Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 27 January 1925, page 8

ITEMS OIF KEW New Licensing la.gttrate.--Our Perth correspondent telegraphed Wednesday: "The Executive coun-cil to-day approved of the ' point-) ment of Mr. Michael4 I. e411 itlt licensing magistratQ q o trr E. L. Gibbons, ,b little timi ai go"s 04' Abusive language: T % der police court Wednesday nip ing before the Resident Ma gi tra M i' J. E. Geary, Edwaird 1age f Wittenoom-street . B~oi lder; "was charged by Evan C1lar?l wit hating used abusive language towards him. Page was fined £1, with £4 6] costs, in default distress and of default of distress sevenr days imprisonment. Charges Dismissed,- DominlTo Marinko appeared before the Boulder police court Wernesday morning on two separatq ~omnplaints Said by Ivan Rcdci, oharging him with assault anl using asbuive lan_uage. A cross summons was issued y the defendant, charging the complainant with 'ing insul4ng language. The bench was 9coupied by the Resident Magistrate Mn J.. E. Gerary. Mr. F. J, O'bes a, peared for Rocci and Mr. H. T. Stables represenbed Marinko. By consent of the parties the hearing of the three complaints was taken together, and in each case a plea of not guilty was entered. In evidence it was stated that lorcci and Jlarinko went to a dance in the Slavonic Rall, Moran-street, on' December 6. Rloeci was dancing with a woman when her husband interfered. lRooai and the husband, who was a cripple, went outside, and while they were outside Marinko walked up and punched Rooci, rendering him unconscious. When Itocci came to, Marinko used inbulting language towards him. For the defence it was stated that Marinko interfered because he thought that Roci was going to hit a oripple After hearing the whole of the evidenoe the R.M. decided to dismiss the three charges. He refused to make an order for costs. Growth of Department Stores.In America there are signs that the bulk of the retail trade will before very long fall into the hands of the department stores, the chain stores, and the money order concerns. The over the counter trade of the Atlantic and Pacific Stores has increased from £40,500,000 in 1921 to £49,500,000 in 1922, and £60,500,000 in 1923, and that of Woolworth's Stores from £29,500,0000 in 1921 to £33,500,000 in 1922, and over £38,500,000 in 1923. These are, of ;course, exeeptionally powerful firms; but there are at least four others whose turnover is from £12,500,000 to £16,500,000, and the growth of firms that confine their 6nergies purely to mail orders is hardly less amazing. Sears, Roebuck, and Co. claim 8,000,000 customers. Montgomery, Ward and Co., who had last year a turnover index to their catalogue shows over 1800 separate entries. It seems to stop short at racehorses and live rabbits; but there is little else that the country customer cannot order by post. Australia has quite a number of large department, stores, and the tendency here, as in America, seems to be for them to steadily expand as they gain the Sonfidence of an increasingly large rmy of customers. The area over hich many of the large retail houses otVerate is surprising. I Sudden Death.-On Wednesday norning Dr. Byrne received an urbent call from the residence of Norian A. Greene in Lewisatreet, Lamgton Heights. On arrival, how?ver, he discovereld that Mr. Greene sad expired. As he was unable to Eive a cert.ficate of death, the Coroner was notified, and be ordered tthe removal of the body to the Kalioorlie Morgue. Dr. 8. Mathews, 'fter making a post mortem exam n'tiozi, gave a certificate showing that death was dde to pneumonia. ~he deceased was aged 41 years, and for sbn1e years past had conducted he business of a licensed assayer tthe corner of Egan-street and -r0P-oad. iHe had always taken i. interest in mining on tihe ifdid at ev r ready to asTheb~S ~ l~od e leaveye Fi~~~t~P mob y.a 'inv~eye

Traffic Act Prosecutions.-A youth was charged before Mr. J. E. Geary, R.M., in the Kalgoorlie Police Court Wednesday with two breaches of the rbaffio Act and Regulations. He was called upon to pay 5/, 4?! 3/, oots, for riding his jotoV Ooje in Hannan-street at :ight lim' without a light, and he Va' d filarly' penalised because there *as a1 wrong numnber on the idecxtiflretion Pilate of his macaiue.. Si ervices---.The Pterth epresi was 15 minutes late in oiach-'ing Kalgoorlie Wednesday. 'The trans-Australian train took its de-, parture for Port Augusta to-wards 3.30 p.m. instead of at the -oheduled times 2.15.. The reaso-i toi this delay was that 12 or 14 toie of overseas mails that ha-t reached Fremantle by the R.M.S. Mooltan, had to be tr uand refrom the narrow to the bre-d gauge. The express left Kalgoo~,ie f.r Perth Wednesday with a large compliment of passengers, 'wh.' took advantage of a special ch.an ¬xcursioi for women and child;cn., Fire Engihe for The Golden Mile.-A message from Perth W.ednesday stated:-A motor fire engine of the very latest type was landed at Frem?intle to-day, It was made in England, *Ad has A 60-70 h.p. motor engine *.id pumping pressure of 600 g~aloni per minute. It cost £1500, and Supt: Lamlourne, chief oficer of fire brigades, is of opinion that it is the most up-todate fire engine in the Commonweairh. It was pucbhased by arrangement between the Fire Brigades Board and the Chamber of Mines, and is destined for use on the Golden Mile. The engine will be despatched '-to Boulder in a fortnight's time.,Communication Communication With Wilun? -Goldfields people who were at the coast during the holiday season, took occasion to ascertain th views of persons in a position i.o know if there wap any liklilood of the Government building a railway either from Leonora ,r Mcelk?I tharra to Wiluna in the near fu-1 ture, Opinions were expressed that the Government wouid not be likely to assent to any pcrposal to build a line to Wiluna until the permanancy of the- field was assured and a big population settled in the district. Even if a big mine or two were started, the view was held that the reuirements of Wiluna would be easily met by the employment of motor tr icks for the carriage of machinery and goods. Already two firms with their headquarters in Perth have announced their intention .J establishing fleets of motor Irucks to travel from the present heads of the State railway system dii ectly it was ascertained that as a Iesult of developmental operations on the field there was a probability of payable mines opening up. Progress of Esperance Farming. District.-Mr. Muir-Scott, Esper-i ante district inspe-tor for the Agricultural Bank, was in Ka!goorlhe yesterday, having arrived by motor car from Perth. On his advice the bank recently established its dis- I trict office at Salmon Gums. Whilst in Perth Mr. Muir-Scott received] an assurance from the GovernorGeneral that the town blocks at Salmon Gums which have long been surveyed will be gazetted as open for sale immediately. He has also succeeded after negotiations with the chairman of the Wheat Pool, Mr. A. J. Monger, in inducing him to receive the Espaeance wheat this season into the pool and make the usual advance of 3/6 a bushel on wheat delivered at Esperance. The trustees of the Agricultural Bank have decided to visit the district in M~arch or April. The party will probably consist of Measrs. McLarty (chairman). C. J. Mdran and F. Cook (trustees), A. 0. Eawvby (manager of the Agricultural Bank), ,. D. iHenston (manager Industries Assistance Board), and E. Kolso (chief inspector). Mr, Muir-Scott states that in the district betwe n Scaddati and Salmon Gums there are now over 200 new and old setjere op ratit non their blocks, ani the n er is s'teadily mncreasing s setter gen rally are of an