South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Wednesday 21 September 1881, page 4

The Advertiser WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1881.


In the Legislative Council— The Hon. A. B. MURRAY moved—"That the prayer of the petition for the suspension of standing order No. 27, for the purpose of allow-

ing tte petitioner, on behalf of the Letevre's Peni?tnle Dock Oompanr, to deposit a petition as required by the rules of this Council for a private BUI, be complied with." The motum was carried by the easting vote of the President. Tbs Hon. J. B. Epbxce moved—"That tbe prayjer of the petition of Charles Burton Hardy for theeospensioo of standing order No. 97 be complied with." The motion was negatived. The Hon. B. C. Bakes brought up the Hindmarsh Tramway BUI and report of the select committee, which were ordered to be printed; and the consideration of the Bill was fixed for Tuesday next. Tbe Constitution Act Amendment Bui patsed through committee with various amendments, and the third reading was fixed for Thursday next. The Town aod Country Bank Bill was read a second time and referred to a select committee. The Adelaide and Farkside Tramway BUI and the Adelaide Synagogue Bill passed their second readings, and the third readings were fixed for the follewng day. The Council adjourned at 5.45 p.m. till the following day. In the House of Assembly-Leave was given the afimsrS? of Edcca.-?no? to introduce a BUI to amend tbe Northern Territory Bogmr Cultivation Act of 1880. Toe Bill ?a* introduced and read a first time, the second reading being fixed for Tuesday next. The Chief Sbcbbasy obtained leave to introduce a Bill for an overway bridge at the Uorphett-street railway oroaring. The Bill wai introduced and read a first time, tbe second reading being fixed for that day week. The debate in committee of supply on the first line of the Estimates wai oontinuad and concluded, the item being pasted. Theeommittae, after further consideration of the Estimates, resumed, and obtained leave to ait again en Thurs* day next. Tbe Telephones Bill was read a third time aud parsed, -Tte amendments made by the Legislative Council in tbe Lands Clauf e? Consolidation Bill, Mining Companies BUI. and Partition Bill were *g teed to. The Adelaide and Suburban Tramways Bxtention Bill was recommitted, and the title was altered. The Bill was reported, and the consideration of tbe report wm fixed for next day. Tte Adelaide Marine and Fire Assoranee Company's Act Amendment Bill wm read a ' third time, and pasted. Tfce Hence at 9.46 p.m. adjourned till next dey.

The budget debate is at last over, l'roceeding at first at the easy rate of one speech per week, then interrupted by a crisis motioD, aud delayed by nearly a fortnight'e holiday, it ie in spite of all brought to a close, probably through the weariness of the orators. The flood of talk has received a check, and now there ia some chance of a little progress being made with the business of the country. The Treasurer, wbo a week previously was co meek and mum during the no-confidence debate, when bis financial policy was assailed, on Tuesday defended his estimates and the coarse he proposed to pursue with reference to the loan and land funds, and stated bis intention when the proper time arrived, to do battle for his taxation scheme. Bis speech was in bis jauntiest style, and when be could not get over a difficulty he at any rate cleverly walked round it. The discussioa about tbe absorption of the premium on the last bonds issued is getting Eomewhat stale, and each day the debate has been renewed it has been more difficult to say anything fresh upon the subject. The premium amounts to £34,000* Of this above half is properly considered |to be represented by more than three months' interest that was allowed to be due on the bonds at the time the loan was floated. Mr. Ward asks what becomes then of all the boasting about the premium; but thb question is absurd, for after deduct. 1 ing the 2Cs. there is still a premium i of nearly as much, exclusive of the cost of floating the loan. Tae bonds fetched £102 l'Je. Bd.,and Mr. Glyde allows os. Bd. as tbe cost of floating the loan. Well, the interest of 2Gs. per £100, or upwards of £17,000, the Treasurer very properly claims as revenue, and in this he has the approval even of his financial critics. The remainder—nearly £17,000—is genuine premium, and be claims that as revenue, as it will never have to be paid back to the borrower, aud the deficiencies in loans that have not gone off co well as this did have been paid out of revenue. But the Treasurer states that more than £00,000 is due to revenue for amounts that bave bees paid as interest on the first floating of the loans, that ia to say they were,

like the last one, launched with coupons several months old, and it is to be presumed he claims this interest. Then he observes that when loans did not realise sufficient for the work for which they were contracted the revenue bore the burden, and he specifies an instance of this in which £22,000 was taken out of our ordinary resources. It is rather disquieting, hawever, to reflect where this line of reasoning will lead us to. The Parliament is advised to kick over the good pail of milk it has given. Having by wise administration and economy paid deficiencies in loans, and constructed public works out of revenue, this money is now to be borrowed, or the amounts are to be taken out of money already borrowed, to help the Government out of financial difficulty. All the savings of past years are to ba sacrificed. Wherever something good has been done out of revenue, to make up for this there is to be a grab at the loan fund. The next idea will be to recoup the revenue for the debt that has been paid off. We do not mean to say that we are accurately representing Mr. Glyde'e intentions, but we are pointing out the direction in which his course of argument must lead his followers. He goes in very strongly for recouping. The revenue is to be recouped £33,000 for expenditure on the South Australian Institute. This amount is quite distinct from the £31,000 premium, and is to come out of the surplus of loans over the amounts actually required toe xecute the works for which the money was borrowed. This was done in the case of the Murray Bridge, and of course it is considered co good a precedent should be followed by a Treasurer in trouble. With regard to the use of the land f and to meet ordinary expenditure, Mr. Glyde admits that he ia doing ao, bat produces figures to snow that he is not ao great a Burner in this respect as his immediate predecessors, and he will carry the reform further if he is allowed to remain in office-Is suggesting doubt as to whether after all we ehould lay down a hard and fast line restricting the expenditure of the land fund to reproductive