Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 21 August 1928, page 16

trEMS OF NEWS The Stolen Motor Car;--The motor .r., belonagng to MAi, William Man)crs; of Plerth, which was stolen several nights ago in .Kalgoorlie and taken to within a mile and a half -of the- Zatthus station 'on the transAustralian roalway, wji1, it is stated, be trucked back by rall to Kalgorlie, So far as can be ascertained up to the present comparatively Little damage has been done to the vehicle. The twQ men, strangers to the goldfields, who are said to have taken the car have been traced by the police authorities. They are now located -in South Australia where it is possible they will be held on a charge of vagrancy. In view of the expense and ttouble entailed in extradition eases it is doubtful if they will be brought back to West Australia on a charge of unlawfLily using the car. Municipal Matters.--The works snsmmittee report which was presented to the Boulder Municipal Council Thursday indicated that one case of infectious disease had been reported in the municipality during the preceding fortnight. The electrical engineers' report to the Anance - committee stated:--"For the past fortnight the whole of the plant has continued to run as usual. The high winds on Tuesday last caused us suite a lot of trouble for a time. A heavy short circuit came on early in the afternoon, and in addition to this the large cables were blowing together at frequent intervals and therefore cutting off all the iow'er each time they came in contact." The financial statement was adopted as follows :Genera! Account: l)r. balance last, statement, £3192 9/6; accounts passed last lyceting, £341 6;5; revenue' r-i'nee, £'&8 6/10; balance, £2905 6/10. Elettric Light Account: Cr. balance last statementr £47 5/8; accounts as- ed last meeting, £238 0,'5; ?se?vc.uire ince, -.C4i7o0,'6; halance, S. Health and Sanitary .4t:ee.ns: Cr'. halance last statenc-t, £171. 12;': accounts passed !ast meeting, £100 10.'9; revenue ,,?... O2.9 4! 2; balance, £280 6'2. 3Mine Sihaft Fatality.--An inquiry touchlirg the circumstances of . the death of David Donaldson (67) was .*ene?, by th.; '.'.ting-Coroner, M[r. E i. MGi:n, before a jury consisting IAf H. J. Marshall, Charles Smithamn I.d Al ex (ummiig, in the Kal` Yo;'-ic( C'o'ur-thune Friday. John taitc. lger. , -,ookkeeper of the1 "W.t?c." SiEtl,ly Di .pairtmnent, stated h.a -h dec--seLi, whom be had I.,wn f, '.-'i o0 .ar.s, had been min{ -ycid n. -;:retaker and regulator ,+ .;e 'iiu nt Ch:u-lctte reservoir. rT? la.? sawi decased alive between c o. ;nd i.30 o 'clock: on the evening r'. the 15c h iistant. when they part,J c'm:i;Pany opposite the Grand I,,i?l. llannan-st.rect. Just before lh)at dP:.eascd taid. "'1 must away hmree." and vitae- replied, "And ,n i,,. I." Deceased was sober. :Mrs. Do naldson carne to the Water Suprl' 'ffiles lenrt morning and said lier hFi=!,nd l.,ad nt been home all .?;iht. Wit.r~.(r ar ebrtained that decco1 Ij'(l tint turned up na unsual ,ti, the -ftice that morning. Witnej afer'a.rds reported the matter to tlhe police nauthor'ities. He saw dle body of t:h deceased brought lup at 4. =0 .c'lock Thursday afternoon, out r f a shaft near the reservoir fence. bI, thci gave evidence -of identifiration. The aeting-Coroner adjourntd the proeeedil.gs sine die. Victuirian Tourist Party.----Matters ,rising out of the projected idsit to Wet Australia in October next by anl organised party of Victorian tourists were hbiougt forward by the Mayor, Mr -G. i. Rainsfod. at the Bonl; der Council meeting Thursday. Ie was fortified by correspondence which had.passed between the State Railway D)epartment and the Kal1onr;ie Counci relative to the entertnrnment of the visitors on the goldfields. The department had asked for private motor cars to the number of .2, or 25 to be placed at their convenience for the day on October 10.- This correspondence had been handed to Mr. Edwards, in the capacity of secretary of the Conference of Goldfields Local Gorerning Bodies, with the object of tailing a meeting of Conference for Ihe purpose of taking joint action, tir. alinsford could not see the wie. "om of convening Conference to dis: usues the question, inasrhuch as the Boulder Council had already decided )66 to Incur any expense in Tre ltroitlon of entertaining visitors. =

