Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 - 1938), Tuesday 26 February 1924, page 9

ITEMS OF 'EWS kA Snake Yarn.--From Gundi?aia comes the story of a thrilling snake hunt with musical acconipanmuent.' A snake rushed under the vurauan-. of John Egan's homestead. Hurriedly a mouth organ was procured?in the hnpe of enticing the enemy into the open. "Yes, we have: no bananas,' and "On the road to Gundagai" were played. without suecess. Somebody suggested appealing to the sentimental side of the snake. Immediately. "Come into the garden, Maud," was played. Out came the snake. Incidentally he brought '"Maud' 'with him. The couple! were chopped ,up with an axe. An Opinion of Australians.--Recently in 'the, Divorce Court, Sydhey, Richard Joynson, formerly a member of the A.I.F., was granted a divorce from Lily Joynson wlhoni he married in England. She did' not lik 'the farm life in Australia, and returned to England. She wrote to her husband from England in the .following d rain :--"That ghastly place, with its lack of refinement, and its hard-faced, callous, unscrupulous people, stands out like a hideous nightmiare in my life. With. conditions such as I found it was more than my nature could. acheve -to fulfil the vows I made to you. That, awful climate, the desolation of the place, and the general lack of refinement and vant of sympathy with the English was too much to bear. It is no ulace for any girl with any ambition, re-. finement, or a desire to live and not to vege ate." The ground fdor divorce was desertion. -A.I.F. War 'Medals.-- ititnay headquarters desire to inform those ex-niemoers of the Australian imperial Force who' have not collected their war medals and stars that it is intended to close the medals distribution branch in Perth at 'an' early. date, and to transfer those medals anid stars remaining on hand to Base :Records Office at Army Headquarters, Melbourne. Those who have nrot yet applied for their medals and stars are 'urged to d&o so at once; as no issues will probably be- itmde in Western Australia after April 30 next, and applications mnade after that date will be i dealt with only at Base Records Office, Melbourne. This must necessarily result in some extra expense, and delay in issuing medals, and' all who have not yet received. their' medals, etc. are asked to as-s'st in completing the distribution, of medals and stars by submitting early' application to Military Headquarters, Francis-street, Perth, quoting ;No., rank, name, and unit,. Boulder %Children's Court.--Mr. G. H. Rainsford and Mrs. G. A. Wiles .occupied' the bench in the Boulder Children s ('our.- Thm'drmorning, when two boys ,were bound: over for six months as the result of a charge: of having been on the premises :of -the Lake View and Star Gold 'Mine for an unlawful purpose,. to wit,. t6 steal: Another lad, charged, with disorderly conduct ,in the Palace: Picture . Gardens, was ordered to pay 1/ costs. Rainfall Record.--The ,average monthly rainifoll in Kalgoorlie for the piast ,27- years'? s 'ias' follows: January ?'39' points;' -:February, .73; March, 9'3 ; April, '93; '.May,:. 131; June, 120; July 189; Auc~us, 98• Septnrw?," 49: SOctober, 71 ; Notrember; ~6.i Decemriber, 6.2. -The ramfall laIt 'yeSiar for: the various moanths was :-AJaniirv.. ,79; Febrt,~wr, 11 March, -31; 'Anril.: 132:. May,. .8; fnrie -294 ~4 J uly. 10 Aiutust.. 4 .. Septembwl. 27: October, nil; Nov: vembr, " -nil.': December.. '46.. This year's :rieords hir- as follows :~--Jannary, nil; Febrt~kry, 185. Ex-Ausbralian Imperial Force Of. ficers.-All ex-officers of the :A.I.F. who'rrendered satisfactory service during the Great War, and ar. nOt now seririg :with the Australian Milit.'.- Forces, :are on' the reserve oof' flC~-,'· and in order, to retain the priviletee . obnerta:iinn?- thereto, it is necesary that each o0fiter furnish t.o the O.nmandant. 5th D:strict Thise, Franeis-street, Perth, h.cddress each vear in ?thse month of JTanuarv or February. Thoser who fail 'to~ comnly with th;s rearlation are e1·iae' to lav: their m)rmon removvd frm thids list and thle:,. aupointmen.t2~ o th& reserve of officers, tenrrdiiated.