Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 22 July 1884, page 6




The above clubs met for the first time this season on Saturday at the Pineapple Ground, Kangaroo Point. About 100 people assembled to witness the game, and the play of both teams was watched with interest throughout. Prin-ceps, captain of the Queen's Park, won tho toss fiom Rankin who skippered the Ranger. It was almost 1 o clock before the leather was sent into play by Canns who kicked olí foi tlicRangois Then opponents electing to do fend the Woolloongabba goal w Inch vv as soon in danger aft« pliy had comn enccd Sw ar buck, liowevci, who was m chaige, was equal to the occasion, and dow n the ball trav cllcd to the centre of the field again, than! s to Manson, who dnbbled it down clcveilj Iivinegotthe leathei on the left wing, and b) a fine piece of plaj voiked ltnght up to tho Q P goal, ian in neatlv, scoung goal No 1 foi the Raneéis The Queens Paik pinjéis had to act on the defensive, then opponents pla) ing w iib gi eat detei rainatiot It w ¡is not long aftei wards before Millei scored the second goal foi the Ran"cis Ti e Queen s Pink men, howcvci, now rallied considciably, and the ball was duven to the othci end of the gtound b) then foiw uds, Holland scoung af,oal, but the ctfort was unsuccessful, as Woidie, tho goal kecpei, sent it bick Half time was then called, score then, Rangers two goals, Queen s

Paik nil

On lesuming Holland was seen to get on to the ball and dabble it up the held, parsing scveial of his opponents bemgwcllsupportcdby his conuades by this the leather vv as taken in close proMmitv to the Rangers' goal For this piece of play Holland was dcseivedly cheeied It was lcncwed when Manson at last sent the ball siHuuing nndet the Sft pole, scoung goal No 1 foi Q P amid much enthusiasm. Some how oi othei it was disputed but still thcQ P men claim it, although Mi Wjho, the rcfcieo, could haidly seo Ins vvaj cleai how to decide the mattei, owing to some slight diffei once m the iules played hwe and in the old countiy Again the contest wa3 îesumcd, both teams plajmg up with much \i"our, the ball being duven hither and tbithoi fiom one en lof thogioundto the othci with much velocilj Canns managed to scoie foi his side befoie timo was called, tho lcstilt being Rangers 3 goals, Queen's Pal k 1 It must be rcmcmbeicd, however, that ptopeilj speaking the Rangeis scoied 4 goals, one of v Inch w is disputed like that of then adv ei ¡tai ics A noted Rugby plajci on the Queensland sido was con spicuous foi his splendid w oik tinoughout, and had it not been foi lnmpiobably the Rani,oís would have scoied moie than they did Tho little man was fiequently applauded, foi ho worked like a Tiojan, and with much dtscre tío i Manson, too, is dosci vmg of much piaisc foi the samo team foi 1 is dubbling, which was pleasant to behold, and when once he got on to the ball ho invaiiably followed it up vv eli Punceps did not plav up to his usual style. Cole, anothei new player, did some good woik Toi the Rangois Alison placed a fast game, and is a towoi of stien^th to his team Hoisiathei lough in Ins pi ij, and the way ho fiooied joung Love was too ultoily

ufter. A little mole disciotion, Alison, j m youl play and a ou will do will

Iivme made several good dubbling nins for Ins side, vv hilo Rankin, Cuius, and M'Queon also dcscivo mention foi thou soi vice Iheie was not enough passing of the ball lnrlul eil in, and sevoial playcis kicked rather wildly Again, the ball was too often sent out ot bounds, with the evident intention, I suppose, to steal a match on time These tactics ought to bo avoided if possible, and moi o judicious passing and kicking introduced into the play Altogether the contest, although pai ty feeling at times ian high, was a veiy enjoyable one, and checis foi eithoi side rt the fttiibh biou"ht the foin th Analo Queensland football contest iu the mcttopolis to a close