The Kalgoorlie Roads Board had also resolved not to incur itay expensed but the Katgoorlie Council, had decided to hire three taxi-care. Cr. McKenuay said it had been the custom to convene Conference at the request of any particular body. He moved that when Co ference met the Boulder Council delegates be Instructed to adhere to the 4ecision of their council in refusing to sanction any expense. Cr, Fltz.gerald seconded' the motion whldh was carried. Conference will prob. ably meet. at the Roads Board Hall on J'uesday evening next. Shearing Completed at "Credo' Station, Black Flag.--Shearing has been completed at Messrs. W. H. Halford and Sons' Credo Station, Black Flag, this season except for a few'stragglers. Starting on July to with a good team of four shearers and a full staff of shed hands under, Mr. J. S. Stewart, overseer and woolclasser, they cut out on Thursday morning, having shorn over 8500 sheep and lambs, nearly 8000 being this season's lambs. One hundred and twenty bales of wool have been railed from Broad Arrow to Fremantle wool stores for inclusion in the September wool sales. The wool is clean and bright and fairly well grown for eleven months, and Is proof that the Kalgoorlie dies trict can hold its own with other parts for wool-growing and lambraising. ' There has been only three inches of rain for the year up to date, so if local pastoralists can battle along in a dry season they should do well in a normal one. Federal Polling -IPlace.-Cr. R. Wilson said at the Boulder Municipal Council meeting Thursday that he would like to know the reason why the Central State Sch3ol had been used as the principal. pollhng place instead of the Town lI.rli at the last Federal elections. Cr. Mc. I Kennay volunteered the inform.i.)n that the school premises had I cen let at a nominal rental. Cr :1son said the Town Halla was etntrally situated in the busicess area of the to?tp. The booth ought to be at the Town Hall fiom a business point of, view. The council, for the matter of that, might redune. the. rent in order to have the booth at the Town Hall. The Mayor, Mr. G. H. Rainsford, said :t was a matter over which the council had no, wjurisdiction. Cr. Wilson rcp;ied that the council might have a fay if it were prepared to reduce ren;t, charges to the Federal polling au. thorities. Cr. Rosser moved that a letter be sent to the Divisional Returning Officer, pointing out thathe. public convenience of Bovulder' I would be better served if the prin. cipal polling place were located atl the Town Hall. Cr. Wilson second-: ed the motion. - The Mayor s:aid he would interview the Federal Returning Officer on the subject. Caledonian Society,--The halfI yearly meeting of the Kalgoorlie Caledonian Society took place at the Grand Hotel, Hannan-street, on Wednesday evening last. Chief J. McGarry presided. Among those present were :-Past Chief Ferguson, Cihieftan D. Watson, Chieftan R. Semuple, Secretary (Pipe Major) Ferguson, Councillor W. Watson and Past Chief John Stevenson, honorary treasurer. The report and financial statemnent disclosed the, fact that the society was in a flour-' ishing position and that a great deql of good had been accomplished by its efforts to promote the interests of Caledonianism on the goldfields. Chieftan Watson gave the helth of Chief Mcoarry. The toast was supported by Secretary Fergusoi. Both speakers referred to the indebtedness of thie society to their present Chief and to Mrs. McGarry, for their attention to the social welfar-e of members and friends. Tliey stated that, many new menibers had joined during the past half-year. Past Chief Stevenson. in speaking to the proposition paid a tribute to the good work of the secretary, Mr. Ferguson, hliose books were kept in a highly creditable manner. The toast was duly honoured. Chief McGarry, in replying, expressed his appreciation of the compliment that had been paid him. He said it was his opinion that Pipe-Major Ferguson was the best secretary the society had ever had. The health of the treasurer, Past Chief Stevenson, was proposed. Among those who festified to the valuable services Past Chief Stevenson had rendered the society over a lengthy period of years, was Past Chief Pergueonfl M~ Stevensaon mentioned in lie rept that his easociation with Caledon.

