Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 16 June 1884, page 6

Brisbane v. Ipswich,

ThE Brisbane and Ipswich clubs played their first match of the season on Saturday at the Queens Park. Pring Roberts captained the home team, T O Sullivan acting in a similar capacity for the Athenians IhoBris banes, weakened by the loss of the brothers Pritchard, neveitheless managed to pull off a decided xictoiybyd goals and 7 belnuds to 9 behinds The Ipswich men pla) ed up exceed nigly well at various intervals of the game, but, in spite of their efforts, thoy could not properly force the stronghold of then oppo nents' backs, who wcie well on the alert to return the bill towards the wings The O Sullivan brothers, Skinner, Cribb, and M Donald rendered efficient service in various parts of the field, the Ipswich goal sneak, Pr)de, having little or no opportunit) of displa) ing his place kicking Toi thcReds, P Baynes, Fox, and Reeve (a pro motion fiom jumoi ranks) are deserving of mention The play of the captain and his backs amongst whom I noticed Tom Welsby and Gibson, must not be overlooked A rather conspicuous ebullition of temper occuired during the progress of the game between t^o well known semor pla)ers, whose discretion cvidentl) was laid aside for the time being as they forgot they were on a football held and in the piesence of spectators man} of

whom were ladies It is to be hoped that such a thing will not occur again as the association ma) d al w ith them as tne Victorian association did in a similar case at Melbourne last season, which was veiy different than a mild îebuke from a captain Mr C Nettle performed the duties of central umpire

EvcLLSioits a Wall «toos

These clubs played their opening match of the season at the Albert Sports Ground, the Excelsiors being m the same piedicamcnt as their second twenty, only fouiteen plaicrs turning up I am led to understand that their selection committee is to blame, but after their defeats on Satindai the} will ceitaml) ex

eicise better disci etion in then choice of players lho Blues wcie certainly very badly beaton, as they did not scoio a single goal, while the Yellows had six to their cicdit au the end of the match Rossel made his hist appeal ance on a Biisbano giound, but was leuipoiaiily disabled aftei the commenceiuect of the game, and theiefoie had no oppoitunity of showing his back pli) for which he vi as noted in Melbourne One pla} ci w 01 c a jei sey with blue and black stripes, which was not the colouis of either of the competing clubs but belongs to Ipswich a pioceeding which not oui} embaílaascj his opponents but also his

own side

Second Excelsiors v Second Brisbanes.

Hie above twentus met it Kedron Park on Satin da) last \A hen the time tor pla) had ai

lived it was lound that the Excclsioi s could oui) mustci, with the aid of emeigencics, twelve men, the folio rting picked llaicisnot tinning up -Biookes, Botiumley Pi ice kijo, S Gardnei, Hughes stevenson, Muiph), Peth budge.îand Rauisa-y, whilst the Lnsbaucs had a full co iiplemci t on Ino giound Aftei a long e i ultation between the captains, Messis UnmacktinlCniincioss, it was decided to pla) with the uneven side» as mentioned above Dunn" Ino hist half of the game the BusbaiiCÄ obtiinel two goals thou"!i the Blues ti led bai Itokeipthtn goal out of dangci, but the) veiy seldom managed to work Jic ball bc)ond the centio of the hold Aftei a lengthened «pell, play was again indulged in, but the supenoi numbei of the Reds "ave them ma .> oppoi tunnies of licking foi goal

0 t oi which Hiev itlded i fin thei t tal of three got kicked b) Dona'dson

Bui ck, and len icspectivol) the «coie dually standing at > "oals 14 behinds i > ml

Hie Busbaucs as a temi did not play their game of the pievious Satuiday, those woitb) of notice being lein Bulcock, and Dunildson, Malone (a colt) doiu0 some runs fi oin the ccnti e lol the losing temi Canncioss, Buch man, and Kruck woiked well, Mtrls (a now playci) shoi ing a good htnimung on tho leftwin0 I was stn prised to heal of n icfiied semor do ng dut) as goal kcepei for the Lxeelsiois, but it only gois to show to what stiaits the) must have been reduced b) the absence of the jila) ers

