Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 11 March 1924, page 16

FRASER'S RANGE STATIOH, NORSEMAN, W.A. (By Lance Le Souef. in the "Pastoralists' Review" for February.") Over fifty years azo the late Mr. Alex. Forrest, wien cxp!oring southern Western Australia, passed through the Fraser's Range country. Most of it was timbered, but running north-east from the range was a series of open grass flats divided by narrow timbered belts. COa nI

'return to Esperance he reported that this belt of country looked good for pastoral purposes. The land was taken up by Dempster Bros., and the Fraser's Range Station foi~med.T.Uhe T.Uhe homestead to-day is that built over fifty years ago in a little valley between high rocky hills. A natural soak of good water at the head of the valley was evidently the determining factor in where to put the homestead. A. dam across the valley was also built, and is now used to water stock and the homestead garden. The valley opens out into one of the typical grass fiats that form the grazing area of the station. And that area presents a picture that Is perhaps unique on a large station property in Western Australia. 'Well grassed paddocks where graze the milkmg cows, the station horses, the rams, and now and again a string or camels coming in to water. A well, windmill and large stone tank and trough supply the water for the paddocks. The flat covers about three hundred acres, and all round are the rocky hills with grass growing between the boulders, and scattered sheoaks supply shade. Both hills and the flat are dotted with sheep, and thel whole forms a pastoral scene that is more like a farm in good country than a portion of a station. Half a mile trom the homestead are the shearing shed and yards and the shearers' quarters. Adjoining is a ten thousabid acre paddock that. is reserved for a holding paddocIk during shearing. Over a rise is the wheat paddock, where good crops `are grown yearly to supply chaff for the station. On the map Fraser's Range Station has a peculiar appearance, as it is a chain of paddocks running to within thirty miles of the trans. railway. It is all .the same type of country-open grassy fiats running between timbered belts. As a grazing proposition the country could not be-, better, carrying, as it does, grasses, salt bush flats, and scrub: The further north one goes the more open becomes the country and the more extensive the grass fiats. Sheep raising in this part of Auis. tralia is not a very anxious proposition. Diseases are practically non-existent; the dry summer checks fly trouble, and wells and dams supply all the water required. Moreover, there is always top feed to carry stock over a dry period Ishould such eventuate. 'Rabbits for some reason, do not thrive, and are easily kept in check by a poisoin cart used every few years. As the station is off the line that dingoes follow in migrating into Western Australia they give little trouble. The wool is clean, as the country is red loam and clay, which does not easily cut up. The station is seventy miles from Norseman, and one hundred and fifty miles from Kalgoorlie, so it is not altogether in the wilds. In fact, the statiori is the centre of a tract of country that is only just being recognised as a sheep-raising area with great possibilities. Some ten years ago the propert: was purchased by Messrs. Phillips and Gull, and has been managei ever since by Mr. Lawson Gull. The flock is now in the vicinity of twelve. thousand sturdv-looking sheep, whose wool averages well on sale day. Wool raisinrg in Western Australia is still in its transitory stage in some districts, and stations capable of carrying fifty thousand sheep are a long way under-stocked for the simple reason that it takes "time and money to bring the la.dl up to its full c.rrying capacity. Fraser's Range Station. covers an area of about 350,00 a?cres, and t he •average rainfall is 12 inches. | ............II