tan societies on the goldfields dated back to the early days of Kanowna. He was proud to testify that these societies had done a vast amount of good in the poast and that they were likely to continue their usefulnese. Wiluna Railway Route.-In the Legislative Council recently, Mr. E. H. Harris, M.L.A. nursuant to notice, asked the (hiet Secretary,(1) Has the survey of the route of the Wiluna railway line been completed (2) What expenditure has been incurred in this surveyt (3) When is it estimated that the construction of the railway will be commenoed l The Chief Secretary replied as follows :--(l) No- Is about D0 per cent. compipte. (2) Up to 31st July, £1564. (3) Depends on completion of other lines already under construction. A -start will probably be made early in the new year. A.N.A.-The president, Mr. W. Lowry, was in the chair at the meeting of the Boulder branch of the A.N.A., held at Boulder on Thursday night. The secretary reported eight members on the sick list, and accounts for £48-were passed for payment. Donations were made to the .State War Memorial; also to the Canberra Branch, where an A.N.A. avenue of trees is being planted. Messrs. W. F. Coath R., Judge and J. Lowry reported hacving attended a meeting of the B.U.F.S., and gave details concerning the business dealt with. Messrs. W. P. Coath and J. Olds were nominated as delegate to Conference, and the election will take place at the next meeting. Mrs. Hall 'president) had charge of the meeting of the Women's Branch, where the usual matters of business recei-ved attention. District Health Matters..--The Medical Officer of Health, Dr. W. Bridgeford, who attended the meeting of the Kalgoorlie Roads District Local Board of Health on Friday night for the first time since his motor accident, reported that for the previous month one case of infectious disease had been notified at the board's office. This was one of diphtheria in an adult. The por_ tions of the district which had come under his obversation were in a satisfactory condition from a health point-of view. Dr. Bridgeford was congratulated upon his recovery. The inspector, Mr. R. H. Bennet reported for the preceding fortnight:"Two half days were spent in going round the tubercular cases with Nurse Lynch of the Department of Public Health. Drain in Presidentstreet: The drain alongside the soap works on the President-street side is in a bad way. It wants cleaning out to allow the water to flow towards Oberthur-street. At the present time the condensed water from the boilers passes into this drain., but the flow from this source does not in my opinion account for the quantity that is lying about. It was staggested by the officials of the company that the water main is leaking. I have put a- suggestion to the company that they extend the waste steam pipe so as to run the condensed water into a tank where it will be re-used. This request has been agreed to. In future there should be no water lying about other than what is spilt by the contractor who removes tlhe.lquid wastes from the works. and this is, of course, preventable."--Both. reports were adopted. Representative of "Big Money".Regarding Mr. Basil Sanderson, who passed through Kalgoorlie Sunday on his way to Perth by the trans-Australian, an eastern States contemporary contains a long article under the headline of "The £100,-? 000,000 Young Man from Blighty."i The article states, inter alia:"When Basil Sanderson, scion of one of Britain's wealthy commercial families, landed in Australia last week, it is possible that his advent created in circles where the money goes round, a greater stir than any other oversea visitor in recent years. . . , . For this comparatively young mnan of high estate (he is on the right side of forty) is a direct link between the Commonwealth and £4,00,000,X0 of British si tai: railway, and commercial capital , . . This tidy little fortune is not all Basil's, of course. Most of it, in fact, constitutes the vested inter, eats of my Lord Kylsant, who re bently stepped boldly into the Aus' tralian oversea shipping trade wlthk out sEadng my Lord lnohoap.'s by

your leave..... As the manager of the -Aberdeen Line, the oldest passenger service in the B itpishAustralian trade, it was natural that such a job would come his way. But there are other shipping and commercial interests, which regard the British envoy's visit as a prelude to a struggle for sea supremacy be" tween the millionaire peers, Kylsant and Incheape--with the Australasian oversea trade as the first venue of their commercial -warfare., .. .. White Australia has watched the Ineheape interests grow and grow-watched the old E. and A; Line, the Federal Line, the Unioni S.S. Co., with over 70 liners .and a . hunge capital, the famous Orient fleet and dozens of other wellknown fleets come under the P. and O. and British-India peer's sway, it probably never heard of such a' shipping Lord as Kylsant. .. .. Thq hawking of the Liverpool White Star Line over Britaipjgave Kylsant his long-looked-for odpening-and the gentlemen's shipping agreement wont. west. The purchase of the Aberdeen and more recently the Commonwealth Line seemed to prophesy the end of the ancient nautical undeistanding between shinping millionaires-and as manager of that joint concern. Basil Sanderson was sud-, denly thrust into the limelight' among more millions than ever he had dreamt of.' . Not that he had not mired with the bWis money formerly. His father. Ilarild A., was one of the hig wig. in the famous Pierpont Morgan deal." . - i_._