which, after a phenomenal run of success, ended in the utter collapse of the Tory party iii tho general elections of 1880. Lord Lytton was understood tobe one of that group of juvenile aristocrats known as " Dis^ raoli's young men," to whom the astute Jew't "education" of his party aud the skib boleths of the "Tory Democracy" were things of reason and reality. Bulwer Lytton was Disraoli's old friend, and it seemed graceful in him to remember this in the case of a son who, it was hoped, added to his father's somewhat tinsel versatility more solid qualities of heart and head. It was remembered that Lord Mayo, one of the best viceroys, was a " clark horse," and then Mr. Disraeli was supposed to be something of a discoverer in that line ! The appoint-ment was hailed with expectant cordiality, and Lord Lytton set out for India. During his tenure of office, three events of con-siderable note took place there. The first was the proclamation of the Queen's im-perial title, the second the visit of tho Prince of Wales, and the third the Afghan war. In other respects also, that tenure of office was a remarkable one. Never had there been such expenditure of public and private money, never such rampant assertion of the conqueror over the conquered races. Glitter and profusion were the order of the day. Unhappily this was not all. The Viceroy's open neglect of business, together with his contemptuous attitude towards the dependent and neigh-bouring native princes, his equally open preference of the society of men and women whose " fastness" seemed their only recom-mendation, reached at last the pitch of a public scandal. Serious complaints were made at home, not quite ineffectually. " Imperialism" was now a reality, and ita apparent success was intoxicating it. The

Prince's visit was a prodigious pleasure party, and the now development of the government policy in ludia was openly talked of as the commencement of a new era of aggression and conquest. Herat was the key to India, and at Herat Eussia must face the British guns. A similar policy in South Africa under Sir Bartle Frere resulted in the appalling military disaster of Isandula. Goaded into resistance by a series of over-weening "communications," the Ameer allowed himself to be suddenly attacked, and an English army seized Cabul by a coup de main. But here also the unrighteous policy bore its fruits of disaster. The Eng-lish Embassy at Cabul was assaulted and taken, the Resident, Sir Louis Cavagnari, perishing sword in hand, and the results of the whole war were neutralised in a few weeks. The collapse of Imperialism in India was even more disastrous than in England. At one time there were actually rumours of investigation and requital afloat with regard to this Viceroy who had, in every branch of his rule, abused the trust committed to him. Be this as it may, Lord Lytton returned to England very much under a political cloud, and it was long before that cloud rose. His first appearances on public platforms were most inauspicious. His career seemed as hopelessly ruined as that of Sir Charles Dilke a little time ago. But the memory of the public is a short one. The Liberals in their turn perpetrated many blunders, and their power and pro-gramme were discredited. Lord Lytton slowly came to the front again as a purveyor of reckless and paradoxical invective, second only to Lord Randolph Churchill. His devout admiration for Lord Salis-bury has been categorically made public in " Glenaveril," and now he finds himself the permanent representative of his country (or possibly so) in what is still the first capital of the Continent. Such an appoint-ment, then, is a most decided sign of the temper of the present British Government. It is a real committal. More and moro the moderato Conservatives -men after the pattern of the late Lord Iddesleigh, Lord Cross, and Mr. Smith

are jbeing pushed back by the Extremists, the " Tory Democrats," or Jingoes of the younger generation. These Tories know well that "a spirited foreign policy" is what ia most likely to turn the attention of tho country from its own most unsatisfactory condition, and that is, of course, just what they want. Unhappily at the present moment the colonies are being made a part of that policy, and the prospects of the result of Imperial Federation, as the eldest bom of British Imperialism, are by no means without disquietude to us. We cannot watch too closely the character of the men appointed either in Europe or here as actors in the great game of party and class in England.