public works, Mr. Glyde referred to the trouble that aro?e from Sutherland's Act, till it was found necessary to repeal that measure, co that it might hamper the action of Governments and parliaments no longer. It was promptly pointed out, however, that the difficulty with that celebrated statute arose from the fact of its enacting that a certain fixed proportion of the land fund should be devoted to bringing out immigrants; ani experience showed that we could not beneficially import immigrants at all times at the expense of the State, bat mast be guided by the condition of the colony and the demand for labor in each year. It is worth observing that the Treasurer drew special attention to the fact that Sutherland's Act provides that tbe interest on loans ehould be paid out of the land fund? wbereas now we are paying over £'450,000 per annum required for this purpose out of ordinary revenue, and for years past the interest on our bonded debt has been met in the came way. This shows that instead of being more improvident than in former times the Parliament has become more careful not to waste the country's capital, and throw upon posterity burdens part of which we ou^ht to bear a portion. There wae a considerable amount of talk about the taxation scheme, which the pronounced Oppositionists condemned in all its details, without in the least indicating what they would substitute for it. There was also a slight passage of arms between Mr. Ward and several other honorable members on the subject of free trade v. protection, but there will be ample opportunities for discussing these matters on future occasions during the session. Mr. Carr made a very remarkable statement with regard to his feelings towards the present leader of the Ministry. The Junior member for Onkaparinga has certainly conveyed the impression of late that he is a disappointed man, but probably the House was not prepared for the very frank confession to which he treated it on Tuesday evening. In plain language he intimated that he could no longer follow Mr. Bray as a leader, because that gentleman went out of the ranks of his followers to choose a colleague, meaning of course Mr. Catt. It is satisfactory to learn, however, that Mr. Carr will not allow his sentiments on this matter to interfere with his duty as a legislator; thti country is not to suffer. This is consoling, for too often the people have suffered from the animosities of the great men they have chosen to represent them. It is bad enough for Achilles to eulk in his tent, but it wenld be infinitely worse were he to obstruct the patriotic efforts of his comrades.

Fkeeidext GAEFiFXDifidead. This lamentable news, though not unexpected, will none the less be received everywhere with emotions of intense sorrow and regret The whole civilised world, which had learned with horror and amazement that his life had been attempted, has sympathised most acutely with the illustrious sufferer. The hopes cherished by occasional bulletins of a cheering nature hare been unhappily dissipated. The successful extraction of the ballet which had painfully troubled General Garfield afforded ground for a favorable view of his condition. Since then hopeful, doubtful, and despairing telegrams have alternated with each other, but during the last day or two the news has been to the effect that the physicians believed the first citizen of the Great Republic to be dying. That result has now to be deplored. While mourning in common with American citizens the irreparable loss they have sustained foreigners will share with them in the feelings of indignation and horror that go forth in execration of the desperate miscreant by whose hand a man of such worth was slain. The diabolical wish of Guiteau that President Garfield should not ive, and so make his infamous act fruitless, ifi gratified; but La that fact alone he may road th c certainty of his doom, that would be far seove terrible were he not shielded from the fury of a roused people. An assassin of the most despicable type, Guiteau will go down to the vile dust from whence he sprung execrated in all time to come, and bis only hope now of escaping the hangman lies in his success in persuading a jury that the atrocity was prompted by insanity. What object beyond senseless revenge the aesassin could hare lad, it is difficult to say. The cases are numerous where such an act has been that of a weak-brained, vicious, or morbidly vain desperado. This has been exemplified on many occasions when Europe has been (hacked by tragic assaults on the sovereigns of different countries or the chiefs of particular dynasties. Thus there have been attempts on the life of Louis l'MUipe as as well as on Louis Napoleon; on the Fmperor of Germany no less than on the King of Italy; on the liberal King of Spain sewellasontheCzarof?ussia. Suchfootiah

attacks are certainly not restrained by considerations of the character of the person attacked. It is his high office, hia exalted position as head of the State, which renders him the conspicuous object 7of the murderous fanatic—it is the principle of authority, be it autocratic, monarchical, or republican, which is assailed. Thecasa of President Garfield is no exception to this & credence be given to the assassin's own statements. The particulars of the attack om the life of President Garfield are generally known, as well as the fact that his assailant was ? disappointed place-hunter. It has been assumed that Guiteaa is insane, and hu act wae certainly that of a madman, but until his arrest Guiteau would doubtlees have resented any imputation on hu sanity. He may have been feather-headed* besides being disreputable, and the con. elusion of experts would seem to be that be was immorally eccentric, bnt not * maniac. His carefully planned crime and the precaution he took to secure his escape, failing which his offenaively braggart letteis which, would ensure him notoriety, appear to point to madness of a sort tempered considerably by method. It has not been shown that Guiteau had accomplices or was instigated to the outrage by others interested in the President* death; still, as an American journal suggests, if not shot down by an emissary of a. political faction General Garfield has been slain by the spirit which a political faction has begotten and nursed. As " a Stalwart of the Stalwarts" Gaiteau's passion was intense enough to do the thing which other reckless men had wished were done. Tola noW infamous term "Stalwart" was first used a few years since to designate Republicans who refused to give over hostility to the South, but at the recant contest for the senatorship of New York State the name was affected by the adherents of Mr. Conkling. It was accordingly adopted by thoee who supported that dexterous wire-puller and the political *'machine" is opposition to President Garfield's