Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 30 November 1926, page 26

GARIBLING AT COOEE CITY Perth, Nov.' $1. During the week the Y.A.L. have bteeo conducting Coo-oe City at Carnival Square for the purpose of securing funds to pay off a debt on I their, now building. : Considerable i indignation was manifested in various quarters when it bicame known that,. notwithstanding the promise of the Premier, Mr. Collier, a few months ago that gambling wo~ld be absolutely prohibited at all such en= tertainments in future, gambling .evices were being used aý usuial at Cooee City. As a result of representations to the Minister for Justice it was stated .that some of the de= vices used were' being run unde-r misapprehension and that. instruc. tions had been given for the absolute suspension of all games similar to "sweat" wheels.