Two homes have been darkened and many hearts saddened by the terrible tragedy which occurred on Tuesday near Warwick. The pity of it is increased by the mystery which surrounds it. A couple of lads in the springtide of happy youth are cut off by violent and ghastly means, and possibly the truth regarding the occur-rence may never be known. They were schoolfellows and companions. Both had been invited to spend their Christmas holidays at North Toolburra station, beyond Warwick, by the uncle of one of them - Mr. Thomas Coutts, the proprietor of the run. With boyish love of sport and revelling in the joyous freedom of the holidays the pair left North Toolburra head station on Tuesday afternoon to seek amusement in shooting. Not returning as darkness was approaching a search was made, and a mile from the station friends were shocked to discover the mangled remains of the poor lads. Mr. Coutts's nephew, the son of the manager of the Australian Joint Stock Bank in Warwick, had his chest torn away, and some splinters from the butt of his fowling-piece had pierced his breast, The other lad, the son of Mr. L. Ruitz, surveyor, of Brisbane, was found a yard or two distant from his mate with his skull blown away. How such a dreadful accident happened is only a matter of pure supposition. It is conjectured that Ruitz's gun had accidentally gone off, and, shat-tering the stock of his companion's gun, the fragments tore the wounds, which caused his death. Finding what had occurred, it is thought that Ruitz was seized with a suicidal impulse, and shot himself. Such an im-pulse is not unknown under somewhat similar circumstances with men of im-petuous and high-strung temperament. Another explanation may be that Ross's gun exploded and caused the sad double death, but our telegrams do not mention anything of either of the guns having burst, whatever the cause which cut so suddenly the careers of two bright and pro-mising lads, " inseparable in life, in death they were not divided." With their heart stricken relatives and school companions, the whole country must sympathise. If a lesson might be drawn from the dark tragedy, it would be that greater care should be taken in intrusting firearms to lads of such tender years.

The serious illness of Captain Jekyll, governor _ of Brisbane Gaol, from typhoid lever, raises the question of the sanitary condition of that important institution. Of course it is not absolutely certain that Captain Jekyll acquired the disease in the gaol, but there is too much reason to believe that^he did. It will be remembered that in the report of the Gaols Commission attention was drawn to the unsatisfactory sanitation, of the prison. The sewage of the gaol is carried away from the yards by a drain which has been recently covered over, but the drain ends at the outer wall, and the foul fluid is then allowed to spread over the reserve at the back of the gaol, which inclines with a gentle slope towards the Woolloongabba îoad. The Commission reported that "the stuell from the sewage is bad in summer-time, and the soil must in course of time be surcharged and become a fever bed." The piediction has evidently only too truly come to pass. If nothing has already been done to remedy the insanitary con-dition of the immediate surroundings of the gaol, the matter should com-mand tho immediate and prompt attention of the Colonial Secretary's Department. The gaol is overcrowded and should typhoid fever spread from the governor's house to the cells the consequences might ,be serious. However deserving prisoners in the gaol may be of incarceration they are entitled to protection from disease. Besides, a large number of committed prisoners are always in gaol waiting trial. Many of these may be guiltless of the crimes charged against them, and they should run no risk of con-tagion from a terrible and too frequently fatal disorder. If-from fear of infec-tion from a collapsed drain in the neighbourhood of the Supreme Court the whole judicial business of the country could be stopped for days, the interest of the

prisoners in the gaol claims that reform in the sanitation of the prison which was pointed out months ago. The outbreak of typhoid at the gaol is, however, only another and strikiug proof of the absolute necessity of the sanitation of the city being taken in hand in an intelligent, systematic, and energetic manner. Unless this is done, Brisbane bids fair to become a veritable plague-stricken city.

Is it too much for the Australasian colo-

nies to hope that the time is not far distant when they may enjoy the convenience of an intercolonial postage stamp 1 Business men could testify to the benefits which it would confer upon them, for the freest exchange of intercolonial communication is of daily occurrence. A person in Brisbane desires information from Sydney or Melbourne. The information is entirely for his own advantage, and is of no benefit whatever to the person from whom it is sought. But it is useless to inclose a stamped envelope for a reply, for a Queensland stamp will not be recognised in another colony ; and he would only insult the person addressed were he plainly to ask him to send an un-paid answer rather than none, All he can do, therefore, is to express regret at his inability to send a stamped envelope, and hope that his letter will not remain un-noticed for the sake of a twopenny postage stamp. The difficulty is a more serious one than may at first be supposed, for although few men would allow twopence to stand in the way of answering an individual inquiry, its frequent repetition makes the satisfying of all correspondents a costly matter. Provision is made for intercolonial " collect" telegrams, acd there appears no insuperable obstacle to the concession of an equivalent privilege with respect to postal corre-spondence. Moreover, within the colony stamps are largely used for small remittances, and were this convenience extended by the adoption of an intercolonial stamp a boon would be conferred upon the public, and especially upon the poorer classes. Or perhaps the same objects would be attained by the postal departments of each colony purchasing the other's stamps at a discount of (say) D per cent. By this means a reciprocal public benefit would be attained without any other difficulty than the periodical adjustment of accounts, This is a subject that might well be discussed at the forthcoming Syduey conference, and we trust it is not yet too late for the depart-ment to direct Mr. Wilson's attention to the question.