appointment of Mr. Robertson to the Coliectorship of New York. Guiteau need it in this sense when he asserted on being arrested— '< I am a < Stalwart,' and Arthur is President sow." If this was the conviction which stimulated him, others must be held responsible for ihfjteaching which prob&bly disordered his brain. Viewing the horrible event in this light the Xciv Fork Times, after remarking that General Garfield's life was assailed by a wretch who as distinctly represented the evil ia tha political system as the late President represented the good, contends that it is impossible to ignore the causes which led immediately to the fatal act. Guiteau is described as a disappointed office-seeker who linked the bitterness of his personal disappointment with the passionate animosity of a faction. " His resentment was inflamed and intensified by verbal or written assaults upon the President which had been common in too many circles for months past. It is not too much to say that if President Garfield had not been the chief of a service he. was endeavoring to ao reform, that offices should be the reward of merit instead of the prize of political faction* he would not have been exposed to this attack: while this is beyond dispute it is also probable that the murderer's mad spite would not have bean screwed to the sticking point if it had not beenetitredby the licence that has prevailed in certain quarters about the President.'* General Grant advocated the old "spoils" doctrine which President Garfield had die courage to resist, and in resistance to which New York State itself has had the manliness to uphold him by rejecting Mr. Conkling. Hereafter it is certain that the assassination of President Garfield will be associated with his avowed wish and determination to purify the public service of the United States. In this resolve he was prompt f unyielding, and persistent. By his own selfreliance and independence he succeeded in reaching the pinnacle of distinction from whichbe was ruthlessly hurled, just as by hi* lofty personal qualities he second the esteem of all whose opinion was worth regarding in the States. Ifis unman npintr merits, his frank manners, his exceptional honesty as a politician, all marked him out as deserving of homage, while his tender family relationships and the simplicity of hie life won him the affection of the people who had elected him their ruler over them* firm in his principles he was equally fearless in giving effect to them, and may truly be eaid to have fallen a victim to his righteous zeal for reform. Beloved more than any prominent citizen sines the days of Lincoln, like him ha hue been stricken down in the fulfilment of his accepted duty. But fab policy cannot ixicluiEgttdfcj^ila ihadi knj_ more than could the policy of Abraham Lincoln. His successor must tread in the same path, or at least must sot divergetoo openly from it, or he will be, swept aside by the good citizens who may be indifferent to politics when politics are the mere competition of adventurers, but will make their powerful influence effectual when a national emergency calls for its exertion. The political jobbery ef which President Garfield's advent sounded the knell hag now received its deathblow. His elevation was deemed the crown of his career— humbly began as a canal boatman—bat henceforth in the pages of history he will appear as wearing a crown of martyrdom, and as one worthy to have his name hallowed with that of Abraham Lincoln in the memories of the American people.

It would be gratifying to learn that the mystery surrounding the fate of Lsich&rdt had been actually cleared away. From tine to time expectations of such a result have been raised, only to be dashed down by the investigations of pretended discoveries. It is certainly true that many pei sods have manfully gone forth in the hope of penetrating the secret of tha desert, but after one or two baffledattempts, succeeded by improbable tales of adventure, the public could not be blamed for receiving ?with great caution reports of reputed successful searches. The chance that no trace whatever of the great explorer conld. be found, and on the other hand the scope afforded for the exercise of mendacity on the part of unscrupulous persons anxious to obtain notoriety or to conduct their bush enterprises at the expense of others, impressed some people with the notion that the whole thing might be left to poEEible Eolution in the future. At the fame time it must be said that for many years no hesitation waa shown in aiding ox encouraging those bent on performing ibe noble service of discovering whether Leichaidt or any of bis companions warn alive. It is now nearly thirty-four years since Dr. Leichardt started on hu find exploration and ill-fated journey. After all Lope of his return had died away it was occasionally reported that a white captira was among the satires, but it is not bettered that this white {man was L&ichardt. It bee been considered not improbable that Classen, Leichardfs brother-in-law, and recond in command of the expedition, did live for a lengthened period among tie

blacte, and there would be a sad satisfaction in learning something about bis fate. Since 1852, when Mr. Hovenden Hely started with a party of six from Sydney, search has been repeatedly made for the remains ef the explorers; but perhaps the greatest excitement was created by Andrew Hume's strange story, aud by ] the results of the expedition which followed. The Sydney Government was not to be blamed for equipping that expedition; i for though Hume, as an imprisoned convict, bad everything to gain from being allowed to travel into the wilds of Australia, yet on the other hand he was known to have an immense knowledge of the bush, and bis circumstantial narrative had in it sufficient plausibility to justify an etiort I>eirg made to test its accuracy. Subsequent events unfortunately proved that he was a complete impostor, and tLis ia not the less certain because he afterwards lust his life in a renewed attempt to gull the public: Our telegraph construction parties were able to give an account of ail hie movements, except fora very few days, and thus placed it beyond doubt that he was never in those parts of die country he professed to have visited. He stated that he had seen some sixteen or eighteen of Major Warburton's camels at . large, whereas—unless with the exception of one or two—none were at large, bat all that were not eaten by the gallant Major's party were taken over to tie settled districts of Western Australia. Then Hume's storyofhowhelosttherelicswastooglaring. J Quite recently a Mr. Skuthorpe has been the latest adventurer in the same field of discovery. In January last he announced thathe had not only unravelled the mystery, tut had obtained Leichardt's journal, compass, and telescope. He had also