1 have mentioned


The above match was an extia one on the fixtures of the Association, and was pla) ed at tilt school ground on Satuiday afternoon 1 ho game resulted in a win foi the Rovers, who scored 4 goals to then opponents 1 Hie schoolboys played up remaikably well con sideling the heav) mottle of the opi oaing team, Sellheim, O Rout ko, and Hamilton distinguishing themselves vi hilo Cole (a pi o minent junior player), Huntington, Digglcs, and Cooper woiked hard for the winning team I am pleased to îecoid that there was a marked absence of the many bickering disputes which were so prominent last season

Red Rom-s a Ro->hicds

A match was pla)ed between the above clubs, and lesulteu in an easy victoiy foi the former by 2 goals and o behinds G Bruton, the Red 1 "oses captain won the toss, and selected to kici* down 1 lorn the start the ball was kept close to the Rosebuds goa1, scnmmages taking place, m vv Inch G Bi orton got a mark and scored goal 1 for the Red Roses Shoi ti) aftorwarls A Lloyd did a Mimilai dut), scoiing goal 2 A little if ter this half time was caUed and when play commenced things began to look bad for the Red Roses, the Rosebuds playing much better together, and goal 1 for thom w is soon scoicd After a few good runs were made, G Brcrtoii got a maik out on the wing, and kicked a very diihcult goal for the Red Rosos, making it i goals and 10 behinds foi the vietois to 1 goal and 3 behind« foi the loséis Time was then called

Ru&iiv. Union loom mi

"W \M)I 111 US "V llRULIl^i

A splendid muster of the members of the above club took placo on the ncv^iound at Maj ne The 1 iroflici brought over twenty stat w art men on to the field and lud to loan som" of their plajers to the Wandciers in 01 dei to equalise m ittoi -j The genial Hickson

titi" to hu tiust was welcomed on the scene of balli" and captainc 1 the 1 trollies in awaj that suipriscd the Wanlciei* Mul nell hal chai/*e of th" nomadic crowd Loth sides set lo vioik with an amount of eneig} that was

uprising an 1 before long too fust scoie vi as ceo! led by Hickson the ball having been veij clovelly follovvcl tluotigh his opponents

foi w aids and «mai ti} ptel ed up on the f.oal hie and a to scoied bcfoie the Windera» fot wards kneti what was up Anduoon had ti o kick but failed to «coi e On the kiel off ti cie ominenccd a btruf,gle a nonfat the for w ai d playci s ti it lasted lonj enough to pump them al i i"H clean out and w hen the ball w as foiccd thiouph the lircflics iai 1 s Hie! son whipped it up like a shot but bem0 collaied, passed to Ander on, who had some pace on

at tho time, which served him well enough to get light through to the Wanderers' backs vvheic the pluck} Michel had him col-lared safe, and foi med a rathci open tcrim m ago, fiom out of which loo/ soiled the ball and popped it thiough the Wandet eis' posts with one of the clcveicst kicks that has been seen foi a long time Aftci this tho men all settled down to vvoik in sei íous cat nest, and befoic long Hickson had a maul in goal with Shaw, who had to ¡aiccunib to the veteran'i suponoi sttcngth, and tr} number two was scoied for the Fn cflics Tccz tried to put the goal this time, but he had no bcttci luck than Andcison On the ball being biought into pla} again Durham did some tolling woik in the Wantloiers' foi ii auls, and got the ball light down in the Fiiollies' half backs, but the efïoit w is too gioat, and ho had to givo wa} to the redoubtable Fiielites, who set to work with one accord, and returned to the Wandcrcis' goal, whcie a dcspciato struggle took place, out of which the Wandcrcis carno with 11}mg colouis, getting tho ball well out of dangei, vv lth no othei mishap than a black pecpci for Gool gc M u kw eil, who was m the thick of the fun After a lot of pla} acioss the giound Robinson got his chance, skimmed lound the field like a bud, and landed anotkci ti y foi the Fireflies Fee/ did the honouis andputaicty neat goal ]ust ovoi the tape Dove then managed, aftci the ball was once moie in play, to got a soft thing on, winch ho took good care not to miss, and thus put still anothei ny to the ci edit of the Fu cflics which Feez ti led to con v ci t into a goal, butunfoi tunatoly it wasa poster The play all round nas a vvonddful unpiovc mont on the previous Satin daj's game, and although only intended foi testmer the new pla}ors, îcsulted in a glonous tussle, which satisfied all hands and gave evciybody a chance of doing good woik It was clearly shown that wo uro tremendously s'iong in backphiycis, but wo must trot out our forwards of whom we have piont}, but who sadly lack ptactice The Wandetcrs will have to roll up a httlo bettei unless they want a thoiotigh trouncing when the} meet their opponents in a club match Sevcnl of the old members were absent, and it must havo been disheartening to those who did come to play to find so little eiprit de coi ps amongst their comrades