With reforenco to tho variation between the timo kopt by tho Government clocks, wo have received a memorandum to the offeot that " if correct local mean timo is required it is to bo found in tho timo indicated on the dial of the olook behind the counter in tho Telegraph Office when corrected for the small error and «¡cumulated rate shown in largo block letters on a card undornoath tho clock. The amount of this oiror is never allowed to exceed one

minute." ThiB, however, is not tho point at issue. What is complained of is that the dook at the Tolograph Office ia no guide to that at tho railway stations or elsewhere in the Government departments, and that for tho public convoniouco they should bo in accord

with one another.

We very much rogrot to stato that Captain Jokyll, governor of the Brisbano Gaol, who has boon sulfering for somo timo past from typhoid fever, is in a very low condition. On inquiry at the gaol last night, ho was stated to be dangerously ill. Dr. Taylor, who is in attendance upon him, was in consultation upon tho case yesterday with Dr. Little. Dr.

William Kebboll was also in attendance.

Tho Minister for Education, in view of tho discussion whioh took place in the Legislativo Assembly on the subject, has had under his consideration for some time post the question of allowing pocket money to orphans hired for service from tho Government orphanages. It has now beon decided that clauso 71 of the

Orphanage regulations shall bo rescinded and substituted by the following :-" Wages shall be x'aid to overy ohild hired out at tho folio-wing rates :-12 years to 13 years of age, Is. 3d. weekly; 13 years to 14 years of ago, 2s. 3d. weekly ; M years to 15 years of age, 3s. Gd. weekly; lSyearstolGyearsofage,4a. Gd.weekly. Of those amounts Is., 2s., 3s., and 4s. respec-tively shall bo rjaid into tho Governmpnt Savings Bank at the beginning of every quarter to tho credit of tho Under Secretary for Public Instruction or of the Inspeotor of Public Orphanages for the time being. The balances 3d., 3d., Gd., and Gd. respectively aro to bo handed by the hirers to the orphans to be used for pocket-money at convenient times.

Tho Colonial Secrotary has îeeeivcd a tele-gram from the P.M. at Croydon, stating that eight cases of diphtheria havo been re-ported by tho Government medical officer since the 8th instant, and tlirco of these havo resulted fatally. Mr. Chester suggests that tho powers conferred under the Towns Police Act aro not sufficient to compel tho adoption of sanitary measures. It is probable that a pro-clamation declaring Croydon to be brought under the provisions of the requisito portions of the Health Act of 1S84 will bo issued within a day or two.

The Government have received a cablegram advising tho shipment, by the R.M.S. Waroonga, of tho first 500 tons of material for tho steel sleepers to bo used for tho Gulf Rail-way. The Waroonga was to sail from London

on the 9th instant.

Tho appointment of the Railway Arbitrator was not agreed upon at the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday as had beon expected. It is, understood that the position will not be filled until tho return of the Premier to the colony.

The newly-elected president of the shire of Ithaca, Mr. George Edward Cooper, will be gazetted on Saturday as a licensing justice for Brisbane. Mr. Cooper, who, it will be remem-bered, was for some time a publican, and occupied tho British Empire Hotel, Queen street, will only act in respect to licenses in the

Shire of Ithaca.

The Railway Department havo accepted the tenders of H. Rowland for the erection along the Southport Railway of seven porters' cot-tages for £103G, and eight gatehouses for


Tho annual exhibition of the Central Downs Agricultural and Horticultural Society will be opoued at Allora on the 1st February. That day will bo proclaimed a publio holiday.

Eor moro than two years past the residents and property-holders of Redcliffe and Humpy-bong have been agitating for separation from the division of Caboolture, in consequence of the alleged", general neglect of their interests, and particularly of the roads leading to these delightful seaside resorts. After long and patient waiting, and tho presentation of petitions to tho Government, followed up by deputations and other means of agitation, their efforts are likely to be successful. In a few days an Order-in-Council will probably be issued excising the No. 2 subdivision from the Caboolture division and constituting it into [a separate division to bo called the " Division of


Mr. P. W. Pears, formerly police-magistrate at Goondiwindi, has lately returned to Queensland from England, after twelve months' leave of absence. He has been ap-pointed police-magistrate and clerk of petty sessions at Thargomindah in succession to I Mr. R. W. Kendrick, who was recently ap

pointed clerk of potty sessions at Charters


A deputation from tho Indooroopilly Divi-sional Board /waited yosterdny upon tho Minister for Lands and protestad against the resumption of a certain reservo for Stato school purposes which had been petitioned for. Mr. Jordan having hoard tho arguments brought forward by tho deputation, stated that so far as he understood the question ho agreed with the views of tho mombors o£ tho deputation, and thought ho would havo to refuse the prayer of the potition for tho resumption. Ho would not, however, posilivoly decide until ho bud mado further inquirios.