found Classen's journal and had seen his remains, which he reported to be well preserved. On examining into the particulars by wMch this announcement 'was accompanied numerous discrepancies were detected, and these, taken in connection with Skathorpe'a own behaviour in Queensland, naturally led people to conclude that he was playing false. His singular reticence and persistent lefusal to show the relics he claimed to possess undoubtedly operated against him, and satisfied Australians that no serious heed paid to his extraordinary recitals, unsupported as they were by j any substantial evidence of their truth. But now the story is revived by the letter which Mr. Skuthorpe has addressed to Sir Henry Pazkes. One's first impression on leading that epistle is that the writer has been wonderfully "alow in communicating his alleged discovery to the Premier of New South Wales. He has, it is well known, been knocking about Queensland for months past, and it is, to say the least of it, strange that he should not lone ere this have opened official negotiations with the foydney Government. In his letter he xeports that he has the relics we have already mentioned in his possession, and adds that he is prepared to hand them over to Sir Henry Parses on certain terms. !fhe£e are perhaps not exorbitant if the relics are really what they are represented to be, and Skuthorpe is in a position to fulfil the other condition laid down. He asks for a payment of £6,000, and to be protected against all liability which might accrue from dealing with the relics. In return he binds bimaalf to deliver the relics to any accredited agent of Sir Henry Parkee, and for the space of six months, without further payment, to place his services at the disposal of the Government, and "to point out all localities connected with the discovery, the grave containing Classen's remains, and to give every assie- . lance and information to whomsoever the ?Government may think fit to appoint.' Here at all events is a distinct offer. Beyord doubt before Skuthorpe receives 1 the £G,OOO the relics will be very carefully scrutitised, and subjected to the examination of pereors who knew Leichardt and Classen, if any such persons are to be found j and at any rate of people who were ac- \ quainted with the circatnstances under j which the long-List explorer's party started on their journey, the nature of their outfit and other matters bearing upon their sad j taXB. Not improbably die New South Wales Government will prefer to send an accredited agent to examine the alleged grave of Classen, and the other " localities connected with the discovery," before finally paying him the stipulated reward. His extraordinary behaviour in this matter makes caution an imperative duty, and justifies suspicion. It will be eeen by our English telegrams this mcrnirg that President Oarfield, after lingering for nearly three months, ha> at last died from the wounds inflii*pfl upon him by the assassin Gniteanon Jnly 2. For several days past, the condition of the President had been most critical, and the gravest fears were entertained b; the physicians and attendants. The news of bis death has crested a. profound sensation throughout America and Xarope, and already telegraphic messages have been daspatched to Mrs. Oarfield by most of the European eovewignt, exprewiug d?ep sympathy with tier. Fsnticnlarsof the Ufeof the late President will be fouxd in another column. Tbe first line on the Estimates was, after * long debate, agreed to by the House of Assembly on Tuetday, when members sat in the evening for the first time during the present cession. The Treasurer replied at considerable length to the criticisms of his Budget speech vnade by Mr. Boansevell, Mr. Oooke, and Mr. Bright, and both of the first two name! members took an opportunity o( replying. Dorinf the debate the financial policy of tbe Governxcent was freely dueossed by the Hou^e. Tne estimates for the legislative Cooncil, Parliamentary library, and Parliament House were ?greed to, and the committee then resumed, *M?i"^"g leave to sit again on Thursday. In the Legislative Council on Tuesday toe greater part of the afternoon waa taken up in the further consideration in committee of tfaeCcnstitatian Act Farther Amendment Bill. On tbe motion of the Hon. H. Scott words were inserted in clause 19 providing that new members elected after a dissolution of bath Howes by the Governor, in consequence of diffectnees between them, should occupy their seate only until the aext general election of tte Council. A new clause providing for a general election every twelve years waa agreed to; clauses fixing the number of members at twentj-fonr, providing for each district after nine Tears to be represented by six members, and lor vacancies to be supplied after nine years weie stones; out; and two new claaies negatived. The Bill was than reported, and the third reading find for Thursday next. During the last Parliament a BUI was introduced for an overway bridge at the railway crossing in Uorphett-atzeet, but the measure in spite of strong advocacy did not become law. The cost of the>ehemn then brought forward was putoowaat £00.000. During tbepresent session a Bui has been prepared for thejeonetrnction of a bridge to cost only £45,000, and this measure was introduced and read a first time in the Assembly on Tuesday. Tbe Ohief Secretary in moving for leave to bring in the measure stated that tte Government intended to retain that portion cf North-terrace which has already been taken for railway purposes from the city. She Bill was not allowed to be brought in before a somewhat unusual and very warm discussion of its metita.hsd taken place, and on the motion for fixing the day of the second reading there was another debate ef considerable length. The city members, and several other members. vigorously tuppcrted the measure as being oneof simple justice to the residents of the metropolis, especially in the western part; indeed, it wss conteedtd tbat it would simply be *? giving back to tiicm their own." The enormous increase of tbe traffic over the Morphett-Btreet crossing, the likelihood of its further increase in oonsequeEce Of the cent traction of the Torrens Dam, and the dangers attd-dirg the present mode of erouing were all adverttd to as arguments in favor of the wcrk. On the other hand it wss urged that if Brother site for the bridge were chosen, a great saving in the cost of construction canld oe effected, and the traffic would be met in a better way. A conference of delegates from the varkrcs boards of advice throughout the colony was' cemmenoed at the Exchange Arbitration* room on Tuesday. The boards ef advice were recently invited by the Minister of Education, as chairman of the select committee on education, to appoint delegates to attend a conference to be held in Adelaide for the purpose oi considering various matters connected with the education system with a view of ajsistug the select committee. In response to Ota invitation about thirty representatives met ?a Tuesday morning, and were welcomed by the ttmbter of Kdncation, who was accompanied by oilier members of the select committee. Mr.D. Murray was elected chairman of the conference, and alter some preliminary matters were ?tanged aa ?gend* paper was prepared and a number of subjects were duicnised. A motion affirming the desirability of extending the scope

