Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 7 April 1925, page 19

GOLDFIEILDS FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. WEEKLY MEETING. T'ae weekly meeting of the Gold- J fields Football Association was held.. at the Exchange motel, Kalgoor- I lie, on 1Monday evening last. the president, ,Mr; P. F.. Derrington, presiding over the following -delegates:-=Mesars. Manson, Riley and Thomas (Railways); Johns, Cotton, and Pannell (Mines), McLtheney, Holt and Dowson (Boulder), Bruce, Bird and Wright (Kalgoorlie). The minutes of t':e previous meeting ,were read and confirmed.. A motion was carried. that .three central umpires be appointed .for "A" Grade: eaih to stand. down. in turn. and two central, umpires for "`" Grade matches. F1 wes decided, to appoint two of the "A" Grade umpires, at the meeting and the third, togetber with the "B" Grade umpires '. three weeks time,. The following applijtations were received for "A" Grade umpires:Messrs. W.. Riley. W.,. Laflin. C.. i Bailey, J. Fitzger~alld, .T. Cundill, A. Vemnleman, J. H. Batty.. C. B. Pratt. B. Wilson, F. Ferguson and. T. Anwwin.. The balot resulted as follows:Bailey.. 9 ; Pratt, 6; Ahgwin,,6. A further ballot was conductes to endeavour to secure a majority vote for: either Angwin or, Pratt; but without success. -and finally the chairman, gave his casting vote in favour of Angwin. The appointment of goal ;empires ,was held over owing to insufficient applications having been received. Messrs. R, Williamson, C. Taylor. W. R. Ritchie and P. Richards' were elected boun-lary umpires. Les rs. F. Andrews. Rex Michell, R. Slattery, H. Davies, T. Lenuiell, M. Fi-zgerald wire nominated as vii:e-presidents, and a ballot result ed in Messrs. R. Michell, 'x. Davies and R. Slattery being appointed. .The The following, clearances were referred to the clubs concerned:- J. Laffin, Boulder City to S.A.F.L.; S. M. Kellow, Boulder City to S.A.F.L.; R.. Augustine, Railways "B" to Kalgoorlie "B"; C. Romano, Boulder "B" to Kalgoorlie; J. O'Leary, Perth City to Kalgoorlie; S .Kelly, Kalgoolie "B' io Railawayls; ,A Shephe td, Railways "B" to Noi1tham. The clearances granted were as follows :--J_. P. Conway, Mines Iovers to Ballarat League; J. H. Lockton, Boulder City to Railways (Geraldton): W. R. Morris, Kalgoorlie to Railways; J. Seagrim, Railways . "B" to Kalgoorlie "B" (conditionally). The following clearances were refused, by, the clubs:-D. Marinko, Boulder City to Mines. Rovers; S. Armstrong, Mines Rovers to Kal. goorlie.; W. .T. Toms,. Boulder "B" to Kalgoorlie. The first. screw collier, the John Bowes, which was built 70 years ago, is ttiul in use in England. Make lions of some men and, they will immediately make asses of itbomalves.