In Chambers yesterday, before Sir Chas. Lilloy, C.J., tho Curator in Intestacy obtained leave to administer in the estates of tho follow-ing deceased persons:-John O'Donoghuc, John Powor, Joint Armstrong, Martin Brennar, Alexander Corbett, John Mason, Chas. Cr. Wallace, and Wm. Todd, lie tho application of tho Attorney-General for a writ of certio rari to Tv". T. Chippendale and Alfred Cowell, licensing JJ.P. of Gympie, to remove proceed-ings to Supremo Court from their court on application of John Guthrio for romoval of his licenso for tho Woolooga JJotol to premises in No. 1 subdivision of Widgoo Division. Oidor: I Lot writ issue accordingly, returnablo 25th


Tho following were adjudicatod insolvent yes-terday morning', before Sir Oharles Lilloy, O.J., sitting as vacation Judgo :-Patrick Josoph Waters and Edward Gregory Waters (P. Waiora and Sous), builders and contractors, of Rockhampton, on tho application of Mr. Hollioar ; first mooting 31st instant. Thomas Ililloss, tailor, of Toowoomba, on tho applica-tion of Mr. W. H. Osborne; first meeting27th


A mooting of Creditors in tho estato of Charles R. Leu, bootmaker, of South Brisbano, was held yesterday morning before tho Princi-pal Registrar. Tho following creditors were present or represented :-Hans Casterston, £12; E. R. Just, £30 ; James Hunter, Ml 0s. 'IA.: L. P. Schonhcimer, £10 9s. 3d.; Patriok Barrott, £6 10s. 3d.; ButlorBros., £1 -Is. Id.; Jacob Weller, £20 ; Eliza Fcgnu, £11. It was resolved that Ludwig Ferdinand Sohouhoimor bo appointed trtistoo without Beourity at a ro munoratioii of 5 por cent on all assots realised by him. Messrs. R. A. Jordan and S. VV. Fegau were appointed a committee of inspoo


Some timo ago stops were taken by the Muuioipal Council to havo nil tho reserves in tho municipality vested in tho council, and among those asked for was tho reservo for public purposes on Potiio-torraco. Tho Minis-ter, however, has dooided to tako no notion with reference to this rosorvo, and has informed tho council that lie is nuable to issue a dood of grant for it, believiug that tho tenure alroady given is suilicicnt. Tho aldermen will scarcely bo of this opinion, as thoy havo alroady had au oxamplo of what may at any timo bo attempted by tho Minister for Lands. Somo timo ago Messrs. A. Martin and Co. applied to the Minister for a piceo of land through the baths reserve, Kangaroo Point, for tho pur-pose of giving access to cortaiu lund adjoining. This would no doubt have been grautod had not tho council strongly objected. Smco thou tho Minister for Lands has notifiod tho council that no steps would bo taken in tho niattor.

Fow complaints havo been made lately about tho aboriginals who camp about the town and suburbs, but thoy would seem to havo com-menced their objectionablo pructicos. Sovoral blacks havo camped on the racecourse, and on Tuesduy night two of these chauged their quarters from tho courso to tho back veranda of tho Rov. B. Sutherland's houso. The servant had occasion to goon to the veranda and was much frightened by thoir pro sence. Her scroams brought out Mr. Suther-land, who quickly sent ono about his business over tho stairs, hut tho other went without assistance over tho rail, which is a good height fram tho ground. The first blackfellow, liow ovor, did not leavo tho yard, and Mr. Suther-land went to help him out, when ho turned on that gentleman. Neighbourly assistance was soon obtained, and tho aborigi-nal turned out. During the wholo night tho blaoks mado a dreadful noise in the neighbour-hood, making sleep almost impossible

Tho friends of Mr. W. Moonoy's trainor and jockoy, B. Colloy, will bo pleased to learn that ho is recovering very quicldy from tho effects of his recent mishap at tho Eagle Farm course. Since the operation was performed on his kneo cap by Dr. Kestovon tho wound has boen healing rapidly, aud the fractured bono is already well tait togotber. Colloy is uow ablo to got about a little on crutches.

In the matter of Frederick Bauer, ono of tho firm of F. and L. G. Bauer, as insolvent, Mr. Miskin mado an application before Sir Charles Lilloy, O. J., this morning, for a certificate of discharge. There being no opposition on the part of the trusteo, tho application was granted.

A cricket matoh is being arranged between eleven of tho Senior Association and fifteen from the Juniors, to bo played on the Albort Sports ground on tho holiday. As tho Juniors possess some good players, thoy will un-doubtedly make it warm for the Seniors, and good cricket may bo expected.

