Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 10 August 1926, page 13

FILM-PODUACING IN W.A'ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN FILMS.LTD. LTD. OPERATIONS AT FRLISTOUN STATION. Mr. Harry Southwell and several ,memtbers of the Anglo-Austratian Films, Ltd.. arrived in Kalgoorlie .by Tuesday morning's express from the coast for the purpose of maki?g arrangements for the. production of a Aim ateErlistoua Station, beyond Laverton, in about a: tnontk's time. Ifterviewed on Tuesday afternoon, the manager of the company, Mr. A. L. Weir, stated that, as a 'esult, of the movement in Greas Britain and throughout the Empire for British films for British pictureeoors. Mr. parry Southwell, a well known producer in England, arrived, West Australia several months :;o for the purpose of producing I . ustralian pictures for the market : t Great Britain ~nd in Australia.. Siorr to his departure, Mr. South,11 wvas . the guest at luncheon ot t, .. Oilebatch, Agent,-General for. . tst Australia. at which several promi.ent Australians were prese. i. A t the luncheon an appeal was r'ade on behalf of British exhibitors for out-back pictures of Australia. ?nmoe his arrival in West Australia Mr. Southwell has secured a great deal of support and, following the Beotation of Anglo-Austra.hliaf Filmsa, Limited, he will shortly go to L averton with several of the company to "shoot" the station senesa which will be included in his first. West. Australian production, which will be entitled "Down Under." Following the conm letion of the work in the Laverton area, Mr. Southwell's party will return to Perth, where the interior scenes of the proposed production will hi photographed at the White City grounds, which have been kindly loaned the company by the Government. By the courtesy of the W.A. Trotting Association, a trotting championshin will be photographed for inclusion in the picture. While the nicture it is prorposed to produce will depict the industries of this State, it wli niot, lack draimatic interest. Mr. Weir said the company had been miost fortunate in sccuring the co-operation of Mr. Alex. Porter in the production ofi the first film, thus enabling them to t olbtaisi the station scenes. it was at the request of Mr. Colebatch that Mr. Southwell decided to produce his first film in this State, instead of going to the eastern States "Rettet lightinug it would he impossible to find in any part of the world for photiographic work, aldded Mr. Weir. The members of the company who came to .Kalgoorlie were Mr. Harry Soutlhwell, producer; Commander Connolly, assistant; nroducer; Mr. Herbert Millard, tetore; and Masters. Lean and Johnny Southwell, who will be engage in the production. Two cameramen will arr:ve in, Kalgoorlie in due course with the latest American cameras. They are Sr. Percival, whose name is wellknown in cinematogr~rph circles, and Mr. Cliff Thomas.. who recently returned from America, where he "turned the crank" on such wellknown pictures as the "Lost World," "The Perfect Flapper" and "Painted People." It is interesting to note that Mr. Thomas was formerly a Perth boy. Miss Mills, a sister of Miss Beryl Mills ("Miss Australia") will also take a pIrominent part in the company's opening production. The sereekniu of the firast p-rodu.ction shoudd be ccmpleted .n iLt weeks. Qiuestoned reICnarding the theme of the carnrOan,'s first prod'uction. "Dowr' Under," Mr. Weir stated that t'e. story was rich in pathos, humour and thrills. It dealt chiefly with otliuac?k station life, and the c.'ne:rs "#ould g;ive peoph, in the Old Couuntry a ti-e idea of life in the orpen spaces of Australia. M?r. 80uiswell and the remnber s of. thso company returned to Perth i.I We'dnesdays train to coslneii.to their ar:-slangmn'enft.