For the Fireflies, Teez was all there as full back, Anderson, Robinson, and the " old skipper' were right there as quarterbacks, whilst Bond and Jowett did the forwaids good service For the Wanderers, Michel as full back, Shaw as half back, were really good Sid Pntchard did some useful kicking for the quarter backs, vv hilo Brewer as Ins companion proved himself a tough one Durham (as a matter of course), Lea, and Jack Potts worked vv eil in the f orw ards Next Saturda} af tei noon the Combined Union clubs meet the Wallaroos, and then there will boaga} time of it, as the men ought all to bo in good form af tei the w cck's

practice in the Park



The above contest took place on the Pine-apple ground, Kangaroo Point, on Saturday afternoon The attendance of the public num-bered over 100, and they evinced the greatest possible interest in the match. Play was advertised to start at 3 o clock, but it was fully half an hour later before the struggle com-menced, owing to some of the Rangers not turn-ing up. St Andrews was captained by Wylie, their colours being dark blue, while the Rangers were ably led by Rankin, their colours being red and white. The umpires were--for the former team Mr M'lntyre and for the latter Mr Kennedy, Mr Princeps acting as referee A smart shower having fallen about 3 o'clock rendered the ground a trifle damp and slippery. St Andrews winning the toss kicked off from the lower end, or, in other words kicked up the slight slope. It was evi-

dent from the start that the contest would be severe, as both teams strained every nerve to try and score. When the Saints forced the leather up on their opponents' goal the specta-tors cheered their efforts, but the Rangers with indomitable pluck drove back the ball amid loud cheering It was some con-siderable time after the start when

M'Creadie, getting his eye on the ball, went for it and sent it neatly through the post, the Rangers' goalkeeper failing to stop, and gaol 1 for the Saints was recorded amid great excitement. After the ball was again sent into play, Rankin called on his men, who ably responded, and quickly the leather was forced to the other side of the ground, partly owing to the determined efforts of Alison, Rankin, Gammiel, and Irvine, who showed to great advantage throughout, and were re-peatedly cheered; Alison especially deserves praise for his performance. It could not have been ten minutes after the St Andrews goal was scored that a scrimmage took place just op-posite that goal, out of which the Rangers' skipper managed to kick a goal for his side amid vociferous applause. Score now 1 goal each. Shortly after this half time was called. On play being resumed both sides went at it in real earnest, and the latter half of the contest was exciting in the extreme. The Saints' goal was continually in jeopardy, but their defence was so determined that their adversaries, well as they worked could not manage to get the ball through the posts. Owing to the rather wet state of the ground there were several tumbles, which elicited much laughter from the spectators. Cries of "Wire in blues, "Play up reds," were fre-quently heard. Of those who distinguished themselves for St Andrew the names of Wylie, Kirkcaldy, Brown, M'Creadie, and Menzies could not be overlooked. On time being called, cheers were given for both sides, the umpires and referee not being forgot. The result of the game was a draw, if anything in favour of the Rangers. Thus ended a most exciting contest. Some neat passing occurred at intervals, and the ball was often ''headed," and the play in general was a great improve-ment on that of the previous Saturday.