At present thoro does not seem muoh likeli-hood of a visit from Vernon's toam of cricketers to Brisbano. Forsomo time tho association has been in communication with the secretary of the amateurs with tho view of getting thom to visit hero, but from a letter received on Tues-day by Mr. J. Parlauo, secretary of tho asso-ciation, it would appear that thoir efforts havo boon futile. Tho terms offored to the Eng-lishmen wore £250 and expenses to play three matches, and thoy were asked to leavo Sydney about the 24th instant. They would then have boon able to get to Sydney again by tho 10th of Februury. Tho following is tho letter re-ceived from Mr. Wardoll :-" I havo delayed answering your last telegram, thinking I might perhups bo ablo to meet your wishes and como to Queensland with the M.O.C. English. Elovon, but thoro does not seem to bo any possibility of our doing so, owing to tho arrangements for tho combined match with Sydney on the 10th February and the roturn matoh with our team and New South Wales on the 17th February. Our team will not get back from Tasmania until the 1st February, and will play one or two matches on tho way to Sydney."

Mr. J. II. G. Pountney, secretary of the Q.T.C., states that Touchstone was scratched at 2 p.m. yesterday for the Centennial and January Handicaps, and Faith at tho samo hour for the Januury Handicap at the Q.T.C. Summer Meeting. In the entries for both Selling Races the name of The Baron (£50) and May Queen (£10) should havo been iuoluded, and in the second Hurdle Race that of The Baron was omitted.

The R.M.S. Bulimba, from London, via ports, anchored in Moreton Bay between 6 and 7 o'clock last evening, and will probably pro-ceed to the quarantine station this morning. The Government steamer Otter left town yes-terday morning with mattresses and supplies for the use of the passenger's and immigrants. She had on board Dr. Wray, the health officer for the port, Dr. Marshall, and Mr. Brennan, chief clerk in the Immigration Agent's Office. The Bulimba left London with a total of 429 immigrants, equal to 376 statute adults, who were placed under the charge of Dr. Goodall as surgeon-superintendent and Miss Mullen as matron. Nationalities: 195 English, 25 Scotch,

140 Irish, and 69 from other countries. Classi-fication: 47 full-payers, 90 free, of whom 67 are English, 5 Scotch, and 18 Irish, and 292 remittance and free nominated passengers, 87 being English, 19 Scotch, 117 Irish, and 69 from other countries. The assisted, free, and remittance and free nominated passengers paid a total of £337 to-wards their passages and ship's kits. Occupa-tions: 99 female domestic servants, 96 farm labourers, 39 general labourers, 10 miners, 4 blacksmiths, 2 engineers, 2 carpenters and joiners, 1 painter, and 9 others whose trade or occupation is not specified. Social con-dition: 33 married couples, 150 single men, 110 single women, 40 male and 43 female children between the ages of 1 and 12 years, and 11 infants. The immigrants are for distribution as follows:-Thursday Island, 1; Cooktown, 10; Townsville, 36; Bowen, 4; Mackay, 21; Rockhampton, 26;

and Maryborough, 1; besides children; leaving for Brisbane 21 Married couples, 97 single men, 86 single women, and 76 children.

Tho severance of the Central Warrego and Tambo racing olubs from their connection with the Queensland Turf Club is referred to in yostorday's issue of tho Roma Star, which says :-" It lias boen suggostod that, in place of tho Q.T.C. being roferred to as a mini court of appeal in all matters relating to racing, a new court of appeal bo formed consisting of delegates from all parts of tho ebuntry. By this arrangement wo should havo a thoroughly representativo body of gentlemen, who would bo equally as «-oil posted m íuoing mattera as tho officers of the Q.T.C, and whoso décision wo aro sure would give moro universal satis-faction than has beon tho cuso recently under tho present systom. From tho outsido districts of Queensland thoro can be found mon who aro thoroughly capable of considering all mattors relating to horso rnoing, and if the plan sug-gested could bo carried out wo aro sure much moro confidence would bo manifested by country clubs, and wo should not hoar the abuso which is now boing- daily showered on the com-mittee of the Q.T.C. for their evident mis-management of racing affairs."

