Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 6 October 1885, page 5


A tarty of gentlemen yesterday left Bris-bane by specialtrain at 9 o'clock, at tho invita-tion of Messrs, Larard and Co., to visit the famous Helidon Spa Springs. Among tho visitors wore the Hone. A, O. Gregory, F. T. Gregory, and W. H. Wilson, MM.L.Ci, Mr. Shrafio, M.L.A., Messrs. Peeohoy, Macgregor, Walker, Earle, Gannon, and others. Tho party arrived at 12 o'clock, and shortly aftorwards thoy were driven out to tho springs in buggies. Tho springs aro situated at the foot of the rango, amidst very picturesque scenery. Tho large column of water that shot from the pipe at once dispelled any idea that the protracted drought in any way affected tbo vitality of tho spouting Bpring. Mr. Gregory explained, from previous ncourato investigation of the district, that a basaltic dyke ran across the country, and that a fissure occurred be-tween tho basalt and tho red sandstone forma-tion which admitted of the water rising from very great depths, and from sources whioh waro inexhaustible The water is full of sparkling effervescence and perfectly clear.

A Bplendid luncheon, provided by Mr. Poarson, awaited tbo party on their roturn to Helidon, at the conclusion of which Mr. A. C. Gregory proposed tho health of the firm. Ho spoke in eulogistic terms of tho enterprise which prompted the members of the firm to distribute the water, and of the onergy with which this had been carried out, and further oxprcaaed on opinion as to fostering local in-dustry, and the probablo development of this one in particular. Mr. Primrose replied, and ?aid he was.gladto seosomany inûuentialgentleroen rospond to the invitation. From what

they had Boen to-day thoy would bo ablo to givoomphatia denial to the rumour that the drought in any way affected the spring. He oddod that now that the partnership had ex-pired by cflluxion of time, it was necessary to soeuro tho co-operation of others to promoto tho business and to secure the benefit of their influence. He said that ho was quito propared to tako an activo part in the directory if a company bo formed,-Mr. Gannon thon pro-ceeded to give a fow particulars in connection with the business that had boen conducted by tho Helidon Spa Water Company, which re-sulted in several shares being taken up by tho gcntlcmon present. The district oppoars to everyone to have a prosperous future beforo it. Great interest was manifested in the speci-mens of stono from tbo different quarries in the neighbourhood which wero collected at tbo station. The party returned to town about

7 o'olock.