axd powers of boards of advice wai iwsied, and a sub-oosomittee appointed to reporta* t? tti? direction in which this extension was desirable. A motion to the effect that the present system of payment by remits was Injurious and ceojaired modification waa also disousasd, the feeling being in favor of a modification. The further consideration of this question was deferred tai to-day. Several other morions (elating to result examinations and the carrying ont of the compulsory clauses were aim passed, and the conference after a good day's work adjourned till this morning. In connection with the Adelaide Exhibition it is gratifying to know that the prize given by Mr. E. T. Smith, the mayor, value 100 guineas, for the exhibit of greatest national importance to the colony has been bestowed by the judges upon Mr. Thomas Hardy, of Bankside, who, it will be remembered, was recommended by the Melbourne jurors for the Emperor of Germany's prize. The new Electoral Districts Bill is to be introduced by tbe Government in the course of a few day*. The steamer Emu, which grounded on tte bank at the edge of the channel at Port Pirie on Saturday ni^ht, got off safely on Tuesday afternoon, no lightering having been neces?ary. A motion in favor of corporations and district councils having powers given to them far the construction of dams, &c, across rivers and watercourses within their boondartes, is to be submitted to the Assembly on Wednesday next. *\Ve have been aeked to state that Mr. Angas, who was mentioned in a telegram, received on September 8 from oar correspondent at Mallala, as being the driver of a team of hones which knocked down a little chad of Mr. Knowles'e, was not Mr. 3. H. Angas, Mr. W. L. Dickson, the hon. secretary and treasurer of the Malone fund, wishes to acknowledge the receipt of £35 18s, which he has leceived from Oaptain Ixatt, of tbe steamer Lubra, being the amount collected by him oa behalf of the Malone fond. The comber of passengers who arrived at Pott Adelaide by sea during the week that ended Saturday, September 17, was 183. Of these 130 were from Melbourne, 35 from London, 7 fmm Sydney, and S from New Zealand. Tbe cumber who left by sea during the same period waa 74, of whom 66 were for Melbourne, S for SJdney, and 3 for West Australia. The police having received several camplaints tram citixens who have been annoyed in the evening by prostitutes have determined to put the nuisance down as fat as they possibly can. On Tuesday morning fifteen of the unfortunate class who appeared at the Police Court pleaded guilty to the charge of loitedag, and were fined £1 each. A sale of selections-for credit in the Hundreds of" Schomburgk, Kulpara, and <Mrolme, and odd block* in Hundreds of Mongolato. Crystal Brook, Davenport, KUkerran, WQlochra, Koorioga, Minbnrra, Baroota, Bagot, and Orosier was held at the Land Office, on Tnetday, September 20. There was a large attendance, and the bidding was brisk. We understand that Mi. J. W. Jones, chief surveyor in the survey office, is to be appointed Depnty Surveyor-General, the position tendered vacant by the lamented death of Mr. W. O. Goase. Mr. Jones has been many years in the service, and his promotion will give catufacticn to those immediately, connected with him in tte business of the department, while it^will alto be a eonree of pleasure to his many fnends. The Hon. J. Can is to move in the House of Assembly on Wednesday next," That it is expedient and necessary that all moneys received fortfaeptnehateof land, not being interest on purchase money, should be expended for public woks aid bnildkgs, roads, streets, and bridges, and grants-in-aid of corporations and district councils. That a Bill far an Act to provide for such expenditure should be introduced daring the present session." An enquiry was held bj the Marine Board on Tuesday, into the recent double collision in the Fort Biver. The evidence of the Boasters of all the nuiimls concerned, and of the pilot on the Windermere was taken, and the loud found that the pilot committed an error" of judgment in not having the tag alongside the ship after passing the inner bar; that the master of the steamer James Oomrie should have exercised more caution, and that the captain of the steaming was not to blame. The Civil Sittings of the Supreme Court were ccutinued betore the Chiet Justus on Tooday. The jury case Banard v. Siebert, an scticn to recover damages for breich of a builditg ccctract, resulted in a verdict being returned in tbe plaintiff's favor for £64 13s. 9d. Leave was rettrred ta move the Full Court to cuter a j ?verdict for the plaintiff for .£1,218 Its., tbe difference between the next lowest tender and that of tie defendant. Keaylon v. Neat lon and White will fee fofcf n this morning. Mr. W. E. Hiddlestone, the singing evangelist, who is at present carrying on a month's Gospel mission in the Carrandown Baptist Church, is meeting, with very encourag-ing results. The attendance at the mid-day prayer-meetings and the evening services is daily increasing, and a deep impression is being ; made upon the minds of the people by the evangelist. The Rev. Henry Morgan is greatly assisting Mr. Hiddlestone in his work, the result of which is expected to be very successful. It is intended if possible to have united Gospel meetings throughout the whole of the churches in the neighborhood. A measure to amend the Northern Terri- l tcrj Cultivation Act of 1830 was introduced j and icad a first time in the Assembly on Tnes- : day. Uuder the Act 100,000 acres of land have been alloted to companies and private persins in tLe Northern Territory for the growth ?f sugar and other tropical products, and the object of the present Bill is to allow blooks so taken up to be amalgamated. There are only two ciai-ses in the measure, the first being at follow!:— "If any person or company shall | become entitled by transfer, assignment, or , otherwise voder more than one contract to two ; or more sections or blocks of Land, the conditions ! as to shape, occupation, cultivation, amount to : be expended, and quantity of products ta be < obtained from tbe said sections or blocks shall ' be cterned to apply to such sections or blocus ' of land as a whole in the same manner ai if ? all ot such sections or blocks had been lawfully , selected acd held under one contract." i We have received a copy of the journal j cf proceedings of the fourth annual oommonioa- '. tion of tie Kight Worthy Grand lodge of South ! Australia, Independent Order of Uddfsllows, ' held at the Bechatrito Hall, Adelaide, on August 18 lafct, togttter with minutes of business trans- j act* ?l at various special and quarterly meetings. The report fetatesthat the funds of all the lodges, with uue exception, have increased of late, as i basairo the bumerical strength of the order. I On .lone 30, 1680, the membership numbered 1,244. Since that time a large number hare been admitted to tbe order, making the total on Jute 30, 1861. 