At about 8 o'clock last night, a man named James Maunsell, about 38 years of ago, attomptod to commit suioido by throwing himself into the rivor oft' tho Victoria Bridge Ho had climbed on to tho outsido rail, and was apparently abuut to jump off it «'hon ho was provontod by W. Byrno, who, with tho assistaueo of othor bystanders, dragged him from his perilous position. Maunsell resisted violently, but was convoyed by Coitbtablo

O'Shca to tho watchhouso. Thoro ho endeavoured to dash his hoad against the walls, and by tho advico of Dr. Wray, who was telephoned for, ho was taken to the Rocoption-house. Mauusell admitted that ho had boon drinking heavily for somo time

Mr. Edward Evoringham has hoon appointed manager of the Metropolitan Tramway and Investment Company, and took over tho management on Tuesday. Mr. Evoringham ii a gontlemnn of vory wido oxperienco, mid in securing his servicos tho Tramway Company appear to havo obtainod a thoioughly practical man. Buforo coming to Brisbano, Mr. Evoringham was for four yours in business in Victoria as a tramway and railway contxaotor, and provions to this he noted for six yoars iib manager to tho Swanson Improvement and Tramway Company. In faot, ho has boon councoted with railways and tramways nearly all his lifo, as «rill bo seon by the following fow particulars wo havo learned of him. At tho ago of l8, Mr. Everingham, who is a nativo of Spalding, joined the staff of MoBBrs. Poto and Botts, the onco well-known contractors, with whom ho remained for tho long period of seven-teen yoars, during which hu took part in tho construction of a portion of tho Groat Northern Railway, tho Norfolk Estuary, tho Hereford, Ross, and Gloucester lino ; tho Victoria Docks, London, and tho Loudon, Tilbury, and Southond Railway. At tho rcquost of Messrs. Peto and Botts ho went to Russia (whero the firm had engagements), and took a prominent part in tho administration of the Duuaburg and Witepsk Railway, tho capital for which was muinly subscribed in England. This was in 1804, but at tho collapse of Overend, Gurney, and Co., the firm of Poto and Botts (which fifteen yoara previously oould hardly definitely estimate- its riches) also collapsed, and Mr. Evoringham became a contractor in his own interest. Ho had previously carried out a sub-contract in tho Dunaburg and Witopsk Rail-way, aud ho now undertook to build a oon biderablo portion of the Orel and Witipsk lino, and complotod his contract in a way which was satisfactory to tho concessionaires as well as to himself. Shortly aftorwnrds ho carried out a contract in connection with tho Riga-Mitnu Railway with like success. Thereafter ho turned his energies to tho Bologoo and RibinskRailway, but upon completing his work found that tho concessionaires wore unable to moot their liabilities, and Mr. Evoringham from this causo lost fully £50,000. At the samo time, it should bo stated, ho built a portion of the Moscow Smolensk Railway, and the whole of tho Constantino-Oifski line in tho heart of the grain-growing district of Southern Russia. At a later stage Mr. Everingham erected tho waterworks on the old Petersburg side of the Russian capital, at a contract i>rico of £150,000. His latest biiBinoss conneotion with Russia was in relation to the drainage of St. Potorsburg and Warsaw. When, ho«rovor, tho commercial troubles of Russia bogan, und whon her papor roubles underwent serious depreciation from causes in which NihiliBin took no little part, Mr. Everingham doemed it prudent to return to England, when he received the appointment of manager to tho Swansea Tramway Company,

as previously mentioned. Ile is spoken well of_ by the Swansea Press, wliieh states that ho filled the office in the "most admirable, prudent, and successful manner;" and with such qualifications as Mr. Everingham possesses, tho affairs of the Metropolitan Tramway and Investment Company will no doubt ero long havo a most promising aspect.

Somo uncommonly fino fruit in tho form of cooking apples and peaches from Toowoomba, and grapes from Roma, aro now on salo in town. There is reason to behove that with an effective system of irrigation our intermediate districts would producá fruit equal if not superior to the fruit products of any part of the world, and that ere long our oxports of bottled fruits and preserves might rival those of Cali-fornia. At present there is great difficulty iu putting inland-grown fruit in perfect condition upon the Brisbano market. It has to be gathered in a very immature state, and is then exposed to a high température while being conveyed to market in enrts and railway car-riages. But it may bo hoped that eventually refrigerating cars v/ill be found practicable, and that the city man will be tempted with sound and ripe fruit in almost as good condi-tion as «-hen plucked ripo from tho tree.

A proposal having been made by one or two northern clubs to tho Cricket Association with a view to a visit from a Brisbane cloven to tho northern towns, the association has decided to communicate with the Muckay, Rockhampton, Charters Towers, and Townsville clubs, laying the matter before them. If satisfactory ar-

rangements can be made it is expected that the Brisbano team «-ill leavo about tho middle oi Maroh. Twelve leading cricketers havo signi-fied their willingness to take part iu the trip, which, it is expected, will occupy about three ?weeks. A visit of this kind would un-doubtedly do Rood to tho northern clubs, and

create additional interest in Brisbane.

