Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 11 July 1885, page 5


A VERY pleasant meeting, which took the shape of a social tea and conversazione was held in the temporary Wesleyan Church, Annstreet, last evening, to welcome the Rev. J. A. Nolan, president of the New South Wales and Queensland Methodist Conference, who is at present on a visit to Queensland. After the man of more than an hour, during which time the good things provided were discussed,

The Rev. H. WILES briefly addressed the meeting, and welcomed the Rev. Mr. Nolan. He referred to the absence of a chairman for the occasion, and regretted that the Rev. M. H. Parkinson, chairman for the district, was unable to be present. His duty was to introduce Mr. Nolan, who occupied the highest office in connection with the Wesleyan Methodist Church in New South Wales and Queensland, who, in fact, was their archbishop, and he was sure that all who had occupied that position had been honoured by their brethren because of their superiority in some respects. He was sure that the rev. gentleman would receive a hearty welcome, as the people of Brisbane and of Queensland

were not one whit behind the best in New South Wales for hospitality and kindness.

The Rev. J. A. NOLAN, in reply, said he desired most sincerely to acknowledge the honour accorded to him and to the distinguished office which he happened this year to

old. He would gladly sink his personality in his office, and accept it as a gratifying proof of the thorough-going loyalty of Queensland Methodism that they had chosen in such a manner to do honour to the president of the conference. He regarded it as a dawning of the good day that was coming when Queensland would have a conference and a president of its own. He anticipated a great deal of pleasure from his trip to the colony, despite the almost insuperable difficulty he had had in tearing himself away from his urgent duties and the troubles of a weak stomach on that most inpoetic Beo. Queensland Methodism had made wonderful advances, and had done so without the help of State aid to religion. Many and great troubles had been in the way, but it had overcome them and grown from an infant into a comely and vigorous youth. The greatest thing about this country of ours was the future which was before it. Everything that went to make up the nineteenth century civilisation was to be found in Queensland. On every hand there were countless evidences of

wealthy and prosperous civilisation. But

was this civilisation secure 7 What was to become of it? Would it go on propressing indefinitely? Or would it reach a

fruit and stay there, or sink back again into decay and darkness? In all the ancient civilisations there were elements of degeneration and disintegration that resulted in inevitable decay and ruin. Was our nineteenth century civilisation free from such elements ? That it was was his firm conviction and that it was destined to live and to bless the world more and more until the whole earth should be filled with the glory of God that was if it were allied with the supernatural. For it was only righteousness that could permanently exalt our notions-the maintenance and advance-ment of our civilisation was bound up with the maintenance and advancement of Christianity. In conclusion the rev. gentleman said he was very grateful for the honour bestowed upon him and his office.

The proceedings having relapsed into the social vein peculiar to entertainments of this description, those present were treated to various musical selections and recitations, which were much appreciated. An enjoyable

hour or so was spent in this way, after which

the meeting terminated.

THE Glengallan sheep for the Sydney ram sales left by the Burwah yesterday. They consist of sixteen rams and four ewes, the whole of which are very densely clad with heavy fleeces of very fine wool. Whether they are the type of sheep to take the eye of southern buyers remains to be seen, but they will certainly do credit to the colony.