1,715-a net increase of 471 ! Ken>ben>. During the same period £877 7s Id. was pbidl to the sick; £1,384 12s. 6d. was paid for mtdical attendance and medicine for men:bt-rr, their wives, and families; £170 was paid to bory the dead, in addition to other amtUDts for other purposes. The present worth of itind* a&d goods is between £1,000 and | £5,010. A correspondent sends us the following: —A eiieoial and well-attended rim ting ot tne I ratepayers of tbe West Torrens Djstnet was held in the Wbeatabeaf Inn, Thebtrton, on Moiiday evening, September 19. She convener of the meeting was Mr. Stevenson, the objeot being to propote a reduction in the salary ot the clerk (Mr. Loader), and to consider his action during the Lite elections. After some discus! sku> with reference to the clerk's salary, it was decided that the matter be left in the hands of the council. It was then proposed that the meeting oonvey to the council their disapproval of the way in which the clerk acted daring the elections, and request that he should take no part in future elections except where in duty bound to do ao. Carried by a majority of one. The matter of the Henley Beach-road was next couidcfed, and after some discussion it was resolved to request the council to form a deputation and wait on the Commissioner of Public Works with a view to have the road placed on the schedule of main roads, The latest issue of the Western Grader CWi'cauiii?.) contains the following paragraph: —"It will be gratifying to those who take an inten st in the development of the Albert gold-Cud to lrain that the reprtssntatioua of Mr. Warden Slee have resulted in inducing the Goverrmeikt to authorise the sinking ot two wells on the field— one at Mtiparinka and the other at the G-anite. The neoouary funds have rein placed at Mr. Blee's disposal, and we Biay therefore rest aesared that no time will be lost in execu'ing the work. Sinking, we are informed, bas been commenced, and will be continued by three parties of mem working night and day. Tbe important question of a subterranean water supply for the field will therefore soon be determined. Should a good 6upply of water be struck in these wells at any reasonable depth it will no doubt lead to others being pat down by private enterprise. In that case, too, tLe prosperity of the field would be placed beyond the dependence on a rainfall at best but small and uncertain, and its rapid development would be assured." A. return to the order of Mr. Moyle, shewing the number of Bills prepared by the Attorney-General in 1878, 1678, and 1860, and tbe number prepared by other solicitors, with the cost of each, waa laid before the House of Assembly on Tuesday. Mr. Movie's object in ealiing for the return was to see whether the ap] ointment of a pariiamwihwy draughtsman would be a step in the direction of economy. It

appears that the Dumber of Bill* prepared by the Attomey-Geoerat in 1878 ni 21; in 1870, 11; and in 1880.18. By far the greater number of measures prepared in the yean mentioned were privately drafted ; the cost (or 1678 being £1.88385.? d.; for 1670.£744 S?. 04.; and for 1880. £1,106 la. In 1676 the Crown Lauds Consolidation Bill (balanoe) cost £157 10*.; the tattling for the Sectoral Act involved an expense of £105; and the Supreme Oaurt BUI, the Insolvency Bill, the Adelaide Seirera BUI, and the Land and Property Tax Buiesoh oort a similar amount, while the rnlei of the Supreme Cloort were prepared at an expense of £2U>. In 1679 the Licensed Victuallers BUI cost £103, the sum of £90 being paid ai a balance next year; and the Local Oonrta Extended Jmisdiotion Bill, £116. The moat expensive pieoe of work in 1880 mi the preparation of the loaolveney Bill, which oort £315; while for the Marine Board Bill £20* ia act down. A deputation, consisting of gentlemen connected with the mines at Waukaringa, waited upon the Commissioner of Grown Lauds (Hon. A. Oatt) on Tuesday morning, September 20. The deputation, which waa iutroduoed by Messrs. B. Ward, Mi?, and B. Oooke, M.P.. asked that a new dam might be conatraoted at Wankaringa. Several gentlemen painted out that the dam was required only for trie residents of that place, and was not wanted in any way for the mines, as they distilled the water required for their use. The population of the place was largely increasing, no leu than sixty men bung engaged on the united Alma and Tiotoria Mine, to work which £1,500 had been subscribed, and wages amounting to £500 per month were beirg paid. Toe Commissioner in replysaid that the deputation bad made out a good case, and he would send an offioer at speedily as possible to Vraukaringa, and upon receipt of his export some action would be taken in toe matter. Mr. Oooke then mentioned that as soon as his colleague! were in town he would make arrangements for deputations from Willowie, Wilmington, and Farina in reference to their water supply. The same deputation also waited open die Minister of Education (the Hon. J. L. Parsons) to ask that Waukaringa might have two mail* a week inntw* of one as at present. There had formerly been two a week, but one had been abolished, and they now asked that it might be returned. The Minister, in reply, promised to confer with Mr. Todd, the Postmaster-General, as to what arrangements oonld be made. A. meeting of the ratepayers of West Tonens was held at the Hilton Hotel, Hilton, on Tuesday evening, September 20, to consider the advisability of reducing the town clerk's salary to £160 per annum, and also to consider the clerk's action at the late election. Turn were about thirty persons present, and Mr. J. M. Buddock occupied the chair. Me. Joseph Bteveo?oD, who convened the meeting, stated that the clerk's salary last year wat £ 186. He received £45 of this from the district council, £60 from the Government for acting ia the capacity of overseer of track*, £74165. for dog taxes, and £30 from the Local Board of Health. This year he would receive £S0 from the council, £60 from the Government, and about £80 for dog taxes, which be thought was too much for a clerk in his poiition, as they could get any person to act in chat opacity for a salary of £8 a week. He thought