"Spectator" writes, 6tatiug that when in Queou-sfroot, about half-past lOo'clockonTucs day night, ho noticed Mr. Herman, coachman to Mr. Webster, stop in front of tho Q.N. Bank, and that ha hud just killod a green snake about 4ft. flin, in length. Tho young man first dis-covered tho snake in his buggy, rjartly round his foot, and promptly despatched it with tho handloof his whip.

Tho Chief Engineer for Railways in tho Southern and Contrai Divisions, accompanied by several offioors of his department, loft town by special train yesterday morning on au inspec-tion trip along tho North Coast Railway, and returned at ó o'clock. Tho result of Mr. Stanloy's inspection, howovor, will not bo mudo known for a duy or two, but it is definitely assorted that tho extension to tho North Pino will not bo oponed for traffic by tho proscribod timo-the 1st of next month. Nothing definite can bo said about tho opening of tho lino to Caboolture, as tho bridgo at that placo is in a vory backward state.

It is rumoured on apparently good authority that Mr. H. V. Hassall, tho Colonial Storo koopor, hns taken legal advice with tho objoot of proceoding by civil action against 3fr. William Stephens for libol. Tho cnuso of tho suggested action is said to ariso out ol' tho recont inquiry into tho working of tho Colonial


Tho case of Captain Iiummol and tho Marino Board has taken ii still furfhor develop-ment. It will bo rcinemborod that tho board sonto tinto ago hold an inquiry into tho wreok of tho barque Wistaria, near Bustard Hoad, which resulted in Captain Uummel's ccrtifioato being rGtainud by tho board. Sovoral com-plications aroso at tho timo, and tho matter has now culmuiatod in Captain Hummel, through his solicitors, Messrd. Hart and Flowor, issuing a writ against tho board for tho recovery of his ccrtifioato and £1000 damages. Tho Crown Solicitor has ouloiod an appearance on bohalf of tho board, and tho causo will como ou for hoaring at tho next Civil Sittings of tho Suprome Court.

At tho mooting of tho Metropolitan Traine Board yostordny aftornoon, petitions woro pre-sented in referonco to a cab-,tatid in Fortitude Valley, and it was deoiilod that two cabs bIiouUI stand at a timo in Auu-stroot and tho romiiiudor in Brunswitik-streot. Tho president (Mr. W. Stophons) was voted £100 for ¿is Borvioos during tho yoar, but deolinod to accept iho monoy, tis ho rogarded tho post as an honorary ouo, and his personal oxpenses had been vory small. It was docidod to vvrito to tho various local bodies with a viow to tho equitahlo dis-tribution of tho hillanco (£581 15s. lid.) on tho your's transactions. Tho receipts for tho year wero £229S, and tho expenditure £1717, or £G00 loss than last yonr.

Tho Collector of Customs has received a telegram, dated 10th instant, from Mr. C. Pennefather, Ingham, intimating that the Customs officer at Dungeness had reported that four blacks had been picked up on Hinchinbrook Island. They belong to the fishing station at the North Palms, and re-ported the loss of their boat, stating that they had been swimming during the whole of Saturday night. There was no white man in the boat. Mr. Pennefather added he had sent to the Palms Islands to make inquiries into the


Tho officer in chargo of Border Customs, stationed nt Hobel, roports to tho Collector of Customs undor dato IllBt December, that feed for stock iii that neighbourhood is splendid, owing to tho rains which fell lato in Novem-ber and in tho early patt of Decombor. 3'98in. of rain foil hero on soven days during Decom-bor, and 20-63ÍH. was registered by a rain-gauge at Ciirriwillinghi from the 1st January, 1887, to the 31st Docombor. The Customs collections for Docombor amouutod to £33 Gs. 2d. Tho second officer travollod about ninoty eiglit miles on patrol duty during the month, wliilo tho officer in chargo traversed 100 miles during the samo period. Goorgo Donald-son is building a public - house at thiB station, and oxpocts to havo it completed by April next. Tho officer at Goondiwindi, writing under dato 4th January, states that in tho beginning of Dcceinbor and for some time previously rain was very linioh required, tho young grass being dried up in many places. Sinoo then, howovor, thero havo been occasional showors, resulting in a total rainfall for Decombor of 3-7oin. This has changed tho appearance of pasturage, and stock of all kinds aro now in splendid condition. Pino lots of cattlo, numbering altogether 2937, crossod tho bridgo for New South Wales during Decoinber. Tho total number of oattlo which have crossed at this station from Queensland for New South AValos during tho last twelve months was 3G,G94, in addition to 1117 horses. Tho roads aro now all iu good order, and carriers can got tho wool takon down and supplies taken up to tho atoros and stations without any dolay. Tho M'lntyro Rivor has been flooded many timos lately owing to the raina in tho Now Englund district. Tho Customs duties rocoivod hero for tho year lins only beon £54 17s. fid. for goods roceivod from Now South Wales, while tho amouut received by the Now South "Wales officer for Queensland goods wub £201 Ils.

Our correspondent writos that tho Claronco Centennial Regatta look place on Now Yoar's Day, about six milos abovo Grafton, near Mountain Viow, a now course. Tho chiof ovont was tho Handicap Outrigger Raco of 120 sovs., provided Hanlan or Beach started. The compotitora for this race wero Neilson, of Sydney, Hoarno, of New Zoaland, and Soarlo, of Chatsworth Island. Tho latter won. Thoro was great disappointment that Hanlan, who was present, did not pull for the prisco, as ho did not foel vory well. About 4000 spectators woro in altoudanco. It is reported that a match was mado on 4th January, botwoon Hanlan and Neilson, to row a straight away rnco in best-and-bost boatB, for tho sum of £200 a side, on tho samo conditions as the men were handicapped in tho lato Claronco regatta uamoly, tliroe-aiid-a-half boats' longlliB in two miles, to be rowed on Saturday, 2,jthFobruary, over tho Watorviow courso, Clarence River. Mr. M. Rush, in wIiobo hands tho contestants placed £30 each, is appointed stnko-holdor and umpire, with powor to appoint tho other officials. It is also rumoured that a match will likely bo arranged between Hanlan and Searle on fcomewhat similar conditions,

Tho magisterial inquiry into tho death of John Armstrong, who shot himself in tho Sydney Boarding-hou^o, Mary-street, on Box-ing Day, waa concluded at tho Polico Court on Tuesday beforo Mr. T. Uniuaok, J.I'. Tho following evidence was taken ¡-"William Washington, a boundary rider on Bindary's station, deposed that ho arrived in Brisbane by train on tho 24th December with a man whom ho did not know; they both went to tbo Sydney Boarding-houso in Mary-streot, kept hy Joseph Bywater ,\ho never noticed anything fctntnge about him ; ho had never seen him since ; he did not know his name or address ; tho photograph shown him was that of tho man in question. "Win. Ross, a shipwright, residing at tho Sydnoy Boarding-house, said that on tho 20th December he heard a report in one of tho bedrooms shortly after breakfast, andwhenhe went in hefound a man lying bleed-ing on the floor with a revolver -by his side ; Mr. Bywater caine in and took chargo of tho revolver ; the man was not dead, but died a fow minutes afterwards ; deceased appeared to bo rather despondont before his death; ho was not drinking ; Dr. Hill deposed that tho death of the deceased was caused by a pistol shot I wound entering the roof of the mouth, passimr

through the brain, and shattering tho bones of I the top of the head ; ho extracted the bullet. pTosoph Bywater, .proprietor, of tho Sydney Boaiding-house in Mary-street, gavo corro-borativo ovidenco. Constable Moran deposed that ho took charge of the revolver and tho elleots of tho deceased ; live chambers wero loadod aud ono discharged; ho found in his possession £56 in bank notos, two sovereigns, ono half-sovereign, and a tliroopenny-pieco, also a quantity of gold in a ohiimois leather purso, a silver chain and locket, and somo car-tridges ; he produced a tologram which stated that dooeased's namo was John Armstrong. The inquiry, which was conducted by Sonior constablo Pay, then closod.

The claim in tho caso Maugham v. Tramway Company was not for wages, but for damages sustained to a horso and dogcart through tho bad stnto of their roadway, for which Mr. Mangham sued the company.

An entertainment was successfully given in the Town Hall, Sandgate, on Monday night, by Mr. F. Sturgess, in aid of the fencing fund of St. Nicolas's Anglican Church. Mr. Stur-gess, whose abilities as a mimic and an amateur low comedian are well known in Brisbane, but more widely so in Ipswich and the West More-ton district, gave a series of comic recitals, which raised not only roars but literally screams, of laughter. The most notable selec-tions were the complaint of the maiden lady, " Pray employ Major Namby," written by Wilkie Collins, and Mr. Sturgess's inimitable reproduction of the speeches at a "Wedding Breakfast." The recitals were interspersed with vocal and instrumental selections by ladies and gentlemen. Archdeacon Matthews presided, and the attendance was very satisfactory.