that if tbe clerk received £3 a week from the Council and 12s. from the Board of Health be had quite sufficient money for the amount of work he did. He believed that the clerk had overstepped bounds in canvassing for candidates at the last election. A clerk had nothing to do with the elections enecoting to record his vote. He had not brought this matter before the meeting on account of his being a defeated candidate at the late election, as had been stated, bat because he thought the clerk wa* beginning to have too much to 4o with election matters. He then moved—" Chat this meeting recommend to the council that a stated salary should be given to the deck." This was seconded by Mr. O. H. Hicderwell, who thought that tbe ratepayers in general should know positively what the town dark was reoeiviog annually. The town clerk (Mr. Loader) contradicted the statements as to hi* receiving £50 from the council, auc £80 for Cog taxes. He did not believe that ke would receive half tbe amount for dog taxes that had been stated. The meeting had only been oonvened because of an ill-feeling existing i between himself and Mr. Stevenson. He ad- j nutted with a certain amount of regret that he bad gone further than he might in canvassing at the late election, but he assured the meeting that this was on aeoount of trying to get a better council together. Mr. G. Koberte moved as sn amendment to tbe resolution of Mr. btevenaon—" That a memorial be sent to tue cuciicil, stating that tbe nveiing had every ?ennctnee in tLe cerk, and they would leave ie with them to pay him what they thought piujtr." This was seconded by Mr. Foreman. Un being put to the masting the stt&eudment was canico by seven votes. ttr.btevensM then rtioved —k>Toat tbe clerk deserves a vole of eutture for tbe act he took in the late election.' Tois was seconded by Mr. Uiuderwoll. An ?Bvetdment was moved by tic. Horn*, and sioexded by Mr. Koberte, to the effect that no texture thoclu be passed on Mr. Loader. The amendment was carried, and tno meeting which liad tovratdt the cud become very noi?y, termi-Lated. Anniversary tea and public meetings in cocDtction with the Olea^lj Congregational Church were fceld on Tuesday evening, September 90. Both meetings were largely attended, the latter being under the presidency of the patter of the church, the Bey. O. Manthorpe. After the usual introductory devotional servtees, the chairman stated that that was the first anniversary of the new caurcb, and tbe experience of the put year had shown that they had 'lone tbe right thing in building it. The congregations bad been such as to induce a feeling of gtatitnde for what had been aoeamplisbed— icdted the result had exceeded the most sanguine expectations. The Bnuday-*ehool had tnken the old building with its debt of £6M), which it was proposed to liquidate by meats of building society shares. The nuiLtricai strength of the school was increasing, and on Sunday there were 533 Mholm present. fifty pounds had been raised by the school,, onelbiid of which west to the Aborigines Friends Association, and Ibfc remainder to the London Misiicnary Society. The Young Christian's Union was also iti a very satisfactory condition, sad there could be no doubt that this organisation was doing much good. An exhaustive balance-sheet could not be preheated, as the scszicial year ended with December 31, but duriLg the nine months of theyesr, the church Lad raised £728, or a total revenue, including nhat bad been collected for various external religious eocietic?, cf £Bs? 4s. Tbe expenditure Lad bern £382 17s. 10J., leaving a bsok bslance of £&>O, which would not, however, be sufficient to meet the ei?sptioa?iiy beat > lequiremcnte of the ensuing quarter. As lor liie church iUelf, it had cost altogether. j a . clue ing land, £0 810 14s. 8d , and op the time of the latt balance sLeet £3,531 lie. fid. bad ueeu paid off that amount. They had borrowed £2,tou on tbe buiiduig, and the floating D?Uooe at Xfce b?tk vu £47ii St. lid. Since the batanee? bt*t was istutd the) had cleared ott absa*, £181, so that this |?art of the debt was £3 JO. The anniversar} services had rtalued about £41, aid fee had received promises for another £10. In addition to this their old friend, Mr. Tnomti Eisg, had promised 10 per ceut.oa all subsoripticu? tsibtd. He riucereiy huped tuat. before tfctir Oiortgage fill due, ia five years, tbty *on!d be able to clear a couniderable poition of tbe d<bt off. Toe Jiev. X. Hen?, chairman of the Congregational TJiikn, ocngrutulaUd tbe church on its prosperous condition, and expressed the feeling of indebteduecs with which the itev.S. Bob ditch was regarded by the ministers of the city and tubutLm The Key. Mr. Hebditch, who was rtoeivtd with laud and coutinosd app'austi, bun-orously detcribed his first experiences of GltttJg alter being taken oii tbe darat* when the ran ashore near O?pe Jcrfia. He thought be would be able to arrive good from his visit to tliis colony and to do good when he returned to Snglatid in dissipating some of the iguorauoe that prevailed with respect to the oolonie*. A* tLe itsult of bu experience, he thought thif the churches in South Australia were better off than those in the other colonies in some respects, although with regard to the Glenelg Ohurcb, he was of opinion that it was laboring under a disadvantage in not having more of the poor among them. No Christian coulo be in a healthy state unless he personally elected himself in the B*l-vatitn of his fellow-men. Tbe same remark applied to the church—its success was conditional on its endeavors to be Uhrist*like. He wu rejoictd at their prosperity, and earnestly a?ked them to co-operate with their pastor. Tue Hon K. A. Tarlton proposed a vote of tbaoks to Mr. Hebditch for his services, which was duly aelnowltdgt-d Jjuring the iuterval the chairn.aD, on behalf of tbe building committee, presented the secretary, Mr. John Lee, with a very hwctonjtl} illuminated addicts in recognition ot bis invaluable services iucouoecclon with the erection of the rew church. Mr. Lee briefly aiLLowledged tbe presentation. Several aatttocs were rendered cy il? <jliurch choir ia & vu} pleasing nianner. An entertainment ia to be given thie ewoing in St. Udrtholomew'is sohoulraam, Notweed. Tie Uev. S. HebditcL is to preach in the Hindmarth Ooiigregatioual Ohuron this evening. Mr. Iran Benry bas been grauted an auctioneer's licence, and announces that he will hold his first land sale in Ootober. TLe secretary of the Marine Board has forwarded to tbu office a copy of the " Lightboute Map ot the of a A., 18S1." A tea and entertainment in connection with the Hope of Adelaide Tent, No. 38, were held in tbe United Methodist Ohureh on Toesday evening, September 20. There were fair attendances at both gatherings, and at the latter a long and varied programme was gone tfaiogfa.

Tbe entries for the various bwtraces to come off on the Torrens om Saturday next, close at tbe Sootch Thistle Hotel, North Adelaide, this evening. Those persons intending to exhibit at the Pactfa Kxhihitinw an invited, by advertisement to apply for particulars as to expenses, ko., to Mr. A. S. Manders. An entertainment, to celebrate the anniversary of St Ignatias branoh of the H A.C B. Society, wfll be given ia the town hail, Norwood, this evening. Tea and public meetings in connection with the Sunday-school anniversary are to ba held in the flinders-street Baptist Ohorch this evening. Mr. Barr Smith, the president of the i Hunt Olub, has invited the hunt to meet *t I Mount Barker en Saturday, Ooteber 8. From tbe earliest days of the olub it has hmi every possible help and encouragement Irom the president bolt in ibi hunting and its steepleohasea, and members will best show their sense of these services by making a good field on the day named. Those who can be present are requested to oommunioate with the hon. sec. as early as possible. The North Adelaide Choral Society, under the oondnetorship of Mr. H. E. Stsnton, gave an open rehearsal in Christohnrou schoolroom, on Monday evening. Admission wai by ticket, iaraed to tbe members' friends only. She first part of tte entertainment consisted of Mendelssohn's fine work, the fortj-aecond psalm, "As the hart pants." It ""trtains three rolw, a quartette, and four choral numbers, which were given with very good effect. The second part embraow* some glass, songs, and a violin solo. Ike audience appreciated this portion of tbe ratertainment m> mneh, that they were disposed to demand repetitions, which were declined. The society purpose pcaotiainf Baj dn's oratorio, the " Creation." Considering tfce short time the society has been inexistencse, good progress has been made, and great praise is due to Mr. Stanton for his exertions. With a view to helping those owners whose hones are short of their necessary qualifioa-tions. the hounds ran a short drag on Tuesday morai?g from tbe Caledonian Hotel, North Adelaide, to Ute Exhibition-road, finishing over the double. A few nice showers had improved tbe conditions of ground and atmo*pbere, regarded from a tcent point ol view, and consequently the rioonds went at a rattling paoe. The drag was laid starting from bath ends, and on meeting both drags were taken to the finish, the hon. secretary and a friend carrying it from the finish and the dragsman from tbe start. The honndi were hunted by the huntsman; on Ooleraine, and we noticed Mesni. Waterhouse on Midnight, Kankivell on Ssoa, Parr on Glecooe. Ferguson on Taraxacum, Bcan>mell on Little Charlie, OoxonUharlcombe, Hopwood on Tambour Major, Longson on Waita-wbile, O. Filgate on Hamlet, and A. Barber oa Freetrader. On Monday evening, September 10, the Hopecf t?iingV?m Lodge.Ho.B, 1.0. G.T., celebrated their third anniversary by a tea and entertainment in the lodge-room, Islington. There was a good attendance at eaoh meeting. The Grand Lodge executive officers, accompanied by tieDJ>X}.W,O.T. (Bra. Jas. Barnes), paid an orfioial visit, and were well received. Several officers and members of the Adelaide Lodge (No. 2), Thistle Lodge (Ko. If), and the Good rihepberd Lodge (No. 6), were also present. The G.W.O.T. occupied the chair, and was supported by Bro. W. B. Stephens, F G.W.0.T., and Bro. A. Thomat. G.W. Sec. The chairman gave a very interesting and practical address upon the Tood Templar Order. Bro. Diackard gave an appropriate address upon tbe principles of Good Templary. Mr. Smart's glee dub rendered selections of music duriag the eveniog in an efficient manner. Mi?i Stephens sang effectively the pieces " Oh, where is my boy to-night ?"? and "It there room for Mary there ?" Miss Fanny Gutbrie recited the ever welcome piece "Curfew must not ring to-night," with good effect. Songs and recitations were also rendered by Bros. W. Biker, Crowe, Madders, Brioe, and Smart. Bro. Ganett (from Sydney) presided at the hat- ? monium in a very able manner. Tuesday was a command night at the Theatre fioyai.and His Kxoellescy the Governor and cuite were present for the second time to witness "The Pirates of Peniance," which the management have bad to withdraw in the full tide of its popularitj in order to keep faith with teason-ticket holders. No better proof could be afforded of the entertain ing qualites of this light and pretty opera than the fact that it has drawn crowded houses at the Royal for fourteen or fifties nights in succession, and that the attend&ucc on Torsc'ay was one of the largest of the eeaeon. It is a piece of - thmt character tbat grows upon the spectator, atd may be witacsaed several times by the same person, lt is not improbable tbat the rnassgemcLt may be induced to place it oc the stage again fora night or two when tbe trascn proper is concluded, a? the usual feupplrmentarj season of a few night, will no douDt follow, but *" La Sonnambula,*' ?? The Bohemian Girl," and *? Pinafore " have been underlined on the bill, from which we take the estt of "Mantua," wbiob will be produced this evrtirg:—Maritana, Miss Atioe Keea ; Den C: far, Mr. Beaumont; Don Jose. Signor Verdi; King of Spain, Mr. Forde ; Marquis Monitfiore, Mr. George Leopold; Osptain of the Guard, Mr. Bergin ; Lutrillo, Him Fanny Lidiard; aud the Marchioness Monteuore, Mif< Brttiextojal.